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  • day17-2018-11-8 类与类之间的关系

    # class DaXiang:
    #     def open(self, bx): #  这里是依赖关系. 想执行这个动作. 必须传递一个bx
    #         print("大象高高兴兴走到了冰箱的面向前")
    #         bx.kai() # 传递来的对象执行kai()动作
    #         print("大象成功的打开了冰箱门")
    #     def zhuang(self):
    #         print("自己走进了冰箱")
    #     def close(self, bx):
    #         print("大象要关冰箱门了")
    #         bx.guan()
    # class BingXiang:
    #     def kai(self):
    #         print("我是冰箱. 我会开门 ")
    #     def guan(self):
    #         print("我是冰箱. 我会关门 ")
    # class DianFanGuo:
    #     def kai(self):
    #         print("我是电饭锅 我能开 ")
    #     def guan(self):
    #         print("我是电饭锅, 我能关 ")
    # # bx1 = BingXiang()
    # # bx2 = BingXiang()
    # dx = DaXiang()
    # dfg = DianFanGuo()
    # dx.open(dfg)
    # dx.zhuang()
    # dx.close(dfg)
    # 植物大战僵尸. 创建一个植物. 创建一个僵尸
    # 植物: 名字, 攻击力
    # 僵尸: 名字, 血量
    # 植物可以打僵尸. 僵尸掉血
    # 显示出僵尸挨揍之后的血量
    # class ZhiWu:
    #     def __init__(self, name, attack, hp):
    #         self.name = name
    #         self.attack = attack
    #         self.hp = hp
    #     def fight(self, js):
    #         js.hp -= self.attack
    # class JiangShi:
    #     def __init__(self, name, hp, attack):
    #         self.name = name
    #         self.hp = hp
    #         self.attack = attack
    #     def chi(self, zhiwu):
    #         zhiwu.hp -= self.attack
    # lvluo = ZhiWu("绿萝", 20, 10)
    # js1 = JiangShi("僵尸一号", 100, 5)
    # lvluo.fight(js1)
    # lvluo.fight(js1)
    # lvluo.fight(js1)
    # js1.chi(lvluo)
    # js1.chi(lvluo)
    # js1.chi(lvluo)
    # print(lvluo.hp)
    # print(js1.hp)
    # class Boy:
    #     def __init__(self, name, girlFriend = None):
    #         self.name = name
    #         self.girlFriend = girlFriend # 关联关系
    #     def chi(self): # b
    #         if self.girlFriend:
    #             self.girlFriend.happy()
    #             print("%s和%s在吃饭"  %  (self.name, self.girlFriend.name))
    #         else:
    #             print("没女朋友吃什么吃")
    # class Girl:
    #     def __init__(self, name):
    #         self.name = name
    #     def happy(self):
    #         print("有好吃的就开心")
    # b = Boy("王明")
    # g = Girl("肉丝")
    # # b对象的girlFriend赋值  g
    # b.girlFriend = g # 突然天降女朋友
    # b.chi()
    # b.girlFriend = None
    # b.chi()
    # 老师和学生的关系. 一对多的关系  反过来就是一对一
    # class Teacher:
    #     def __init__(self, name, lst=None):
    #         self.name = name
    #         if lst == None: # 判断传递过来的参数是否是空
    #             self.lst = []
    #         else: # 传递过来的是一个列表
    #             self.lst = lst
    #     # 添加学生
    #     def tianjia(self, student):
    #         self.lst.append(student)
    #     def display(self):
    #         for s in self.lst: # s 是老师的学生
    #             print(s.name)
    # class Student:
    #     def __init__(self, num, name, teacher=None):
    #         self.name = name
    #         self.num = num
    #         self.teacher = teacher
    # t = Teacher("大张伟")
    # s1 = Student(1, "郭德纲")
    # s2 = Student(2, "岳云鹏")
    # s3 = Student(3, "张鹤伦")
    # s4 = Student(4, "朱云峰")
    # t.tianjia(s1) # 把学生添加给老师
    # t.tianjia(s2)
    # t.tianjia(s4)
    # t.display()
    # class Computer:
    #     def __init__(self, cpu, memory, yingpan, zhuban, xianshiqi):
    #         pass
    # class Cpu:
    #     pass
    # class Memory:
    #     pass
    # 帖子和评论
    class Tie:
        def __init__(self, title, content, author, time, pinglun_lst = None):
            self.title = title
            self.content = content
            self.author = author
            self.time = time
            if pinglun_lst == None:
                self.pinglun_lst = []
                self.pinglun_lst = pinglun_lst
    class Pinglun:
        def __init__(self, name, time, content, fav):
            self.name = name
            self.time = time
            self.content = content
            self.fav = fav
    pl1 = Pinglun("UZI", "昨天1", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl2 = Pinglun("xiaohu", "昨天2", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl3 = Pinglun("若风", "昨天3", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl4 = Pinglun("let me", "昨天3", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl5 = Pinglun("长长", "昨天4", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl6 = Pinglun("jackylove", "昨天5", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl7 = Pinglun("mlxg", "昨天6", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    pl8 = Pinglun("miss", "昨天7", "UZI发出祝福",1888888)
    lst = []
    # 显示帖子的内容.  评论的内容
    tie = Tie("S8_IG夺冠. 王思聪怒吃热狗. ", "IG的上单The Shy疯了一样. 一个打5个. 自己人都不放过", "王明","某年某月某一天",lst )
    # 评论
    # print(tie.pinglun_lst)
    for pl in tie.pinglun_lst:
    # class Foo:
    #      def __init__(self):
    #         pass
    #      def method(self):
    #         pass
    #     # 该类的对象就不可哈希了
    #      __hash__ = None
    # # print(hash(Foo)) # 类和对象默认都是可哈希的
    # print(hash(Foo())) # unhashable type: 'Foo'
    # 做作业的时候能用到
    # dic = {Foo: Foo(), Foo():'胡辣汤'}
    # s = []
    # print(hash(s)) #  列表是不可哈希的
    class Base:
        def __init__(self, num):
            self.num = num
        def func1(self):
        def func2(self):
            print(111, self.num)
    class Foo(Base):
        def func2(self):
            print(222, self.num)
    lst = [Base(1), Base(2), Foo(3)]
    for obj in lst:
    # self:  谁调用的就是谁
    # class Car:
    #     def run(self):
    #         print("我的车会跑")
    # CarCarCar = Car # 类名是变量
    # c = CarCarCar()
    # c.run()
    # def func():
    #     print("我是函数")
    # func()
    # fn = func
    # fn()
    def func():
        print("娃哈哈 ")
    # class Car:
    #     def __init__(self, color, pai):
    #         self.color = color
    #         self.pai = pai
    #     def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    #         print("这里是call")
    #     def __getitem__(self, item):
    #         print("这里是getitem, item=", item)
    #     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
    #         print(key, value)
    #     def __delitem__(self, key):
    #         print(key)
    #     def __add__(self, other): # 在执行两个对象相加的时候自动调用
    #         print("证明我来过")
    #     def __enter__(self):
    #         print("进来的时候")
    #     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    #         print("这里是出去")
    #     def __str__(self): # 当前对象的字符串表示形式
    #         return "我的车很厉害"
    #     def __repr__(self):  #  一个对象的官方字符串表示形式
    #         return "我的车非常非常厉害"
    #     def __iter__(self):
    #         return (i for i in range(10))
    #     # def __hash__(self):
    #     #     return hash(self.pai) + hash(self.color)
    #     __hash__ = None
    # c = Car("红", "1.5T") # 在创建对象的时候会自动的调用__init__()  类名()  ==> init()
    # # c() # 对象()  => __call__()
    # # c["马化腾"] # 对象[任意参数] => __getitem__(item)
    # # c["胡辣汤"] = "河南开封"
    # # del c['上海小混沌大碗']
    # # c2 = Car("黑色", "1.8T")
    # # cc = c+c2
    # # with c as m: # 装饰器
    # #     print("哈哈哈")
    # #
    # # print("呵呵呵")
    # # print(c) # 当打印一个对象的时候. 默认的去执行__str__ 根据__str__返回的结果进行打印
    # # print(repr(c))
    # print("%s" % c) # %s __str__
    # print("%r" % c) # %r __repr__
    # # c > c2 # great than
    # # c< c2  # less than
    # # c >= c2 # greate and equals
    # for s in c:
    #     print(s)
    class Car:
        def __init__(self, color, pai): # 初始化方法
            self.color = color
            self.pai = pai
        # 这里才是真正的构造方法
        def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            # 固定的返回值
            return object.__new__(cls)
    c = Car("红色", "京A66666") # 先执行__new__ 返回object.__new__(cls).把返回的空对象传递给 __init__()





    __enter__ 和 __exit__


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/VastTry/p/9931475.html
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