[1953] - Radiographic Progression Is Associated with
Resolution of Systemic Inflammation in Patients with Axial
Spondyloarthritis Treated with TNFα
Susanne Juhl
Pedersen1,Inge Juul Sørensen2,Kay-Geert
Hermann3,Patrick Garnero4,Julia S
Johansen5,Ole Rintek Madsen6,Annette
Hansen7,Michael Sejer Hansen8,Gorm
Thamsborg9,Lis Smedegaard Andersen10,Ole
Majgaard11,Anne Gitte Loft12,Jon
Erlendsson13,Karsten Asmussen14,Anne Grethe
Jurik15,Jakob Møller16,Maria
Hasselquist16,Dorrit Mikkelsen17,Thomas
Skjødt18,Mikkel Østergaard19.
1Dep. of Rheumatology, Gentofte and Herlev Hospitals,
Copenhagen, Denmark,2Dep. of Rheumatology, Hvidovre and
Glostrup Hospitals and DANBIO, Copenhagen, Denmark,3Dep.
of Radiology, Charité University Hospital, Berlin,
Germany,4INSERM Unit 664, Lyon, and Cisbio Bioassays
Bagnols/Cèze, France,5Dep. of Internal Medicine, Herlev
Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,6Dep. of Rheumatology,
Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark,7Dep. of
Rheumatology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark,8Dep.
of Rheumatology, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark,9Dep. of Rheumatology, Glostrup Hospital,
Copenhagen, Denmark,10Rheumatism Hospital, University of
Southern Denmark, Graasten, Denmark,11Dep. of
Rheumatology, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark,12Dep. of Rheumatology, Vejle Hospital,
Denmark,13Dep. of Rheumatology, Horsens Hospital,
Denmark,14Dep. of Rheumatology, Bispebjerg Hospital,
Copenhagen, Denmark,15Dep. of Radiology, Aarhus
University Hospitals, Aarhus, Denmark,16Dep. of
Radiology, Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark,17Dep. of Radiology, Aabenraa Hospital,
Aabenraa, Denmark,18Dep. of Radiology, Vejle Hospital,
Vejle, Denmark,19Dep. of Rheumatology, Hvidovre and
Glostrup Hospitals, Copenhagen, Denmark
Objectives: To explore the relation between radiographic
progression and biomarkers of inflammation (C-reactive protein
(CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), YKL-40), angiogenesis (vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF)), cartilage turnover (CTX-II,
matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3), total aggrecan, cartilage
oligomeric matrix protein (COMP)) and bone turnover (CTX-I, total
osteocalcin) and MRI inflammation in patients with axial
spondyloarthritis (SpA) treated with TNFα inhibitor.
Methods: Thirty-six patients (27 men, 9 women; median age 40
yrs (range 21-62); disease duration 15 yrs (1-45)) initiated
treatment with TNFα inhibitors (infliximab (n=28), etanercept (n=7)
and adalimumab (n=1)) and were followed for 46 weeks. Radiographs
were evaluated according to the modified Stoke Ankylosing
Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS) at baseline and week 46. Patients
developing new syndesmophytes (0 vs. ≥1) or increased in mSASSS (0
vs. ≥1 unit) were compared with those who did not, regarding
biomarker levels and MRI inflammation scores of the sacroiliac
joints and lumbar spine (Berlin scores) and with biomarker levels
of healthy subjects.
Results: The patients increased in mSASSS from median 13
(IQR: 6-24) at baseline to 15 (6-24) (p=0.005) at week 46
(p=0.005). Eighteen (50%) patients increased in mSASSS (i.e.
progressed) and 11 (30%) developed new syndesmophytes. mSASSS and
biomarkers did not correlate. Compared to mSASSS non-progressors,
mSASSS progressors had higher pretreatment total aggrecan (666
ng/ml (537-820) vs. 507 (401-646), p=0.007) and higher
time-integrated mean concentrations of total aggrecan from baseline
to week 22 (743 ng/ml (612-849) vs. 602 (446-707), p=0.02) and 46
(746 ng/ml (636-895) vs. 638 (450-735), p=0.02). Patients
developing new syndesmophytes also had higher time-integrated mean
concentration of total aggrecan from baseline to week 22 and 46 as
compared to patients without new syndesmophytes (results like
above). Development of new syndesmophytes was associated with
larger percentage decreases in CRP (-90% (-96;-78) vs. -58
(-88;-25), p=0.007) and IL-6 (-81% (-93;-75) vs. -67 (-89;-16),
p=0.02) and increases in osteocalcin (20% (9;36) vs. 9% (-10;25),
p=0.049). Radiographic progression was associated with
normalization of CRP and IL-6 at week 22 (i.e. CRP ≤8 mg/l and
IL-6≤3.3 ng/l) and decrease in MRI inflammation. Radiographic
non-progression was associated with persistent systemic
inflammation and unchanged/increased MRI inflammation scores (Table
Conclusion: Radiographic progression in patients with axial
SpA during treatment with TNFα inhibitors was associated with
resolution of systemic inflammation and reduction in MRI
inflammation but not with baseline inflammation.

Pedersen SJ, et al. ACR 2010. Present No:
结果:患者的mSASSS从基线期平均13(IQR: 6-24)上升至第46周平均15(6-24)(p=0.005)。18例(50%)患者mSASSS升高(即进展),11例(30%)出现新的韧带骨赘。mSASSS与生物标记物没有相关性。与mSASSS无进展者相比,mSASSS进展者治疗前总软骨蛋白聚糖水平更高(666 ng/ml (537-820) vs. 507
(401-646), p=0.007),从基线期到第22周时间积分的总软骨蛋白聚糖平均浓度更高(746 ng/ml (636-895) vs. 638
(450-735), p=0.02)。与无新发韧带骨赘的患者相比,新发韧带骨赘的患者从基线期到第22周和第46周时间积分的总软骨蛋白聚糖平均浓度更高(结果与前相似)。新发韧带骨赘与CRP(-90% (-96;-78) vs. -58 (-88;-25),
p=0.007)和IL-6(-81% (-93;-75) vs. -67 (-89;-16), p=0.02)降低百分比更大相关,与骨钙素升高百分比更大相关(20% (9;36) vs. 9% (-10;25),
p=0.049)。放射学进展与第22周CRP和IL-6正常(即CRP ≤8 mg/l,IL-6≤3.3 ng/l)、MRI炎症减轻相关。无放射学进展与全身炎症持续、MRI炎症评分无变化/上升相关(表1)。