[1779] - Total MRI Inflammatory Score
Correlates with Disease Activity Measures after Aggressive
Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Veena K Ranganath,
MD1,David A. Elashoff2,Paul
Maranian2,Kambiz Motamedi, MD2,Espen
Haavardsholm3,Fiona M McQueen, MD4,Theresa
McVie5,Stacey S. Cofield5,Larry W Moreland,
MD6,Weiling Chen2,Harold E Paulus.
1Rheumatology Department, UCLA, Los Angeles,
Hospital,4Molecular Medicine, Univ of Auckland Sch of
Med, Auckland,5University of
Birmingham,6Rheumatology & Clinical
Immunology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh,
Purpose: MRI is a sensitive imaging modality to investigate
“inflammation” in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) joints. Tenosynovitis,
synovitis, and bone edema independently correlate with disease
activity measures in RA and suggest radiographic progression. The
purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of clinical
disease activity measures with two composite total MRI inflammatory
score measures and their components, after 2 or more years of
aggressive treatment of RA.
Methods: MRI with gadolinium contrast(1.5 Tesla) of the
dominant wrist was obtained in 118 early (RA duration 4.1 ± 10.8
months) seropositive or erosive RA patients after completing the
TEAR 2-year controlled clinical trial comparing various
combinations of MTX, etanercept, HCQ, and SSZ. Clinical disease
activity measures were recorded every 12 weeks during the trial and
at the time of MRI. MRIs were scored for tenosynovitis(T: range
0-30), synovitis(S: 0-9), and bone marrow edema(BME: 0-42) using
published RA MRI(RAMRIS) and tenosynovitis scoring methods. One
method of calculating the total MRI inflammatory score was by: T+ S
+ BME. Another method produced a weighted measure, by taking the
actual values of T, S, and BME and dividing by the range for each
component. These values were then added together to give the
weighted total MRI inflammatory score.
Results: After 2 years of aggressive RA treatment, the
patients' average age was approximately 51 years. The mean DAS28
and clinical disease activity index(CDAI) fit into the mild disease
activity categories, 2.9 and 9.2 respectively. More clinical core
set measures correlated significantly with the weighted and
un-weighted total MRI inflammatory score than with the individual
components of the scores(T, S, and BME), and the Rho values were
also higher. T correlated significantly with only the physician
global and swollen joint count. S correlated with CDAI, physician
global, patient global, ESR, pain, stiffness, and arthritis
severity. BME correlated with age, CDAI, physician global,
stiffness, and swollen joint count. No single correlation
coefficient was greater than >0.4. Weighting the MRI
inflammatory score components did not improve the
Conclusions: The total composite MRI inflammatory score was
shown to correlate better than the individual components of the MRI
scores, with residual disease activity as assessed by standard core
set measures and patient self-reported pain and

Ranganath VK, et al. ACR 2010. Present No: 1779.
目的: MRI是一种检测RA关节炎症的敏感方法。腱鞘炎、滑膜炎和骨水肿分别与RA疾病活动度相关,且提示影像学进展。本研究旨在评估RA强化治疗≥2年后,临床疾病活动度与两种MRI总炎症的复合评分方法及各组分之间的相关性。
方法: 118例早期(病程4.1 ± 10.8个月)、血清阳性或侵蚀性RA患者在完成TEAR试验的2年对照临床研究(比较MTX、依那西普、HCQ、SSZ的各种组合)后,优势腕关节行钆增强MRI检查。采用已发表的RA MRI评分(RAMRIS)和腱鞘炎评分方法,根据腱鞘炎(T: 0-30)、滑膜炎(S: 0-9)、骨髓水肿(BME: 0-42)对MRI进行评分。一种计算MRI总炎症评分的方法是T+S+BME。另一种方法采用加权计算,将T、S、BME的实际值除以各自的范围,将这些值相加,即为加权的MRI总炎症评分。
结果: 经过2年强化治疗后,患者平均年龄为51岁。平均DAS28和临床疾病活动度指数(CDAI)属于轻度疾病活动度范围之内,分别为2.9和9.2。与T、S、BME单独评分相比,加权和未加权的MRI总炎症评分与很多临床核心组指标显著相关,Rho值更高。T仅与医生总体评价和肿胀关节数相关。S与CDAI、医生总体评价、患者总体评价、ESR、疼痛、僵硬和关节炎严重度相关。BME与年龄、CDAI、医生总体评价、僵硬、肿胀关节数相关。其相关系数均<0.4。加权后并不提高相关性。
结论: 与单项相比,MRI总炎症复合评分与标准核心组临床疗效参数、患者报告的疼痛和僵硬所评估的RA疾病活动度相关性更好。