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  • codeforces round375(div.2)题解




    Problem A:



     1 var a,b,c,d,max,min,ans:longint;
     2 begin
     3   readln(a,b,c);
     4   max:=a;
     5   min:=a;
     6   if (b>max) then max:=b;
     7   if (c>max) then max:=c;
     8   if (b<min) then min:=b;
     9   if (c<min) then min:=c;
    10   d:=a+b+c-max-min;
    11   ans:=abs(a-d)+abs(b-d)+abs(c-d);
    12   writeln(ans);
    13 end.

    Problem B:



     1 var n,i,j,max,ans,now:longint;
     2     flag:boolean;
     3     ch:array[0..500] of char;
     4 function flagg(x:char):boolean;
     5 begin
     6   if (65<=ord(x)) and (ord(x)<=65+25) then exit(true);
     7   if (97<=ord(x)) and (ord(x)<=97+25) then exit(true);
     8   exit(false);
     9 end;
    10 begin
    11   readln(n);
    12   for i:=1 to n do
    13     read(ch[i]);
    14   readln;
    15   max:=0;
    16   ans:=0;
    17   flag:=true;
    18   i:=1;
    19   now:=0;
    20   while (i<=n) do
    21   begin
    22     if flagg(ch[i]) then inc(now);
    23     if not(flagg(ch[i])) then
    24     begin
    25       if flag then
    26       begin
    27         if (now>max) then max:=now;
    28         now:=0;
    29       end
    30       else
    31       begin
    32         if (now>0) then inc(ans);
    33         now:=0;
    34       end;
    35     end;
    36     if (ch[i]='(') then flag:=false;
    37     if (ch[i]=')') then flag:=true;
    38     inc(i);
    39   end;
    40     if (now>0) then
    41     begin
    42       if not(flag) then inc(ans);
    43       if flag and(now>max) then max:=now;
    44     end;
    45     writeln(max,' ',ans);
    46 end.

    Problem C:


    首先需要看出,第一个答案就是n div m,



     1 var n,m,i,j,ans,ans1:longint;
     2     a,flag,flag1,anss:array[0..3000] of longint;
     3 begin
     4   readln(n,m);
     5   fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0);
     6   for i:=1 to n do
     7     read(a[i]);
     8   readln;
     9   write(n div m,' ');
    10   ans:=n div m;
    11   fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag),0);
    12   for i:=1 to n do
    13     if (a[i]<=m) then inc(flag[a[i]]);
    14   ans1:=0;
    15   for i:=1 to m do
    16     if (flag[i]<ans) then ans1:=ans1+ans-flag[i];
    17   writeln(ans1);
    18   fillchar(flag1,sizeof(flag1),0);
    19   fillchar(anss,sizeof(anss),0);
    20   for i:=1 to n do
    21   begin
    22     if (a[i]<=m) then
    23     begin
    24       if (flag1[a[i]]<ans) then
    25       begin
    26         inc(flag1[a[i]]);
    27         anss[i]:=a[i];
    28       end;
    29     end;
    30   end;
    31   i:=1;
    32   j:=1;
    33   while (j<=m) and (flag1[j]>=ans) do inc(j);
    34   while (i<=n) do
    35   begin
    36     if (anss[i]=0) then
    37     begin
    38       if (j<>m+1) then 
    39       begin
    40       anss[i]:=j;
    41       inc(flag1[j]);
    42       while (j<=m) and (flag1[j]>=ans) do inc(j);
    43       end else anss[i]:=a[i];
    44     end;
    45     inc(i);
    46   end;
    47   for i:=1 to n do
    48     write(anss[i],' ');
    49   writeln;
    50 end.

    Problem D:





      1 const tx:array[1..4] of longint=(0,0,1,-1);
      2     ty:array[1..4] of longint=(1,-1,0,0);
      3 var n,m,k,i,j,tot,now,ans,ii,jj:longint;
      4     flag:boolean;
      5     ch:array[0..60,0..60] of char;
      6     vis:array[0..60,0..60] of boolean;
      7     r:array[0..60,0..60] of longint;
      8     area,b:array[0..2500] of longint;
      9 procedure qsort(lx,rx:longint);
     10 var i,j,m,t:longint;
     11 begin
     12   i:=lx;
     13   j:=rx;
     14   m:=area[(i+j) div 2];
     15   repeat
     16     while (area[i]<m) do inc(i);
     17     while (area[j]>m) do dec(j);
     18     if (i<=j) then
     19     begin
     20       t:=area[i];
     21       area[i]:=area[j];
     22       area[j]:=t;
     23       t:=b[i];
     24       b[i]:=b[j];
     25       b[j]:=t;
     26       inc(i);
     27       dec(j);
     28     end;
     29   until (i>j);
     30   if (i<rx) then qsort(i,rx);
     31   if (j>lx) then qsort(lx,j);
     32 end;
     33 procedure tryit(x,y:longint);
     34 var i,j,a,b:longint;
     35 begin
     36   r[x,y]:=tot+1;
     37   vis[x,y]:=true;
     38   inc(now);
     39   if (x=1) or (x=n) or (y=1) or (y=m) then flag:=false;
     40   for i:=1 to 4 do
     41   begin
     42     a:=x+tx[i];
     43     b:=y+ty[i];
     44     if (1<=a) and (a<=n) and (1<=b) and (b<=m) then
     45       if not(vis[a,b]) and (ch[a,b]='.') then tryit(a,b);
     46   end;
     47 end;
     48 procedure trycolor(t:longint);
     49 var i,j:longint;
     50 begin
     51   for i:=1 to n do
     52     for j:=1 to m do
     53         if (r[i,j]=t) then ch[i,j]:='*';
     54 end;
     55 begin
     56   readln(n,m,k);
     57   for i:=1 to n do
     58   begin
     59     for j:=1 to m do
     60         read(ch[i,j]);
     61     readln;
     62   end;
     63   fillchar(area,sizeof(area),0);
     64   fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);
     65   fillchar(r,sizeof(r),0);
     66   tot:=0;
     67   fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),false);
     68   for i:=2 to n-1 do
     69     for j:=2 to m-1 do
     70         if (ch[i,j]='.') and not(vis[i,j]) then 
     71         begin
     72           now:=0;
     73           flag:=true;
     74           tryit(i,j);
     75           if flag then
     76           begin
     77             inc(tot);
     78             area[tot]:=now;
     79           end
     80           else
     81           begin
     82             for ii:=1 to n do
     83                 for jj:=1 to m do
     84                     if (r[ii,jj]=tot+1) then r[ii,jj]:=0;
     85           end;
     86         end;
     87   for i:=1 to tot do
     88     b[i]:=i;
     89   qsort(1,tot);
     90   ans:=0;
     91   for i:=1 to tot-k do
     92   begin
     93     trycolor(b[i]);
     94     ans:=ans+area[i];
     95   end;
     96   writeln(ans);
     97   for i:=1 to n do
     98   begin
     99     for j:=1 to m do
    100         write(ch[i,j]);
    101     writeln;
    102   end;
    103 end.

    Problem E:





     1 var t,l,m,n,i,j,ans,u,v,tot:longint;
     2     deg:array[0..300] of longint;
     3     r:array[0..100000,1..2] of longint;
     4     vis:array[0..100000] of boolean;
     5     next,last,other:array[0..100000] of longint;
     6 procedure insert(x,y:longint);
     7 begin
     8   inc(tot);
     9   next[tot]:=last[x];
    10   last[x]:=tot;
    11   other[tot]:=y;
    12   inc(tot);
    13   next[tot]:=last[y];
    14   last[y]:=tot;
    15   other[tot]:=x;
    16 end;
    17 procedure dfs(x:longint);
    18 var i,j:longint;
    19 begin
    20   i:=last[x];
    21   while (i>0) do
    22   begin
    23     if not(vis[i div 2]) then
    24     begin
    25       vis[i div 2]:=true;
    26       dfs(other[i]);
    27       if (i div 2<=m) then
    28       begin
    29         r[i div 2,1]:=x;
    30         r[i div 2,2]:=other[i];
    31       end;
    32     end;
    33     i:=next[i];
    34   end;
    35 end;
    36 begin
    37   readln(t);
    38   for l:=1 to t do
    39   begin
    40     readln(n,m);
    41     fillchar(vis,sizeof(vis),false);
    42     fillchar(deg,sizeof(deg),0);
    43     fillchar(r,sizeof(r),false);
    44     fillchar(next,sizeof(next),0);
    45     fillchar(last,sizeof(last),0);
    46     fillchar(other,sizeof(other),0);
    47     tot:=1;
    48     ans:=0;
    49     for i:=1 to m do
    50     begin
    51       readln(u,v);
    52       insert(u,v);
    53       inc(deg[u]);
    54       inc(deg[v]);
    55     end;
    56     for i:=1 to n do
    57         if (deg[i] mod 2=1) then insert(i,n+1) else inc(ans);
    58     for i:=1 to n do
    59         dfs(i);
    60     writeln(ans);
    61     for i:=1 to m do
    62         writeln(r[i,1],' ',r[i,2]);
    63   end;
    64 end.

    Problem F:






      1 var n,m,s,t,ds,dt,i,j,now1,now2,now3,now4,x:longint;
      2     a,b,father,fatherr,cs,ct:array[0..400000] of longint;
      3     flag1,flag2,flag,vis:array[0..400000] of boolean;
      4     flagg,flagt:boolean;
      5 function tryit(i:longint):longint;
      6 var k,t,p:longint;
      7 begin
      8   k:=i;
      9   while (father[k]<>k) do k:=father[k];
     10   t:=i;
     11   while (t<>k) do
     12   begin
     13     p:=father[t];
     14     father[t]:=k;
     15     t:=p;
     16   end;
     17    exit(k);
     18 end;
     19 function tryit1(i:longint):longint;
     20 var k,t,p:longint;
     21 begin
     22   k:=i;
     23   while (fatherr[k]<>k) do k:=fatherr[k];
     24   t:=i;
     25   while (t<>k) do
     26   begin
     27     p:=fatherr[t];
     28     fatherr[t]:=k;
     29     t:=p;
     30   end;
     31    exit(k);
     32 end;
     33 procedure mdf(a1,b1:longint);
     34 var i,j:longint;
     35 begin
     36   i:=tryit(a1);
     37   j:=tryit(b1);
     38   if (i<>j) then father[j]:=i;
     39 end;
     40 begin
     41   readln(n,m);
     42   fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0);
     43   fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0);
     44   fillchar(cs,sizeof(cs),0);
     45   fillchar(ct,sizeof(ct),0);
     46   for i:=1 to m do
     47     readln(a[i],b[i]);
     48   readln(s,t,ds,dt);
     49   for i:=1 to n do
     50     father[i]:=i;
     51   flagg:=false;
     52   for i:=1 to m do
     53   begin
     54     if (a[i]<>s) and (a[i]<>t) and (b[i]<>s) and (b[i]<>t) then mdf(a[i],b[i]);
     55     if (a[i]=s) and (b[i]=t) then flagg:=true;
     56     if (a[i]=t) and (b[i]=s) then flagg:=true;
     57   end;
     58   fillchar(flag1,sizeof(flag1),false);
     59   fillchar(flag2,sizeof(flag2),false);
     60   fillchar(flag,sizeof(flag),false);
     61   for i:=1 to n do
     62     if (i<>s) and (i<>t) then flag[tryit(i)]:=true;
     63   for i:=1 to m do
     64   begin
     65     if (a[i]=s) then 
     66     begin
     67       flag1[tryit(b[i])]:=true;
     68       cs[tryit(b[i])]:=b[i];
     69     end;
     70     if (b[i]=s) then 
     71     begin
     72       flag1[tryit(a[i])]:=true;
     73       cs[tryit(a[i])]:=a[i];
     74     end;
     75     if (a[i]=t) then 
     76     begin
     77       flag2[tryit(b[i])]:=true;
     78       ct[tryit(b[i])]:=b[i];
     79     end;
     80     if (b[i]=t) then 
     81     begin
     82       flag2[tryit(a[i])]:=true;
     83       ct[tryit(a[i])]:=a[i];
     84     end;
     85   end;
     86   now1:=0;
     87   now2:=0;
     88   now3:=0;
     89   now4:=0;
     90   for i:=1 to n do
     91     if (i<>s) and (i<>t) and flag[i] then
     92     begin
     93       if flag1[i] and not(flag2[i]) then inc(now1);
     94       if flag2[i] and not(flag1[i]) then inc(now2);
     95       if flag1[i] and flag2[i] then inc(now3);
     96       if not(flag1[i]) and not(flag2[i]) then inc(now4);
     97     end;
     98 if (now3>0) and ((now1+now2+now3+1>ds+dt) or (now1+1>ds) or (now2+1>dt)) then
     99 begin
    100   writeln('No');
    101   halt;
    102 end
    103 else if (now3=0) and (not(flagg) or (now1+now2+now3+2>ds+dt) or (now1+1>ds) or (now2+1>dt)) then
    104 begin
    105     writeln('No');
    106     halt;
    107 end
    108 else
    109 begin
    110   writeln('Yes');
    111   fatherr:=father;
    112   fillchar(father,sizeof(father),0);
    113   for i:=1 to n do
    114     father[i]:=i;
    115   flagt:=true;
    116   for i:=1 to n do
    117     if (i<>s) and (i<>t) and flag[i] then
    118     begin
    119       if flag1[i] and not(flag2[i]) then
    120       begin
    121         dec(ds);
    122         writeln(s,' ',cs[tryit1(i)]);
    123         mdf(s,i);
    124       end
    125       else if flag2[i] and not(flag1[i]) then
    126       begin
    127         dec(dt);
    128         writeln(t,' ',ct[tryit1(i)]);
    129         mdf(t,i);
    130       end;
    131     end;
    132   for i:=1 to n do
    133     if (i<>s) and (i<>t) and flag[i] then
    134     begin
    135       if flag1[i] and flag2[i] then
    136       begin
    137         if flagt and (ds>0) and (dt>0) then
    138         begin
    139           dec(ds);
    140           dec(dt);
    141           writeln(s,' ',cs[tryit1(i)]);
    142           writeln(t,' ',ct[tryit1(i)]);
    143           mdf(s,i);
    144           mdf(t,i);
    145           flagt:=false;
    146         end else
    147         if (ds>0) then
    148         begin
    149           dec(ds);
    150           writeln(s,' ',cs[tryit1(i)]);
    151           mdf(s,i);
    152         end else
    153         begin
    154           dec(dt);
    155           writeln(t,' ',ct[tryit1(i)]);
    156           mdf(t,i);
    157         end;
    158       end;
    159     end;
    160   if flagg and flagt then
    161   begin
    162     dec(ds);
    163     dec(dt);
    164     writeln(s,' ',t);
    165     mdf(s,t);
    166   end;
    167   for i:=1 to m do
    168     begin
    169       if (tryit(a[i])<>tryit(b[i])) and (a[i]<>s) and (b[i]<>s) and (a[i]<>t) and (b[i]<>t) then
    170       begin
    171         writeln(a[i],' ',b[i]);
    172         mdf(a[i],b[i]);
    173       end
    174     end;
    175 end;
    176 end.


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