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  • js遮罩层弹出框



        #H-dialog{display:none;position:absolute;z-index: 9999999;width:400px;height: auto; background-color: #fff;}
        #H-dialog .close{float:right;font-size: 30px;margin-right: 10px;margin-top:5px;cursor:pointer;}
        #H-dialog .title{height: 40px;padding-left:10px; font-size:20px; line-height:40px;}
        #H-dialog #msgCont{height:36px; margin: 30px 0 50px;padding-left: 65px;font-size: 25px;line-height: 36px;vertical-align: middle; background: url(../Images/ui_alert.png) no-repeat 20px 50%;}
    <div id="H-dialog">
        <a class="close" onclick="popupClose(this)">×</a>
        <div class="title">提示</div>
        <div id="msgCont">内容</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function lockScreen() {
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        function popupClose(el) {
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        function autoClose(id) {
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        *功能 : 弹窗信息
        *参数1 : 提示信息内容
        *参数2 : 提示信息状态默认0 为提示信息,1为成功信息
        *参数3 : 弹窗div的id,默认"H-dialog"
        *参数4 : 弹窗内容的id,默认"msgCont"
        function showMsg(msg) {
            msg = msg || "请重新操作";
            var status = arguments[1] || 0,
            popupId = arguments[2] || "H-dialog",
            contentId = arguments[3] || "msgCont";       
            var pageWidth = window.innerWidth;
            var pageHeight = window.innerHeight;
            if (typeof pageWidth != "number") {
                if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") {
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            var div_X = (pageWidth - 400) / 2 + scrollLeft;
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            var objDiv = document.getElementById(popupId);
            if (status) {
                document.getElementById(contentId).style.background = "url($Root/Assets/Images/ui_success.png) no-repeat 20px 50%";
            document.getElementById(contentId).innerHTML = msg;
            objDiv.style.display = "block";
            objDiv.style.left = div_X + "px";
            objDiv.style.top = div_Y + "px";
  • 相关阅读:
    231. Power of Two
    204. Count Primes
    205. Isomorphic Strings
    203. Remove Linked List Elements
    179. Largest Number
    922. Sort Array By Parity II
    350. Intersection of Two Arrays II
    242. Valid Anagram
    164. Maximum Gap
    147. Insertion Sort List
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Z-G-H/p/4225472.html
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