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  • 【BZOJ】【2631】Tree







      2.虽然splay是按深度为关键字排序的,但是我们对整条路径操作的时候只要把一个端点上打了标记并且修改了就行了……(当然这个节点必须是“树根”)不用在意顺序……反正都加了就对了= =

    虽然不是很明白为什么这样打标记就是对的,在更改树的样子的时候也不会变……但是隐隐地感觉这样是可行的,而且也对了= =就这样姑且记下来好了


      1 /**************************************************************
      2     Problem: 2631
      3     User: Tunix
      4     Language: C++
      5     Result: Accepted
      6     Time:14720 ms
      7     Memory:5724 kb
      8 ****************************************************************/
     10 //BZOJ 2631
     11 #include<cstdio>
     12 #include<cstring>
     13 #include<cstdlib>
     14 #include<iostream>
     15 #include<algorithm>
     16 #define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;++i)
     17 #define F(i,j,n) for(int i=j;i<=n;++i)
     18 #define D(i,j,n) for(int i=j;i>=n;--i)
     19 using namespace std;
     20 const int N=100086,MOD=51061;
     21 //#define debug
     22 void read(int &v){
     23     v=0;
     24     int sign=1; char ch=getchar();
     25     while(ch<'0' || ch>'9'){ if (ch=='-') sign=-1; ch=getchar();}
     26     while(ch>='0' && ch<='9'){v=v*10+ch-'0'; ch=getchar();}
     27     v*=sign;
     28 }
     29 //template of link-cut-tree for NOI2014 magic foreast
     31 int fa[N],c[N][2],size[N],n,m;
     32 unsigned int val[N],mul[N],add[N],sum[N];
     33 bool rev[N];
     34 #define L c[x][0]
     35 #define R c[x][1]
     36 /*
     37 void Push_up(int x){
     38     mid[x]=val[mid[c[x][0]]]>val[mid[c[x][1]]] ? mid[c[x][0]] : mid[c[x][1]] ,
     39     val[mid[x]]< val[x] ? mid[x]=x : 1;
     40 }
     41 */
     42 void Push_up(int x){
     43     sum[x]=val[x]; size[x]=1;
     44     L ? sum[x]=(sum[x]+sum[L]) % MOD,
     45         size[x]+=size[L] : 1;
     46     R ? sum[x]=(sum[x]+sum[R]) % MOD,
     47         size[x]+=size[R] : 1;
     48 }
     49 inline void update(int x,int mu,int ad){
     50     val[x]=(val[x]*mu+ad) % MOD;
     51     sum[x]=(sum[x]*mu+ad*size[x]) %MOD;
     52     mul[x]=(mul[x]*mu) % MOD;
     53     add[x]=(add[x]*mu+ad) % MOD;
     54 }
     55 int swap_tmp=0;
     56 void Push_down(int x){
     57     rev[x] ? rev[x]=0,rev[L]^=1,rev[R]^=1,swap_tmp=L,L=R,R=swap_tmp : 1;
     58     if(mul[x]!=1 || add[x]!=0) update(L,mul[x],add[x]),update(R,mul[x],add[x]),mul[x]=1,add[x]=0 ;
     59 }
     60 bool not_root(int x){
     61     return c[fa[x]][0]==x || c[fa[x]][1]==x;
     62 }
     63 void rotate(int x){
     64     int y=fa[x],p=c[y][1]==x;
     65     fa[x]=fa[y], not_root(y) ? c[fa[y]][ c[fa[y]][1]==y ]=x:1,
     66     (c[y][p]=c[x][!p]) ? fa[c[y][p]]=y : 1,
     67     Push_up(c[ fa[y]=x ][!p]=y);
     68 }
     69 void preview(int x){
     70     if (not_root(x)) preview(fa[x]);
     71     Push_down(x);
     72 }//从根到x全部Push_down一遍
     73 void splay(int x,int y=0){
     74     for(preview(x);not_root(x);rotate(x))
     75         not_root(y=fa[x]) ? rotate( (c[y][1]==x^c[fa[y]][1]==y ? x : y)),1 : 1;
     76     Push_up(x);
     77 }
     78 void access(int x,int las=0){
     79     for(;x;splay(x),c[x][1]=las,las=x,x=fa[x]);
     80 }
     81 void makeroot(int x){
     82     access(x),splay(x),rev[x]^=1;
     83 }
     84 int find(int x){
     85     access(x),splay(x);
     86     while(c[x][0]) x=c[x][0];
     87     return x;
     88 }
     89 void link(int x,int y){
     90     makeroot(x),fa[x]=y;
     91 }
     92 void cut(int x,int y){
     93     makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y);
     94     if (c[y][0]==x) c[y][0]=fa[x]=0;
     95 }
     96 void update_add(int x,int y,int v){
     97     makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y),add[y]=(add[y]+v)%MOD,val[y]=(val[y]+v)%MOD;
     98 }
     99 void update_mul(int x,int y,int v){
    100     makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y),mul[y]=(mul[y]*v)%MOD,val[y]=(val[y]*v)%MOD,add[y]=add[y]*v%MOD;
    101 }
    102 void query(int x,int y){
    103     makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y);
    104     printf("%d
    105 }
    106 /*
    107 int query(int x,int y){
    108     return makeroot(x),access(y),splay(y),mid[y];
    109 }
    110 */
    111 int main(){
    112     #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    113     freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);
    114     #endif
    115     read(n); read(m);
    116     F(i,1,n) add[i]=0,val[i]=mul[i]=sum[i]=size[i]=1;
    117     int x,y,v;
    118     F(i,2,n){
    119         read(x); read(y);
    120         link(x,y);
    121     }
    122     char cmd[5];
    123     F(i,1,m){
    124         scanf("%s",cmd);
    125         read(x),read(y);
    126         switch(cmd[0]){
    127             case '+': read(v),update_add(x,y,v);break;
    128             case '-': cut(x,y); read(x),read(y); link(x,y);break;
    129             case '*': read(v),update_mul(x,y,v); break;
    130             case '/': query(x,y);break;
    131         }
    132         #ifdef debug
    133         printf("i=%d
    134         F(x,1,n) printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d
    135         #endif
    136     }
    137     return 0;
    138 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Tunix/p/4224098.html
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