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  • 边工作边刷题:70天一遍leetcode: day 25-2

    Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) lintcode: http://www.lintcode.com/submission/3111458/

    要点:这题trie的特殊点在字符不是表示在root里,而是在边上。而边是每个树结点上的map<char, child>来表示的。所以结点是placeholder,所以比字符数应该多1个。

    • insertion:
      • 如果用recursion来做,因为java和python是不支持pass-by-reference的,所以要在下一层call的外面判断是否结点不存在,并且如果不存在则创建结点。
      • 字符串结束的marker是在叶结点上,所以是在i==len(word)这层的call里。这是insert的中止条件,直接返回
      • 死记这条:insert的时候root是不会为null的
    • search和startsWith:
      • 结束条件有多个可能:1. root为空,说明对应的字符不存在,返回False,2. i==len(word): code里这个判断在1.之后,所以root是不为null的,然后判断root.isLeaf
      • startsWith的code是类似的,除了不用判断isLeaf
    class TrieNode(object):
        def __init__(self):
            Initialize your data structure here.
            self.children = [None]*26
            self.isLeaf = False
    class Trie(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.root = TrieNode()
        def insert(self, word):
            Inserts a word into the trie.
            :type word: str
            :rtype: void
            def insertRec(word, i, root):
                if i>=len(word): 
                    if i == len(word):
                        root.isLeaf = True
                c = ord(word[i])-ord('a')
                if not root.children[c]:
                    root.children[c] = TrieNode()
                insertRec(word, i+1, root.children[c])
            insertRec(word, 0, self.root)
        def search(self, word):
            Returns if the word is in the trie.
            :type word: str
            :rtype: bool
            def searchRec(word, i, root):
                if not root:
                    return False
                if i==len(word):
                    if root.isLeaf:
                        return True
                        return False
                c = ord(word[i])-ord('a')
                return searchRec(word, i+1, root.children[c])
            return searchRec(word, 0, self.root)
        def startsWith(self, prefix):
            Returns if there is any word in the trie
            that starts with the given prefix.
            :type prefix: str
            :rtype: bool
            def startsWithRec(prefix, i, root):
                if not root:
                    return False
                if i==len(prefix):
                    return True
                c = ord(prefix[i])-ord('a')
                return startsWithRec(prefix, i+1, root.children[c]) 
            return startsWithRec(prefix, 0, self.root)       
    # Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
    # trie = Trie()
    # trie.insert("somestring")
    # trie.search("key")
  • 相关阅读:
    6.2 链表 (UVa 11988, 12657)
    6.1 栈和队列 (UVa 210, 514, 442)
    S-Tree (UVa 712) 二叉树
    Equilibrium Mobile (UVa 12166) dfs二叉树
    Patrol Robot (UVa 1600) BFS
    Knight Moves (UVa 439) BFS
    Tree Recovery (UVa 536) 递归遍历二叉树
    Parentheses Balance (Uva 673) 栈
    Self-Assembly (UVa 1572)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/absolute/p/5678039.html
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