1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3 #define error 0 4 #define ok 1 5 #define no 0 6 typedef struct 7 { 8 int i,j; 9 int foot; 10 int mark; 11 }postype; 12 typedef struct 13 { 14 int ord; 15 int di; 16 postype seat; 17 }selemtype; 18 typedef struct snode 19 { 20 selemtype data; 21 struct snode*next; 22 }linkstack; 23 int initstack(linkstack*&s) 24 { 25 s=NULL; 26 return ok; 27 } 28 int push(linkstack *&s,selemtype e) 29 { 30 linkstack *p; 31 p=(linkstack*)malloc(sizeof(linkstack)); 32 p->data=e; 33 p->next=s; 34 s=p; 35 return ok; 36 } 37 int stackempty(linkstack*s) 38 { 39 if(s==NULL) 40 return ok; 41 return no; 42 } 43 int pop(linkstack*&s,selemtype &e) 44 { 45 linkstack*p; 46 if(!s) 47 return error; 48 p=s; 49 e=s->data; 50 s=s->next; 51 free(p); 52 return ok; 53 } 54 linkstack*mazepath(postype maze[11][11],postype start,postype end) 55 { 56 linkstack*s; 57 postype curpos=start; 58 int curstep=1; 59 initstack(s); 60 selemtype e; 61 do 62 { 63 if(curpos.foot&&curpos.mark) 64 { 65 curpos.foot=maze[curpos.i][curpos.j].foot=0; 66 e.ord=curstep; 67 e.seat=curpos; 68 e.di=1; 69 push(s,e); 70 if(curpos.i==end.i&&curpos.j==end.j) 71 return s; 72 curpos=maze[e.seat.i][e.seat.j+1]; 73 curstep++; 74 } 75 else 76 { 77 if(!stackempty(s)) 78 { 79 pop(s,e); 80 while(e.di==4&&!stackempty(s)) 81 { 82 e.seat.mark=0; 83 pop(s,e); 84 } 85 if(e.di<4) 86 { 87 e.di++; 88 push(s,e); 89 if(e.di==1) 90 curpos=maze[e.seat.i][e.seat.j+1]; 91 if(e.di==2) 92 curpos=maze[e.seat.i+1][e.seat.j]; 93 if(e.di==3) 94 curpos=maze[e.seat.i][e.seat.j-1]; 95 if(e.di=4) 96 curpos=maze[e.seat.i-1][e.seat.j]; 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 }while(!stackempty(s)); 101 return no; 102 } 103 void main() 104 { 105 postype maze[11][11]; 106 int i,j; 107 linkstack*s; 108 selemtype e; 109 char a[11][11]= 110 { 111 {'#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#'}, 112 {'#',' ',' ','#',' ',' ',' ','#',' ','#'}, 113 {'#',' ',' ','#',' ',' ',' ','#',' ','#'}, 114 {'#',' ',' ',' ',' ','#','#',' ',' ','#'}, 115 {'#',' ','#','#','#',' ',' ',' ',' ','#'}, 116 {'#',' ',' ',' ','#',' ',' ',' ',' ','#'}, 117 {'#',' ','#',' ',' ',' ','#',' ',' ','#'}, 118 {'#',' ','#','#','#',' ','#','#',' ','#'}, 119 {'#','#',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','#'}, 120 {'#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#'} 121 }; 122 int b[11][11]= 123 { 124 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 125 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 126 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 127 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 128 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 129 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 130 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 131 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 132 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 133 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 134 }; 135 printf("原迷宫: "); 136 for(i=0;i<10;i++) 137 { 138 for(j=0;j<10;j++) 139 printf("%c ",a[i][j]); 140 printf(" "); 141 } 142 for(i=0;i<=10;i++) 143 { 144 for(j=0;j<=10;j++) 145 { 146 maze[i][j].i=i; 147 maze[i][j].j=j; 148 if(a[i][j]=='#') 149 maze[i][j].mark=0; 150 else 151 maze[i][j].mark=1; 152 maze[i][j].foot=1; 153 } 154 } 155 s=mazepath(maze,maze[1][1],maze[8][8]); 156 while(!stackempty(s)) 157 { 158 pop(s,e); 159 b[e.seat.i][e.seat.j]=1; 160 } 161 printf("路径:"); 162 for(i=0;i<10;i++) 163 { 164 for(j=0;j<10;j++) 165 printf("%d ",b[i][j]); 166 printf(" "); 167 } 168 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <string.h> 4 #define TRUE 1 5 #define FALSE 0 6 #define OK 1 7 #define ERROR 0 8 #define OVERFLOW -2 9 typedef int Status; 10 //stack.h 11 //#include "base.h" 12 #define INIT_SIZE 100 //存储空间初始分配量 13 #define INCREMENT 10 //存储空间分配增量 14 typedef struct{ //迷宫中r行c列的位置 15 int r; 16 int c; 17 }PostType; 18 typedef struct{ 19 int ord; //当前位置在路径上的序号 20 PostType seat;//当前坐标 21 int di; //往下一坐标的方向 22 }SElemType; //栈元素类型 23 typedef struct{ 24 SElemType* base;//栈基址,构造前销毁后为空 25 SElemType* top;//栈顶 26 int stackSize; //栈容量 27 }Stack; //栈类型 28 Status InitStack(Stack &S){ //构造空栈s 29 S.base=(SElemType*)malloc(INIT_SIZE *sizeof(SElemType)); 30 if(!S.base) 31 exit(OVERFLOW);//存储分配失败 32 S.top=S.base; 33 S.stackSize=INIT_SIZE; 34 return OK; 35 }//InitStack 36 37 Status StackEmpty(Stack S){ 38 //若s为空返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE 39 if(S.top==S.base) 40 return TRUE; 41 return FALSE; 42 }//StackEmpty 43 44 Status Push(Stack &S,SElemType e){ 45 //插入元素e为新的栈顶元素 46 if(S.top-S.base >=S.stackSize){//栈满,加空间 47 S.base=(SElemType *)realloc(S.base,(S.stackSize+INCREMENT)*sizeof(SElemType)); 48 if(!S.base) 49 exit(OVERFLOW); //存储分配失败 50 S.top=S.base+S.stackSize; 51 S.stackSize+=INCREMENT; 52 } 53 *S.top++=e; 54 return OK; 55 }//push 56 Status Pop(Stack &S,SElemType &e){//若栈不空删除栈//顶元素用e返回并返回OK,否则返回ERROR 57 if(S.top==S.base) 58 return ERROR; 59 e=*--S.top; 60 return OK; 61 }//Pop 62 Status DestroyStack(Stack &S) 63 {//销毁栈S, 64 free(S.base); 65 S.top=S.base; 66 return OK; 67 }//DestroyStack 68 69 //maze.cpp 70 //#include "stack.h" 71 #define MAXLEN 10//迷宫包括外墙最大行列数目 72 typedef struct{ 73 int r; 74 int c; 75 char adr[MAXLEN][MAXLEN];//可取' ''*' '@' '#' 76 }MazeType; //迷宫类型 77 Status InitMaze(MazeType &maze){ 78 //初始化迷宫若成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE 79 int m,n,i,j; 80 printf("Enter row and column numbers: "); 81 scanf("%d%d",&maze.r,&maze.c); //迷宫行和列数 82 for(i=0;i<=maze.c+1;i++){//迷宫行外墙 83 maze.adr[0][i]='#'; 84 maze.adr[maze.r+1][i]='#'; 85 }//for 86 for(i=0;i<=maze.r+1;i++){//迷宫列外墙 87 maze.adr[i][0]='#'; 88 maze.adr[i][maze.c+1]='#'; 89 } 90 for(i=1;i<=maze.r;i++) 91 92 for(j=1;j<=maze.c;j++) 93 94 maze.adr[i][j]=' ';//初始化迷宫 95 printf("Enter block's coordinate((-1,-1) to end): "); 96 97 scanf("%d%d",&m,&n);//接收障碍的坐标 98 while(m!=-1){ 99 100 if(m>maze.r || n>maze.c)//越界 101 exit(ERROR); 102 103 maze.adr[m][n]='#';//迷宫障碍用'#'标记 104 printf("Enter block's coordinate((-1,-1) to end): "); 105 106 scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); 107 108 }//while 109 110 return OK; 111 112 }//InitMaze 113 114 Status Pass(MazeType maze,PostType curpos){ 115 116 //当前位置可通则返回TURE,否则返回FALSE 117 118 if(maze.adr[curpos.r][curpos.c]==' ')//可通 119 return TRUE; 120 121 else 122 123 return FALSE; 124 125 }//Pass 126 127 Status FootPrint(MazeType &maze,PostType curpos){ 128 129 //若走过并且可通返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE 130 131 //在返回之前销毁栈S 132 133 maze.adr[curpos.r][curpos.c]='*';//"*"表示可通 134 return OK; 135 136 }//FootPrint 137 138 PostType NextPos(PostType &curpos,int i){ 139 //指示并返回下一位置的坐标 140 PostType cpos; 141 cpos=curpos; 142 switch(i){ //分别表示东,南,西,北方向 143 case 1 : cpos.c+=1; break; 144 case 2 : cpos.r+=1; break; 145 case 3 : cpos.c-=1; break; 146 case 4 : cpos.r-=1; break; 147 default: exit(ERROR); 148 } 149 return cpos; 150 }//Nextpos 151 152 Status MarkPrint(MazeType &maze,PostType curpos){ 153 //曾走过但不是通路标记并返回OK 154 maze.adr[curpos.r][curpos.c]='@';//"@"表示曾走过但不通 155 return OK; 156 }//MarkPrint 157 158 Status MazePath(MazeType &maze,PostType start,PostType end){ 159 160 //若迷宫maze存在从入口start到end的通道则求得一条存放在栈中 161 //并返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE 162 163 Stack S; 164 165 PostType curpos; 166 167 int curstep;//当前序号,分别表示东,南,西,北方向 168 SElemType e; 169 170 InitStack(S); 171 172 curpos=start; //设置"当前位置"为"入口位置" 173 174 curstep=1; //探索第一步 175 do{ 176 177 if(Pass(maze,curpos)){//当前位置可以通过, 178 179 //即是未曾走到过的通道 180 FootPrint(maze,curpos);//留下足迹 181 e.ord=curstep; 182 183 e.seat=curpos; 184 185 e.di=1; 186 187 Push(S,e); //加入路径 188 if(curpos.r==end.r&& curpos.c==end.c) 189 190 if(!DestroyStack(S))//销毁失败 191 exit(OVERFLOW); 192 193 else 194 195 return TRUE; //到达出口 196 else{ 197 198 curpos=NextPos(curpos,1); 199 200 //下一位置是当前位置的东邻 201 curstep++; //探索下一步 202 }//else 203 204 }//if 205 206 else{ //当前位置不通 207 if(!StackEmpty(S)){ 208 209 Pop(S,e); 210 211 while(e.di==4 212 213 && !StackEmpty(S)){ 214 215 MarkPrint(maze,e.seat); 216 217 Pop(S,e); 218 219 //留下不能通过的标记,并退一步 220 }//while 221 222 if(e.di < 4){ 223 224 e.di++;//换下一个方向探索 225 Push(S,e); 226 227 curpos=NextPos(e.seat,e.di);//设定当前位置是该 228 //新方向上的相邻 229 }//if 230 231 }//if 232 233 }//else 234 235 }while(!StackEmpty(S)); 236 237 if(!DestroyStack(S))//销毁失败 238 exit(OVERFLOW); 239 240 else 241 242 return FALSE; 243 244 }//MazePath 245 246 void PrintMaze(MazeType &maze){ 247 248 //将标记路径信息的迷宫输出到终端(包括外墙) 249 250 int i,j; 251 252 printf(" Show maze path(*---pathway): "); 253 254 printf(" "); 255 256 for(i=0;i<=maze.r+1;i++)//打印列数名 257 printf("%4d",i); 258 259 printf(" "); 260 261 for(i=0;i<=maze.r+1;i++){ 262 263 printf("%2d",i);//打印行名 264 265 for(j=0;j<=maze.c+1;j++) 266 267 printf("%4c",maze.adr[i][j]);//输出迷宫//当前位置的标记 268 269 printf(" "); 270 271 } 272 273 }//PrintMaze 274 275 276 277 void main(){ //主函数 278 MazeType maze; 279 280 PostType start,end; 281 282 char cmd; 283 284 do{ 285 286 printf("-------FOUND A MAZEPATH-------- "); 287 288 if(!InitMaze(maze)){ //初始化并创建迷宫 289 printf(" Initialization errors!!! "); 290 291 exit(OVERFLOW); //初始化错误 292 } 293 294 do{ //输入迷宫入口坐标 295 printf(" Enter entrance coordinate of the maze: "); 296 297 scanf("%d%d",&start.r,&start.c); 298 299 if(start.r>maze.r || start.c>maze.c){ 300 301 printf(" Beyond the maze!!! "); 302 303 continue; 304 305 } 306 307 }while(start.r>maze.r || start.c>maze.c); 308 309 do{ //输入迷宫出口坐标 310 printf(" Enter exit coordinate of the maze: "); 311 312 scanf("%d%d",&end.r,&end.c); 313 314 if(end.r>maze.r || end.c>maze.c){ 315 316 printf(" Beyond the maze!!! "); 317 318 continue; 319 320 } 321 322 }while(end.r>maze.r || end.c>maze.c); 323 324 if(!MazePath(maze,start,end))//迷宫求解 325 printf(" No path from entrance to exit! "); 326 327 else 328 329 PrintMaze(maze);//打印路径 330 printf(" Continue?(y/n): "); 331 332 scanf("%s",&cmd); 333 334 }while(cmd=='y' || cmd=='Y'); 335 336 }//main