#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define QLengh (sizeof(struct queue)) typedef struct queue { int element; struct queue *next; } *Queue; typedef struct { Queue front; Queue rear; } LinkQueue; void initQueue(LinkQueue *Q) { Q->front=Q->rear=malloc(QLengh); if(Q->rear==NULL) { printf("Out of space "); } else { Q->rear->next=NULL; } } void insertQueue(LinkQueue *Q,int element) { Queue NewQueue=malloc(QLengh); if(NewQueue==NULL) { printf("Out of space "); } else { NewQueue->element=element; NewQueue->next=NULL; Q->rear->next=NewQueue; Q->rear=NewQueue; } } int isEmpty(LinkQueue *Q) { return (Q->front->next==NULL); } void outQueue(LinkQueue *Q) { Queue Qtmp=NULL; if(isEmpty(Q)) { printf("Empty Queue "); } else { Qtmp=Q->front; Q->front=Q->front->next; free(Qtmp); } } void printQueue(LinkQueue *Q) { Queue P=Q->front->next; while(P!=NULL) { printf("---------- "); printf(" %d ",P->element); printf("---------- "); P=P->next; } } int main(void) { LinkQueue Q; initQueue(&Q); printf("入队演示 "); insertQueue(&Q,1); insertQueue(&Q,2); insertQueue(&Q,3); insertQueue(&Q,4); insertQueue(&Q,5); printQueue(&Q); printf("出队演示 "); outQueue(&Q); outQueue(&Q); printQueue(&Q); }