1. 实验目的
2. 实验内容
2.1 模拟包括3部分:
1) 实现特定的内存分配算法
2) 实现内存回收模拟
3) 每种内存分配策略对应的碎片数统计
2.2 固定分区存储管理:
2.3 动态分区分配存储管理
3. 实验环境
可以选用Turbo C作为开发环境。也可以选用Windows下的VB,CB或其他可视化环境,利用各种控件较为方便。自主选择实验环境。
4. 实验环境
1.源程序名: allocate.c
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> void sd(); typedef struct T{ int capacity; int signal; int fragment; int time; int occu; char fillername[10]; }tony; //static stuff typedef struct O{ int capacity; int signal; int time; char name[10]; struct O *next; }nina; //chain~~ typedef struct H{ char name[10]; int occupation; int time; int get; }hao; int total=120; void sdistribution(); void dpartitionfirst(); void dpartitionoptimum(); main() { int swi; int uu; printf("enter 0(static distribution) or 1(dynamic partition) : "); scanf("%d",&swi); switch(swi) { case 0: sdistribution(); break; case 1: printf("1(首次适应) 2(最佳适应) : "); scanf("%d",&uu); switch(uu) { case 1: dpartitionfirst(); break; case 2: dpartitionoptimum(); break; } break; default : puts(" fucking wrong "); break; } } void dpartitionfirst() { nina *chan,*head,*uu,*temp,*te1; int a,k,j=0,f; hao hao; head=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); printf(" now, we got 120KBstorage "); chan=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); chan->capacity=total; //// chan->signal=0; uu=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); te1=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); chan->next=NULL; temp=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); temp=chan; te1=chan; head->next=temp; do{ printf("spared table : capacity "); while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->signal==0) { printf(" %d ",temp->capacity); } temp=temp->next; } temp=head->next; //has head->next's essence printf("occupyed table : capacity time name "); while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->signal==1) { printf(" %d %d %s ",temp->capacity,temp->time,temp->name); } temp=temp->next; } temp=head->next; printf(" wanna enter a shit? 1:yeap 2:nope "); scanf("%d",&a); if(a==1) { printf(" please enter a fucking process space,time,name "); scanf("%d",&hao.occupation); if(hao.occupation<=total) { total=total-hao.occupation; chan->capacity=total; scanf("%d",&hao.time); getchar(); scanf("%s",&hao.name); uu->capacity=hao.occupation; strcpy(uu->name,hao.name); uu->signal=1; uu->time=hao.time; head->next=uu; //// uu->next=te1; /// huge problem!!!!! te1=uu;// } else printf("outweight our storage,so that stuff cannot enter storage "); } }while(a==1); } void dpartitionoptimum() ////hhhh { int all=120; nina *chan,*head,*uu,*temp,*te1; int a,k,j=0,f; hao hao; head=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); printf(" now, we got 120KBstorage "); chan=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); chan->capacity=total; //// chan->signal=0; uu=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); te1=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); chan->next=NULL; temp=(nina *)malloc(sizeof(nina)); temp=chan; te1=chan; head->next=temp; do{ printf("spared table : capacity "); while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->signal==0) { printf(" %d ",temp->capacity); } temp=temp->next; } temp=head->next; //has head->next's essence printf("occupyed table : capacity time name "); while(temp!=NULL) { { temp->time--; if(temp->time!=0) { printf(" %d %d %s ",temp->capacity,temp->time,temp->name); all=all-temp->capacity; } else temp->signal=0; } temp=temp->next; } temp=head->next; printf(" wanna enter a shit? 1:yeap 2:nope "); scanf("%d",&a); if(a==1) { printf(" please enter a fucking process space,time,name "); scanf("%d",&hao.occupation); if(hao.occupation<=all) { total=total-hao.occupation; chan->capacity=total; scanf("%d",&hao.time); getchar(); scanf("%s",&hao.name); uu->capacity=hao.occupation; strcpy(uu->name,hao.name); uu->signal=1; uu->time=hao.time; head->next=uu; //// uu->next=te1; /// huge problem!!!!! te1=uu; // } else printf("outweight our storage,so that stuff cannot enter storage "); } }while(a==1); } void sdistribution() //completion { tony chan[4]; int a,k,j=0,f; hao hao[5]; printf(" now, we got 120KBstorage we will distribute them into 8,16,32,64kb at the moment "); printf(" ******now,the table before inputting any process is below***** partition occupyed "); for(a=0;a<4;a++) { chan[a].capacity=8*pow(2,a); chan[a].signal=0; chan[a].occu=0; chan[a].time=0; } for(a=0;a<4;a++) { printf(" %d %d ",chan[a].capacity,chan[a].signal); } printf(" now,please input five processes(order is crucial) into this storage "); printf("occupation ,time and name,OvO "); for(a=0;a<5;a++) { hao[a].get=65536; scanf("%d",&hao[a].occupation); scanf("%d",&hao[a].time); getchar(); scanf("%s",&hao[a].name); } printf("existed processes show below "); printf("occupation time name "); for(a=0;a<5;a++) { printf("%d %d %s ",hao[a].occupation,hao[a].time,hao[a].name); } printf("*********processing*********"); for(a=0;a<5;a++) { for(k=0;k<4;k++) { if(chan[k].signal==1) { chan[k].time--; if(chan[k].time==0) { chan[k].signal=0; } } if((hao[a].get>chan[k].capacity)&&(hao[a].occupation<=chan[k].capacity)&&(chan[k].signal==0)) { strcpy(chan[k].fillername,hao[a].name); chan[k].signal=1; chan[k].fragment=chan[k].capacity-hao[a].occupation; chan[k].occu=hao[a].occupation; chan[k].time=hao[a].time; hao[a].get=chan[k].capacity; } } printf("********** 大小 进程名字 碎片 占有信号 占有大小 运行时间 "); for(k=0;k<4;k++) { if(chan[k].signal==1) printf("%d %s %d %d %d %d ",chan[k].capacity,chan[k].fillername,chan[k].fragment,chan[k].signal,chan[k].occu,chan[k].time); if(chan[k].signal==0) printf("%d %d ",chan[k].capacity,chan[k].signal); } printf("press 'enter'button to next step "); getchar(); } }
不过通过这次 实验我对操作系统有了更深的理解,很不错的实验。