oracle,简单来说就是数据库,数据库 ,顾名思义,就是存放数据的容器!!
select * from scott.emp;
select eName from scott.emp;
select rowid,ename from scott.emp where ename='SMITH';
select emp.*,rownum from scott.emp where rownum<11;
create table student
stuNo char(6) not null,
stuName varchar2(20) not null,
stuAge number(3,0) not null,
stuID number(18,0),
stuSeat number(2,0)
insert into stuinfo(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('2','活动',25,3)
select * from stuinfo
select tablespace_name,table_name from user_tables where table_name=upper('stuinfo');
create tablespace test
datafile 'D:oracleshujuku est.ora'
size 1000M;
create user test identified by test default tablespace test quota 500M on users;
grant all privileges to test;
select file_name,tablespace_name,bytes,autoextensible from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='test';
select * from test.stuinfo;
select * from scott.emp;
alter user system identified by 123;
select * from scott.emp;
--rowid伪列数据对象编号 文件编号 块编号 行编号
select e.*,rowid from scott.emp e;
select e.*,rownum from scott.emp e where rownum<=10;
select * from scott.dept;
insert into scott.dept(deptno,dname,loc)values('5','1111','dsds');
delete from scott.dept where deptno='5' ;commit;
create table student
stuNo number not null,
stuName varchar2(20) not null,
stuAge number(3,0) not null,
stuSeat number(2,0)
select * from student
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('1','张三',18,1);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('2','李四',20,2);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('3','王五',15,3);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('4','张三',18,4);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('5','张三',20,5);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('6','王五1',12,6);
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('7','张三1',14,7);
savepoint a;
insert into student(stuNo,stuname,stuAge,stuSeat)values('8','张三',20,5);
rollback to savepoint a;
select * from test.student;
select distinct stuname from student;
select distinct stuname ||stuage from student;
select distinct stuname "姓名" from student;
--复制一个表 as后边加一个select
create table newstudent1 as select * from student;
select * from newstudent1 ;
create table newstudent as select * from student where 1=2;
select * from newstudent;
select count(1) from student;
select stuname,stuage from student group by stuname,stuage having(count(stuname||stuage)<2);
select stuname,stuage from student group by stuname,stuage having(count(stuname||stuage)>1);
select stuname from student group by stuname having(count(stuname)<5);
select * from user_all_tables a where a.num_rows>1;
alter table student add(phone varchar2(20),
emil varchar2(20));
alter table student drop(phone);
select * from student;
select * from stuinfo;
select stuname from student group by stuname having(count(stuname)>1);
oracle的日期函数last_day 意思是得到每月的最后一天,用这个函数,我们可以得到各种不同的日期.
, to_char(last_day(trunc(sysdate,'MONTH')),'yyyymmdd') lastday
from dual;
SELECT to_char( last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, -2)) + 1 ,'yyyymmdd') firstday
,to_char(last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, -1)),'yyyymmdd')
FROM dual;
to_char( last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, -3)) + 1 ,'yyyymmdd')
,to_char(last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, -2)),'yyyymmdd')
FROM dual;
SELECT to_char( last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, 0)) + 1 ,'yyyymmdd')
,to_char(last_day(add_months(SYSDATE, 1)),'yyyymmdd')
FROM dual;
nice,有的人可能之前没学过数据库,比如说my sql ,sql server 等等,直接上来就是oracle,所以,推荐一部视频,即使你没有学过sql server什么的,或者学过没深入理解的,那么,请点击这里, 密码: 3ydr,一共46节课,足足够你学会oracle了,拿走不谢!!!