Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.
Note: You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).
方法:参考LeetCode discuss中探讨。
- Get the max profit with one transaction to the full array. Keep down the start and end positions.
the start and end positions will be included in the result of two transaction. It falls into two categories: A) it is one full transaction, B) they belong to two separate transactions(start belongs to first transaction and end belongs to second transaction).
if A)-- get max profit with one transaction to subarray from 0 to start ; get max profit with one transaction to subarray from end to prices.length.
if B)-- get the max profit with one transaction within ****start and end** in **reverse order****
return the max profit in those cases
class Solution { public: int len; int minIndex,maxIndex; int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { len = prices.size(); if(len<2) return 0; set<int> max_profit; find_minAndMaxIndex(0,len-1,prices); int min = minIndex; int max = maxIndex; //max_profit = prices[maxIndex] - prices[minIndex]; //case A find_minAndMaxIndex(0,min-1,prices); max_profit.insert(prices[maxIndex] - prices[minIndex]+prices[max] - prices[min]); find_minAndMaxIndex(max+1,len-1,prices); max_profit.insert(prices[maxIndex] - prices[minIndex]+prices[max] - prices[min]); //case B vector<int> ReversePrices; for(int j=max-1;j>min;j--){ ReversePrices.push_back(prices[j]); } find_minAndMaxIndex(0, ReversePrices.size()-1,ReversePrices); if(ReversePrices.empty()) max_profit.insert(prices[max] - prices[min]); else max_profit.insert(ReversePrices[maxIndex] - prices[min]+prices[max] - ReversePrices[minIndex]); set<int>::iterator iter = max_profit.end(); iter--; return *iter; } private: void find_minAndMaxIndex(int startIndex,int endIndex,vector<int> &prices){ minIndex=startIndex; maxIndex=startIndex; int minIndexNew = minIndex; int maxProfit = 0; if(startIndex<0||startIndex>=len|| endIndex>=len|| endIndex<0 || startIndex>=endIndex) return ; int min_price = prices[startIndex]; int max_price = prices[startIndex]; for(int i=startIndex+1;i<=endIndex;i++){//找到最小价格和最大价格的下标 if(prices[i]<min_price){ minIndexNew = i; min_price = prices[i]; } else if(maxProfit < prices[i]-min_price){ minIndex = minIndexNew; maxIndex = i; maxProfit = prices[i]-min_price; } }//end for } };