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  • basic concepts about MSMQ

    MSMQ is a technichque through which the processes or computers in distributed systems communicate and exchange data asychrounsely and stablely.

    2 the type of MSMQ:
     1.Private MQ
     this kind of MSMQ can only be stored in local host and the messages are transferred among the processes of local host
    2. public MQ
     this kind of MSMQ can be delieverd among the destributed system only if the hosts are in the arange of  demain/workgroup. MSMQ can work although the destination-hosts are off-line, cos the Messages are stored in client,  in which there is an backend process to broadcast them. only if the receiving destination are on-line, it may receive  the messages then.
    3.System MQ
     this kind of MSMQ is about the system operation special message queues that be encapsulated as Message to broadcast in demain/workgroup. I have not so much ideas about this MSMQ.

    3the content of MSMQ:
     1.simple text message
     in the simplest case, the message can be just simple text
    2.object message
     the message that is to be sent also can be an object

    4 the formatter of MSMQ
    2.Binary file
    note:the client and server must keep the same formatter to send/receive MSMQ,eithor XML or Binary file all.

    5 class and operations/methods concerned in .net framework using C#
      1.concerned class: System.Messaging---MessageQuequ, Message
     2.main concerned methods/operations
      1) MessageQuequ.Exists(MSMQ_Name)  
       ---to judge the MSMQ named MSMQ_Name does already exists.if do, return true, else return false;
      2) MessageQueue.Create(MSMQ_Name)
       ---to create a MSMQ named MSMQ_Name, and return the instance of an Message queue.
      3) the formatter of message
       //binary file format
        System.Messaging.Formatter=System.Messaging.BinaryMessageFormatter(new Type[]{message_type});
        //XML format
        System.Messaging.Formatter=System.Messaging.xmlMessageFormatter(new Type[]{message_type});
      3) assume obj_message is an instance about System.Messaging.Message
       //initialize an instance of message
       obj_message=new System.Messaging.Message(message_content)
       //send message
       //receive message syncronousely
       //receive message asyncronousely

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Winston/p/1130630.html
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