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  • HDU 5412 CRB and Queries 动态整体二分

    Problem Description
    There are N boys in CodeLand.
    Boy i has his coding skill Ai.
    CRB wants to know who has the suitable coding skill.
    So you should treat the following two types of queries.
    Query 1: 1 l v
    The coding skill of Boy l has changed to v.
    Query 2: 2 l r k
    This is a report query which asks the k-th smallest value of coding skill between Boy l and Boy r(both inclusive).
    There are multiple test cases.
    The first line contains a single integer N.
    Next line contains N space separated integers A1, A2, …, AN, where Ai denotes initial coding skill of Boy i.
    Next line contains a single integer Q representing the number of queries.
    Next Q lines contain queries which can be any of the two types.
    1 ≤ N, Q105
    1 ≤ Ai, v109
    1 ≤ lrN
    1 ≤ kr  l + 1
    For each query of type 2, output a single integer corresponding to the answer in a single line.
    Sample Input
    5 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 2 4 2 1 3 6 2 2 4 2
    Sample Output
    3 4
      1 #include <algorithm>
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <cstdlib>
      4 #include <cstring>
      5 #include <cstdio>
      6 #include <cmath>
      7 using namespace std;
      8 const int N=100005;
      9 int gi(){
     10     int str=0;char ch=getchar();
     11     while(ch>'9' || ch<'0')ch=getchar();
     12     while(ch>='0' && ch<='9')str=(str<<1)+(str<<3)+ch-48,ch=getchar();
     13     return str;
     14 }
     15 int n,m,a[N],top=0,ans[N];
     16 struct node{
     17     int x,y,cnt,k,id;
     18 }t[N*4],q1[N*4],q2[N*4];
     19 int Tree[N*4];
     20 void add(int sta,int ad){
     21     for(int i=sta;i<=n;i+=(i&(-i)))Tree[i]+=ad;
     22 }
     23 int getsum(int sta){
     24     int sum=0;
     25     for(int i=sta;i>=1;i-=(i&(-i)))sum+=Tree[i];
     26     return sum;
     27 }
     28 int l1=0,l2=0;
     29 void count(int ll,int rr,int dl,int dr)
     30     {
     31         for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++)
     32             {
     33                 if(t[i].k)
     34                     t[i].cnt=getsum(t[i].y)-getsum(t[i].x-1);
     35                 else if(t[i].y<=dr)
     36                     add(t[i].x,t[i].cnt);
     37             }
     38         for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++)
     39             if(!t[i].k && t[i].y<=dr)
     40                 add(t[i].x,-t[i].cnt);
     41         l1=0;l2=0;
     42         for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++)
     43             {
     44                 if(t[i].k)
     45                     {
     46                         if(t[i].cnt>=t[i].k)
     47                             q1[++l1]=t[i];
     48                         else
     49                             t[i].k-=t[i].cnt,q2[++l2]=t[i];
     50                     }
     51                 else
     52                     {
     53                         if(t[i].y<=dr)
     54                             q1[++l1]=t[i];
     55                         else
     56                             q2[++l2]=t[i];
     57                     }
     58             }
     59         int now=ll-1;
     60         for(int i=1;i<=l1;i++)
     61             t[++now]=q1[i];
     62         for(int i=1;i<=l2;i++)
     63             t[++now]=q2[i];
     64    }
     65 void div(int ll,int rr,int dl,int dr)
     66     {
     67         if(dl==dr)
     68             {
     69                 for(int i=ll;i<=rr;i++)
     70                     if(t[i].k)ans[t[i].id]=dl;
     71                 return ;
     72             }
     73         int mid=(dl+dr)>>1;
     74         count(ll,rr,dl,mid);
     75         int to=l1;
     76         if(to)
     77             div(ll,ll+to-1,dl,mid);
     78         if(to<=rr-ll)
     79             div(ll+to,rr,mid+1,dr);
     80     }
     81 void Clear(){
     82     top=0;
     83     memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans));
     84     memset(t,0,sizeof(t));
     85 }
     86 void work()
     87     {
     88         Clear();
     89        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
     90         {
     91             a[i]=gi();
     92             t[++top]=((node){i,a[i],1,0,0});
     93         }
     94         m=gi();
     95        int flag,x,y,z;
     96       for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
     97         {
     98             flag=gi();
     99             if(flag==1)
    100                 {
    101                     x=gi();y=gi();
    102                     t[++top]=((node){x,a[x],-1,0,0});
    103                     t[++top]=((node){x,y,1,0,0});
    104                     a[x]=y;
    105                 }
    106             else
    107                 {
    108                     x=gi();y=gi();z=gi();
    109                     t[++top]=(node){x,y,0,z,i};
    110                 }
    111         }
    112        div(1,top,1,1e9);
    113        for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)if(ans[i])printf("%d
    114     }
    115 int main()
    116 {
    117     while(~scanf("%d",&n))
    118         work();
    119     return 0;
    120 }


      1 #include <algorithm>
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <cstdlib>
      4 #include <cstring>
      5 #include <cstdio>
      6 #include <cmath>
      7 using namespace std;
      8 const int N=100001;
      9 int n,m,a[N],b[N<<1];
     10 struct Ques{
     11     int flag,x,y,k;
     12 }q[N];
     13 int num=0,bel[N];
     14 int getrank(int x){
     15     int l=1,r=num,mid;
     16     while(l<=r)
     17         {
     18             mid=(l+r)>>1;
     19             if(b[mid]==x)return mid;
     20             if(x>b[mid])l=mid+1;
     21             else r=mid-1;
     22         }
     23 }
     24 struct Tree{
     25     int ls,rs,cnt;
     26 }t[N*600];
     27 int root[N],tot=0;
     28 void add(int &rt,int l,int r,int val,int ad)
     29     {
     30         t[++tot]=t[rt];rt=tot;t[rt].cnt+=ad;
     31         if(l==r)return ;
     32         int mid=(l+r)>>1;
     33         if(val<=mid)add(t[rt].ls,l,mid,val,ad);
     34         else add(t[rt].rs,mid+1,r,val,ad);
     35     }
     36 void updata(int sta,int val,int ad)
     37     {
     38         for(int i=sta;i<=n;i+=(i&(-i)))add(root[i],1,num,val,ad);
     39     }
     40 int nl[N],nr[N];
     41 int query(int ll,int rr,int rank)
     42     {
     43         int l=1,r=num,mid;
     44         int lenl=0,lenr=0,sl,sr;
     45         for(int i=ll;i>=1;i-=(i&(-i)))nl[++lenl]=root[i];
     46         for(int i=rr;i>=1;i-=(i&(-i)))nr[++lenr]=root[i];
     47         while(l<r)
     48             {
     49                 mid=(l+r)>>1;
     50                sl=sr=0;
     51                 for(int i=1;i<=lenl;i++)sl+=t[t[nl[i]].ls].cnt;
     52                 for(int i=1;i<=lenr;i++)sr+=t[t[nr[i]].ls].cnt;
     53                 if(sr-sl>=rank)
     54                     {
     55                         for(int i=1;i<=lenl;i++)nl[i]=t[nl[i]].ls;
     56                         for(int i=1;i<=lenr;i++)nr[i]=t[nr[i]].ls;
     57                         r=mid;
     58                     }
     59                 else
     60                     {
     61                         for(int i=1;i<=lenl;i++)nl[i]=t[nl[i]].rs;
     62                         for(int i=1;i<=lenr;i++)nr[i]=t[nr[i]].rs;
     63                         l=mid+1;rank-=sr-sl;
     64                     }
     65             }
     66         return b[r];
     67     }
     68 void Clear()
     69     {
     70         tot=0;num=0;
     71         memset(root,0,sizeof(root));
     72         memset(t,0,sizeof(t));
     73     }
     74 void work()
     75     {
     76         Clear();
     77         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)scanf("%d",&a[i]),b[++num]=a[i];
     78         scanf("%d",&m);
     79         for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
     80             {
     81                 scanf("%d",&q[i].flag);
     82                 if(q[i].flag==2){
     83                     scanf("%d%d%d",&q[i].x,&q[i].y,&q[i].k);
     84                 }
     85                 else{
     86                     scanf("%d%d",&q[i].x,&q[i].y);
     87                     b[++num]=q[i].y;
     88                 }
     89             }
     90         sort(b+1,b+num+1);
     91         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)bel[i]=getrank(a[i]);
     92         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)updata(i,bel[i],1);
     93         for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
     94             {
     95                 if(q[i].flag==1)
     96                     {
     97                         updata(q[i].x,bel[q[i].x],-1);
     98                         updata(q[i].x,q[i].y=getrank(q[i].y),1);
     99                         bel[q[i].x]=q[i].y;
    100                     }
    101                     else
    102                      printf("%d
    103             }
    104     }
    105 int main()
    106 {
    107     //freopen("pp.in","r",stdin);
    108     //freopen("pp.out","w",stdout);
    109     while(~scanf("%d",&n))
    110         work();
    111     return 0;
    112 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Yuzao/p/7111375.html
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