A Communist regime is trying to redistribute wealth in a village. They have have decided to sit everyone around a circular table. First, everyone has converted all of their properties to coins of equal value, such that the total number of coins is divisible by the number of people in the village. Finally, each person gives a number of coins to the person on his right and a number coins to the person on his left, such that in the end, everyone has the same number of coins. Given the number of coins of each person, compute the minimum number of coins that must be transferred using this method so that everyone has the same number of coins.
The Input
There is a number of inputs. Each input begins with n(n<1000001), the number of people in the village. n lines follow, giving the number of coins of each person in the village, in counterclockwise order around the table. The total number of coins will fit inside an unsigned 64 bit integer.
The Output
For each input, output the minimum number of coins that must be transferred on a single line.
Sample Input
3 100 100 100 4 1 2 5 4
Sample Output
0 4
现在假设编号为 i 的人初始有Ai 枚金币,对于1号来说,他给了4号x1枚金币,还剩Ai -x1枚金币;但是2号给了他x2枚金币,所以还剩A1-x1+x2枚金币。所以A1-x1+x2=M。同理对于第2个人,有A2-x2+x3=M。最终得到n个方程,实际上只有n-1个有用。
尝试用x1表示出其他的xi ,则本题就变成了单变量的极值问题。
对于第1个人,A1-x1+x2=M →x2=M-A1+x1=x1-C1(规定C1=A1-M,下面类似)
对于第2个人,A2-x2+x3=M →x3=M-A2+x2=2M-A1-A2+x1=x1-C2
对于第3个人,A3-x3+x4=M →x4=M-A3+x3=3M-A1-A2-A3+x1=x1-C3
我们希望所有xi 的绝对值之和尽量小,即|x1|+|x1-C1|+|x1-C2|+...+|x1-Cn-1|要最小。注意到|x1-Ci|的几何意义是数轴上的点x1到Ci 的距离,所以问题变成了:给定数轴上n个点,找出一个到他们距离之和尽量小的点。
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<algorithm> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 const int maxn = 1000000 + 10; 6 long long A[maxn], C[maxn], tot, M; 7 int main() { 8 int n; 9 while(scanf("%d", &n) == 1) { // 输入数据大,scanf比cin快 10 tot = 0; 11 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { scanf("%lld", &A[i]); tot += A[i]; } // 用%lld输入long long 12 M = tot / n; 13 C[0] = 0; 14 for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) C[i] = C[i-1] + A[i] - M; // 递推C数组 15 sort(C, C+n); 16 long long x1 = C[n/2], ans = 0; // 计算x1 17 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) ans += abs(x1 - C[i]); 18 // 把x1代入,计算转手的总金币数 19 printf("%lld ", ans); 20 } 21 return 0; 22 }