在xp上安装msmq时,出现“ 无法启动msmetriggers服务0x42C”的错误。
net stop msdtc
msdtc -uninstall
msdtc -install
net start msdtc
What is the computer model and how did you install SP2 ? I ask this because
this problem happened on the beta version of SP2 and was fixed for the
released version. I'd like to know if you install XP from scratch, then
upgraded for SP2 ? or upgraded from Win2000 ? etc.
Anyway, that problem happens because msdtc run under the Localsystem
account. Please verify this by running the command:
sc qc msdtc
If it indeed run as LocalSystem, the immediate work around is
net stop msdtc
msdtc -uninstall
go into regedit and delete the key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC
msdtc -install
net start msdtc