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  • Android自动化测试AppiumLibrary库关键字



    AppiumLibrary is a Mobile App testing library for Robot Framework.

    Locating or specifying elements

    All keywords in AppiumLibrary that need to find an element on the page take an argument, either a locator or a webelementlocator is a string that describes how to locate an element using a syntax specifying different location strategies. webelement is a variable that holds a WebElement instance, which is a representation of the element.

    Using locators

    By default, when a locator is provided, it is matched against the key attributes of the particular element type. For iOS and Android, key attribute is id for all elements and locating elements is easy using just the id. For example:

    Click Element    id=my_element

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4, id and xpath are not required to be specified, however xpath should start with // else just use xpath locator as explained below.

    For example:

    Click Element    my_element
    Wait Until Page Contains Element    //*[@type="android.widget.EditText"]

    Appium additionally supports some of the Mobile JSON Wire Protocol locator strategies. It is also possible to specify the approach AppiumLibrary should take to find an element by specifying a lookup strategy with a locator prefix. Supported strategies are:

    Strategy Example Description Note
    identifier Click Element | identifier=my_element Matches by @id attribute  
    id Click Element | id=my_element Matches by @resource-id attribute  
    accessibility_id Click Element | accessibility_id=button3 Accessibility options utilize.  
    xpath Click Element | xpath=//UIATableView/UIATableCell/UIAButton Matches with arbitrary XPath  
    class Click Element | class=UIAPickerWheel Matches by class  
    android Click Element | android=UiSelector().description('Apps') Matches by Android UI Automator  
    ios Click Element | ios=.buttons().withName('Apps') Matches by iOS UI Automation  
    nsp Click Element | nsp=name=="login" Matches by iOSNsPredicate Check PR: #196
    css Click Element | css=.green_button Matches by css in webview  
    name Click Element | name=my_element Matches by @name attribute Only valid for Selendroid

    Using webelements

    Starting with version 1.4 of the AppiumLibrary, one can pass an argument that contains a WebElement instead of a string locator. To get a WebElement, use the new Get WebElements or Get WebElement keyword.

    For example:

    @{elements}    Get Webelements    class="UIAButton"
    Click Element    @{elements}[2]


    timeout=5, run_on_failure=Capture Page Screenshot

    AppiumLibrary can be imported with optional arguments.

    timeout is the default timeout used to wait for all waiting actions. It can be later set with Set Appium Timeout.

    run_on_failure specifies the name of a keyword (from any available libraries) to execute when a AppiumLibrary keyword fails.

    By default Capture Page Screenshot will be used to take a screenshot of the current page. Using the value No Operation will disable this feature altogether. See Register Keyword To Run On Failure keyword for more information about this functionality.


    Library AppiumLibrary 10 # Sets default timeout to 10 seconds  
    Library AppiumLibrary timeout=10 run_on_failure=No Operation # Sets default timeout to 10 seconds and does nothing on failure


    Background App · Capture Page Screenshot · Clear Text · Click A Point · Click Button · Click Element · Click Element At Coordinates · Click Text · Close All Applications · Close Application · Element Attribute Should Match · Element Name Should Be · Element Should Be Disabled · Element Should Be Enabled · Element Should Be Visible · Element Should Contain Text · Element Should Not Contain Text · Element Text Should Be · Element Value Should Be · Execute Async Script · Execute Script · Get Activity · Get Appium SessionId · Get Appium Timeout · Get Capability · Get Contexts · Get Current Context · Get Element Attribute · Get Element Location · Get Element Size · Get Matching Xpath Count · Get Network Connection Status · Get Source · Get Text · Get Webelement · Get Webelements · Get Window Height · Get Window Width · Go Back · Go To Url · Hide Keyboard · Input Password · Input Text · Input Value · Install App · Landscape · Launch Application · Lock · Log Source · Long Press · Long Press Keycode · Open Application · Page Should Contain Element · Page Should Contain Text · Page Should Not Contain Element · Page Should Not Contain Text · Pinch · Portrait · Press Keycode · Pull File · Pull Folder · Push File · Quit Application · Register Keyword To Run On Failure · Remove Application · Reset Application · Scroll · Scroll Down · Scroll Up · Set Appium Timeout · Set Location · Set Network Connection Status · Shake · Start Activity · Swipe · Swipe By Direction · Swipe By Percent · Switch Application · Switch To Context · Tap · Text Should Be Visible · Toggle Touch Id Enrollment · Touch Id · Wait Activity · Wait Until Element Is Visible · Wait Until Page Contains · Wait Until Page Contains Element · Wait Until Page Does Not Contain · Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element · Xpath Should Match X Times · Zoom


    Background App seconds=5

    Puts the application in the background on the device for a certain duration.

    Capture Page Screenshot filename=None

    Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.

    filename argument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. If no filename is given, the screenshot is saved into file appium-screenshot-<counter>.png under the directory where the Robot Framework log file is written into. The filename is also considered relative to the same directory, if it is not given in absolute format.

    css can be used to modify how the screenshot is taken. By default the bakground color is changed to avoid possible problems with background leaking when the page layout is somehow broken.

    Clear Text locator

    Clears the text field identified by locator.

    See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Click A Point x=0, y=0, duration=100

    Click on a point

    Click Button index_or_name

    Click button

    Click Element locator

    Click element identified by locator.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are index and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Click Element At Coordinates coordinate_X, coordinate_Y

    click element at a certain coordinate

    Click Text text, exact_match=False

    Click text identified by text.

    By default tries to click first text involves given text, if you would like to click exactly matching text, then set exact_match to True.

    If there are multiple use of text and you do not want first one, use locator with Get Web Elements instead.

    Close All Applications  

    Closes all open applications.

    This keyword is meant to be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all the applications are closed before the test execution finishes.

    After this keyword, the application indices returned by Open Application are reset and start from 1.

    Close Application  

    Closes the current application and also close webdriver session.

    Element Attribute Should Match locator, attr_name, match_pattern, regexp=False

    Verify that an attribute of an element matches the expected criteria.

    The element is identified by locator. See introduction for details about locating elements. If more than one element matches, the first element is selected.

    The attr_name is the name of the attribute within the selected element.

    The match_pattern is used for the matching, if the match_pattern is

    • boolean or 'True'/'true'/'False'/'false' String then a boolean match is applied
    • any other string is cause a string match

    The regexp defines whether the string match is done using regular expressions (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match Regexp or string pattern match (i.e. BuiltIn Library's Should Match)


    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text *foobar  
    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] text f.*ar regexp = True
    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'foo')] enabled True  
    1. is a string pattern match i.e. the 'text' attribute should end with the string 'foobar'
    2. is a regular expression match i.e. the regexp 'f.*ar' should be within the 'text' attribute
    3. is a boolead match i.e. the 'enabled' attribute should be True

    NOTE: On Android the supported attribute names are hard-coded in the AndroidElement Class's getBoolAttribute() and getStringAttribute() methods. Currently supported (appium v1.4.11): contentDescription, text, className, resourceId, enabled, checkable, checked, clickable, focusable, focused, longClickable, scrollable, selected, displayed

    NOTE: Some attributes can be evaluated in two different ways e.g. these evaluate the same thing:

    Element Attribute Should Match xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] name txt_field_name
    Element Name Should Be xpath = //*[contains(@text,'example text')] txt_field_name  
    Element Name Should Be locator, expected  
    Element Should Be Disabled locator, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that element identified with locator is disabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Element Should Be Enabled locator, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that element identified with locator is enabled.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Element Should Be Visible locator, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that element identified with locator is visible.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    Element Should Contain Text locator, expected, message=

    Verifies element identified by locator contains text expected.

    If you wish to assert an exact (not a substring) match on the text of the element, use Element Text Should Be.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and xpathmessage can be used to override the default error message.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Element Should Not Contain Text locator, expected, message=

    Verifies element identified by locator does not contain text expected.

    message can be used to override the default error message. See Element Should Contain Text for more details.

    Element Text Should Be locator, expected, message=

    Verifies element identified by locator exactly contains text expected.

    In contrast to Element Should Contain Text, this keyword does not try a substring match but an exact match on the element identified by locator.

    message can be used to override the default error message.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Element Value Should Be locator, expected  
    Execute Async Script script

    Inject a snippet of Async-JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame (Web context only).

    The executed script is assumed to be asynchronous and must signal that is done by invoking the provided callback, which is always provided as the final argument to the function.

    The value to this callback will be returned to the client.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.5

    Execute Script script

    Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame (Web context only).

    The executed script is assumed to be synchronous and the result of evaluating the script is returned to the client.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.5

    Get Activity  

    Retrieves the current activity on the device.

    Android only.

    Get Appium SessionId  

    Returns the current session ID as a reference

    Get Appium Timeout  

    Gets the timeout in seconds that is used by various keywords.

    See Set Appium Timeout for an explanation.

    Get Capability capability_name

    Return the desired capability value by desired capability name

    Get Contexts  

    Get available contexts.

    Get Current Context  

    Get current context.

    Get Element Attribute locator, attribute

    Get element attribute using given attribute: name, value,...


    Get Element Attribute locator name
    Get Element Attribute locator value
    Get Element Location locator

    Get element location

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Get Element Size locator

    Get element size

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Get Matching Xpath Count xpath

    Returns number of elements matching xpath

    One should not use the xpath= prefix for 'xpath'. XPath is assumed.

    ${count} Get Matching Xpath Count //android.view.View[@text='Test']
    ${count} Get Matching Xpath Count xpath=//android.view.View[@text='Test']

    If you wish to assert the number of matching elements, use Xpath Should Match X Times.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Get Network Connection Status  

    Returns an integer bitmask specifying the network connection type.

    Android only.

    See set network connection status for more details.

    Get Source  

    Returns the entire source of the current page.

    Get Text locator

    Get element text (for hybrid and mobile browser use xpath locator, others might cause problem)


    ${text} Get Text //*[contains(@text,'foo')]

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Get Webelement locator

    Returns the first WebElement object matching locator.


    ${element} Get Webelement id=my_element
    Click Element ${element}  

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Get Webelements locator

    Returns list of WebElement objects matching locator.


    @{elements} Get Webelements id=my_element
    Click Element @{elements}[2]  

    This keyword was changed in AppiumLibrary 1.4 in following ways:

    • Name is changed from Get Elements to current one.
    • Deprecated argument fail_on_error, use Run Keyword and Ignore Error if necessary.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Get Window Height  

    Get current device height.


    ${width} Get Window Height  
    ${height} Get Window Height  
    Click A Point ${width ${height}

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    Get Window Width  

    Get current device width.


    ${width} Get Window Height  
    ${height} Get Window Height  
    Click A Point ${width ${height}

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    Go Back  

    Goes one step backward in the browser history.

    Go To Url url

    Opens URL in default web browser.


    Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' browserName=Safari
    Go To URL http://m.webapp.com        
    Hide Keyboard key_name=None

    Hides the software keyboard on the device. (optional) In iOS, use key_name to press a particular key, ex. Done. In Android, no parameters are used.

    Input Password locator, text

    Types the given password into text field identified by locator.

    Difference between this keyword and Input Text is that this keyword does not log the given password. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Input Text locator, text

    Types the given text into text field identified by locator.

    See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Input Value locator, text

    Sets the given value into text field identified by locator. This is an IOS only keyword, input value makes use of set_value

    See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Install App app_path, app_package

    Install App via Appium

    Android only.

    • app_path - path to app
    • app_package - package of install app to verify

    Set the device orientation to LANDSCAPE

    Launch Application  

    Launch application. Application can be launched while Appium session running. This keyword can be used to launch application during test case or between test cases.

    This keyword works while Open Application has a test running. This is good practice to Launch Application and Quit Application between test cases. As Suite Setup is Open ApplicationTest Setup can be used to Launch Application

    Example (syntax is just a representation, refer to RF Guide for usage of Setup/Teardown):

    [Setup Suite]          
      Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=Android deviceName= app=${CURDIR}/demoapp/OrangeDemoApp.apk
    [Test Setup]          
      Launch Application        
        <<<test execution>>>      
        <<<test execution>>>      
    [Test Teardown]          
      Quit Application        
    [Suite Teardown]          
      Close Application        

    See Quit Application for quiting application but keeping Appium sesion running.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.6

    Lock seconds=5

    Lock the device for a certain period of time. iOS only.

    Log Source loglevel=INFO

    Logs and returns the entire html source of the current page or frame.

    The loglevel argument defines the used log level. Valid log levels are WARN, INFO (default), DEBUG, TRACE and NONE (no logging).

    Long Press locator, duration=1000

    Long press the element with optional duration

    Long Press Keycode keycode, metastate=None

    Sends a long press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    See press keycode for more details.

    Open Application remote_url, alias=None, **kwargs

    Opens a new application to given Appium server. Capabilities of appium server, Android and iOS, Please check https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/writing-running-appium/server-args.md

    Option Man. Description
    remote_url Yes Appium server url
    alias no alias


    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=Myapp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app  
    Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=Android platformVersion=4.2.2 deviceName= app=${CURDIR}/demoapp/OrangeDemoApp.apk appPackage=com.netease.qa.orangedemo appActivity=MainActivity
    Page Should Contain Element locator, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that current page contains locator element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging.

    Page Should Contain Text text, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that current page contains text.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging.

    Page Should Not Contain Element locator, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that current page not contains locator element.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging.

    Page Should Not Contain Text text, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that current page not contains text.

    If this keyword fails, it automatically logs the page source using the log level specified with the optional loglevel argument. Giving NONE as level disables logging.

    Pinch locator, percent=200%, steps=1

    Pinch in on an element a certain amount.


    Set the device orientation to PORTRAIT

    Press Keycode keycode, metastate=None

    Sends a press of keycode to the device.

    Android only.

    Possible keycodes & meta states can be found in http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html

    Meta state describe the pressed state of key modifiers such as Shift, Ctrl & Alt keys. The Meta State is an integer in which each bit set to 1 represents a pressed meta key.

    For example

    • META_SHIFT_ON = 1
    • META_ALT_ON = 2
    metastate=1 --> Shift is pressed
    metastate=2 --> Alt is pressed
    metastate=3 --> Shift+Alt is pressed
    • _keycode- - the keycode to be sent to the device
    • _metastate- - status of the meta keys
    Pull File path, decode=False

    Retrieves the file at path and return it's content.

    Android only.

    • path - the path to the file on the device
    • decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)
    Pull Folder path, decode=False

    Retrieves a folder at path. Returns the folder's contents zipped.

    Android only.

    • path - the path to the folder on the device
    • decode - True/False decode the data (base64) before returning it (default=False)
    Push File path, data, encode=False

    Puts the data in the file specified as path.

    Android only.

    • path - the path on the device
    • data - data to be written to the file
    • encode - True/False encode the data as base64 before writing it to the file (default=False)
    Quit Application  

    Quit application. Application can be quit while Appium session is kept alive. This keyword can be used to close application during test case or between test cases.

    See Launch Application for an explanation.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.6

    Register Keyword To Run On Failure keyword

    Sets the keyword to execute when a AppiumLibrary keyword fails.

    keyword_name is the name of a keyword (from any available libraries) that will be executed if a AppiumLibrary keyword fails. It is not possible to use a keyword that requires arguments. Using the value "Nothing" will disable this feature altogether.

    The initial keyword to use is set in importing, and the keyword that is used by default is Capture Page Screenshot. Taking a screenshot when something failed is a very useful feature, but notice that it can slow down the execution.

    This keyword returns the name of the previously registered failure keyword. It can be used to restore the original value later.


    Register Keyword To Run On Failure Log Source # Run Log Source on failure.  
    ${previous kw}= Register Keyword To Run On Failure Nothing # Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable.
    Register Keyword To Run On Failure ${previous kw} # Restore to the previous keyword.  

    This run-on-failure functionality only works when running tests on Python/Jython 2.4 or newer and it does not work on IronPython at all.

    Remove Application application_id

    Removes the application that is identified with an application id


    Remove Application com.netease.qa.orangedemo
    Reset Application  

    Reset application. Open Application can be reset while Appium session is kept alive.

    Scroll start_locator, end_locator

    Scrolls from one element to another Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and name. See introduction for details about locating elements.

    Scroll Down locator

    Scrolls down to element

    Scroll Up locator

    Scrolls up to element

    Set Appium Timeout seconds

    Sets the timeout in seconds used by various keywords.

    There are several Wait ... keywords that take timeout as an argument. All of these timeout arguments are optional. The timeout used by all of them can be set globally using this keyword.

    The previous timeout value is returned by this keyword and can be used to set the old value back later. The default timeout is 5 seconds, but it can be altered in importing.


    ${orig timeout} = Set Appium Timeout 15 seconds
    Open page that loads slowly    
    Set Appium Timeout ${orig timeout}  
    Set Location latitude, longitude, altitude=10

    Set location

    • latitute
    • longitude
    • altitude = 10 [optional]

    Android only. New in AppiumLibrary 1.5

    Set Network Connection Status connectionStatus

    Sets the network connection Status.

    Android only.

    Possible values:

    ValueAliasDataWifiAirplane Mode
    0 (None) 0 0 0
    1 (Airplane Mode) 0 0 1
    2 (Wifi only) 0 1 0
    4 (Data only) 1 0 0
    6 (All network on) 1 1 0

    Shake the device

    Start Activity appPackage, appActivity, **opts

    Opens an arbitrary activity during a test. If the activity belongs to another application, that application is started and the activity is opened.

    Android only.

    • appPackage - The package containing the activity to start.
    • appActivity - The activity to start.
    • appWaitPackage - Begin automation after this package starts (optional).
    • appWaitActivity - Begin automation after this activity starts (optional).
    • intentAction - Intent to start (opt_ional).
    • intentCategory - Intent category to start (optional).
    • intentFlags - Flags to send to the intent (optional).
    • optionalIntentArguments - Optional arguments to the intent (optional).
    • stopAppOnReset - Should the app be stopped on reset (optional)?
    Swipe start_x, start_y, offset_x, offset_y, duration=1000

    Swipe from one point to another point, for an optional duration.


    • start_x - x-coordinate at which to start
    • start_y - y-coordinate at which to start
    • offset_x - x-coordinate distance from start_x at which to stop
    • offset_y - y-coordinate distance from start_y at which to stop
    • duration - (optional) time to take the swipe, in ms.


    Swipe 500 100 100 0 1000

    NOTE: Android 'Swipe' is not working properly, use offset_x and offset_y as if these are destination points.

    Swipe By Direction direction

    swipe by given direction: left, right, down, up.

    Swipe By Percent start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, duration=1000

    Swipe from one percent of the screen to another percent, for an optional duration. Normal swipe fails to scale for different screen resolutions, this can be avoided using percent.


    • start_x - x-percent at which to start
    • start_y - y-percent at which to start
    • end_x - x-percent distance from start_x at which to stop
    • end_y - y-percent distance from start_y at which to stop
    • duration - (optional) time to take the swipe, in ms.


    Swipe By Percent 90 50 10 50 # Swipes screen from right to left.

    NOTE: This also considers swipe acts different between iOS and Android.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    Switch Application index_or_alias

    Switches the active application by index or alias.

    index_or_alias is either application index (an integer) or alias (a string). Index is got as the return value of Open Application.

    This keyword returns the index of the previous active application, which can be used to switch back to that application later.


    ${appium1}= Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub alias=MyApp1 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app
    ${appium2}= Open Application http://localhost:4755/wd/hub alias=MyApp2 platformName=iOS platformVersion=7.0 deviceName='iPhone Simulator' app=your.app
    Click Element sendHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755          
    Switch Application ${appium1} # Switch using index          
    Click Element ackHello # Executed on appium running at localhost:4723          
    Switch Application MyApp2 # Switch using alias          
    Page Should Contain Text ackHello Received # Executed on appium running at localhost:4755          
    Switch To Context context_name

    Switch to a new context

    Tap locator, x_offset=None, y_offset=None, count=1

    Tap element identified by locator.


    • x_offset - (optional) x coordinate to tap, relative to the top left corner of the element.
    • y_offset - (optional) y coordinate. If y is used, x must also be set, and vice versa
    • count - can be used for multiple times of tap on that element
    Text Should Be Visible text, exact_match=False, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that element identified with text is visible.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    Toggle Touch Id Enrollment  

    Toggle Touch ID enrolled state on iOS Simulator

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.5

    Touch Id match=True

    Simulate Touch ID on iOS Simulator

    match (boolean) whether the simulated fingerprint is valid (default true)

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.5

    Wait Activity activity, timeout, interval=1

    Wait for an activity: block until target activity presents or time out.

    Android only.

    • activity - target activity
    • timeout - max wait time, in seconds
    • interval - sleep interval between retries, in seconds
    Wait Until Element Is Visible locator, timeout=None, error=None

    Waits until element specified with locator is visible.

    Fails if timeout expires before the element is visible. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value.

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See also Wait Until Page ContainsWait Until Page Contains ElementWait For Condition and BuiltIn keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

    Wait Until Page Contains text, timeout=None, error=None

    Waits until text appears on current page.

    Fails if timeout expires before the text appears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value.

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See also Wait Until Page Does Not ContainWait Until Page Contains ElementWait Until Page Does Not Contain Element and BuiltIn keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

    Wait Until Page Contains Element locator, timeout=None, error=None

    Waits until element specified with locator appears on current page.

    Fails if timeout expires before the element appears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value.

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See also Wait Until Page ContainsWait Until Page Does Not Contain Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element and BuiltIn keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain text, timeout=None, error=None

    Waits until text disappears from current page.

    Fails if timeout expires before the text disappears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value.

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See also Wait Until Page ContainsWait Until Page Contains ElementWait Until Page Does Not Contain Element and BuiltIn keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element locator, timeout=None, error=None

    Waits until element specified with locator disappears from current page.

    Fails if timeout expires before the element disappears. See introduction for more information about timeout and its default value.

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See also Wait Until Page ContainsWait Until Page Does Not ContainWait Until Page Contains Element and BuiltIn keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

    Xpath Should Match X Times xpath, count, error=None, loglevel=INFO

    Verifies that the page contains the given number of elements located by the given xpath.

    One should not use the xpath= prefix for 'xpath'. XPath is assumed.

    Xpath Should Match X Times //android.view.View[@text='Test'] 1
    Xpath Should Match X Times xpath=//android.view.View[@text='Test'] 1

    error can be used to override the default error message.

    See Log Source for explanation about loglevel argument.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.

    Zoom locator, percent=200%, steps=1

    Zooms in on an element a certain amount.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Yanss/p/12217762.html
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