TCBlobDownload uses NSOperations to download large files (typically videos, music... well: BLOBs) using NSURLConnection in background threads.
Tested with files from ~150MB to ~1.2GB, mostly videos.
I've implemented TCBlobDownloader which extends NSOperation and useTCBlobDownloadManager to execute it. You can set a delegate or use blocks for each download to update your views etc…
Requires iOS 5.0 or later and ARC.
- Download files in background threads 在子线程中下载文件
- Blocks or delegate style 支持block以及代理的方式
- Pause and resume a download 支持断点续传
- Set a maximum number of concurrent downloads 可以设置最大并发下载数目
- Custom download path 自定义下载路径
- Download speed and remaining time 可以查看到下载速度以及下载剩下的时间
- Download cancellation 支持取消下载
- Download dependencies 支持队列下载
Browse the documentation on Cocoadocs or add it directly to Xcode by downloading the docset and placing it into ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/
. (or use Dash)
Add the following to your Podfile and run $ pod install
你可以直接使用CocoaPods来安装,执行 $ pod install 即可:
pod 'TCBlobDownload'
If you don't have CocoaPods installed or integrated into your project, you can learn how to do so here.
(Also be sure the $(inherited)
flag is set in your Project's Target -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags
- Drag and drop
from Finder to your opened project. 将TCBlobDownload.xcodeproj拖到你的项目当中去. - Project's Target -> Build Phases -> Target Dependencies -> add
. Then, click Link binary with libraries and addlibTCBlobDownload.a
(no worries if it's red). Project's Target -> Build Phases -> Target Dependencies ->中添加TCBlobDownload,然后,点击Link binary with libraries 添加上libTCBlobDownload.a静态库(如果是红色的也不用紧张). - Go to build settings, switch "always search user paths" to
and add$(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/../UninstalledProducts/include
to "User Header Search Paths". 到build settings中,将"always search user paths"切换到YES,然后添加$(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/../UninstalledProducts/include到"User Header Search Paths" - Project's Target -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags -> Add
-ObjC Target -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags ->添加上-Objc
- Import the lib. (no worries if no autocomplete) 导入静态库
#import <TCBlobDownload/TCBlobDownload.h>
To immediately start a download in the default TCBlobDownloadManager directory (tmp/
by default):
TCBlobDownloadManager *sharedManager = [TCBlobDownloadManager sharedInstance];
TCBlobDownloader *downloader = [sharedManager startDownloadWithURL:@""
firstResponse:^(NSURLResponse *response) {
progress:^(uint64_t receivedLength, uint64_t totalLength, NSInteger remainingTime, float progress) {
// downloader.remainingTime
// downloader.speedRate
error:^(NSError *error) {
complete:^(BOOL downloadFinished, NSString *pathToFile) {
If you set a custom path:
NSString *customPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"My/Custom/Path/"];
TCBlobDownloader *downloader = [sharedManager startDownloadWithURL:@""
customPath:customPath // here we set the path
This will create the given path if needed and download the file in the Path/
directory. Please note that during the download process you have no control over the file name as explained with reasons why in the documentation. Remember that you should follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines.
You can either set a delegate which can implement those optional methods if delegates have your preference over blocks:
- (void)download:(TCBlobDownloader *)download didReceiveFirstResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
- (void)download:(TCBlobDownloader *)download didReceiveData:(uint64_t)received onTotal:(uint64_t)total
// download.remainingTime
// download.speedRate
- (void)download:(TCBlobDownloader *)download didStopWithError:(NSError *)error
- (void)download:(TCBlobDownloader *)download didFinishWithSucces:(BOOL)downloadFinished atPath:(NSString *)pathToFile
If a download has been stopped and the local file has not been deleted, when you will restart the download to the same local path, the download will start where it has stopped using the HTTPRange header (14.35). 如果你已经停止了下载,而且,本地的文件也没有被删除掉,下一次下载会直接从断点处下载.
You can also set dependencies in your downloads using the
method fromTCBlobDownloader
. 你可以设置下载依赖,使用addDependentDownload:来设置下载依赖问题.
See documentation for more details.
If you have any idea or request, please suggest it!
- Multi segmented downloads 多线程下载同一个文件.
- Dash XML feed for documentation versioning