###Type Classification The C++ type system consists of the following types: * fundamental types (see also [`std::is_fundamental`](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/is_fundamental)) * void * `std::nullptr_t` * arthmetic type * floating-point types(`float`,`double`,`long double`) * integral types * `bool` * character types * narrow character types(`char`,`sign char`,`unsigned char`) * wide character types(`char16_t`,`char32_t`,`wchar_t`) * signed integal types(`short int`,`int`,`long int`,`long long int`) * unsigned integal type(`unsigned short int`,`unsigned int`,`unsigned long int`,`unsigned long long int`) * compound types(see also[`std::is_compound`](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/is_compound)) * reference types: * lvalue reference types * rvalue reference types * pointer types: * pointer to object types * pointer to function types * pointer to member types: * pointer to data member * pointer to member function * array types * function types * enumeration types * class types: * non-union types * union typesFor every type other than reference and function,the system support three additional cv-qualified version of that types(const
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