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  • scrapy使用爬取多个页面



    用法:scrapy-admin.py startproject abc 生成一个project。 试试就知道会生成什么东西。
    自定义爬虫类必须有变量 domain_name 和 start_urls,和实例方法parse(self,response).. 

    它会在 Scrapy 查找我们的spider 的时候实例化,并自动被 Scrapy 的引擎找到。

    1. You start by generating the initial Requests to crawl the first URLs, and specify a callback function to be called with the response downloaded from those requests.

      The first requests to perform are obtained by calling the start_requests() method which (by default) generates Request for the URLs specified in the start_urls and the parse method as callback function for the Requests.   第一步的关键是start_response()..通过parse和start_urls来生成第一个请求。

    2. In the callback function, you parse the response (web page) and return either Item objects, Request objects, or an iterable of both. Those Requests will also contain a callback (maybe the same) and will then be downloaded by Scrapy and then their response handled by the specified callback.  在parse函数中可以返回request,或者items 或者一个生成器来产生这些。这些urls最后会被转给downloader去下载。然后无穷无尽的urls和items产生了。

    3. In callback functions, you parse the page contents, typically using Selectors (but you can also use BeautifulSoup, lxml or whatever mechanism you prefer) and generate items with the parsed data.你可以指定任何的selector,scrapy并不关心你用什么方法生成item,只是给了个XPth的selector而已。见过别人用lxml的,我更喜欢用beautifulsoup,bs的效率最慢。。。

    4. Finally, the items returned from the spider will be typically persisted to a database (in some Item Pipeline) or written to a file using Feed exports.最后这些items又被交给pipeline,在这里可以进行各种对item的处理,存数据库啦,写文件啦什么的。。


     1 from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
     2 import random,uuid
     3 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as BS 
     4 from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
     6 from tutorial.items import TutorialItem
     7 def getname():
     8     return uuid.uuid1( ).hex()
    10 class JKSpider(BaseSpider):
    11     name='joke'
    12     allowed_domains=["qiushibaike.com"]
    13     start_urls=[
    14     "http://www.qiushibaike.com/month?slow",
    15     ]
    17     def parse(self,response):
    18         root=BS(response.body)
    19         items=[]
    20         x=HtmlXPathSelector(response)
    22         y=x.select("//div[@class='content' and @title]/text()").extract()
    23         for i in y:
    24             item=TutorialItem()
    25             item["content"]=i
    26             items.append(item)
    28         return items

      Scrapy comes with some useful generic spiders that you can use, to subclass your spiders from. Their aim is to provide convenient functionality for a few common scraping cases, like following all links on a site based on certain rules, crawling from Sitemaps, or parsing a XML/CSV feed.


    class scrapy.spider.BaseSpider

    This is the simplest spider, and the one from which every other spider must inherit from (either the ones that come bundled with Scrapy, or the ones that you write yourself). It doesn’t provide any special functionality. It just requests the given start_urls/start_requests, and calls the spider’s method parse for each of the resulting responses.



    A string which defines the name for this spider. The spider name is how the spider is located (and instantiated) by Scrapy, so it must be unique. However, nothing prevents you from instantiating more than one instance of the same spider. This is the most important spider attribute and it’s required.

    If the spider scrapes a single domain, a common practice is to name the spider after the domain, or without the TLD. So, for example, a spider that crawls mywebsite.com would often be called mywebsite.



    An optional list of strings containing domains that this spider is allowed to crawl. Requests for URLs not belonging to the domain names specified in this list won’t be followed if OffsiteMiddleware is enabled.


    A list of URLs where the spider will begin to crawl from, when no particular URLs are specified. So, the first pages downloaded will be those listed here. The subsequent URLs will be generated successively from data contained in the start URLs.


    This method must return an iterable with the first Requests to crawl for this spider.


    This is the method called by Scrapy when the spider is opened for scraping when no particular URLs are specified. If particular URLs are specified, the make_requests_from_url() is used instead to create the Requests. This method is also called only once from Scrapy, so it’s safe to implement it as a generator.

    这个方法在没有指定particular urls的时候被调用(感觉指的是scrapy的命令启动的时候加上url参数)。如果指定了起始抓取的url,就会调用make_requests_from_url()生成requests。这个函数只会被调用一次。

    The default implementation uses make_requests_from_url() to generate Requests for each url in start_urls.

    If you want to change the Requests used to start scraping a domain, this is the method to override. For example, if you need to start by logging in using a POST request, you could do:


    def start_requests(self):
        return [FormRequest("http://www.example.com/login",
                            formdata={'user': 'john', 'pass': 'secret'},
    def logged_in(self, response):
        # here you would extract links to follow and return Requests for
        # each of them, with another callback


    A method that receives a URL and returns a Request object (or a list of Request objects) to scrape. This method is used to construct the initial requests in the start_requests() method, and is typically used to convert urls to requests.

    Unless overridden, this method returns Requests with the parse() method as their callback function, and with dont_filter parameter enabled (see Request class for more info).



    This is the default callback used by Scrapy to process downloaded responses, when their requests don’t specify a callback.

    The parse method is in charge of processing the response and returning scraped data and/or more URLs to follow. Other Requests callbacks have the same requirements as the BaseSpider class.

    This method, as well as any other Request callback, must return an iterable of Request and/or Item objects.


    response (:class:~scrapy.http.Response`) – the response to parse

    Log a message using the scrapy.log.msg() function, automatically populating the spider argument with the name of this spider. For more information see Logging.


     1 from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
     2 from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider
     3 from scrapy.http import Request
     4 from myproject.items import MyItem
     6 class MySpider(BaseSpider):
     7     name = 'example.com'
     8     allowed_domains = ['example.com']
     9     start_urls = [
    10         'http://www.example.com/1.html',
    11         'http://www.example.com/2.html',
    12         'http://www.example.com/3.html',
    13     ]
    15     def parse(self, response):
    16         hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
    17         for h3 in hxs.select('//h3').extract():
    18             yield MyItem(title=h3)
    20         for url in hxs.select('//a/@href').extract():
    21             yield Request(url, callback=self.parse)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Yeah-come-on/p/3320388.html
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