import math a,b,c = input().split(',') a = float(a) b = float(b) c = float(c) if a + b > c and a + c > b and b + c > a: print('周长%f'%(a + b + c)) p = (a + b + c)/2 area = math.sqrt( p * ( p - a ) * ( p - b )*( p - c )) print('面积%f'%(area)) else: print('不能构成三角形')
练习 求平均值
flag = 0 sum = 0 while 1: print('Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0: ') shu = input() if shu != '0' : sum = sum + float(shu) flag +=1 else: break ave = float(sum/flag) print('平均值是%f' %ave)
练习 个人所得税计算器
salary = float(input('本月收入: ')) insurance = float(input('五险一金: ')) diff = salary - insurance - 3500 if diff <= 0: rate = 0 deduction = 0 elif diff < 1500: rate = 0.03 deduction = 0 elif diff < 4500: rate = 0.1 deduction = 105 elif diff < 9000: rate = 0.2 deduction = 555 elif diff < 35000: rate = 0.25 deduction = 1005 elif diff < 55000: rate = 0.3 deduction = 2755 elif diff < 80000: rate = 0.35 deduction = 5505 else: rate = 0.45 deduction = 13505 tax = abs(diff * rate - deduction) print('个人所得税: ¥%.2f元' % tax) print('实际到手收入: ¥%.2f元' % (diff + 3500 - tax))
验证码 import random import numpy as np import string print('开始生成验证码') s = string.ascii_lowercase str1 = "" for i in range (3): for i in range(0,4): a = random.choice(s) b = np.random.choice([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]) c = random.choice([a,b]) print(c,end="") str1 = str(str1)+str(c) print('') shuru = input('请输入验证码') if shuru == str1 : print('成功') break else: print('再试一次')
import itertools username = 'admin' print('输入一个6位以内纯数字密码') password = int(input()) print('开始爆破') for i in range (0,999999): print(i) if int(i) == password: print('爆破成功,密码%s' %i) break else: continue
import numpy as np res = np.random.choice(['0','1','2']) x=input('输入0、剪刀 1、石头 2、布') if res=='0': if x=='0': print("tie") elif x=='1': print('loser') else: print('win') elif res=='1': if x=='2': print("win") elif x=='0': print('tie') else: print('loser') else: if x=='2': print("loser") elif x=='1': print('win') else: print('tie')