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  • sed进阶

    1 替换字符,正斜线(/2 sed 's!/bin/bash/!/bin/csh/!' /etc/passwd
    3 ying:x:1000:1000::/home/ying:/bin/bash
    4 laiying:x:1001:1002::/home/laiying:/bin/bash
     1 替换指定行的文本
     2 cat data1.txt 
     3 替换第2行的字符
     4 sed '2s/dog/cat/' data1.txt 
     5 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
     6 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat. 
     7 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
     8 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    10 替换第2行到第3行之间的文本
    11 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2,3s/dog/cat/' data1.txt 
    12 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
    13 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat. 
    14 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat. 
    15 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    17 文本中从某行开始的所有行,可以用特殊地址——美元符。
    18 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2,$s/dog/cat/' data1.txt 
    19 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
    20 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat. 
    21 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat. 
    22 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.
    23  使用文本模式过滤器
    24 修改用户Samantha的默认shell,
    25 $ grep Samantha /etc/passwd 
    26 Samantha:x:502:502::/home/Samantha:/bin/bash
    27 $ sed '/Samantha/s/bash/csh/' /etc/passwd 
    28 root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 
    29 bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin 
    30 [...] 
    31 Christine:x:501:501:Christine B:/home/Christine:/bin/bash 
    32 Samantha:x:502:502::/home/Samantha:/bin/csh 
    33 Timothy:x:503:503::/home/Timothy:/bin/bash 
    35 命令组合,在单行上执行多条命令
    36 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2{
    37 > s/fox/elephant/
    38 > s/dog/cat/
    39 > }' data1.txt
    40 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
    41 The quick brown elephant jumps over the lazy cat. 
    42 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 
    43 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
     1 删除命令d,它会删除匹配指定寻址模式的所有行。使用该命令时要特别小心,如果你忘记加入寻址模式的话,流中的所有文本行都会被删除。
     2 [root@localhost ~]# cat data6.txt 
     3 This is line number 1. 
     4 This is line number 2. 
     5 This is line number 3. 
     6 This is line number 4.
     8 删除指定行,第3行
     9 [root@localhost ~]# sed '3d' data6.txt 
    10 This is line number 1. 
    11 This is line number 2. 
    12 This is line number 4.
    14 删除指定区间的行,2-3行
    15 [root@localhost ~]# sed '2,3d' data6.txt 
    16 This is line number 1. 
    17 This is line number 4.
    19 删除指定行到行尾的所有行 $
    20 [root@localhost ~]# sed '3,$d' data6.txt 
    21 This is line number 1. 
    22 This is line number 2. 
    24 删掉包含匹配指定模式的行
    25 [root@localhost ~]# sed '/number 1/d' data6.txt 
    26 This is line number 2. 
    27 This is line number 3. 
    28 This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# echo 'Test Line2' | sed 'iTest Line 1'
    Test Line 1
    Test Line2
    [root@localhost ~]# echo "Test Line 2" | sed 'aTest Line 1'
    Test Line 2
    Test Line 1
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '3i
    > This is an inserted line' data6.txt
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is an inserted line
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '3a
    > This is an appended line' data6.txt
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is an appended line
    This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '$a
    > This is a new line of text' data6.txt
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
    This is a new line of text
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '1i
    > this is one line fo new text' data6.txt
    this is one line fo new text
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
     1 [root@localhost ~]# cat data6.txt 
     2 This is line number 1. 
     3 This is line number 2. 
     4 This is line number 3. 
     5 This is line number 4.
     7 修改第三行中的文本
     8 [root@localhost ~]# sed '3c
     9 > This is a chnged line of tex' data6.txt
    10 This is line number 1. 
    11 This is line number 2. 
    12 This is a chnged line of tex
    13 This is line number 4.
    1 也可以使用文本模式修改命令会修改它匹配的数据流中的任意文本行
    2 [root@localhost ~]# sed '/number 2/c
    3 > this is a changed line of text' data6.txt
    4 This is line number 1. 
    5 this is a changed line of text
    6 This is line number 3. 
    7 This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed 'y/123/789/' data6.txt 
    This is line number 7. 
    This is line number 8. 
    This is line number 9. 
    This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed 'y/number/Num/' data6.txt 
    sed:-e 表达式 #1,字符 13:“y”命令的字符串长度不同
    [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '2,3p' data6.txt 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/3/{
    > p
    > s/line/test/p
    > }' data6.txt
    打印行号  =
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '=' data6.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/number 4/{
    > =
    > p
    > }' data6.txt
    This is line number 4.
    [address]w filename
    sed '1,2w test.txt' data6.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
     cat test.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2.
    [root@localhost ~]# cat data11.txt 
    Blum, R Browncoat 
    McGuiness, A Alliance 
    Bresnahan, C Browncoat 
    Harken, C Alliance
    [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/Browncoat/w Browncoats.txt' data11.txt 
    [root@localhost ~]# cat Browncoats.txt 
    Blum, R Browncoat 
    Bresnahan, C Browncoat 
    cat data12.txt 
    This is an added line. 
    This is the second added line.
    $ sed '3r data12.txt' data6.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is an added line. 
    This is the second added line. 
    This is line number 4.
    $ sed '/number 2/r data12.txt' data6.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is an added line. 
    This is the second added line. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4.
    $ sed '$r data12.txt' data6.txt 
    This is line number 1. 
    This is line number 2. 
    This is line number 3. 
    This is line number 4. 
    This is an added line. 
    This is the second added line.
    [root@localhost ~]# cat notice.std 
    Would the following people: 
    please report to the ship's captain.
    [root@localhost ~]# sed '/LIST/{
    r data11.txt
    }' notice.std
    Would the following people: 
    Blum, R Browncoat 
    McGuiness, A Alliance 
    Bresnahan, C Browncoat 
    Harken, C Alliance
    please report to the ship's captain.
  • 相关阅读:
    Identity Server 4 中文文档(v1.0.0) 目录
    第3章 支持和规范
    第2章 术语
    第1章 背景
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YingLai/p/12143190.html
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