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  • 《剑指offer》第三题I:找出数组中重复的数字

    // 面试题3(一):找出数组中重复的数字,可修改数组
    // 题目:在一个长度为n的数组里的所有数字都在0到n-1的范围内。数组中某些数字是重复的,但不知道有几个数字重复了,
    // 也不知道每个数字重复了几次。请找出数组中任意一个重复的数字。例如,如果输入长度为7的数组{2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 5, 3},
    // 那么对应的输出是重复的数字2或者3。
    #include <cstdio>
    bool duplicate(int* numbers, int length, int* num)
        //鲁棒性测试 1.空指针或者长度无效 2.超出0到n-1范围
        if (numbers == nullptr || length <= 0)
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            if (numbers[i] < 0 || numbers[i] > length - 1)
                return false;
        //主要思想:数组范围[0, n-1],无重复情况 numbers[i] = i
        //          将numbers[i]与其对应位置值做对比, 如果相等则为重复值,如不等交换值.
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            while (numbers[i] != i) //在本位置的跳过
                if (numbers[i] == numbers[numbers[i]]) //与其位置值相等
                    *num = numbers[i];
                    return true;
                //不相等, 交换值
                int temp = numbers[i]; //temp为位置索引
                numbers[i] = numbers[temp];
                numbers[temp] = temp;
                //int temp = numbers[numbers[i]]; //如先赋给numbers[i]
                //numbers[numbers[i]] = numbers[i]; //则numbers[numbers[i]]值非预期更改
                //numbers[i] = temp;
        return false;
    // ====================测试代码====================
    bool contains(int array[], int length, int number)
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            if (array[i] == number)
                return true;
        return false;
    void test(const char* testName, int numbers[], int lengthNumbers, int expected[], int expectedExpected, bool validArgument)
        printf("%s begins: ", testName);
        int duplication;
        bool validInput = duplicate(numbers, lengthNumbers, &duplication);
        if (validArgument == validInput)
            if (validArgument)
                if (contains(expected, expectedExpected, duplication))
    // 重复的数字是数组中最小的数字
    void test1()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 1, 3, 1, 4 };
        int duplications[] = { 1 };
        test("Test1", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), true);
    // 重复的数字是数组中最大的数字
    void test2()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 4, 3, 1, 4 };
        int duplications[] = { 4 };
        test("Test2", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), true);
    // 数组中存在多个重复的数字
    void test3()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 4, 2, 1, 4 };
        int duplications[] = { 2, 4 };
        test("Test3", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), true);
    // 没有重复的数字
    void test4()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 1, 3, 0, 4 };
        int duplications[] = { -1 }; // not in use in the test function
        test("Test4", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), false);
    // 没有重复的数字
    void test5()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 };
        int duplications[] = { -1 }; // not in use in the test function
        test("Test5", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), false);
    // 无效的输入
    void test6()
        int* numbers = nullptr;
        int duplications[] = { -1 }; // not in use in the test function
        test("Test6", numbers, 0, duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int), false);
    void main()
    //sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int)计算数组大小很巧妙
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZSY-blog/p/12494826.html
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