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  • 仿优酷频道首页的图片切换效果




      1 require('effect', function(S) {
      2     var now=3,total = S('img').size();
      3     S('#bottom_nav div').on('click',function(){
      4         var ref=S(this).attr('ref');
      5         if(now < ref){
      6             var rightAbs = ref - now;
      7             var leftAbs = now + total - ref;
      8         }else{
      9             var rightAbs =total -now + ref;
     10             var leftAbs =now - ref;
     11         }
     12         if(leftAbs < rightAbs){
     13              dir = "left";    
     14         }else{
     15              dir = "right";    
     16         }
     17         S('#slide div').css('zIndex','0');
     18         S("#slide div").anim({
     19             to : {
     20                 left : '585px',
     21                 marginTop : '135px',
     22                 width : '0px',
     23                 height : '0px',
     24                 opacity : 0
     25             },
     26             duration : 100
     27         });
     28         if(dir=='right'){
     29             slide.turn_page(parseInt(ref)-1,dir);
     30             now=parseInt(ref);
     31         }
     32         else {
     33             slide.turn_page(parseInt(ref)+1,dir);
     34             now=parseInt(ref);
     35         }
     36         S("#bottom_nav div:nth-child('"+ref+"')").addClass('buttomNavButtonOn');
     37     });
     38     S('#control_left').on('click', function() {
     39         slide.turn_page(now,'left');
     40         S("#bottom_nav div:nth-child('"+slide.prev(now)+"')").addClass('buttomNavButtonOn');
     41         now=slide.prev(now);
     42     });
     43     S('#control_right').on('click', function() {
     44         slide.turn_page(now,'right');
     45         S("#bottom_nav div:nth-child('"+slide.next(now)+"')").addClass('buttomNavButtonOn');
     46         now=slide.next(now);
     47     });
     48     var slide = (function() {
     49         var total = S('img').size();
     50         slide = {
     51             next : function(now) {
     52                 var next;
     53                 if (parseInt(now) + 1 > total)
     54                     next = 1;
     55                 else
     56                     next = now + 1;
     57                 return next;
     58             },
     59             prev : function(now) {
     60                 var prev;
     61                 if (parseInt(now) - 1 ==0)
     62                     prev = total;
     63                 else
     64                     prev = now - 1;
     65                 return prev;
     66             },
     67             turn_page : function(now,dir) {
     68                 S('#slide div').css('zIndex','0');
     69                 S('#bottom_nav div').removeClass('buttomNavButtonOn');
     70                 S("#slide div:nth-child('" + now + "')").css('zIndex','1');
     71                 if(dir=='left'){
     72                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.next(now) + "')").css('zIndex','0');
     73                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.prev(now) + "')").css('zIndex','2');
     74                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" +this.prev( this.prev(now)) + "')").css('zIndex','1');
     75                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + now + "')").anim({
     76                         to : {
     77                             left : '660px',
     78                             marginTop : '23px',
     79                             width : '530px',
     80                             height : '224px',
     81                             opacity : 0.4
     82                         },
     83                         duration : 800
     84                     });
     85                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.next(now) + "')").anim({
     86                         to : {
     87                             left : '1190px',
     88                             marginTop : '85px',
     89                             width : '530px',
     90                             height : '100px',
     91                             opacity : 0
     92                         },
     93                         complete : function() {
     94                             S(this).css('left', '-530px');
     95                         },
     96                         duration : 800
     97                     });
     98                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.prev(now) + "')").anim({
     99                         to : {
    100                             left : '275px',
    101                             marginTop : '0px',
    102                             width : '640px',
    103                             height : '270px',
    104                             opacity : 1
    105                         },
    106                         duration : 800
    107                     });
    108                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" +this.prev( this.prev(now)) + "')").anim({
    109                         to : {
    110                             left : '0px',
    111                             marginTop : '23px',
    112                             width : '530px',
    113                             height : '224px',
    114                             opacity : 0.4
    115                         },
    116                         duration : 800
    117                     });            
    118                 }else{
    119                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.next(now) + "')").css('zIndex','2');
    120                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.prev(now) + "')").css('zIndex','0');
    121                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" +this.next( this.next(now)) + "')").css('zIndex','1');
    122                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" +this.next( this.next(now)) + "')").css('left', '1190px');
    123                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + now + "')").anim({
    124                         to : {
    125                             left : '0px',
    126                             marginTop : '23px',
    127                             width : '530px',
    128                             height : '224px',
    129                             opacity : 0.4
    130                         },
    131                         duration : 800
    132                     });
    133                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.next(now) + "')").anim({
    134                         to : {
    135                             left : '275px',
    136                             marginTop : '0px',
    137                             width : '640px',
    138                             height : '270px',
    139                             opacity : 1
    140                         },
    141                         duration : 800
    142                     });
    143                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" + this.prev(now) + "')").anim({
    144                         to : {
    145                             left : '-530px',
    146                             marginTop : '85px',
    147                             width : '530px',
    148                             height : '100px',
    149                             opacity : 0
    150                         },
    151                         duration : 800
    152                     });
    153                     S("#slide div:nth-child('" +this.next( this.next(now)) + "')").anim({
    154                         to : {
    155                             left : '660px',
    156                             marginTop : '23px',
    157                             width : '530px',
    158                             height : '224px',
    159                             opacity : 0.4
    160                         },
    161                         duration : 800
    162                     });
    163                 }
    164             }
    165         };
    166         return slide;
    167     })();
    168 });
     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
     2 <html>
     3 <head>
     4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     5 <title>Insert title here</title>
     6 <script type="text/javascript"
     7     src="http://localhost/cd/skipalong/seed.js"></script>
     8 <script type="text/javascript"
     9     src="http://localhost/cd/skipalong/slide.js"></script>
    10 </head>
    11 <body>
    12     <div id='container'>
    13         <div id='bottom_nav'>
    14             <div class="bottomNavButtonOFF" ref='1'></div>
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    19             <div class="bottomNavButtonOFF" ref='6'></div>
    20         </div>
    21         <div id='slide'>
    22             <div
    23                 style=' 530px; height: 100px; opacity: 0; left: -530px; z-index: 0; margin-top: 85px;'
    24                 ref='1'>
    25                 <img src="img/1.jpeg">
    26             </div>
    27             <div
    28                 style=' 530px; height: 224px; opacity: 0.4; left: 0px; z-index: 1; margin-top: 23px;'
    29                 ref='2'>
    30                 <img src="img/2.jpeg">
    31             </div>
    32             <div
    33                 style=' 640px; height: 270px; opacity: 1; left: 275px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 0px;'
    34                 ref='3'>
    35                 <img src="img/3.jpeg">
    36             </div>
    37             <div
    38                 style=' 530px; height: 224px; opacity: 0.4; left: 660px; z-index: 1; margin-top: 23px;'
    39                 ref='4'>
    40                 <img src="img/4.jpeg">
    41             </div>
    42             <div
    43                 style=' 530px; height: 100px; opacity: 0; left: -530px; z-index: 0; margin-top: 85px;'
    44                 ref='5'>
    45                 <img src="img/5.jpeg">
    46             </div>
    47             <div
    48                 style=' 530px; height: 100px; opacity: 0; left: -530px; z-index: 0; margin-top: 85px;'
    49                 ref='6'>
    50                 <img src="img/6.jpeg">
    51             </div>
    52         </div>
    53         <div id='banner_control'>
    54             <div id='control_left'></div>
    55             <div id='control_right'></div>
    56         </div>
    57     </div>
    58 </body>
    59 </html>
     1 <style type="text/css">
     2 body,div,img {
     3     margin: 0;
     4     padding: 0;
     5 }
     7 #container {
     8     height: 310px;
     9     border: 1px solid red;
    10     overflow: hidden;
    11     position: relative;
    12     width: 1190px;
    13 }
    15 #slide,#banner_control,#slide div {
    16     position: absolute;
    17     cursor: pointer;
    18 }
    20 img {
    21     height: 100%;
    22     width: 100%;
    23 }
    25 #banner_control {
    26     width: 100%;
    27 }
    29 #control_left,#control_right {
    30     position: absolute;
    31     cursor: pointer;
    32     height: 45px;
    33     width: 45px;
    34     z-index: 4;
    35     top: 100px;
    36     display: block;
    37 }
    39 #control_left {
    40     background-image: url('http://localhost/cd/img/control_left.png');
    41     left: 7px;
    42 }
    44 #control_right {
    45     background-image: url('http://localhost/cd/img/control_right.png');
    46     right: 7px;
    47 }
    49 .bottomNavButtonOFF {
    50     background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #C3C3C3;
    51     border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
    52     cursor: pointer;
    53     display: inline-block;
    54     height: 10px;
    55     margin: 0 5px;
    56     overflow: hidden;
    57     vertical-align: top;
    58     width: 10px;
    59 }
    61 .buttomNavButtonOn {
    62     background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #69AAEC;
    63 }
    65 #bottom_nav {
    66     height: 10px;
    67     margin-top: 270px;
    68     padding: 10px 0 0;
    69     position: absolute;
    70     text-align: center;
    71     width: 100%;
    72     z-index: 140;
    73 }
    74 </style>



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    C# Image 、 byte[] 、Bitmap之间的转化
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/TheViper/p/4027766.html
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