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  • Phoenix ,SQuirrel 与Hbase 搭建

    搭建目的 : 用Hbase 用起来更像是关系型数据库 ,Hbase 本身没有select ,delete ,where 命令,键入phoenix 后可以实现该功能。

    Apache 官网 地址   : http://phoenix.apache.org/installation.html

    To install a pre-built phoenix, use these directions:

    • Download and expand the latest phoenix-[version]-bin.tar.
    • Add the phoenix-[version]-server.jar to the classpath of all HBase region server and master and remove any previous version. An easy way to do this is to copy it into the HBase lib directory (use phoenix-core-[version].jar for Phoenix 3.x)
    • Restart HBase.
    • Add the phoenix-[version]-client.jar to the classpath of any Phoenix client.


    下载Hbase 一致的 Phoenix 拷贝一下文件到Hbase lib 下 :


    重启Hbase 集群

    Phoenix 链接Hbase 集群 需要通过zookeeper  ,所有下文中的localhost ,修改成 zookeeper 所在的hostname 和端口 :  bigdatasaprk:2181  (端口可省略)

    Phoenix 启动客户端命令:

    $ sqlline.py bigdatasaprk:2181 

    Getting Started

    Wanted to get started quickly? Take a look at our FAQs and take our quick start guide here.

    Command Line

    A terminal interface to execute SQL from the command line is now bundled with Phoenix. To start it, execute the following from the bin directory:

    $ sqlline.py localhost

    To execute SQL scripts from the command line, you can include a SQL file argument like this:

    $ sqlline.py localhost ../examples/stock_symbol.sql


    For more information, see the manual.

    Loading Data

    In addition, you can use the bin/psql.py to load CSV data or execute SQL scripts. For example:

        $ psql.py localhost ../examples/web_stat.sql ../examples/web_stat.csv ../examples/web_stat_queries.sql

    Other alternatives include:

    SQL Client:

    通过SQuirrel 链接 Phoenix 与Hbase  需要拷贝 一下 : phoenix 的jar 到 SQuirrel




    URL    :  jdbc:phoenix: bigdatasaprk:2181 

    ClassName  :  org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver 

    If you’d rather use a client GUI to interact with Phoenix, download and installSQuirrel. Since Phoenix is a JDBC driver, integration with tools such as this are seamless. Here are the setup steps necessary:

    1. Remove prior phoenix-[oldversion]-client.jar from the lib directory of SQuirrel, copy phoenix-[newversion]-client.jar to the lib directory (newversion should be compatible with the version of the phoenix server jar used with your HBase installation)
    2. Start SQuirrel and add new driver to SQuirrel (Drivers -> New Driver)
    3. In Add Driver dialog box, set Name to Phoenix, and set the Example URL to jdbc:phoenix:localhost.
    4. Type “org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver” into the Class Name textbox and click OK to close this dialog.
    5. Switch to Alias tab and create the new Alias (Aliases -> New Aliases)
    6. In the dialog box, Name: any name, Driver: Phoenix, User Name: anything, Password:anything
    7. Construct URL as follows: jdbc:phoenix: zookeeper quorum server. For example, to connect to a local HBase use: jdbc:phoenix:localhost
    8. Press Test (which should succeed if everything is setup correctly) and press OK to close.
    9. Now double click on your newly created Phoenix alias and click Connect. Now you are ready to run SQL queries against Phoenix.

    Through SQuirrel, you can issue SQL statements in the SQL tab (create tables, insert data, run queries), and inspect table metadata in the Object tab (i.e. list tables, their columns, primary keys, and types).



    The best place to see samples are in our unit tests under src/test/java. The ones in the endToEnd package are tests demonstrating how to use all aspects of the Phoenix JDBC driver. We also have some examples in the examples directory.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TendToBigData/p/10501434.html
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