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  • ReactNative: 了解相机第三方库react-native-camera的使用





    npm install react-native-camera@latest --save




    (3)找到并选中添加的RNCamera.xcodeproj工程,配置Build Settings选项卡中的Header Search Paths路径



    export class RNCamera extends Component<RNCameraProps & ViewProperties> {
      static Constants: Constants;
      _cameraRef: null | NativeMethodsMixinStatic;
      _cameraHandle: ReturnType<typeof findNodeHandle>;
      //参数 TakePictureOptions:表示的一下拍照时相机的配置选项
      //返回值 Promise: 异步函数,TakePictureResponse为拍照的响应
      takePictureAsync(options?: TakePictureOptions): Promise<TakePictureResponse>;
      //参数 RecordOptions:表示的一下录制时相机的配置选项
      //返回值 Promise: 异步函数,RecordResponse为录制的响应
      recordAsync(options?: RecordOptions): Promise<RecordResponse>;
      //返回值 Promise: 异步函数,void无结果
      refreshAuthorizationStatus(): Promise<void>;
      stopRecording(): void;
      pausePreview(): void;
      resumePreview(): void;
      //返回值 Promise: 异步函数,字符串结果
      getAvailablePictureSizes(): Promise<string[]>;
      /** Android only */
      getSupportedRatiosAsync(): Promise<string[]>;
      /** iOS only */
      isRecording(): Promise<boolean>;



    export interface RNCameraProps {
      children?: ReactNode | FaCC;
      autoFocus?: keyof AutoFocus;
      autoFocusPointOfInterest?: Point;
      /* iOS only */
      onSubjectAreaChanged?: (event: { nativeEvent: { prevPoint: { x: number; y: number; } } }) => void;
      type?: keyof CameraType;
      flashMode?: keyof FlashMode;
      notAuthorizedView?: JSX.Element;
      pendingAuthorizationView?: JSX.Element;
      useCamera2Api?: boolean;
      exposure?: number;
      whiteBalance?: keyof WhiteBalance;
      captureAudio?: boolean;
      onCameraReady?(): void;
      onStatusChange?(event: {
        cameraStatus: keyof CameraStatus;
        recordAudioPermissionStatus: keyof RecordAudioPermissionStatus;
      }): void;
      onMountError?(error: { message: string }): void;
      /** iOS only */
      onAudioInterrupted?(): void;
      onAudioConnected?(): void;
      /** Value: float from 0 to 1.0 */
      zoom?: number;
      /** iOS only. float from 0 to any. Locks the max zoom value to the provided value
        A value <= 1 will use the camera's max zoom, while a value > 1
        will use that value as the max available zoom
      maxZoom?: number;
      /** Value: float from 0 to 1.0 */
      focusDepth?: number;
      // -- BARCODE PROPS
      barCodeTypes?: Array<keyof BarCodeType>;
      googleVisionBarcodeType?: Constants['GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection']['BarcodeType'];
      googleVisionBarcodeMode?: Constants['GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection']['BarcodeMode'];
      onBarCodeRead?(event: {
        data: string;
        rawData?: string;
        type: keyof BarCodeType;
         * @description For Android use `{  number, height: number, origin: Array<Point<string>> }`
         * @description For iOS use `{ origin: Point<string>, size: Size<string> }`
        bounds: {  number, height: number, origin: Array<Point<string>> } | { origin: Point<string>; size: Size<string> };
      }): void;
      onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected?(event: {
        barcodes: Barcode[];
      }): void;
      onFacesDetected?(response: { faces: Face[] }): void;
      onFaceDetectionError?(response: { isOperational: boolean }): void;
      faceDetectionMode?: keyof FaceDetectionMode;
      faceDetectionLandmarks?: keyof FaceDetectionLandmarks;
      faceDetectionClassifications?: keyof FaceDetectionClassifications;
      trackingEnabled?: boolean;
      onTextRecognized?(response: { textBlocks: TrackedTextFeature[] }): void;
      /** Android only */
      ratio?: string;
      /** Android only - Deprecated */
      permissionDialogTitle?: string;
      /** Android only - Deprecated */
      permissionDialogMessage?: string;
      /** Android only */
      playSoundOnCapture?: boolean;
      androidCameraPermissionOptions?: {
        title: string;
        message: string;
        buttonPositive?: string;
        buttonNegative?: string;
        buttonNeutral?: string;
      } | null;
      androidRecordAudioPermissionOptions?: {
        title: string;
        message: string;
        buttonPositive?: string;
        buttonNegative?: string;
        buttonNeutral?: string;
      } | null;
      // -- IOS ONLY PROPS
      defaultVideoQuality?: keyof VideoQuality;
      /* if true, audio session will not be released on component unmount */
      keepAudioSession?: boolean;


    export interface Constants {
      CameraStatus: CameraStatus;
      AutoFocus: AutoFocus;
      FlashMode: FlashMode;
      VideoCodec: VideoCodec;
      Type: CameraType;
      WhiteBalance: WhiteBalance;
      VideoQuality: VideoQuality;
      BarCodeType: BarCodeType;
      FaceDetection: {
        Classifications: FaceDetectionClassifications;
        Landmarks: FaceDetectionLandmarks;
        Mode: FaceDetectionMode;
      GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection: {
        BarcodeType: GoogleVisionBarcodeType;
        BarcodeMode: GoogleVisionBarcodeMode;
      Orientation: {
        auto: 'auto';
        landscapeLeft: 'landscapeLeft';
        landscapeRight: 'landscapeRight';
        portrait: 'portrait';
        portraitUpsideDown: 'portraitUpsideDown';


    interface TakePictureOptions {
      quality?: number;
      orientation?: keyof Orientation | OrientationNumber;
      base64?: boolean;
      exif?: boolean;
      width?: number;
      mirrorImage?: boolean;
      doNotSave?: boolean;
      pauseAfterCapture?: boolean;
      writeExif?: boolean | { [name: string]: any };
      /** Android only */
      fixOrientation?: boolean;
      /** iOS only */
      forceUpOrientation?: boolean;


    export interface TakePictureResponse {
      height: number;
      uri: string;
      base64?: string;
      exif?: { [name: string]: any };
      pictureOrientation: number;
      deviceOrientation: number;


    interface RecordOptions {
      quality?: keyof VideoQuality;
      orientation?: keyof Orientation | OrientationNumber;
      maxDuration?: number;
      maxFileSize?: number;
      mute?: boolean;
      mirrorVideo?: boolean;
      path?: string;
      videoBitrate?: number;
      /** iOS only */
      codec?: keyof VideoCodec | VideoCodec[keyof VideoCodec];


    export interface RecordResponse {
      /** Path to the video saved on your app's cache directory. */
      uri: string;
      videoOrientation: number;
      deviceOrientation: number;
      isRecordingInterrupted: boolean;
      /** iOS only */
      codec: VideoCodec[keyof VideoCodec];


    // Type definitions for react-native-camera 1.0
    // Definitions by: Felipe Constantino <https://github.com/fconstant>
    //                 Trent Jones <https://github.com/FizzBuzz791>
    // If you modify this file, put your GitHub info here as well (for easy contacting purposes)
     * Author notes:
     * I've tried to find a easy tool to convert from Flow to Typescript definition files (.d.ts).
     * So we woudn't have to do it manually... Sadly, I haven't found it.
     * If you are seeing this from the future, please, send us your cutting-edge technology :) (if it exists)
    import { Component, ReactNode } from 'react';
    import { NativeMethodsMixinStatic, ViewProperties, findNodeHandle } from 'react-native';
    type Orientation = Readonly<{
      auto: any;
      landscapeLeft: any;
      landscapeRight: any;
      portrait: any;
      portraitUpsideDown: any;
    type OrientationNumber = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
    type AutoFocus = Readonly<{ on: any; off: any }>;
    type FlashMode = Readonly<{ on: any; off: any; torch: any; auto: any }>;
    type CameraType = Readonly<{ front: any; back: any }>;
    type WhiteBalance = Readonly<{
      sunny: any;
      cloudy: any;
      shadow: any;
      incandescent: any;
      fluorescent: any;
      auto: any;
    type BarCodeType = Readonly<{
      aztec: any;
      code128: any;
      code39: any;
      code39mod43: any;
      code93: any;
      ean13: any;
      ean8: any;
      pdf417: any;
      qr: any;
      upc_e: any;
      interleaved2of5: any;
      itf14: any;
      datamatrix: any;
    type VideoQuality = Readonly<{
      '2160p': any;
      '1080p': any;
      '720p': any;
      '480p': any;
      '4:3': any;
      /** iOS Only. Android not supported. */
      '288p': any;
    type VideoCodec = Readonly<{
      H264: symbol;
      JPEG: symbol;
      HVEC: symbol;
      AppleProRes422: symbol;
      AppleProRes4444: symbol;
    type FaceDetectionClassifications = Readonly<{ all: any; none: any }>;
    type FaceDetectionLandmarks = Readonly<{ all: any; none: any }>;
    type FaceDetectionMode = Readonly<{ fast: any; accurate: any }>;
    type GoogleVisionBarcodeType = Readonly<{
      CODE_128: any;
      CODE_39: any;
      CODABAR: any;
      DATA_MATRIX: any;
      EAN_13: any;
      EAN_8: any;
      ITF: any;
      QR_CODE: any;
      UPC_A: any;
      UPC_E: any;
      PDF417: any;
      AZTEC: any;
      ALL: any;
    type GoogleVisionBarcodeMode = Readonly<{ NORMAL: any; ALTERNATE: any; INVERTED: any }>;
    // FaCC (Function as Child Components)
    type Self<T> = { [P in keyof T]: P };
    type CameraStatus = Readonly<Self<{ READY: any; PENDING_AUTHORIZATION: any; NOT_AUTHORIZED: any }>>;
    type RecordAudioPermissionStatus = Readonly<
    type FaCC = (
      params: {
        camera: RNCamera;
        status: keyof CameraStatus;
        recordAudioPermissionStatus: keyof RecordAudioPermissionStatus;
    ) => JSX.Element;
    export interface Constants {
      CameraStatus: CameraStatus;
      AutoFocus: AutoFocus;
      FlashMode: FlashMode;
      VideoCodec: VideoCodec;
      Type: CameraType;
      WhiteBalance: WhiteBalance;
      VideoQuality: VideoQuality;
      BarCodeType: BarCodeType;
      FaceDetection: {
        Classifications: FaceDetectionClassifications;
        Landmarks: FaceDetectionLandmarks;
        Mode: FaceDetectionMode;
      GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection: {
        BarcodeType: GoogleVisionBarcodeType;
        BarcodeMode: GoogleVisionBarcodeMode;
      Orientation: {
        auto: 'auto';
        landscapeLeft: 'landscapeLeft';
        landscapeRight: 'landscapeRight';
        portrait: 'portrait';
        portraitUpsideDown: 'portraitUpsideDown';
    export interface RNCameraProps {
      children?: ReactNode | FaCC;
      autoFocus?: keyof AutoFocus;
      autoFocusPointOfInterest?: Point;
      /* iOS only */
      onSubjectAreaChanged?: (event: { nativeEvent: { prevPoint: { x: number; y: number; } } }) => void;
      type?: keyof CameraType;
      flashMode?: keyof FlashMode;
      notAuthorizedView?: JSX.Element;
      pendingAuthorizationView?: JSX.Element;
      useCamera2Api?: boolean;
      exposure?: number;
      whiteBalance?: keyof WhiteBalance;
      captureAudio?: boolean;
      onCameraReady?(): void;
      onStatusChange?(event: {
        cameraStatus: keyof CameraStatus;
        recordAudioPermissionStatus: keyof RecordAudioPermissionStatus;
      }): void;
      onMountError?(error: { message: string }): void;
      /** iOS only */
      onAudioInterrupted?(): void;
      onAudioConnected?(): void;
      /** Value: float from 0 to 1.0 */
      zoom?: number;
      /** iOS only. float from 0 to any. Locks the max zoom value to the provided value
        A value <= 1 will use the camera's max zoom, while a value > 1
        will use that value as the max available zoom
      maxZoom?: number;
      /** Value: float from 0 to 1.0 */
      focusDepth?: number;
      // -- BARCODE PROPS
      barCodeTypes?: Array<keyof BarCodeType>;
      googleVisionBarcodeType?: Constants['GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection']['BarcodeType'];
      googleVisionBarcodeMode?: Constants['GoogleVisionBarcodeDetection']['BarcodeMode'];
      onBarCodeRead?(event: {
        data: string;
        rawData?: string;
        type: keyof BarCodeType;
         * @description For Android use `{  number, height: number, origin: Array<Point<string>> }`
         * @description For iOS use `{ origin: Point<string>, size: Size<string> }`
        bounds: {  number, height: number, origin: Array<Point<string>> } | { origin: Point<string>; size: Size<string> };
      }): void;
      onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected?(event: {
        barcodes: Barcode[];
      }): void;
      onFacesDetected?(response: { faces: Face[] }): void;
      onFaceDetectionError?(response: { isOperational: boolean }): void;
      faceDetectionMode?: keyof FaceDetectionMode;
      faceDetectionLandmarks?: keyof FaceDetectionLandmarks;
      faceDetectionClassifications?: keyof FaceDetectionClassifications;
      trackingEnabled?: boolean;
      onTextRecognized?(response: { textBlocks: TrackedTextFeature[] }): void;
      /** Android only */
      ratio?: string;
      /** Android only - Deprecated */
      permissionDialogTitle?: string;
      /** Android only - Deprecated */
      permissionDialogMessage?: string;
      /** Android only */
      playSoundOnCapture?: boolean;
      androidCameraPermissionOptions?: {
        title: string;
        message: string;
        buttonPositive?: string;
        buttonNegative?: string;
        buttonNeutral?: string;
      } | null;
      androidRecordAudioPermissionOptions?: {
        title: string;
        message: string;
        buttonPositive?: string;
        buttonNegative?: string;
        buttonNeutral?: string;
      } | null;
      // -- IOS ONLY PROPS
      defaultVideoQuality?: keyof VideoQuality;
      /* if true, audio session will not be released on component unmount */
      keepAudioSession?: boolean;
    interface Point<T = number> {
      x: T;
      y: T;
    interface Size<T = number> {
      height: T;
    export interface Barcode {
      bounds: {
        size: Size;
        origin: Point;
      data: string;
      dataRaw: string;
      type: BarcodeType;
      format?: string;
      addresses?: {
        addressesType?: "UNKNOWN" | "Work" | "Home";
        addressLines?: string[];
      emails?: Email[];
      phones?: Phone[];
      urls?: string[];
      name?: {
        firstName?: string;
        lastName?: string;
        middleName?: string;
        formattedName?: string;
      phone?: Phone;
      organization?: string;
      latitude?: number;
      longitude?: number;
      ssid?: string;
      password?: string;
      encryptionType?: string;
      title?: string;
      url?: string;
      firstName?: string;
      middleName?: string;
      lastName?: string;
      gender?: string;
      addressCity?: string;
      addressState?: string;
      addressStreet?: string;
      addressZip?: string;
      birthDate?: string;
      documentType?: string;
      licenseNumber?: string;
      expiryDate?: string;
      issuingDate?: string;
      issuingCountry?: string;
      eventDescription?: string;
      location?: string;
      organizer?: string;
      status?: string;
      summary?: string;
      start?: string;
      end?: string;
      email?: Email;
      phoneNumber?: string;
      message?: string;
    export type BarcodeType =
    export interface Email {
      address?: string;
      body?: string;
      subject?: string;
      emailType?: "UNKNOWN" | "Work" | "Home";
    export interface Phone {
      number?: string;
      phoneType?: "UNKNOWN" | "Work" | "Home" | "Fax" | "Mobile";
    export interface Face {
      faceID?: number;
      bounds: {
        size: Size;
        origin: Point;
      smilingProbability?: number;
      leftEarPosition?: Point;
      rightEarPosition?: Point;
      leftEyePosition?: Point;
      leftEyeOpenProbability?: number;
      rightEyePosition?: Point;
      rightEyeOpenProbability?: number;
      leftCheekPosition?: Point;
      rightCheekPosition?: Point;
      leftMouthPosition?: Point;
      mouthPosition?: Point;
      rightMouthPosition?: Point;
      bottomMouthPosition?: Point;
      noseBasePosition?: Point;
      yawAngle?: number;
      rollAngle?: number;
    export interface TrackedTextFeature {
      type: 'block' | 'line' | 'element';
      bounds: {
        size: Size;
        origin: Point;
      value: string;
      components: TrackedTextFeature[];
    interface TakePictureOptions {
      quality?: number;
      orientation?: keyof Orientation | OrientationNumber;
      base64?: boolean;
      exif?: boolean;
      width?: number;
      mirrorImage?: boolean;
      doNotSave?: boolean;
      pauseAfterCapture?: boolean;
      writeExif?: boolean | { [name: string]: any };
      /** Android only */
      fixOrientation?: boolean;
      /** iOS only */
      forceUpOrientation?: boolean;
    export interface TakePictureResponse {
      height: number;
      uri: string;
      base64?: string;
      exif?: { [name: string]: any };
      pictureOrientation: number;
      deviceOrientation: number;
    interface RecordOptions {
      quality?: keyof VideoQuality;
      orientation?: keyof Orientation | OrientationNumber;
      maxDuration?: number;
      maxFileSize?: number;
      mute?: boolean;
      mirrorVideo?: boolean;
      path?: string;
      videoBitrate?: number;
      /** iOS only */
      codec?: keyof VideoCodec | VideoCodec[keyof VideoCodec];
    export interface RecordResponse {
      /** Path to the video saved on your app's cache directory. */
      uri: string;
      videoOrientation: number;
      deviceOrientation: number;
      isRecordingInterrupted: boolean;
      /** iOS only */
      codec: VideoCodec[keyof VideoCodec];
    export class RNCamera extends Component<RNCameraProps & ViewProperties> {
      static Constants: Constants;
      _cameraRef: null | NativeMethodsMixinStatic;
      _cameraHandle: ReturnType<typeof findNodeHandle>;
      takePictureAsync(options?: TakePictureOptions): Promise<TakePictureResponse>;
      recordAsync(options?: RecordOptions): Promise<RecordResponse>;
      refreshAuthorizationStatus(): Promise<void>;
      stopRecording(): void;
      pausePreview(): void;
      resumePreview(): void;
      getAvailablePictureSizes(): Promise<string[]>;
      /** Android only */
      getSupportedRatiosAsync(): Promise<string[]>;
      /** iOS only */
      isRecording(): Promise<boolean>;
    interface DetectionOptions {
      mode?: keyof FaceDetectionMode;
      detectLandmarks?: keyof FaceDetectionLandmarks;
      runClassifications?: keyof FaceDetectionClassifications;
    export class FaceDetector {
      private constructor();
      static Constants: Constants['FaceDetection'];
      static detectFacesAsync(uri: string, options?: DetectionOptions): Promise<Face[]>;
     * @deprecated As of 1.0.0 release, RCTCamera is deprecated. Please use RNCamera for the latest fixes and improvements.
    export default class RCTCamera extends Component<any> {
      static constants: any;
    View Code



    切记要添加授权字段:Privacy - Camera Usage Description、Privacy - Microphone Usage Description。代码示例如下:

     * Sample React Native App
     * https://github.com/facebook/react-native
     * @flow
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import {
    } from 'react-native';
    import {RNCamera, TakePictureResponse} from 'react-native-camera';
    export default class ReactNativeDemo extends Component {
        state = { cameraType: RNCamera.Constants.Type.back };
            //data: string;
            //rawData?: string;
            //type: keyof BarCodeType;
              //For iOS use `{ origin: Point<string>, size: Size<string> }`
              //For Android use `{  number, height: number, origin: Array<Point<string>> }`
        //切换摄像头方向     undefined is not an object (evaluating 'state.cameraType')
                cameraType: (this.state.cameraType === RNCamera.Constants.Type.back) ?
                    RNCamera.Constants.Type.front : RNCamera.Constants.Type.back
            // let state = this.state;
            // state.cameraType = (state.cameraType === RNCamera.Constants.Type.back) ?
            //     RNCamera.Constants.Type.front : RNCamera.Constants.Type.back;
            // this.setState(state);
            this.refs.camera.takePictureAsync().then( (response) => {
            }).catch((error => {
        render() {
            return (
                    <TouchableHighlight onPress={this._switchCamera.bind(this)}>
                        <Text style={styles.switch}>Switch Camera</Text>
                    <TouchableHighlight onPress={this._takePicture.bind(this)}>
                        <Text style={styles.picture}>Take Picture</Text>
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
        container: {
            flex: 1,
            justifyContent: 'center',
            alignItems: 'center',
            backgroundColor: 'transparent'
        switch: {
            marginTop: 30,
            textAlign: 'center',
            fontSize: 30,
            color: 'red'
        picture: {
            marginTop: 30,
            textAlign: 'center',
            fontSize: 30,
            color: 'red'
    AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativeDemo', () => ReactNativeDemo);






    2020-01-11 10:52:23.940 [info][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] response.uri:file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F36A8D1A-2F96-4E24-B2D8-9755AD1FF488/Library/Caches/Camera/F4B30B4E-69C5-4D61-B2AE-99426AED52F2.jpg
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/XYQ-208910/p/12176757.html
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