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  • Assign the task HDU

    There is a company that has N employees(numbered from 1 to N),every employee in the company has a immediate boss (except for the leader of whole company).If you are the immediate boss of someone,that person is your subordinate, and all his subordinates are your subordinates as well. If you are nobody's boss, then you have no subordinates,the employee who has no immediate boss is the leader of whole company.So it means the N employees form a tree. 

    The company usually assigns some tasks to some employees to finish.When a task is assigned to someone,He/She will assigned it to all his/her subordinates.In other words,the person and all his/her subordinates received a task in the same time. Furthermore,whenever a employee received a task,he/she will stop the current task(if he/she has) and start the new one. 

    Write a program that will help in figuring out some employee’s current task after the company assign some tasks to some employee.

    InputThe first line contains a single positive integer T( T <= 10 ), indicates the number of test cases. 

    For each test case: 

    The first line contains an integer N (N ≤ 50,000) , which is the number of the employees. 

    The following N - 1 lines each contain two integers u and v, which means the employee v is the immediate boss of employee u(1<=u,v<=N). 

    The next line contains an integer M (M ≤ 50,000). 

    The following M lines each contain a message which is either 

    "C x" which means an inquiry for the current task of employee x 


    "T x y"which means the company assign task y to employee x. 

    (1<=x<=N,0<=y<=10^9)OutputFor each test case, print the test case number (beginning with 1) in the first line and then for every inquiry, output the correspond answer per line.Sample Input

    4 3 
    3 2 
    1 3 
    5 2 
    C 3 
    T 2 1
     C 3 
    T 3 2 
    C 3

    Sample Output

    Case #1:

    用dfs序来把这棵树化成线性的结构,然后线段树的单点修改和区间查询即可 用Start和End记录每个点所代表区间的起点和终点

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <map>
    #include <set>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stack>
    #include <queue>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cmath>
    #define MOD 2018
    #define LL long long
    #define ULL unsigned long long
    #define Pair pair<int, int>
    #define mem(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a))
    #define _  ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0)
    //freopen("1.txt", "r", stdin);
    using namespace std;
    const int maxn = 100100, INF = 0x7fffffff;
    int head[maxn], Start[maxn], End[maxn], flag[maxn];
    int a, b, x, y, ans, cnt, ret;
    struct node{
        int l, r, w, f;
    struct dot{
        int v, next;
    void add(int u, int v)
        Dot[ret].v = v;
        Dot[ret].next = head[u];
        head[u] = ret++;
    void dfs(int u)
        Start[u] = cnt;
        for(int i=head[u]; i!=-1; i=Dot[i].next)
        End[u] = cnt;
    void build(int k, int ll, int rr)
        Node[k].l = ll, Node[k].r = rr;
        Node[k].w = -1;
        Node[k].f = 0;
        if(ll == rr) return;
        int m = (ll + rr) / 2;
        build(k*2, ll, m);
        build(k*2+1, m+1, rr);
    void down(int k)
        Node[k*2].f = Node[k].f;
        Node[k*2+1].f = Node[k].f;
        Node[k*2].w = Node[k].f;
        Node[k*2+1].w = Node[k].f;
        Node[k].f = 0;
    void qp(int k)
        if(Node[k].l == Node[k].r)
            ans = Node[k].w;
        if(Node[k].f) down(k);
        int m = (Node[k].l + Node[k].r) / 2;
        if(a <= m) qp(k*2);
        else qp(k*2+1);
    void chinter(int k)
        if(Node[k].l >= a  && Node[k].r <= b)
            Node[k].w = y;
            Node[k].f = y;
        if(Node[k].f) down(k);
        int m = (Node[k].l + Node[k].r) / 2;
        if(a <= m) chinter(k*2);
        if(b > m) chinter(k*2+1);
    int main()
        int T, kase = 0;
            mem(head, -1);
            mem(flag, -1);
            mem(Start, -1);
            mem(End, -1);
            mem(Dot, 0);
            mem(flag, -1);
            ret = 0;
            cnt = 0;
            int n, m, se;
            printf("Case #%d:
            for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
                int u, v;
                scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
                flag[u] = v;
                se = v;
                add(v, u);
            while(flag[se] != -1)
                se = flag[se];
            build(1, 1, cnt);
            char str[3];
            for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
                if(strcmp(str, "C") == 0)
                    int p;
                    ans = -1;
                    a = Start[p];
                else if(strcmp(str, "T") == 0)
                    scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
                    a = Start[x];
                    b = End[x];
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WTSRUVF/p/9247175.html
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