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  • keyFile 巩固练习

    系统 : Windows xp

    程序 : noodles-crackme2

    程序下载地址 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhJ4Ems

    要求 : 编写KeyFile

    使用工具 : OD






    00401499   > 6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
    0040149B   .  68 80000000   push 0x80                                ; |Attributes = NORMAL
    004014A0   .  6A 03         push 0x3                                 ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
    004014A2   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |pSecurity = NULL
    004014A4   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |ShareMode = 0
    004014A6   .  68 00000080   push 0x80000000                          ; |Access = GENERIC_READ
    004014AB   .  68 F1354000   push noodles-.004035F1                   ; |FileName = "spook.key"
    004014B0   .  E8 6F010000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateFileA>         ; CreateFileA
    004014B5   .  83F8 FF       cmp eax,-0x1
    004014B8   .  0F84 99000000 je noodles-.00401557
    004014BE   .  A3 E9354000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x4035E9],eax
    004014C3   .  FF35 E9354000 push dword ptr ds:[0x4035E9]             ; /hFile = NULL
    004014C9   .  E8 32010000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.GetFileType>         ; GetFileType
    004014CE   .  68 FB354000   push noodles-.004035FB                   ; /pFileSizeHigh = noodles-.004035FB
    004014D3   .  FF35 E9354000 push dword ptr ds:[0x4035E9]             ; |hFile = NULL
    004014D9   .  E8 1C010000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.GetFileSize>         ; GetFileSize
    004014DE   .  A3 ED354000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x4035ED],eax
    004014E3   .  83F8 08       cmp eax,0x8                              ;  大小是否等于8?
    004014E6   .  75 6F         jnz Xnoodles-.00401557
    004014E8   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
    004014EA   .  68 FB354000   push noodles-.004035FB                   ; |pBytesRead = noodles-.004035FB
    004014EF   .  50            push eax                                 ; |BytesToRead
    004014F0   .  68 FF354000   push noodles-.004035FF                   ; |Buffer = noodles-.004035FF
    004014F5   .  FF35 E9354000 push dword ptr ds:[0x4035E9]             ; |hFile = NULL
    004014FB   .  E8 BE000000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.ReadFile>            ; ReadFile
    00401500   .  85C0          test eax,eax
    00401502   .  74 53         je Xnoodles-.00401557
    00401504   .  33C0          xor eax,eax
    00401506   .  FF35 E9354000 push dword ptr ds:[0x4035E9]             ; /hObject = NULL
    0040150C   .  E8 A7000000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CloseHandle>         ; CloseHandle
    00401511   .  B8 FF354000   mov eax,noodles-.004035FF
    00401516   .  C100 05       rol dword ptr ds:[eax],0x5
    00401519   .  8300 0F       add dword ptr ds:[eax],0xF
    0040151C   .  C148 04 07    ror dword ptr ds:[eax+0x4],0x7
    00401520   .  8368 04 05    sub dword ptr ds:[eax+0x4],0x5
    00401524   .  8178 04 BDD84>cmp dword ptr ds:[eax+0x4],0xC642D8BD
    0040152B   .  75 2A         jnz Xnoodles-.00401557
    0040152D   .  8138 FC098E2E cmp dword ptr ds:[eax],0x2E8E09FC
    00401533   .  75 22         jnz Xnoodles-.00401557
    00401535   .  68 88130000   push 0x1388
    0040153A   .  68 94334000   push noodles-.00403394                   ; /Text = "Your keyfile is fine happy happy joy joy"
    0040153F   .  68 8B130000   push 0x138B                              ; |ControlID = 138B (5003.)
    00401544   .  FF75 08       push dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x8]              ; |hWnd
    00401547   .  E8 62010000   call <jmp.&USER32.SetDlgItemTextA>       ; SetDlgItemTextA
    0040154C   .  8B25 BD334000 mov esp,dword ptr ds:[0x4033BD]
    00401552   .^ E9 CBFDFFFF   jmp noodles-.00401322
    00401557   >  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL
    00401559   .  68 63364000   push noodles-.00403663                   ; |Title = "Error!"
    0040155E   .  68 6A364000   push noodles-.0040366A                   ; |Text = "Ketfile not present
    or incorrect"
    00401563   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |hOwner = NULL
    00401565   .  E8 4A010000   call <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>           ; MessageBoxA
    0040156A   .  6A 01         push 0x1                                 ; /ExitCode = 1
    0040156C   .  E8 5F000000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.ExitProcess>         ; ExitProcess



    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    int main( void )
        unsigned int v1 = 0x2E8E09FC,v2 = 0xC642D8BD;
            push eax
            push ebx
            mov eax,v1
            mov ebx,v2
            sub eax,0xF
            ror eax,0x5
            add ebx,0x5
            rol ebx,0x7
            mov v1,eax
            mov v2,ebx
            pop ebx
            pop eax
        ofstream out( "spook.key",ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc );
        if ( out.is_open() ){
            out.write( (const char *)&v1,4 );
            out.write( (const char *)&v2,4 );
            cout << "Open file failed." << endl;
        return 0;


    4F 70 74 69 63 61 6C 21 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZRBYYXDM/p/6110483.html
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