There have been issues with DirectX since way back in the February 2005 update relating to the D3DX dll library files. Since then you can not distributes apps without the DirectX runtime and expect them to work.
Windows XP users who keep their machines up to date should all have DirectX 9.0c installed but not the D3DX dlls so will get errors about missing d3dx9_xx.dll (where xx is from 24 for the February 2005 update to the latest listed below). In addition XINPUT dlls may be missing (this is the Xbox controller system) and Direct3D 10 dlls from April 2007. Unfortunately the end user is not automatically downloading the new dlls. The best solution is to distribute the DirectX runtime with your app. however if you are providing your app. as a download this will increase the download size significantly. From the June 2005 release Microsoft solved these problems somewhat by allowing the developer to create a minimal installer that just updates the D3DX dll. You could also of course just include the dll. although this is against the agreement (EULA). Another solution is to forward users to the Microsoft DirectX end user runtime download via the Microsoft Web Installer.
Download the missing DLLs
Note: these installers will not install DirectX 9.0c, they will only install the missing dlls from the SDK updates. Most people should have DirectX 9.0c as part of Windows XP SP2 but if you do not you can get it via the online Microsoft update page here: Microsoft Web Installer
Note: if you are missing d3dx9d_xx.dll files e.g. d3dx9d_38.dll these files are debug versions of the libraries for development purposes only. Nobody should be distributing these in an application. To use these you need the full DirectX SDK.
What the files are
- The d3dx?_?.dll files are for the Direct3D Extensions (D3DX). These provide helper functions for graphic code.
- The xinput dlls are for the Microsoft common controller library and are used for things like the Xbox 360 common controller. The d3dx10 dlls are Vista dlls for DirectX 10.
- XAudio2 is the low level audio API for Windows and Xbox 360
- XACT is the Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool. This is the high level tool for sound designers.
- X3DAudio is an API that works with XAudio2 and XACT to position sounds in 3D space
- XAPO provides digital signal processing operations on audio streams (working with XAudio2 and XACT) e.g. adding reverb