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  • C# 数据结构 之 线性表


    数据结构 是指相互之间存在一种或多种特定关系的数据元素的集合。数据结构=数据元素+关系(结构)。



    2.线性结构(Linear Structure)

    3.树形结构(Tree Structure)

    4.图状结构(Graphic Structure)

    数据结构 包括数据的逻辑结构和数据的物理结构


    数据的物理结构又称为数据的存储结构 是数据咋计算机中的表示和存储,包括数据元素的表示和存储以及数据元素之间关系的表示和存储。

    数据的存储结构包括 顺序存储结构链式存储结构

    算法的时间复杂度:该算法的运行时间和问题规模的对应关系。T(n)=O( f(n) ).







    顺序表(Sequence List)



    链表(Linked List)


    链表在存储数据元素时,除了存储元素本身的信息外,还要存储与他相邻的数据元素的存储地址信息。这两部分组成该元素的存储映像,称为结点(Node).把存储数据元素本身信息的域称为结点的数据域,把存储与他相邻的数据元素的存储地址信息的域称为引用域。线性表通过结点的引用域形成一根链条。如果结点的引用域中只存储该结点直接后继的存储地址,则该链表称为单链表(Singly Linked List).把引用域称为next.     |data |next|

    如果在结点中设两个引用域,一个保存直接前驱的存储地址 prev ,一个保存直接后继的存储地址 next 这种链表就是双向链表(doubly Linked List).        |prev|data|next|


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Linq;
      4 using System.Text;
      6 namespace DataStructure
      7 {
      9     public interface ILinarList<T>
     10     {
     11         void InsertNode(T a, int i);            //插入操作
     12         void DeleteNode(int i);                 //删除操作
     13         T SearchNode(int i);                    //查找元素
     14         T SearchNode(T value);                  //定位元素
     15         int GetLength();                        //求表长度
     16         void Clear();                           //清空操作
     17         bool IsEmpty();                         //判断线性表是否为空
     18         //bool IsFull();                          //判断线性表是否已满
     19     }
     21     /// <summary>
     22     /// 顺序表
     23     /// </summary>
     24     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     25     public class SeqList<T> : ILinarList<T>
     26     {
     27         private int maxsize;          //顺序表的最大容量
     28         private T[] data;
     29         private int length;           //顺序表的实际长度
     31         public int Length
     32         {
     33             get { return length; }
     34         }
     36         public int Maxsize
     37         {
     38             get { return maxsize; }
     39             set { maxsize = value; }
     40         }
     42         public T this[int index]
     43         {
     44             get { return data[index]; }
     45             set { data[index] = value; }
     46         }
     48         public SeqList(int size)
     49         {
     50             maxsize = size;
     51             data = new T[size];
     52             length = 0;
     53         }
     56         public void Clear()
     57         {
     58             length = 0;
     59         }
     61         public bool IsEmpty()
     62         {
     63             if (length == 0)
     64             {
     65                 return true;
     66             }
     67             else
     68             {
     69                 return false;
     70             }
     71         }
     73         public int GetLength()
     74         {
     75             return length;
     76         }
     78         public bool IsFull()
     79         {
     80             if (length == maxsize)
     81             {
     82                 return true;
     83             }
     84             else
     85             {
     86                 return false;
     87             }
     88         }
     90         public void InsertNode(T a)
     91         {
     92             if (IsFull())
     93             {
     94                 Console.WriteLine("List is Full !");
     95                 return;
     96             }
     97             data[length] = a;
     98             length++;
     99         }
    101         //在第i个数据元素的位置插入一个数据
    102         public void InsertNode(T a, int i)
    103         {
    104             if (IsFull())
    105             {
    106                 Console.WriteLine("List is Full !");
    107                 return;
    108             }
    109             if (i < 1 || i > length + 1)
    110             {
    111                 Console.WriteLine("Postion is Error !");
    112                 return;
    113             }
    114             else
    115             {
    116                 for (int j = length - 1; j >= i - 1; j--)
    117                 {
    118                     data[j + 1] = data[j];
    119                 }
    120                 data[i - 1] = a;
    121             }
    122             length++;
    123         }
    125         public void DeleteNode(int i)
    126         {
    127             if (IsEmpty())
    128             {
    129                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty !");
    130                 return;
    131             }
    132             if (i < 1 || i > length)
    133             {
    134                 Console.WriteLine("Postion is Error !");
    135                 return;
    136             }
    137             for (int j = i; j < length; j++)
    138             {
    139                 data[j - 1] = data[j];
    140             }
    141             length--;
    142         }
    144         public T SearchNode(int i)
    145         {
    146             if (IsEmpty() || i < 1 || i > length)
    147             {
    148                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty or Postion is Error !");
    149                 return default(T);
    150             }
    151             return data[i - 1];
    152         }
    154         public T SearchNode(T value)
    155         {
    156             if (IsEmpty())
    157             {
    158                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty !");
    159                 return default(T);
    160             }
    161             int i = 0;
    162             for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    163             {
    164                 if (data[i].ToString().Contains(value.ToString()))
    165                 {
    166                     break;
    167                 }
    168             }
    169             if (i >= length)
    170                 return default(T);
    171             return data[i];
    172         }
    173     }
    175     /// <summary>
    176     /// 自定义类型
    177     /// </summary>
    178     class StuNode
    179     {
    180         private string stu_no;
    181         private string stu_name;
    182         private int stu_score;
    184         public string Stu_no
    185         {
    186             get { return stu_no; }
    187             set { stu_no = value; }
    188         }
    190         public string Stu_name
    191         {
    192             get { return stu_name; }
    193             set { stu_name = value; }
    194         }
    196         public int Stu_score
    197         {
    198             get { return stu_score; }
    199             set { stu_score = value; }
    200         }
    202         public StuNode(string stu_no, string stu_name, int stu_score)
    203         {
    204             this.stu_no = stu_no;
    205             this.stu_name = stu_name;
    206             this.stu_score = stu_score;
    207         }
    209         public override string ToString()
    210         {
    211             return stu_no + stu_name;
    212         }
    213     }
    215     /// <summary>
    216     /// 单链表结点类
    217     /// </summary>
    218     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    219     class SNode<T>
    220     {
    221         private T data;          //数据域
    222         private SNode<T> next;   //应用域
    224         public SNode(T val, SNode<T> p)
    225         {
    226             data = val;
    227             next = p;
    228         }
    230         public SNode(SNode<T> p)
    231         {
    232             next = p;
    233         }
    235         public SNode(T val)
    236         {
    237             data = val;
    238             next = null;
    239         }
    241         public SNode()
    242         {
    243             data = default(T);
    244             next = null;
    245         }
    247         //数据域属性
    248         public T Data
    249         {
    250             get { return data; }
    251             set { data = value; }
    252         }
    254         //引用域属性
    255         public SNode<T> Next
    256         {
    257             get { return next; }
    258             set { next = value; }
    259         }
    262     }
    264     /// <summary>
    265     /// 单链表
    266     /// </summary>
    267     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    268     class SLinkList<T> : ILinarList<T>
    269     {
    270         private SNode<T> start;         //单链表的头引用
    271         int length;                     //单链表的长度
    273         public SLinkList()
    274         {
    275             start = null;
    276         }
    278         //在单链表末尾追加数据元素
    279         public void InsertNode(T a)
    280         {
    281             if (start == null)
    282             {
    283                 start = new SNode<T>(a);
    284                 return;
    285             }
    286             SNode<T> current = start;//使current指向第一个结点
    288             while (current.Next != null)
    289             {
    290                 //找到链表中最后一个结点(从start一直扫描到最后(即next=null))
    291                 current = current.Next;
    292             }
    293             //使current的next字段指向新结点
    294             current.Next = new SNode<T>(a);
    295             length++;
    296         }
    298         //在单链表的第i个数据元素的位置前插入一个数据元素
    299         public void InsertNode(T val, int i)
    300         {
    301             SNode<T> current;
    302             SNode<T> previous;
    304             if (i < 1)
    305             {
    306                 Console.WriteLine("Postion is Error !");
    307                 return;
    308             }
    309             SNode<T> newnode = new SNode<T>(val);
    310             //在空链表或第一个元素前插入第一个元素
    311             if (i == 1)
    312             {
    313                 newnode.Next = start;
    314                 start = newnode;
    315                 length++;
    316                 return;
    317             }
    318             //单链表的两个元素间插入一个元素
    319             //使current指向第一个结点
    320             current = start;
    321             previous = null;
    323             int j = 1;
    324             while (current != null && j < i)
    325             {
    326                 //使previous指向curent
    327                 previous = current;
    328                 //使current指向序列中的下一个结点
    329                 current = current.Next;
    330                 j++;
    331             }
    332             if (j == i)
    333             {
    334                 previous.Next = newnode;
    335                 newnode.Next = current;
    336                 length++;
    337             }
    338         }
    340         public int GetLength()
    341         {
    342             return length;
    343         }
    345         public void Clear()
    346         {
    347             //单链表清空后,原结点占有的空间不会一直保留 由垃圾回收器回收
    348             start = null;
    349         }
    351         public bool IsEmpty()
    352         {
    353             if (start == null)
    354             {
    355                 return true;
    356             }
    357             else
    358             {
    359                 return false;
    360             }
    361         }
    363         //删除单链表的第i个元素
    364         public void DeleteNode(int i)
    365         {
    366             if (IsEmpty() || i < 1)
    367             {
    368                 Console.WriteLine("Link is Empty or Positon is Error !");
    369                 return;
    370             }
    371             SNode<T> current = start;
    372             if (i == 1)
    373             {
    374                 start = current.Next;//使用current指向单链表中的下一个结点
    375                 length--;
    376                 return;
    377             }
    378             SNode<T> previous = null;
    379             int j = 1;
    380             while (current.Next != null && j < i)
    381             {
    382                 previous = current;
    383                 current = current.Next;
    384                 j++;
    385             }
    386             if (j == i)
    387             {
    388                 previous.Next = current.Next;
    389                 current = null;
    390                 length--;
    391             }
    392             else
    393             {
    394                 Console.WriteLine("The {0}th node is no exsit !", i);
    395             }
    396         }
    398         //获得单链表的第i个数据元素
    399         public T SearchNode(int i)
    400         {
    401             if (IsEmpty())
    402             {
    403                 Console.WriteLine("Link is Empty !");
    404                 return default(T);
    405             }
    406             SNode<T> current = start;
    407             int j = 1;
    409             while (current.Next != null && j < i)
    410             {
    411                 current = current.Next;//使current指向序列中的下一个结点 直到i
    412                 j++;
    413             }
    414             if (j == i)
    415             {
    416                 return current.Data;
    417             }
    418             else
    419             {
    420                 Console.WriteLine("The {0}th node is no exsit !", i);
    421                 return default(T);
    422             }
    423         }
    425         //在单链表中查找值为value的数据
    426         public T SearchNode(T value)
    427         {
    428             if (IsEmpty())
    429             {
    430                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty !");
    431                 return default(T);
    432             }
    433             SNode<T> current = start;
    434             int i = 0;
    435             while (!current.Data.ToString().Contains(value.ToString()) && current != null)
    436             {
    437                 current = current.Next;
    438                 i++;
    439             }
    440             if (current != null)
    441             {
    442                 return current.Data;
    443             }
    444             else
    445             {
    446                 return default(T);
    447             }
    448         }
    450     }
    452     /// <summary>
    453     /// 双向链表结点类
    454     /// </summary>
    455     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    456     class DbNode<T>
    457     {
    458         private T data;          //数据域
    459         private DbNode<T> prev;  //前驱引用域
    460         private DbNode<T> next;  //后继引用域
    462         public DbNode(T val, DbNode<T> p)
    463         {
    464             data = val;
    465             next = p;
    466         }
    468         public DbNode(T val)
    469         {
    470             data = val;
    471             next = null;
    472         }
    474         public DbNode()
    475         {
    476             data = default(T);
    477             next = null;
    478         }
    480         public DbNode(DbNode<T> p)
    481         {
    482             next = p;
    483         }
    485         //数据域属性
    486         public T Data
    487         {
    488             get { return data; }
    489             set { data = value; }
    490         }
    492         //前驱引用域属性
    493         public DbNode<T> Prev
    494         {
    495             get { return prev; }
    496             set { prev = value; }
    497         }
    499         //后继应用域属性
    500         public DbNode<T> Next
    501         {
    502             get { return next; }
    503             set { next = value; }
    504         }
    506     }
    508     /// <summary>
    509     /// 双向链表
    510     /// </summary>
    511     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    512     class DlinkList<T> : ILinarList<T>
    513     {
    514         private DbNode<T> start;       //双向列表的头引用
    515         private int length;            //双链表的长度
    517         public DlinkList()
    518         {
    519             start = null;
    520         }
    523         public int GetLength()
    524         {
    525             return length;
    526         }
    528         public void Clear()
    529         {
    530             start = null;
    531         }
    533         public bool IsEmpty()
    534         {
    535             if (start == null)
    536                 return true;
    537             else
    538                 return false;
    539         }
    541         //向双链表的末尾追加数据元素
    542         public void InsertNode(T a)
    543         {
    544             DbNode<T> newNode = new DbNode<T>(a);
    545             if (IsEmpty())
    546             {
    547                 start = newNode;
    548                 length++;
    549                 return;
    550             }
    551             DbNode<T> current = start;
    553             while (current.Next != null)
    554             {
    555                 current = current.Next;
    556             }
    558             current.Next = newNode;
    559             newNode.Prev = current;
    560             newNode.Next = null;
    561             length++;
    562         }
    564         //在双向链表的第i个数据元素的位置前插入一个数据元素
    565         public void InsertNode(T a, int i)
    566         {
    567             DbNode<T> current;
    568             DbNode<T> previous;
    570             if (i < 1)
    571             {
    572                 Console.WriteLine("Postion is Error !");
    573                 return;
    574             }
    576             DbNode<T> newnode = new DbNode<T>(a);
    578             if (i == 1)
    579             {
    580                 newnode.Next = start;
    581                 start = newnode;
    582                 length++;
    583                 return;
    584             }
    586             //在双向链表的两个元素间插入一个元素
    587             current = start;
    588             previous = null;
    589             int j = 1;
    591             while (current != null && j < i)
    592             {
    593                 previous = current;
    594                 current = current.Next;
    595                 j++;
    596             }
    597             if (j == i)
    598             {
    599                 newnode.Next = current;
    600                 newnode.Prev = previous;
    601                 if (current !=null )
    602                     current.Prev = newnode; ;
    603                 previous.Next = newnode;
    604                 length++;
    606             }
    607         }
    609         //删除双向链表的第i个数据元素
    610         public void DeleteNode(int i)
    611         {
    612             if (IsEmpty() || i < 1)
    613             {
    614                 Console.WriteLine("Link is Empty or Postion is Error !");
    615                 return;
    616             }
    617             DbNode<T> current = start;
    619             if (i == 1)
    620             {
    621                 start = current.Next;
    622                 length--;
    623                 return;
    624             }
    626             DbNode<T> previous = null;
    627             int j = 1;
    628             while (current.Next != null && j < i)
    629             {
    630                 previous = current;
    631                 current = current.Next;
    632                 j++;
    633             }
    634             if (j == i)
    635             {
    636                 previous.Next = current.Next;
    637                 if (current.Next != null)
    638                     current.Next.Prev = previous;
    639                 previous = null;
    640                 current = null;
    641                 length--;
    642             }
    643             else
    644             {
    645                 Console.WriteLine("The {0}th node is not exist !");
    646             }
    647         }
    649         //获得双向链表的第i个元素
    650         public T SearchNode(int i)
    651         {
    652             if (IsEmpty())
    653             {
    654                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty !");
    655                 return default(T);
    656             }
    657             DbNode<T> current = start;
    658             int j = 1;
    659             while (current.Next != null && j < i)
    660             {
    661                 current = current.Next;
    662                 j++;
    663             }
    664             if (j == i)
    665             {
    666                 return current.Data;
    667             }
    668             else
    669             {
    670                 Console.WriteLine("The {0}th node is not exist !");
    671                 return default(T);
    672             }
    673         }
    675         //在双向链表中查找值为value的数据元素
    676         public T SearchNode(T value)
    677         {
    678             if (IsEmpty())
    679             {
    680                 Console.WriteLine("List is Empty !");
    681                 return default(T);
    682             }
    683             DbNode<T> current = start;
    685             int i = 1;
    686             while (!current.Data.ToString().Contains(value.ToString()) && current != null)
    687             {
    688                 current = current.Next;
    689                 i++;
    690             }
    691             if (current != null)
    692                 return current.Data;
    693             else
    694             {
    695                 return default(T);
    696             }
    697         }
    698     }
    700     class SeqListApp
    701     {
    702         static void Main(string[] args)
    703         {
    704             ILinarList<StuNode> stuList = null;
    705             Console.WriteLine("请选择存储结构的类型:1.顺序表 2.单链表 3.双链表 4.循环列表 :");
    706             char selectFlag = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
    707             switch (selectFlag)
    708             {
    709                 case '1':
    710                     Console.WriteLine("请输入学生数:");
    711                     int maxsize = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    712                     stuList = new SeqList<StuNode>(maxsize);
    713                     break;
    714                 case '2':
    715                     stuList = new SLinkList<StuNode>();
    716                     break;
    717                 case '3':
    718                     stuList = new DlinkList<StuNode>();
    719                     break;
    720                 default:
    721                     break;
    722             }
    723             while (true)
    724             {
    725                 Console.WriteLine("请输入操作选项:");
    726                 Console.WriteLine("1.添加学生成绩");
    727                 Console.WriteLine("2.删除学生成绩");
    728                 Console.WriteLine("3.按姓名查询学生成绩");
    729                 Console.WriteLine("4.按学号查询学生成绩");
    730                 Console.WriteLine("5.按升序显示所有的学生成绩");
    731                 Console.WriteLine("6.按降序显示所有的学生成绩");
    732                 Console.WriteLine("7.退出");
    733                 selectFlag = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
    735                 switch (selectFlag)
    736                 {
    737                     /*添加学生信息*/
    738                     case '1':
    739                         {
    740                             char flag;
    741                             do
    742                             {
    743                                 string stu_no;
    744                                 string stu_name;
    745                                 int stu_score;
    747                                 Console.WriteLine("请输入学号:");
    748                                 stu_no = Console.ReadLine();
    749                                 Console.WriteLine("请输入学生姓名:");
    750                                 stu_name = Console.ReadLine();
    752                                 Console.WriteLine("请输入学生成绩:");
    753                                 stu_score = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
    755                                 StuNode newNode = new StuNode(stu_no, stu_name, stu_score);
    756                                 if (stuList.GetLength() == 0)
    757                                 {
    758                                     stuList.InsertNode(newNode, 1);
    759                                 }
    760                                 else if (newNode.Stu_score > stuList.SearchNode(stuList.GetLength()).Stu_score)
    761                                 {
    762                                     stuList.InsertNode(newNode, stuList.GetLength() + 1);
    763                                 }
    764                                 else
    765                                 {
    766                                     for (int i = 1; i < stuList.GetLength(); i++)
    767                                     {
    768                                         if (newNode.Stu_score <= stuList.SearchNode(i).Stu_score)
    769                                         {
    770                                             stuList.InsertNode(newNode, i);
    771                                             break;
    772                                         }
    773                                     }
    774                                 }
    775                                 Console.WriteLine("继续输入学生信息?(Y/N)");
    776                                 flag = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
    777                             } while (flag == 'Y');
    778                             break;
    779                         }
    780                     /*按学号删除学生信息*/
    781                     case '2':
    782                         {
    783                             StuNode temp;
    784                             Console.WriteLine("请输入要删除的学生学号:");
    785                             string stu_no = Console.ReadLine();
    786                             for (int i = 1; i < stuList.GetLength(); i++)
    787                             {
    788                                 temp = stuList.SearchNode(i);
    789                                 if (temp.Stu_no == stu_no)
    790                                 {
    791                                     stuList.DeleteNode(i);
    792                                     break;
    793                                 }
    794                             }
    795                             break;
    796                         }
    797                     /*按姓名查询学生信息*/
    798                     case '3':
    799                         {
    800                             StuNode temp;
    801                             Console.WriteLine("请输入要查询的学生姓名:");
    802                             string stu_name = Console.ReadLine();
    803                             for (int i = 1; i <= stuList.GetLength(); i++)
    804                             {
    805                                 temp = stuList.SearchNode(i);
    806                                 if (temp.Stu_name == stu_name)
    807                                 {
    808                                     Console.WriteLine("{0}的成绩是:{1}", stu_name, temp.Stu_score);
    809                                     break;
    810                                 }
    811                             }
    812                             break;
    813                         }
    814                     /*按学号查询学生信息*/
    815                     case '4':
    816                         {
    817                             StuNode temp;
    818                             Console.WriteLine("请输入要查询的学生学号:");
    819                             string stu_no = Console.ReadLine();
    820                             for (int i = 1; i <= stuList.GetLength(); i++)
    821                             {
    822                                 temp = stuList.SearchNode(i);
    823                                 if (temp.Stu_no == stu_no)
    824                                 {
    825                                     Console.WriteLine("学号为{0}的学生的成绩是:{1}", stu_no, temp.Stu_score);
    826                                     break;
    827                                 }
    828                             }
    829                             break;
    830                         }
    831                     /*按升序显示所有学生的成绩*/
    832                     case '5':
    833                         {
    834                             StuNode temp = null;
    835                             for (int i = 1; i <= stuList.GetLength(); i++)
    836                             {
    837                                 temp = stuList.SearchNode(i);
    838                                 Console.WriteLine(" {0}\t{1}\t{2}", temp.Stu_no, temp.Stu_name, temp.Stu_score);
    839                             }
    840                             break;
    841                         }
    842                     case '6':
    843                         {
    844                             StuNode temp = null;
    845                             for (int i = stuList.GetLength(); i >= 1; i--)
    846                             {
    847                                 temp = stuList.SearchNode(i);
    848                                 Console.WriteLine(" {0}\t{1}\t{2}", temp.Stu_no, temp.Stu_name, temp.Stu_score);
    849                             }
    850                             break;
    851                         }
    852                     case '7':
    853                         {
    854                             return;
    855                         }
    856                     default:
    857                         break;
    858                 }
    859                 Console.WriteLine("按任意键继续....");
    860                 Console.ReadLine();
    861             }
    862         }
    863     }
    864 }

    注:本文整理自《数据结构(C#语言版)》 清华大学出版社 !!!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YuanSong/p/2645481.html
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