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  • 洛谷 P3071 [USACO13JAN]座位Seating-线段树区间合并(判断找,只需要最大前缀和最大后缀)+分治+贪心

    P3071 [USACO13JAN]座位Seating


    To earn some extra money, the cows have opened a restaurant in their barn specializing in milkshakes. The restaurant has N seats (1 <= N <= 500,000) in a row. Initially, they are all empty.

    Throughout the day, there are M different events that happen in sequence at the restaurant (1 <= M <= 300,000). The two types of events that can happen are:

    1. A party of size p arrives (1 <= p <= N). Bessie wants to seat the party in a contiguous block of p empty seats. If this is possible, she does so in the lowest position possible in the list of seats. If it is impossible, the party is turned away.

    2. A range [a,b] is given (1 <= a <= b <= N), and everybody in that range of seats leaves.

    Please help Bessie count the total number of parties that are turned away over the course of the day.





    * Line 1: Two space-separated integers, N and M.

    * Lines 2..M+1: Each line describes a single event. It is either a line of the form "A p" (meaning a party of size p arrives) or "L a b" (meaning that all cows in the range [a, b] leave).


    * Line 1: The number of parties that are turned away.


    输入样例#1: 复制
    10 4 
    A 6 
    L 2 4 
    A 5 
    A 2 
    输出样例#1: 复制


    There are 10 seats, and 4 events. First, a party of 6 cows arrives. Then all cows in seats 2..4 depart. Next, a party of 5 arrives, followed by a party of 2.

    Party #3 is turned away. All other parties are seated.


      1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 typedef long long ll;
      4 const int maxn=5e6+10;
      5 #define lson l,m,rt<<1
      6 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1
      8 struct Tree{
      9     int lch,rch,val,lazy;
     10 }tree[maxn<<2];
     12 void pushup(int l,int r,int rt)
     13 {
     14     int m=(l+r)>>1;
     15     if(tree[rt<<1].val==(m-l+1)) tree[rt].lch=tree[rt<<1].val+tree[rt<<1|1].lch;
     16     else tree[rt].lch=tree[rt<<1].lch;
     17     if(tree[rt<<1|1].val==(r-m)) tree[rt].rch=tree[rt<<1|1].val+tree[rt<<1].rch;
     18     else tree[rt].rch=tree[rt<<1|1].rch;
     19     tree[rt].val=max(max(tree[rt<<1].val,tree[rt<<1|1].val),tree[rt<<1].rch+tree[rt<<1|1].lch);
     20 }
     22 void pushdown(int l,int r,int rt)
     23 {
     24     int m=(l+r)>>1;
     25     if(tree[rt].lazy){
     26         if(tree[rt].lazy==1){//清空
     27             tree[rt<<1].lazy=tree[rt<<1|1].lazy=tree[rt].lazy;
     28             tree[rt<<1].lch=tree[rt<<1].rch=tree[rt<<1].val=m-l+1;
     29             tree[rt<<1|1].lch=tree[rt<<1|1].rch=tree[rt<<1|1].val=r-m;
     30         }
     31         if(tree[rt].lazy==2){//坐满
     32             tree[rt<<1].lazy=tree[rt<<1|1].lazy=tree[rt].lazy;
     33             tree[rt<<1].lch=tree[rt<<1].rch=tree[rt<<1].val=0;
     34             tree[rt<<1|1].lch=tree[rt<<1|1].rch=tree[rt<<1|1].val=0;
     35         }
     36         tree[rt].lazy=0;
     37     }
     38 }
     40 void build(int l,int r,int rt)
     41 {
     42     tree[rt].lazy=0;
     43     if(l==r){
     44         tree[rt].lch=tree[rt].rch=tree[rt].val=1;
     45         return ;
     46     }
     48     int m=(l+r)>>1;
     49     build(lson);
     50     build(rson);
     51     pushup(l,r,rt);
     52 }
     54 void update(int L,int R,int c,int l,int r,int rt)
     55 {
     56     if(tree[rt].lazy){
     57         pushdown(l,r,rt);
     58     }
     60     if(L<=l&&r<=R){
     61         if(c==1){
     62             tree[rt].lch=tree[rt].rch=tree[rt].val=r-l+1;
     63         }
     64         if(c==2){
     65             tree[rt].lch=tree[rt].rch=tree[rt].val=0;
     66         }
     67         tree[rt].lazy=c;
     68         return ;
     69     }
     71     int m=(l+r)>>1;
     72     if(L<=m) update(L,R,c,lson);
     73     if(R> m) update(L,R,c,rson);
     74     pushup(l,r,rt);
     75 }
     77 int query(int c,int l,int r,int rt)
     78 {
     79     if(tree[rt].lazy){
     80         pushdown(l,r,rt);
     81     }
     83     if(l==r){
     84         return l;
     85     }
     87     int m=(l+r)>>1;
     88     if(tree[rt<<1].val>=c) return query(c,lson);
     89     else if(tree[rt<<1].rch+tree[rt<<1|1].lch>=c) return m-tree[rt<<1].rch+1;
     90     else return query(c,rson);
     91 }
     93 int main()
     94 {
     95     int n,m;
     96     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
     97     build(1,n,1);
     98     int num=0;
     99     for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
    100         char op[5];
    101         scanf("%s",op);
    102         if(op[0]=='A'){
    103             int x;
    104             scanf("%d",&x);
    105             if(tree[1].val>=x){
    106                 int ans=query(x,1,n,1);
    107                 update(ans,ans+x-1,2,1,n,1);
    108             }
    109             else num++;
    110         }
    111         else{
    112             int l,r;
    113             scanf("%d%d",&l,&r);
    114             update(l,r,1,1,n,1);
    115         }
    116     }
    117     printf("%d
    118 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZERO-/p/10733403.html
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