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  • Effective C# 原则36:利用.Net运行时诊断(译)

    Effective C# 原则36:利用.Net运行时诊断
    Item 36: Leverage .NET Runtime Diagnostics


    System.Diagnostics.Debug, System.Diagnostics.Trace和System.Diagnostics.EventLog类提供了你在运行程序时要创建诊断信息的所有工具。前面两个类功能是基本上是一样的。不同之外是Trace类是由预处理符TRACE控制的,而Debug类则是由DEBUG预处理符控制的。当你用VS.net开发一个项目时,TRACE符号是同时在调试版和发布版中定义的。你可以为所有的发布版使用Trace类来创建诊断信息。EventLog类提供了一个入口,通过这个入口,你的程序可以写一些系统日志。EventLog类不支持运行时配置,但你可以把它封装到一个统一的简单接口中。

    你可以在运行时控制诊断输出,.Net框架使用一个应用程序配置文件来控制变化多样的运行时设置。这个是一个XML文件,在主应用程序运行时的目录中。这个文件与应用程序同名,但添加了一个.config后缀。务更制块例如MyApplication.exe 可能会有一个MyApplication.exe.config的XML文件来控制它。所所有的配置信息包含在一个configuration节点中:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>




    bool _printDiagnostics = true;
    Trace.WriteLineIf( _printDiagnostics,
      "Printing Diagnostics Today", "MySubSystem" );

    你所创建的输出开关用于控制输出的级别,一个输出开关可以是由应用程序配置文件定义的变量,可以是五种状态之一:关闭(Off),错误(Error),警告(Warning),信息(Info)和详细(Verbose)。这些状态是环境的一部份,而且它们的值可以是从0到4。这样你就可能为所有的子系统信息创建一个控制。 定义一个输出开关类然后初始化它就可以创建一个开关了:

    static private TraceSwitch librarySwitch = new
      TraceSwitch( "MyAssembly",
      "The switch for this assembly" );


        <add name="MyAssembly" value="3" />


    另一个任务:你须要配置你的输出到什么地方去。 默认是一个链接到Trace类上的监听者:一个DefaultTraceListener对象。DefaultTraceListener发送信息到调试器,而且在它的失败方法(断言失败时调用)会打印一些诊断信息然后终止程序。在产品发布环境中,你不可能看到这样的信息。但你可是以配置不同的监听对象到产品发布环境中:那就是在应用程序的配置文件中添加监听者。下面就添加了一个TextWriterTraceListener 到应用程序中:

      <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="0">
          <add name="MyListener"



    internal class MyAssemblyDiagnostics
      static private TraceSwitch myAssemblySwitch =
        new TraceSwitch( "MyAssembly",
        "The switch for this assembly" );

      internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, object o )
        Trace.WriteLineIf( myAssemblySwitch.Level >= l,
          o, "MyAssembly" );

      internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, string s )
        Trace.WriteLineIf( myAssemblySwitch.Level >= l,
          s, "MyAssembly" );

      // Add additional output methods to suit.


    public void Method1( )
      MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Info,
        "Entering Method1." );

      bool rVal = DoMoreWork( );

      if( rVal == false )
        MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Warning,
          "DoMoreWork Failed in Method1" );

      MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Info,
        "Exiting Method1." );


    internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, object o )
      Trace.WriteLineIf ( librarySwitch.Level >= l ||
        globalSwitch.Level >= l,
        o, "MyLibrary" );

    internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, string s )
      Trace.WriteLineIf( librarySwitch.Level >= l ||
        globalSwitch.Level >= l,
        s, "MyLibrary" );


    在实际环境中,对于已经布署的应用程序,诊断库对于程序诊断和维护是必须的。但你自己不必写这些诊断库:.Net FCL已经完成了核心的功能。尽可能完全的使用它们,然后在满足特殊要求时扩展它们。这样,即使是在产品发布的环境中也可以捕获所有的问题。

    Item 36: Leverage .NET Runtime Diagnostics
    Problems happen. They don't always happen in the lab, on machines you can easily debug. The problems you can't fix always seem to occur on one user's machine in the field, with no debugging environment and no way to figure out the cause. Experienced developers have learned to build in the capability to capture as much information as possible from systems running in the field. The .NET Framework includes a set of classes that you can use to generate diagnostics. These are configurable at runtime or compile time. If you leverage them, you can more quickly find problems that occur only in the field. Using code already in the framework, you can send diagnostic messages to a file, to the system logger, or to a debugging terminal. In addition, you can specify the level of debugging output that your program produces. You should use these features early in your development and make sure that you can produce the output you need to fix unanticipated problems in the field. Don't write your own diagnostic library until you understand what's already provided.

    The System.Diagnostics.Debug, System.Diagnostics.Trace, and System.Diagnostics.EventLog classes provide all the tools you need to create diagnostic information from a running program. The first two classes have almost identical capabilities. The difference is that the trace class methods are controlled by the TRACE preprocessor symbol, and the Debug class methods are controlled by the DEBUG preprocessor symbol. When you create a project with VS .NET, the trACE symbol is defined for both release and debug builds, while the DEBUG symbol is defined only for debug builds. You create all your release build diagnostics using the TRace class. The EventLog class provides entry points so that your application can write to the system event log. The EventLog class does not support runtime configuration, but you can wrap it to conform to the same interface illustrated shortly.

    You can also control the diagnostic output at runtime. The .NET Framework uses an application-configuration file to control a variety of runtime settings. This file is an XML document, located in the same directory as the main executable. The file shares the same name as the executable, with .config appended. For example, MyApplication.exe would be controlled by the MyApplication.exe.config XML document. All the configuration information is contained in a configuration node:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


    The .NET Framework uses predefined keys to control the behavior of framework classes. In addition, you can define your own configuration keys and values.

    You combine the TRace.WriteLineIf() method and traceSwitches to control the granularity of the output that your application generates. You turn off output by default so that you get the most performance possible out of your application. When you find problems, you can ratchet up the output to diagnose and correct any problems you find in the field. WriteLineIf() generates output only when an expression evaluates to true:

    bool _printDiagnostics = true;
    Trace.WriteLineIf( _printDiagnostics,
      "Printing Diagnostics Today", "MySubSystem" );

    You create traceSwitches to control the level of output. A traceSwitch is a variable set using the application-configuration file to one of five states: Off, Error, Warning, Info, and Verbose. These states are part of an enumeration and have values from 0 to 4. You can create a switch for each subsystem to control its messages. To create the switch, declare a variable of the traceSwitch class and construct it:

    static private TraceSwitch librarySwitch = new
      TraceSwitch( "MyAssembly",
      "The switch for this assembly" );

    The first parameter is the display name for the switch; the second parameter is the description. You set the value of the switch at runtime in the application configuration file. The following snippet sets the librarySwitch to Info:

        <add name="MyAssembly" value="3" />

    If you edit the config file's value of the switch, you modify the output generated by all statements controlled by that switch.

    One more task: You need to configure where your trace output goes. By default, one listener is connected to the TRace class: a DefaultTraceListener object. The DefaultTraceListener sends messages to the debugger, and its Fail method (called when asserts fail) prints a diagnostic messages and terminates the program. In a production environment, you won't see any of the messages. You can configure a different listener in a production environment; you add listeners in the application configuration file. The following snippet adds a TextWriterTraceListener to your application:

      <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="0">
          <add name="MyListener"

    This TextWriterTraceListener prints all diagnostic information to the MyListener.log file. The name attribute specifies the name for the listener. The type specifies the type of object to create as a listener; it must be derived from System.Diagnostics.TraceListener. On those rare occasions when the standard listener classes in the .NET Framework are not enough for you, create your own listener class. The initializeData value is a string that gets passed to the object's constructor. TextWriterTraceListeners use this value for the filename.

    You can extend these basics a bit to make it easier to create diagnostics for each assembly you distribute in your application. For each assembly you create, add a class to track the diagnostics generated by that assembly:

    internal class MyAssemblyDiagnostics
      static private TraceSwitch myAssemblySwitch =
        new TraceSwitch( "MyAssembly",
        "The switch for this assembly" );

      internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, object o )
        Trace.WriteLineIf( myAssemblySwitch.Level >= l,
          o, "MyAssembly" );

      internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, string s )
        Trace.WriteLineIf( myAssemblySwitch.Level >= l,
          s, "MyAssembly" );

      // Add additional output methods to suit.

    The MyAssemblyDiagnostices class creates diagnostic messages for the assembly, depending on a switch for that assembly. To generate a message, call either of the overloaded Msg routines:

    public void Method1( )
      MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Info,
        "Entering Method1." );

      bool rVal = DoMoreWork( );

      if( rVal == false )
        MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Warning,
          "DoMoreWork Failed in Method1" );

      MyAssemblyDiagnostics.Msg( TraceLevel.Info,
        "Exiting Method1." );

    You can also combine the assembly-specific switch with a global switch to control the entire application's output:

    internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, object o )
      Trace.WriteLineIf ( librarySwitch.Level >= l ||
        globalSwitch.Level >= l,
        o, "MyLibrary" );

    internal static void Msg( TraceLevel l, string s )
      Trace.WriteLineIf( librarySwitch.Level >= l ||
        globalSwitch.Level >= l,
        s, "MyLibrary" );

    This enables you to control application-wide diagnostics and more finely control an individual library's output. You can set the application-level diagnostics to the Error level to find errors anywhere in the application. When you have isolated the problem, you can raise the level of that one library's output to a higher level and find the exact source of the problem.

    Diagnostic libraries are necessary to diagnose and maintain programs that have been distributed to the field. Don't write your own diagnostic library: The .NET FCL already has the core features you need. Use it to the fullest and then extend it for your own purposes, and you will capture all problems, even in production environments

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WuCountry/p/690391.html
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