Thu, 24 Jan 2019
Totally 29 papers
ExtremeNet,通过检测物体的四个位置极值点((top-most, leftmost,bottom-most, right-most)和中心点的位置来实现目标检测,将目标检测问题转换为了一个普通的关键点估计问题。基于关键点估计,通过热力图峰值来寻找关键点并根据四个极值估计中心位置(阈值法)。
实现了bounding box AP of 43.2% on COCO,34.6% Mask AP(from 德克萨斯奥斯丁大学)
代码:https://github.com/xingyizhou/ExtremeNet -
DeepFahion2, 用于人物服饰检测、位姿估计、分割和重识别的基准数据集。包含了801k标注数据集和873k商家-客户照片对。(from 香港中文 商汤)
数据集:https://github.com/switchablenorms/DeepFashion2 -
基于压缩感知和全局方差最小化去除显微镜中的人为痕迹,获取更清晰图像。(from 密歇根大学)
ORSIm Detector,结合高光谱信息的光学遥感目标检测,集成了多通道特征抽取、学习,快速图像金字塔匹配和推举策略,结合了频域和空间通道特征构建的旋转不变特征来进行学习。(from 北理工)
数据集:TAS aerial car detection dataset, NWPU VHR-10 dataset2,NWPU VHR-airplane dataset ?404
TAS >http://ai.stanford.edu/~gaheitz/Research/TAS/ -
深度学习用于地理岩相分析(Facies Classification)的数据集, (from佐治亚理工)
Daily Computer Vision Papers
[1] Title: Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points
Authors:Xingyi Zhou, Jiacheng Zhuo, Philipp Krähenbühl
[2] Title: Removing Stripes, Scratches, and Curtaining with Non-Recoverable Compressed Sensing
Authors:Jonathan Schwartz, Yi Jiang, Yongjie Wang, Anthony Aiello, Pallab Bhattacharya, Hui Yuan, Zetian Mi, Nabil Bassim, Robert Hovden
[3] Title: DeepFashion2: A Versatile Benchmark for Detection, Pose Estimation, Segmentation and Re-Identification of Clothing Images
Authors:Yuying Ge, Ruimao Zhang, Lingyun Wu, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang, Ping Luo
[4] Title: U2-Net: A Bayesian U-Net model with epistemic uncertainty feedback for photoreceptor layer segmentation in pathological OCT scans
Authors:José Ignacio Orlando, Philipp Seeböck, Hrvoje Bogunović, Sophie Klimscha, Christoph Grechenig, Sebastian Waldstein, Bianca S. Gerendas, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
[5] Title: ORSIm Detector: A Novel Object Detection Framework in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Spatial-Frequency Channel Features
Authors:Xin Wu, Danfeng Hong, Jiaojiao Tian, Jocelyn Chanussot, Wei Li, Ran Tao
[6] Title: Evolving the pulmonary nodules diagnosis from classical approaches to deep learning aided decision support: three decades development course and future prospect
Authors:Bo Liu, Wenhao Chi, Xinran Li, Peng Li, Wenhua Liang, Haiping Liu, Wei Wang, Jianxing He
[7] Title: Computer Vision and Metrics Learning for Hypothesis Testing: An Application of Q-Q Plot for Normality Test
Authors:Ke-Wei Huang, Mengke Qiao, Xuanqi Liu, Mingxi Dai, Siyuan Liu
[8] Title: AADS: Augmented Autonomous Driving Simulation using Data-driven Algorithms
Authors:Wei Li, Chengwei Pan, Rong Zhang, Jiaping Ren, Yuexin Ma, Jin Fang, Feilong Yan, Qichuan Geng, Xinyu Huang, Huajun Gong, Weiwei Xu, Guoping Wang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruigang Yang
[9] Title: Toward Joint Image Generation and Compression using Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors:Byeongkeun Kang, Subarna Tripathi, Truong Q. Nguyen
[10] Title: Random Forest with Learned Representations for Semantic Segmentation
Authors:Byeongkeun Kang, Truong Q. Nguyen
[11] Title: Towards Compact ConvNets via Structure-Sparsity Regularized Filter Pruning
Authors:Shaohui Lin, Rongrong Ji, Yuchao Li, Cheng Deng, Xuelong Li
[12] Title: A Boost in Revealing Subtle Facial Expressions: A Consolidated Eulerian Framework
Authors:Wei Peng, Xiaopeng Hong, Yingyue Xu, Guoying Zhao
[13] Title: Robust Learning at Noisy Labeled Medical Images:Applied to Skin Lesion Classification
Authors:Cheng Xue, Qi Dou, Xueying Shi, Hao Chen, Pheng Ann Heng
[14] Title: ODN: Opening the Deep Network for Open-set Action Recognition
Authors:Yu Shu, Yemin Shi, Yaowei Wang, Yixiong Zou, Qingsheng Yuan, Yonghong Tian
[15] Title: Deep learning Inversion of Seismic Data
Authors:Shucai Li, Bin Liu, Yuxiao Ren, Yangkang Chen, Senlin Yang, Yunhai Wang, Peng Jiang
[16] Title: Joint group and residual sparse coding for image compressive sensing
Authors:Lizhao Li, Song Xiao
[17] Title: Max-margin Class Imbalanced Learning with Gaussian Affinity
Authors:Munawar Hayat, Salman Khan, Waqas Zamir, Jianbing Shen, Ling Shao
[18] Title: Exploring Uncertainty in Conditional Multi-Modal Retrieval Systems
Authors:Ahmed Taha, Yi-Ting Chen, Xitong Yang, Teruhisa Misu, Larry Davis
[19] Title: Simultaneous Subspace Clustering and Cluster Number Estimating based on Triplet Relationship
Authors:Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang
[20] Title: Class Activation Map Generation by Representative Class Selection and Multi-Layer Feature Fusion
Authors:Fanman Meng, Kaixu Huang, Hongliang Li, Qingbo Wu
[21] Title: A Top-down Approach to Articulated Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
Authors:Guanghan Ning, Ping Liu, Xiaochuan Fan, Chi Zhang
[22] Title: Modeling Human Motion with Quaternion-based Neural Networks
Authors:Dario Pavllo, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Michael Auli, David Grangier
[23] Title: Striking the Right Balance with Uncertainty
Authors:Salman Khan, Munawar Hayat, Waqas Zamir, Jianbing Shen, Ling Shao
[24] Title: “Is this an example image?” – Predicting the Relative Abstractness Level of Image and Text
Authors:Christian Otto, Sebastian Holzki, Ralph Ewerth
[25] Title: Rethinking Lossy Compression: The Rate-Distortion-Perception Tradeoff
Authors:Yochai Blau, Tomer Michaeli
[26] Title: Programmable Neural Network Trojan for Pre-Trained Feature Extractor
Authors:Yu Ji, Zixin Liu, Xing Hu, Peiqi Wang, Youhui Zhang
[27] Title: A Machine Learning Benchmark for Facies Classification
Authors:Yazeed Alaudah, Patrycja Michalowicz, Motaz Alfarraj, Ghassan AlRegib
[28] Title: Understanding Geometry of Encoder-Decoder CNNs
Authors:Jong Chul Ye, Woon Kyoung Sung
[29] Title: Aggregated Pairwise Classification of Statistical Shapes
Authors:Min Ho Cho, Sebastian Kurtek, Steven N. MacEachern