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  • OpenCv 018---图像直方图均衡化

    1 前备知识


    2 所用到的主要OpenCv API

    CV_EXPORTS_W void equalizeHist( InputArray src, OutputArray dst );

    /** @brief Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image.

    The function equalizes the histogram of the input image using the following algorithm:

    - Calculate the histogram f$Hf$ for src .
    - Normalize the histogram so that the sum of histogram bins is 255.
    - Compute the integral of the histogram:
    f[H'_i = sum _{0 le j < i} H(j)f]
    - Transform the image using f$H'f$ as a look-up table: f$ exttt{dst}(x,y) = H'( exttt{src}(x,y))f$

    The algorithm normalizes the brightness and increases the contrast of the image.

    @param src Source 8-bit single channel image.
    @param dst Destination image of the same size and type as src .

    3 程序代码

    #include <opencv2opencv.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        Mat src = imread("G:\CVworkstudy\program_wwx\Research society140\ZhaiZhigang140\colormap.png");
        if (src.empty())
            printf("Could not load image...
            return -1;
        namedWindow("input", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
        Mat gray, dst;
        cvtColor(src, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        imshow("input", gray);
        equalizeHist(gray, dst);
        imshow("eq", dst);
        return 0;

    4 运行结果

    5 扩展及注意事项


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Vince-Wu/p/11402906.html
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