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  • 简单易用的安装文件制作工具NSIS的使用demo示例

    安装文件制作工具NSIS 使用总结
    NSIS是一个比较流行的安装文件制作工具,制作简单,提供脚本语言来定义环境和程序的静态资源配置,使得安装文件可定制化, 并能根据自定义的脚本文件自动生成可执行的安装包, 大大地简化了程序员的发布工作。
    NSIS提供了多个脚本demo,可在UI上直接打开来查看其demo 并学习。
    其脚本指令基本都用于设置安装程序的几大部件: 安装程序标题, 默认安装目录,待copy的文件, 目标地址及目录结构,运行环境设置:注册表, 卸载时的操作:删除文件,注册表。
    1. 安装程序标题: Name
    2. 默认安装目录:InstallDir
    3. 待copy的文件: File
    4. 目标地址及目录结构:InstallDir 
    5. 运行环境设置:注册表,快捷方式: WriteRegStr,CreateShortCut
    6. 卸载时的操作:删除文件,目录,注册表: Delete,RMDir, DeleteRegKey
    1.  如果程序需安装在C盘,在win vista后续版本需要获取 admin 权限。
    2. 如需在目标地址下添加目录,则需在创建目录后,设置新的输出目录。
             CreateDirectory $INSTDIRmplayer
             SetOutPath $INSTDIRmplayer
     ; VRA.nsi
    ; This script is based on VRA.nsi, but it remember the directory, 
    ; has uninstall support and (optionally) installs start menu shortcuts.
    ; It will install VRA.nsi into a directory that the user selects,


    ; The name of the installer
    Name "VRA installer"
    InstallDir "C:VRA"

    ; The file to write
    ; OutFile "example2.exe"
    OutFile "VRA_Installer.exe"
    RequestExecutionLevel admin 

    ; The default installation directory

    ; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will 
    ; overwrite the old one automatically)
    InstallDirRegKey HKLM "SoftwareVRA" "Install_Dir"

    ; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
    RequestExecutionLevel admin


    ; Pages

    Page components
    Page directory
    Page instfiles

    UninstPage uninstConfirm
    UninstPage instfiles


    ; The stuff to install
    Section "VRA (required)"

    SectionIn RO

    ; Set output path to the installation directory.
    SetOutPath $INSTDIR

    ; Put file there
    ;File "example2.nsi"
    File "bz2.pyd"
    File "MSVCP90.dll"
    File "MSVCR90.dll"
    File "msvcrt.dll"
    File "pycpuid._pycpuid.pyd"
    File "python27.dll"
    File "pywintypes27.dll"
    File "screen_left.bmp"
    File "select.pyd"
    File "unicodedata.pyd"
    File "user32.dll"
    File "VRA.exe"
    File "VRA.exe.manifest"
    File "win32api.pyd"
    File "win32evtlog.pyd"
    File "wx._controls_.pyd"
    File "wx._core_.pyd"
    File "wx._gdi_.pyd"
    File "wx._misc_.pyd"
    File "wx._windows_.pyd"
    File "wxbase30u_net_vc90.dll"
    File "wxbase30u_vc90.dll"
    File "wxmsw30u_adv_vc90.dll"
    File "wxmsw30u_core_vc90.dll"
    File "wxmsw30u_html_vc90.dll"
    File "_ctypes.pyd"
    File "_hashlib.pyd"
    File "_socket.pyd"
    File "_ssl.pyd"
    File "mplayer.exe"
    CreateDirectory $INSTDIRmplayer
    SetOutPath $INSTDIRmplayer
    File "mplayerconfig"
    SetOutPath $INSTDIR

    ; Write the installation path into the registry
    WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWAREVRA "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR"
    WriteRegStr HKCU "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" Shell "$INSTDIRVRA.exe"

    ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows
    WriteRegStr HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallVRA" "VRA" "VRA"
    WriteRegStr HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallVRA" "Uninstall_VRA" '"$INSTDIRuninstall.exe"'
    WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallVRA" "NoModify" 1
    WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallVRA" "NoRepair" 1
    WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe"


    ; Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
    Section "Start Menu Shortcuts"

    CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMSVRA"
    CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMSVRAUninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIRuninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIRuninstall.exe" 0
    CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMSVRAVRA.lnk" "$INSTDIRVRA.exe" "" "$INSTDIRVRA.exe" 0


    ; Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
    Section "Desktop Shortcuts" SectionX

    SetShellVarContext current
    CreateShortCut "$DESKTOPVRA.lnk" "$INSTDIRVRA.exe"
    ;WriteRegStr HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagslayers" "$INSTDIRVRA.exe" "RUNASADMIN"


    ; Uninstaller

    Section "Uninstall"

    ; Remove registry keys
    DeleteRegKey HKLM "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallVRA"

    ; Remove files and uninstaller
    ;Delete $INSTDIRexample2.nsi
    ;Delete $INSTDIRuninstall.exe
    Delete "$INSTDIRz2.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRMicrosoft.VC90.CRT.manifest"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmsvcm90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmsvcp90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmsvcr90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmsvcrt.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRpycpuid._pycpuid.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRpython27.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRpywintypes27.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRscreen_left.bmp"
    Delete "$INSTDIRselect.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRunicodedata.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRuser32.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRVRA.exe"
    Delete "$INSTDIRVRA.exe.manifest"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwin32api.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwin32evtlog.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwx._controls_.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwx._core_.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwx._gdi_.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwx._misc_.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwx._windows_.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwxbase30u_net_vc90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwxbase30u_vc90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwxmsw30u_adv_vc90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwxmsw30u_core_vc90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIRwxmsw30u_html_vc90.dll"
    Delete "$INSTDIR\_ctypes.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIR\_hashlib.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIR\_socket.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIR\_ssl.pyd"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmplayer.exe"
    Delete "$INSTDIRmplayerconfig"
    Delete "init.check"
    Delete "init.video"
    Delete "kamhearing.log"
    Delete "player_reg.dll"
    Delete "uninstall.exe"

    ; Remove shortcuts, if any
    Delete "$SMPROGRAMSVRA*.*"
    Delete "$SMPROGRAMSVRAVRA.lnk"

    ; Remove directories used
    RMDir "$INSTDIRmplayer"
    RMDir "$INSTDIR"

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ToDoToTry/p/4014790.html
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