组合模式(Composite Pattern)
- 安全模式(比如文件没有新增功能,那就不能对客户端暴露这个接口)
- 透明模式(对文件、文件夹、目录的操作都是一样的,即使没有某个个体没有某个功能我们也可以进行调用因为他们继承的是同一个接口,这就违法了最少知道原则,所以本文中不进行阐述)
To display
First of all we should create root that is directory
abstract class Directory { Directory(String name) { this.name = name; } String name; abstract void show(); }
Second we should create branch that is Folder(because each files are contained in Flolders)
public class Folder extends Directory {
// save all file ,you should not put File as restrictive condition,because you do not know how many file there are List<Directory> list; // we should consider its level then according this to arrange series Integer level; public Folder(String name, Integer level) { super(name); this.level = level; this.list = new ArrayList<Directory>(); } @Override void show() { System.out.println(this.name); for (Directory dir : this.list) { // code in block of if are used to show construction of Files,you can ignore the logic if (this.level != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.level; i++) { System.out.print(" "); } for (int i = 0; i < this.level; i++) { if (i == 0) { System.out.print("+"); } System.out.print("-"); } } dir.show(); } } public boolean add(Directory directory) { return this.list.add(directory); } public void list() { for (Directory directory : list) { System.out.println(directory.name); } } }
To test
public static void main(String[] args) { Folder root = new Folder("root",1); File qq = new File("QQ.exe"); File wx = new File("WeChat.exe"); root.add(qq); root.add(wx); // working Folder Folder office = new Folder("softWare of working",2); File word = new File("Word.exe"); File ppt = new File("PowerPoint.exe"); File excel = new File("Excel.exe"); office.add(word); office.add(ppt); office.add(excel); //This is a son Folder that belong to working Folder Folder wps = new Folder("KingSoft",3); wps.add(new File("WPS.exe")); office.add(wps); root.add(office); System.out.println("----------show()-----------"); root.show(); System.out.println("----------list()-----------"); root.list(); }
as a result
We can assemble them easily with Composite Pattern.
How is composite pattern applied into sorce of code
java.util.ArrayList#addAll(java.util.Collection<? extends E>)
apparently,Arraylist must be bound to implements Connection(like list root we have mentioned)
we open all of them at will, we will find them all pass on the same classes that is sqlNode
Sum up
- it is convenient to control the whole construction with a List( List<Directory> list)
- it is hard to design the top class of interface(we have to extract same point then construct our top interface/class)