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  • 用python收集系统信息

    • 实现的功能
    • 可运行的系统
      目前已在RHEL, Ubuntu, Archlinux上测试通过
    • 获取不同发行版主机名逻辑判断思路分析
      主要是将不同系统的系统名和对应的配置文件及存放在一个字典[ os_type ]结构中,后续有需要可以再扩展,而下面的的逻辑代码则不需要改变[ parseCfg() ],从字典中循环取数据,如果取到则退出的配置文件


           key: value
       product: VMware Virtual Platform
     modelName: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
      totalMem: 1.5 GB
       cpuCore: 2
        vender: VMware, Inc.
      hostName: archlinux.vsphere
    distroName: Arch Linux
            SN: VMware-56 4d b9 19 26 63 ad ae-41 f3 5c 3c 34 66 ec bd
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    ''' 可以在多linux平台下的多种机器下工作,需要添加相应的键值对儿在os_type字典里面 '''
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    # 定义操作系统主机名字段字典, 在获取不同类型主机名配置文件的时候使用
    os_type = {'archlinux': ['Arch Linux', '/etc/hostname'],
               'ubuntu': ['Ubuntu', '/etc/hostname'],
               'CentOS release': ['CentOS release', '/etc/sysconfig/network']
    def parseCfg(osName):
            ' 通过不同的主机名,返回对应的主机名的配置文件位置 '
    	for type in os_type:
    		if osName.startswith( os_type[type][0] ):
    			cfg = os_type[ type ][ 1 ]
    			return cfg
    def getHostInfo(command):
    	''' @args: command 输入要运行的系统命令
    		@return: 返回一个长的字符串
    	p = Popen([command], stdout=PIPE)
    	data = p.stdout.read()
    	return data
    def parseHostInfo(data):
    	NEWLINE = '
    	parsedData = []
    	eachSection = ''
    	''' regenerate a list, remove the NULL element
    		@args: data is a long string
    		@return: all of sections list
    	data = [i for i in data.split('
    ') if i]
    	for eachLine in data:
    		if eachLine[0].strip():
    			eachSection = eachLine + NEWLINE
    			eachSection = eachSection + eachLine + NEWLINE
    	return [i for i in parsedData if i]
    def parseIPInfo(parsedData):
    	dic = {}
    	data = [i for i in parsedData if i and not i.startswith('lo')]
    	for lines in data:
    		lineLst = lines.split('
    		devname = lineLst[0].split(':')[0]
    		ipaddr = lineLst[1].split()[1]
    		macaddr = lineLst[3].split()[1]
    		dic[devname] = [ipaddr, macaddr]
    	return dic
    def parseDMIInfo(parsedData):
    	:param parsedData:
    	dmi_result = {}
    	data = [i for i in parsedData if i.startswith('System Information')]
    	data = [i for i in data[0].split('
    ')[1:] if i]
    	l_list = [i.strip().split(':') for i in data]
    	sys_info_dic = dict(l_list)
    	dmi_result['vender'] = sys_info_dic['Manufacturer'].strip()
    	dmi_result['product'] = sys_info_dic['Product Name'].strip()
    	dmi_result['SN'] = sys_info_dic['Serial Number'].strip()
    	return dmi_result
    def getDistroName():
    	with open('/etc/issue') as fd:
    		distroName = ' '.join(fd.read().strip().split()[:2])
    	return {'distroName': distroName}
    def getHostname(fn, osVer):
    	with open(fn) as fd:
    		host = fd.read()
    		if osVer.startswith('Arch Linux') or osVer.startswith('Ubuntu'):
    			hostName = host.strip()
    			return {'hostName': hostName}
    		if osVer == 'CentOS release':
    			host = host.strip().split('
    			for i in host:
    				if i.startswith('HOSTNAME'):
    					hostName = i.split('=')[1]
    					return {'hostName': hostName}
    def getMeminfo():
    	with open('/proc/meminfo') as fd:
    		for eachLine in fd:
    			if eachLine.startswith('MemTotal'):
    				totalMem = eachLine.split(':')[1].strip()
    				totalMem = '%.1f' % (float(totalMem.split()[0]) / 1024.0 / 1024)
    	return {'totalMem': str(totalMem) + ' GB'}
    def getCPUInfo():
    	with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as fd:
    		for eachLine in fd:
    			if eachLine.startswith('cpu cores'):
    				cpuCore = eachLine.split(':')[1].strip()
    			if eachLine.startswith('model name'):
    				modelName = eachLine.split(':')[1].strip()
    		return {'cpuCore': cpuCore, 'modelName': modelName}
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	dic = {}
    	cfg = '/etc/sysconfig/network'
    	data = getHostInfo('dmidecode')
    	dmiLst = parseHostInfo(data)
    	' dmi info '
    	dmiInfo = parseDMIInfo(dmiLst)
    	memInfo = getMeminfo()
    	osVer = getDistroName()
    	osName = osVer['distroName']
    	cfg = parseCfg(osName)
    	hostInfo = getHostname(cfg, osName)
    	cpuInfo = getCPUInfo()
    	print('%10s: %s' % ('key', 'value'))
    	for key in dic.items():
    		print('%10s: %s' % (key[0], key[1]))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZhangRuoXu/p/6616467.html
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