PPDragDropBadgeView is a badge view which able to drag and drop. Just like QQ 5.0 badge view.
- Support iOS 5.0+ ARC 支持 iOS5.0+ 以及ARC
- Checkout PPDragDropBadgeView from github. 从github上查询PPDragDropBadgeView
- Copy PPDragDropBadgeView folder to your project. 将PPDragDropBadgeView文件夹拖到你的项目当中
- Go to 'TARGET' -> 'Build Phases' -> 'Complile Sources', add compliler flags '-fno-objc-arc' for 'PRTween.m' and 'PRTweenTimingFunctions.m' 到'TARGET' -> 'Build Phases' -> 'Complile Sources',添加编译标签'-fno-objc-arc'到 'PRTween.m' 与 'PRTweenTimingFunctions.m' 中
- Done.
You can also refer to the example project provided by me.
- Q: How to use PPDragDropBadgeView? 怎么使用PPDragDropBadgeView?
A: Very simple, you only follow the down code. 非常简单,用下面的代码片段即可。
PPDragDropBadgeView* badgeView = [[PPDragDropBadgeView alloc] initWithSuperView:self.testView location:CGPointMake(0,0) radius:10.0f dragdropCompletion:^{ NSLog(@"Drag drop done."); }]; badgeView.text = @"6";
Q: Does it can be customized? 这个是否支持更多参数的定制呢?
A: Of course, you can set "location", "radius", "tintColor", "borderWidth", "borderColor". You can see the propertys provided by me. 当然,你可以设置“位置”,“半径”,“填充颜色”,“边框宽度”,“边框颜色”。你也可以设置以下我提供的一些属性。
/** The location of badge view. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGPoint location; /** The radius of badge view. */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat radius; /** The completion block when drag drop done. */ @property (nonatomic, copy) void(^dragdropCompletion)(); /** The tint color of badge view. Default is red */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* tintColor; /** The border color of badge view. Default is clear */ @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* borderColor; /** The border width of badge view. Default is 1.0f */ @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat borderWidth; /** The text of badge view. */ @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* text;
- v1.0 (March 30, 2015)
- First release.
The code follows MIT Lisence.
If you have any questions with use it or found some bugs, you can mail to me. I will get back to you in time. The follow is my email address: lvyexuwenfa100@126.com