1. 单表查询
查询一张表:select * from table;
查询指定字段:select c1, c2, c3 from table;
where条件查询:select c1, c2, c3 from table where id=1;(>, <, >=, <=... ...)
带in关键字:select c1, c2 from table where age in (21, 23);
带between and的范围查询:select c1, c2 from table where age between 21 and 29;
带like的模糊查询:select c1, c2 from table where like 'Wshile'; (Wshile%, %Wshile%)
空值查询: select c1 from table where name is(not) null;
带and的多条件查询:select * from table where gname='一年级' and age=23;
带or的多条件查询:select * frome t_student where gradeName=’一年级’ or age=23;//或者,条件只要满足一个
distinct去除重复查询:select destinct c1 from table;
对查询结果order by:select * frome t_student order by age desc;//降序,从大到小,不加desc默认为升序
分组查询group by:select gradeName,count(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName;
2. 多表连接查询