with n as (select * from base_nrfl nrfl where nrfl.parentid=0)
select n.nrflmc, nvl(a.nrflsl,0) as nrflsl,nvl(a.wbj,0) as wbj,nvl(a.ybj,0) as ybj from n
left join
(select SUBSTR (xfj.nrfldm,1,2) dmstr, COUNT(1) nrflsl , sum(decode(dcdb.DBBJBZ, 0, 1, 0)) wbj,
sum(decode(dcdb.DBBJBZ, 1, 1, 0)) ybj
from yw_xfj xfj join yw_dcdb dcdb on dcdb.xfjbh = xfj.xfjbh and xfj.xfjzt > 0 and dcdb.STATE = 1
GROUP BY SUBSTR (xfj.nrfldm, 1,2)) a
on n.nrfldm=a.dmstr || '0000'
order by n.id
with n as (select * from jiangsu.sys_jg jg WHERE xianid = 320326 AND jg.status = 1 AND jg.JGXZ IN (0, 2) and jg.jgcj = 4)
select n.jgmc, nvl(a.sl,0) as ajsl from n
left join
(select aj.zrdwid,COUNT(1) sl from zdryk_ajxx aj GROUP BY aj.zrdwid) a
on n.jgid=a.zrdwid