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  • Opera Unite 用户指南

    Opera Unite 用户指南

    1 Opera Unite 简介


    Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that allows you to share,connect and collaborate directly between computers across the Web, without going through a central, third-party server.

    Opera Unite是一项让您能够直接通过网络与其他计算机连接,分享以及合作而不需要借助第三方服务器的协同技术。

    Opera Unite 与传统数据共享有何不同

    With more traditional content sharing, you have to upload the content you want to share, and this is then stored on a central, third-party server, out of your control. Your friends access this stored content from the third-party server.


    With Opera Unite, your friends view the content that is sitting on your computer.

    有了Opera Unite,你的朋友可以直接在你的电脑查看你共享的资源。

    Opera Unite 应用

    Collaboration and access to your content is provided and controlled by the Opera Unite applications that you select.

    获取您的资源以及协同配合是由您选择的Opera Unite应用提供和控制的。

    Opera Unite 应用是什么?

    While Opera Unite provides the base technology, Opera Unite applications provide the specific means to share or communicate. These are small, Web-based programs that run inside your browser for different purposes, ranging from social-networking tools for posting messages or holding chat sessions, to tools for sharing content, such as files or photos.

    Opera Unite applications make it quick and easy to share content. There is no need to upload anything; you share the content sitting on your computer. And, you do not need to configure anything else, such as DNS services or complex access controls. For example, you can install the Media Player application on your home computer for your favorite songs. When you get to work, you can visit your Media Player application and listen to the songs directly from your home computer. No download, no fuss.

    You can use multiple Opera Unite applications to share different content from your different computers. So, you can share a photo album of your team-building party using Photo Sharing on your work computer, and, separately, share the album from your last holiday using Photo Sharing on your home computer.

    To choose from a selection of free Opera Unite applications, go to our Opera Unite Web site.

    Also, when you enable Opera Unite, a few applications are preinstalled for you, including:

    Opera Unite提供底层的技术,而Opera Unite应用则提供共享和交互的具体方法。Opera Unite应用是一些基于网络的一些小程序,他们在您的浏览器中运行,来实现不同的目的,比如用来发送信息和举行聊天会议的社交网络工具,用来分享您的照片和文档的共享工具。

    Opera Unite应用让分享变得简单快捷。你不需要上传任何东西,你所共享的东西就在你自己的电脑里。你也不需要做任何配置,比如DNS服务器或者复杂的访问控制。比如你家里的电脑上有一些你很喜欢的歌曲,你可以在这台电脑上安装媒体播放应用,当你工作的时候,你可以随时用另外的电脑访问你的媒体播放应用,听那些你最喜欢的歌曲,无需下载,没有任何麻烦。

    你可以使用多重Opera Unite应用来共享你不同电脑上的不同内容。比如,你可以共享你办公室的工作团队的照片,同时还可以共享你家里的上次度假的照片。

    选择免费的Opera Unite应用,请去我们的网站:Opera Unite Web site

    当然,如果你将Opera Unite设置为已启动状态,已有一些应用是预先为你安装好的,包括:

    Opera Unite Home:

    查看你所有的Opera Unite应用以及最近的活动。

    File Sharing:




    Photo Sharing:


    Media Player:


    Web Server:



    与您的 My Opera 好友进行点对点实时会话。


    • To run applications, you need an Opera browser version 10.10 or later from www.opera.com and an Opera account.
    • 运行Opera Unite应用,你需要Opera 浏览器10.10及以后的版本,此外还需要一个Opera账号
    • To view or access most of your applications, your friends can use any browser.
    • 对于大多数你的应用,你的朋友可以使用任何浏览器查看和访问到。
    • Operating systems: You can use those supported by the Opera browser; Windows, Mac, or UNIX/Linux.
    • 操作系统:你可以使用那些Opera支持的系统;Windows, Mac, or UNIX/Linux
    • Applications are made by developers from all over the world. Some are made by Opera Software.
    • Opera Unite应用是由全世界的开发者提供,有一部分来自Opera Software.

    开始使用 Opera Unite

    To get started with Opera Unite, you just need to install an Opera browser version 10.10 or later, start an application, and then you can begin sharing and collaborating.

    开始使用Opera Unite,你只需要安装Opera浏览器10.10或更高版本,开启一项应用,你就可以开始共享与协同工作。

    首次启用 Oepra Unite:

    • From the menu, select "Enable Opera Unite". A welcome dialog displays.

    从这个菜单,选择"允许Opera Unite",会出现一个欢迎对话框

    • Select "Next".


    • To use Opera Unite, you need to have an Opera account. This is an account that you use for My Opera, Dev Opera (Opera's developer-community resource site), or Opera Link. Your existing username cannot contain any symbols or spaces to work with Opera Unite.

      如果想要使用Opera Unite,你需要有一个Opera的账户,这是一个你可以用在"My Opera","Dev Opera"或者"Opera Link"的账户。你的用户名不能含有任何标志或者空格。

      • If you already have an Opera account that does not contain symbols or spaces, select "I already have an account", if necessary, and type your existing username and password. Go to step 4.
      • 如果你已经有了一个用户名不含特殊字符和空格的Opera账户,选择"我已经有了账户",如果有必要,输入你的用户名和密码,跳到第四步
      • If you do not have an account, or have one that contains symbols or spaces, select "I do not have an account", if necessary, and complete your details to create one.
      • 如果你没有一个账户,或者有一个用户名含有特殊字符或空格的的账户,选择"我没有账户"。如果有必要,填写完整以创建一个账户。
        • Choose a unique and easy-to-remember username without any symbols or spaces. The username will become part of the link (Web address) for your Opera Unite applications, which your friends will use to access your content or communicate with you.
        • 选择一个独特并且好记,没有特殊字符和空格的用户名,用户名将是你的Opera Unite 应用超链接的组成部分,你的朋友将会通过这个超链接获取你的资源。
        • Select "Show" to read the terms and conditions, and check the box to indicate that you agree with them.
        • 选择"显示"可以读取条款和条件,在选框上打钩以表示你同意这些条款。
    • Choose a computer name from the drop-down menu. This name identifies the computer you are using, to distinguish it from other computers you may use. It also becomes part of the link for your Opera Unite applications. Choose an option that best describes how you use your computer, or write your own.

      在下拉菜单中选择一个计算机名,这个名字定义了您正在使用的计算机,来区分别的你可能会使用的计算机。它也是您Opera Unite的组成部分,选择一个最适合描述你当前使用电脑的选项,或者写一个您自己的计算机名。

    • Select "Finish".


    • In the panel at the left, double-click an application that you want to use to install it.


    Log in troubleshooting


    If you have forgotten your password, go to the My Opera — Forgot Password page to request a new one.

    如果你忘记你的密码,去"My Opera — Forgot Password"页面请求一个新的密码。

    If you cannot log in, try the following:


    • Make sure you have cookies enabled, and try again.
    • 确保你启用了Cookies,再次尝试。
    • From the menu in Opera, select Settings > Delete Private Data, and delete all browser cookies.
    • 在Opera的菜单栏,选择"设置" >"清除隐私数据",然后删除所有的浏览器Cookies
    • Request a new password on the My Opera — Forgot Password page.
    • 在"My Opera — Forgot Password"页面请求一个新的密码。
    • Contact us.
    • 联系我们

    Related topics


    Opera Unite 布局

    这是布局概览,解释 Opera Unite 主要部分和特性。

    Opera Unite 布局包含下列特性:

    1. Unite 面板

    Use this panel for quick access to your Opera Unite applications. If the panel is not already displayed, from the menu, select Opera Unite > Manage Applications. Once you have opened the panel, you can toggle it by clicking the Panels button (5) or pressing F4.

    Below each application in the panel, an activity status displays. For more information about activity, see the Monitor Opera Unite activity topic.

    使用这个面板,你可以快速访问你的Opera Unite应用,如果你的面板不再显示,在菜单栏选择"Opera Unite" >"管理应用"。一旦你打开了这个面板,你可以点击面板的5按钮或按F4键将其固定住。在面板的任何一个应用都显示了激活状态。要了解更多关于激活的信息,查看"监视Opera Unite活动"这个主题。

    2. Opera Unite menu

    Use this menu to enable and manage Opera Unite. For more information, see the Managing Opera Unite topic.

    使用这个面板来允许和管理Opera Unite,查看更多信息,查看"管理Opera Unite"这个主题。

    3. Opera Unite 面板选择

    This panel selector toggles the Unite panel (1).


    4. Opera Unite 图标

    When Opera Unite is enabled, this icon becomes bright green. This also displays Opera Unite menu (2).

    当Opera Unite设为启动,这个图标变成绿色。他同样显示Opera Unite 面板2。

    5. Panels button

    This button at the bottom, left corner of the Opera browser window toggles the panel or the panel selectors.


    6. Opera Unite Home

    This is your home page in Opera Unite and contains the following:

    这是你在Opera Unite的个人主页,包含以下内容。

    • A space to post a message that your friends will see
    • 一个发布信息的空间,你的朋友将会看到你的留言
    • A list of the applications you are hosting
    • 你正在启用的一系列应用
    • A link to your My Opera page
    • 去往"My Opera"主页的链接
    • A link to a list of applications your friends are running
    • 一个去往你的朋友正在使用的应用的链接
    • A sharing link that you can send to friends to access your Opera Unite Home
    • 一个你可以发送给朋友访问你的Opera Unite主页的共享链接
    • Icons to send your sharing link via e-mail and common social networks
    • 用来通过电子邮件或者社交网络发送你共享链接的图标
    • Shoutbox for real-time messages across your applications
    • 用于实时信息的留言板
    • A list of recent activity on your applications
    • 你最近应用的一系列活动列表


    There are different ways to share your content and collaborate using Opera Unite, depending on the application you use and whether you are either sharing and collaborating with others from your computer, or accessing content and collaborating on someone else's computer.


    When you start or install an application in Opera Unite, you are the application owner. As the owner, you can choose how to collaborate or what content you want to share, and with whom. Each application is different, but, in general, if the application accesses files on your hard drive, you select the content you want to share and select the appropriate privacy setting. To see how your friends will see it, click the Preview as Visitor button on the top, right of the page. To exit the preview, select the Exit Visitor Preview button.

    To provide access to an application, send your friends a link for the application. Depending on the privacy option you selected, you can:

    • Send the link in the Sharing box on the right. You can also use this link youself to access your content from another computer.
    • Send the password with the sharing link, if the application is password protected.
    • Send the single-click login, if the application is password protected and you want to provide access with one click, without the need to log in.

    Do not send the Web address in the browser address field.

    Share the link with social networks

    Under the Sharing box, icons allow you to send the sharing link, and password if needed, by e-mail or via popular social networks and bookmarking destinations such as Facebook, Twitter, or Delicious.


    When a friend shares with you, they will send you a link, and perhaps a password, for their application on their computer. For most applications, you do not need to be using the Opera browser to access a friend's application; you can use any modern Web browser.

    Use Shoutbox for instant messaging

    In Shoutbox, you can type messages in real time to visitors of your applications, and visitors can also leave messages for you. There is only one Shoutbox, and this is shared among all your Opera Unite applications. For example, a message typed in Photo Sharing also appears in Media Player.

    When someone sends you a message, you get a notification. An icon indicates which application the visitor is using. If you want to view that application, click the icon. To reply to the message, click the notification, and respond on the Shoutbox in your Opera Unite Home.

    The Shoutbox keeps a history of up to 100 messages, including notification messages. When you close Opera or stop your Opera Unite Home, the history is cleared.


    Opera Unite works with My Opera to help you share with your friends. When you add friends on My Opera, you can view a list of the applications your friends are running, and they can view a list of yours. They can, however, only access password-protected applications if you have given them the password. You can view this list in either Opera Unite or My Opera, as follows:

    • 应用中,点击右面"朋友的应用"链接。
    • On your friends' My Opera page, click the Unite tab.

    If you do not want your applications listed for others to see, see the Control Opera Unite visibility topic.

    Tips for using applications

    While each Opera Unite application is different, there are some common features and functions. This topic provides some useful tips to help you use them.

    What you can share

    It is your responsibility to comply with your local laws regarding file sharing and the different types of licenses that may apply. Illegal file sharing is illegal regardless of what application or service you are using. We respect artists and encourage our users to support them. Only share content if you have the right to do so. If we are made aware of any infringements, we have the right to prevent access and use of applications. For more details, please read the Terms of service.

    You can share as much data as you wish, because you are sharing data that is stored on your computer, rather than uploading it to be stored elsewhere. The only considerations may be overall bandwidth capacity and how incoming traffic impacts the running of your computer when your friends access a lot of your content.

    If you want to limit the amount of bandwidth that Opera Unite uses, see Manage Opera Unite traffic.

    Set privacy options for sharing

    Opera Unite applications that access your file system provide privacy options to help you control access. For example, the File Sharing application offers the following options:

    Password protected

    This limits access to those with the password. You can use the automatically-generated password or change it. Do not use the same password as your My Opera account as this may provide access and control to your My Opera content. If you suspect that someone knows your My Opera login details, please contact the My Opera team immediately.

    For easier access, you can use the single-click login. This is a single link that your visitors can use to access the application directly, without logging in. It combines the application Web address and a scrambled version of the password in a non-readable, non-recoverable format. This means that no one will be able to determine the password. Warning: Please be aware that anyone with this link can access your content, so caution your friends against forwarding the link to other people without your knowledge.


    This makes your content accessible by anyone who types in your Opera Unite link, visits your page in My Opera, or visits the My Opera page of one of your friends. This is therefore very public. Do not use this level of access if you are concerned about the privacy of your selected content.

    Add applications

    To add a new Opera Unite application, in the Unite panel, select Add > New Opera Unite application. This displays the online catalog on the unite.opera.com Web site. You can either select a new application or add another instance of an application you already run, for example, if you want to share two different photo albums.

    You can also upgrade existing applications on this site. Select "Install Application" and the "Upgrade existing Opera Unite application" will be pre-selected if an upgrade exists. Select "OK" to upgrade.

    Important: To ensure security of your content and protect your privacy, only install new applications from the Opera Unite site, as these are reviewed by Opera.

    Start, open and stop applications

    Starting an application means that friends can access your content, or you can collaborate with others. In the panel, highlight the application and select the Start button. Once an application is running, this button changes to "Stop". To open the settings page, select the Open button.

    Delete an application

    To delete an application, in the Unite panel, right-click it and select "Delete". You can also drag applications to "Trash". To completely delete the application, empty the Trash by right-clicking the Trash icon and seleting "Empty Trash".

    Manage shared files and names

    If an application accesses your file system, you specify a folder from which to share content. If you use more than a few Opera Unite applications, it may be a good idea to create a special folder for each one, so that you can more easily control what you are sharing. This might help to avoid accidentally sharing content you did not intend to share. Take care with your selection and be aware that your friends can access all sub-folders and documents within the folder you specify.

    To change the application folder or file path, in the Unite panel, right-click the application, select "Properties" and choose a new folder or filepath. Be aware that if you change this it may disconnect anyone accessing your content at the time.

    If you run more than a few applications on a few computers, it may also be a good idea to keep track of your usernames, computer names, and application names to avoid confusion.

    Organize the Unite panel

    To add new folders or separator lines to organize your applications in the panel, select Add > New Folder or New Separator.

    管理 Opera Unite

    There are options to help you manage Opera Unite, such as disabling/enabling it, monitoring activity, managing traffic, finding other Opera Unite users, or changing the upload speed. This topic explains these options.

    Disable/enable Opera Unite

    To disable Opera Unite, from the menu, select Opera Unite > Configure and select "Disable Opera Unite". Disabling Opera Unite means that your friends will not be able to access your content in any application.

    To enable Opera Unite, from the menu, select "Enable Opera Unite" and log in. If this is your first time logging in, see the Getting started with Opera Unite topic.

    Monitor Opera Unite activity

    There are several different ways to monitor activity on your applications, explained below.

    Activity status

    The activity status in the panel indicates the number of people accessing your applications. "No activity" means that no one is accessing your application. If the application is greyed out and does not display an activity status, it is not running.

    Recent activity

    Recent activity is displayed for all your applications on Opera Unite Home. This lists activity that has recently occurred in your applications, such as files that were accessed, photos that were viewed or downloaded, or notes that were posted on your Fridge. Select "View all" to view a list of all activity.

    Activity Feed tab

    The Activity Feed tab shows a complete list of all activity that has occurred in the application. Select a specific activity to see what the visitor did, for example, to play the song they played or view the file they viewed.


    From the menu, select Opera Unite > Show Status. This displays a dialog that tells you:

    • If the Opera Unite server is running as expected or experiencing problems
    • How many applications you are running
    • How much data you have uploaded and downloaded during the session
    • How many users are currently connected to your computer via Opera Unite
    • Whether direct connection is possible

    管理 Opera Unite 流量

    If you are sharing a lot of content, heavy traffic may impact your computer performance. If you move to a mobile connection, you may also want to control the connection to minimize costs or network usage. To monitor activity, see the Monitor Opera Unite activity topic.

    To control the connection, you can either:

    • Stop individual applications — In the Unite panel, highlight the application and select "Stop".
    • Limit the upload speed — From the menu, select Opera Unite > Configure > Advanced Settings. In the Upload Speed section, specify how many kilobytes Opera Unite loads per second.
    • Disable Opera Unite — From the menu, select Opera Unite > Configure > Disable Opera Unite. This stops all applications that are currently running.

    Manage computer names

    The computer name identifies the computer you are using to distinguish it from other computers you may also use. The name becomes part of the link for your Opera Unite applications. You can change it; however, the links for all your applications change, and single-click logins will no longer work. If you do need to change the computer name for some reason, from the menu, select Opera Unite > Configure and in the computer name field, select a different name.

    发现 Opera Unite 用户

    This enables or disables the detection functionality to find other Opera Unite users within your immediate vicinity. If enabled, a list of others using Opera Unite will display in this menu. When you select a name, you can view the person's Opera Unite Home page. When a new Opera Unite user joins the local network, an attention state identifier, in the form of a brown dot, displays on the Opera Unite icon on the status bar.

    Share data using direct connections

    The option to use UPnP, which stands for Universal Plug and Play, allows you to share your data using direct connections to your computer, if available. This is enabled by default and can make loading speeds for your applications faster, as they will bypass the proxy server. However, as it is up to each application to load content using the direct connection, it may not always run applications faster.

    UPnP has no authentication mechanism, and assumes that local systems and their users are completely trustworthy. If you are unsure about using UPnP, or do not wish to use it, disable it. From the menu, select Opera Unite > Configure > Advanced Settings and unchecking "Use UPnP port forwarding from my router". If you do not want to use UPnP but still want to allow a direct connection, you can manually forward port 8840 from your router.

    Change the default port

    If you receive unwanted direct traffic on the default port, or if you want to avoid port collisions with other Opera Unite instances running on the local network, specify the port Opera listens on. From the menu, select Opera Unite > Customize > Advanced Settings > Default port and select the desired port. Opera Unite will automatically find an available port if the selected port is unavailable.

    Change the upload speed

    If you want to limit the amount of bandwidth that Opera Unite uses, for example, when too many people are trying to download your content at once, which impairs the running of your computer, change the upload speed. From the menu, select Opera Unite > Customize > Advanced Settings > Upload speed and change the default setting of "Unlimited" to the number of kilobytes you want Opera Unite to load per second.

    Control Opera Unite visibility

    If you want to control what information is available publically about the applications you are running, you can change the default visibility settings. You can change these settings globally, which affects all applications, or per application.


    These options set the visibility of all of your applications to other Opera Unite users, on local networks and to search engines. To set these options, from the menu select Opera Unite > Customize > Advanced Settings.

    Make Opera Unite home visible to search engines

    This setting does not strictly affect all applications globally however there is a global impact. Your Opera Unite Home displays a list of the applications you are running, which can be indexed by search engines. Use this setting to allow or prevent this list from being published in a public search engine directory that everyone can see.

    Allow my applications to be visible on Opera Unite Web pages

    On each application page there are sections listing "My friends' applications". Use this setting to allow or prevent all your applications from displaying on the application pages of other Opera Unite users. Be aware that this option allows or prevents applications from being listed only and is not related to access.

    Allow my applications to be visible inside a local network

    When you enable this setting, Opera Unite will try to find other computers running Opera Unite applications in your local network. This is useful if, for example, you run several computers at home in a local network, as they will communicate to each other quickly and automatically.

    Individual visibility options

    To set specific, individual visibility options for an application, in the Unite panel, right-click the application and select Properties > Advanced Settings. Choose from the following visibility options:

    Make application visible to search engines

    Use this option to allow or prevent this application from being published in a public search engine directory that everyone can see.

    Make application visible on Opera Unite Web pages

    Use this setting to allow or prevent this application from displaying on the application pages of other Opera Unite users. Be aware that this option allows or prevents applications from being listed only and is not related to access.

    Make application visible inside the local network

    When you enable this setting, Opera Unite will allow this application to be identified by other computers running Opera Unite in your local network.


    Opera Unite security

    Opera Unite uses the HTTP protocol for data sharing. This is the standard way that browsers get content on the Web, so your data is accessible to any Web browser. Opera Unite runs in a "secured sandbox", where only the files or folders you select can be accessed; nothing else on your computer is accessible to anyone else. You grant access to specified files, such as a directory of data you want to share, without allowing access to anything outside the specified area. This is a common feature in Web servers, and keeping data secure has been well-understood for a long time.

    Opera's outstanding record of maintaining a secure browser, combined with our extensive testing throughout the development of this product over a long time, makes us confident of its security. If you do have any concerns, you may wish to follow the tips in our Security and Privacy tutorial.

    As with all products exposed to the Web, you should always keep your Opera browser up to date. As well as Opera Unite, the Opera browser version 10.10 and later includes an auto-update feature, making it easy to ensure you have the latest and most secure version of Opera running at all times.

    If you share data with the privacy setting of Public, then it is open to search engines to index. If you do not want your data indexed, see the steps in Control Opera Unite visibility.

    Control of your content

    The basic idea behind Opera Unite is to allow you to share content or collaborate directly from your computer. Any content you share is not stored anywhere else; it is accessed from your computer and remains under your control. Opera does not keep any record of content you share, and does not have any rights to it.

    Terms and conditions

    The Terms and Conditions you agree to when you create an account are there to ensure a good online experience for all, including security and privacy.

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/acetaohai123/p/6505753.html
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