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  • CodeForce-782B The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed(高精度二分)


    B. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
    time limit per test
    5 seconds
    memory limit per test
    256 megabytes
    standard input
    standard output

    The main road in Bytecity is a straight line from south to north. Conveniently, there are coordinates measured in meters from the southernmost building in north direction.

    At some points on the road there are n friends, and i-th of them is standing at the point xi meters and can move with any speed no greater than vi meters per second in any of the two directions along the road: south or north.

    You are to compute the minimum time needed to gather all the n friends at some point on the road. Note that the point they meet at doesn't need to have integer coordinate.


    The first line contains single integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 60 000) — the number of friends.

    The second line contains n integers x1, x2, ..., xn (1 ≤ xi ≤ 109) — the current coordinates of the friends, in meters.

    The third line contains n integers v1, v2, ..., vn (1 ≤ vi ≤ 109) — the maximum speeds of the friends, in meters per second.


    Print the minimum time (in seconds) needed for all the n friends to meet at some point on the road.

    Your answer will be considered correct, if its absolute or relative error isn't greater than 10 - 6. Formally, let your answer be a, while jury's answer be b. Your answer will be considered correct if holds.

    7 1 3
    1 2 1
    5 10 3 2
    2 3 2 4

    In the first sample, all friends can gather at the point 5 within 2 seconds. In order to achieve this, the first friend should go south all the time at his maximum speed, while the second and the third friends should go north at their maximum speeds.

     题意:给出n个人的在x轴的位置和最大速度,求n个人相遇的最短时间(相遇位置不一定为整数点) n<=6e4
    每个的速度为0~vi 如果在t秒能相遇 在ti<t也可能相遇,二分最小时间,O(n)判断每个人的移动范围是否有交集

     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     3  4 const int N=1e5+50;
     5 struct node
     6 {
     7     double x,v;
     8 } p[60050];
     9 int n;
    10 bool check(double t)
    11 {
    12     double a,b;
    13     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    14     {
    15         double x=p[i].x-p[i].v*t;
    16         double y=p[i].x+p[i].v*t;
    17         if(i==0)
    18         {
    19             a=x;
    20             b=y;
    21         }
    22         else
    23         {
    25             if(a>y||b<x)
    26                 return false;
    28             if(a<=x)
    29                 a=x;
    30             if(b>=y)
    31                 b=y;
    32         }
    33     }
    34     return true;
    35 }
    36 int main()
    37 {
    38     cin>>n;
    39     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    40         scanf("%lf",&p[i].x);
    41     for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    42         scanf("%lf",&p[i].v);
    43     double l=0,r=1e9,ans=0;
    45     while(r-l>1e-7)
    46     {
    47         double mid=(l+r)/2.0;
    48         if(check(mid))
    49         {
    50             ans=mid;
    51             r=mid;
    52         }
    53         else
    54             l=mid;
    55     }
    56     printf("%.7lf
    57     return 0;
    58 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YingZhixin/p/6514290.html
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