This error only appears on Windows XP systems with a very large amount of memory, and is simple to fix. Programs written in Director 6.0 (such as Fireman Sam, CD-Romuald and The Blobs) expect to find virtual memory - a section of the hard drive used as a backup for the RAM in your computer - but when Windows XP has over 512MB of RAM, the virtual memory isn't created. To get around this, you will need to setup a small amount of virtual memory for these programs to use.
To adjust your virtual memory settings, right-click on the 'My Computer' icon and select 'Properties'. This opens the 'System Propteries' box. Select the 'Advanced' Tab and then click the 'Performance Settings' button. You will see the 'Performance Options' window with two tabs: 'Visual Effects' and 'Advanced'. Click on the 'Advanced' tab. Go to the 'Virtual Memory' section and click 'Change'. This opens the 'Virtual Memory' window. Select a hard drive from the list at the top, and then move to the 'Paging file size' section. You can either select 'System managed size', which means Windows XP will control the size of the virtual memory for you, or choose 'Custom size' and enter 50 for 'Initial size' and 400 for 'Maximum size'. Once you have chosen your settings, click on the 'Set' button, and click on the 'OK' buttons on the remaining boxes. Finally, restart your sytem to let the changes take effect.
Choosing System managed or Custom sizes is a matter of personal choice. Some people find the settings that Windows XP chooses for them unsuitable for one reason or another, but for the majority of users the System managed size is fine.