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  • Tread Basics in C#part one

    1.Thread classification in .Net Framework (CLR [Common Language Runtime] Thread support)
            ii.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread ( present an Operating system Thread)
    2.a simpe sample creating a thread.
        using ...*
        using System.Threading;
        namespace myThread
        class ThreadTest
            public void showTest()
                Console.WriteLine("this is a Thread Test");
            public static void Main()
                //declare a delegate instance for ThreadStart delegate and initialize it's method;
                ThreadStart ts=new ThreadStart(new myThread().showTest);
                //declare a thread and intial it with a delegate.
                Thread mythread=new Thread(ts);
                //start the thread.

    if everyting goes well, you will see such window:

    3.Multi-Thread Technoligy.
        we have 5 senarios:
        i.delegate invoke asychronousely.
        ii.creating yourself threads openly.
        iv.inner asychronous support.
        v.order the projects into thread-pool.

    4.delegate asychronousely
            in .Net Framework, the most popular model to implementate asychronouse method is providing two respective method: BeginXXX() and EndXXX() . accordingly, there are two relative methods which to excute operation sychrounousely.
            Invoking BeginXXX() can start the operation. After invoking this method, it will return at once, while this method will be executed in the thread-pool still. when the return result is needed, we can invoke EndXXX(). in case of asychrounouse operation has finished when invoking this EndXXX(), it wll return the result of asychrounouse operation. in another case of operation running still. EndXXX() will wait until the asychrounouse operation finished and return the result.
            this design model involves multi classes to implemtate it, that is:
            a).System.IO.FileStream( BeginRead()/EndRead();  BeginWrite()/EndWrite(), to read and write stream)
            b).System.Net.WebRequest(BeginRequest()/EndRequest(),to request a remote server)
            c).System.Messaging.MessageQueue(BeginReceive()/EndReceive(),to receive a message)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Winston/p/1132288.html
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