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  • ZOJ 2411 Link Link Look(BFS)



    Sample Input

    3 4
    1 1 2 2
    3 3 4 4
    2 2 1 1
    1 1 1 2
    1 3 1 4
    2 1 2 2
    2 3 2 4
    3 1 3 2
    3 3 3 4
    0 0

    Sample Output





     1 # include<iostream>
     2 # include<cstdio>
     3 # include<cstring>
     4 # include<queue>
     5 using namespace std;
     7 int n,m;
     8 int map[105][105];
     9 bool vis[105][105];
    10 int dx[]= {-1,0,0,1};
    11 int dy[]= {0,-1,1,0};
    12 struct node
    13 {
    14     int x,y,turn;
    15 } st;
    16 queue<node>q;
    18 bool BFS(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)
    19 {
    20     if(map[x1][y1]==0 || map[x2][y2]==0 ||map[x1][y1]!=map[x2][y2] ||x1==x2&&y1==y2)
    21         return false;
    22     st.x = x1;
    23     st.y = y1;
    24     while(!q.empty()) q.pop();  //坑死,while写成了if,半天没看出来
    25     memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
    26     st.turn = -1;
    27     q.push(st);
    28     while(!q.empty())
    29     {
    30         st = q.front();
    31         q.pop();
    33         node tmp;
    34         for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
    35         {
    36             for(int j=1;; j++)
    37             {
    38                 tmp.x = st.x + j*dx[i];
    39                 tmp.y = st.y + j*dy[i];
    40                 tmp.turn = st.turn+1;
    41                 if(tmp.x<0 || tmp.y<0 ||tmp.x>n+1 ||tmp.y>m+1) break;
    42                 if(map[tmp.x][tmp.y])
    43                 {
    44                     if(tmp.x==x2 && tmp.y==y2) return true;
    45                     break;
    46                 }
    47                 if(vis[tmp.x][tmp.y]) continue;
    48                 vis[tmp.x][tmp.y] = 1;
    49                 if(tmp.turn<2)  //等于2的没必要加入队列了,他已经是叶子了
    50                     q.push(tmp);
    51             }
    52         }
    53     }
    54     return false;
    55 }
    57 int main()
    58 {
    59     //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
    60     int t,x1,y1,x2,y2;
    61     while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m) &&n &&m)  //因为给出n、m为0结束,如果写不等于EOF会超时,错了好几次才反应过来
    62     {
    63         memset(map,0,sizeof(map));
    64         for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
    65             for(int j=1; j<=m; j++)
    66                 scanf("%d",&map[i][j]);
    67         scanf("%d",&t);
    68         int ans=0;
    69         while(t--)
    70         {
    71             scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2);
    72             if(BFS(x1,y1,x2,y2))
    73             {
    74                 ans += 2;
    75                 map[x1][y1] = 0;
    76                 map[x2][y2] = 0;
    77             }
    78         }
    79         printf("%d
    80     }
    81     return 0;
    82 }


      1 #include "stdio.h"
      2 int a[102][102];
      3 int x1,y1,x2,y2;
      4 int m,n;
      5 int process()
      6 {
      7        int b[102][102];
      8        int i,j;
      9        int temp,pos;
     10        for(i=0;i<=n+1;i++)
     11               for(j=0;j<=m+1;j++)
     12                      b[i][j]=a[i][j];
     13        if(b[x1][y1]!=b[x2][y2] || b[x1][y1]==0) return 0;
     14        temp=1;
     15        while(x1+temp<=n+1)
     16        {
     17               if(b[x1+temp][y1]==0)
     18               {
     19                      b[x1+temp][y1]=-1;
     20                      temp++;
     21               }
     22               else if(x1+temp==x2 && y1==y2) return 1;
     23               else break;
     24        }
     25        temp=1;
     26        while(x1-temp>=0)
     27        {
     28               if(b[x1-temp][y1]==0)
     29               {
     30                      b[x1-temp][y1]=-1;
     31                      temp++;
     32               }
     33               else if(x1-temp==x2 && y1==y2) return 1;
     34               else break;
     35        }
     36        temp=1;
     37        while(y1+temp<=m+1)
     38        {
     39               if(b[x1][y1+temp]==0)
     40               {
     41                      b[x1][y1+temp]=-1;
     42                      temp++;
     43               }
     44               else if(x1==x2 && y1+temp==y2) return 1;
     45               else break;
     46        }
     47        temp=1;
     48        while(y1-temp>=0)
     49        {
     50               if(b[x1][y1-temp]==0)
     51               {
     52                      b[x1][y1-temp]=-1;
     53                      temp++;
     54               }
     55               else if(x1==x2 && y1-temp==y2) return 1;
     56               else break;
     57        }
     58        temp=1;
     59        while(x2+temp<=n+1)
     60        {
     61               if(b[x2+temp][y2]==-1) return 1;
     62               else if(b[x2+temp][y2]==0)
     63               {
     64                      b[x2+temp][y2]=-2;
     65                      temp++;
     66               }
     67               else break;
     68        }
     69        temp=1;
     70        while(x2-temp>=0)
     71        {
     72               if(b[x2-temp][y2]==-1) return 1;
     73               else if(b[x2-temp][y2]==0)
     74               {
     75                      b[x2-temp][y2]=-2;
     76                      temp++;
     77               }
     78               else break;
     79        }
     80        temp=1;
     81        while(y2+temp<=m+1)
     82        {
     83               if(b[x2][y2+temp]==-1) return 1;
     84               else if(b[x2][y2+temp]==0)
     85               {
     86                      b[x2][y2+temp]=-2;
     87                      temp++;
     88               }
     89               else break;
     90        }
     91        temp=1;
     92        while(y2-temp>=0)
     93        {
     94               if(b[x2][y2-temp]==-1) return 1;
     95               else if(b[x2][y2-temp]==0)
     96               {
     97                      b[x2][y2-temp]=-2;
     98                      temp++;
     99               }
    100               else break;
    101        }
    102        if(y2<y1)
    103        {
    104               temp=1;
    105               while(x2+temp<=n+1 && b[x2+temp][y2]==-2)
    106               {
    107                      pos=1;
    108                      while(y2+pos<=m+1 && b[x2+temp][y2+pos]==0)
    109                             pos++;
    110                      if(y2+pos<=m+1 && b[x2+temp][y2+pos]==-1) return 1;
    111                      temp++;
    112               }
    113               temp=1;
    114               while(x2-temp>=0 && b[x2-temp][y2]==-2)
    115               {
    116                      pos=1;
    117                      while(y2+pos<=m+1 && b[x2-temp][y2+pos]==0)
    118                             pos++;
    119                      if(y2+pos<=m+1 && b[x2-temp][y2+pos]==-1) return 1;
    120                      temp++;
    121               }
    122        }
    123        else if(y2>y1)
    124        {
    125               temp=1;
    126               while(x2+temp<=n+1 && b[x2+temp][y2]==-2)
    127               {
    128                      pos=1;
    129                      while(y2-pos>=0 && b[x2+temp][y2-pos]==0)
    130                             pos++;
    131                      if(y2-pos>=0 && b[x2+temp][y2-pos]==-1) return 1;
    132                      temp++;
    133               }
    134               temp=1;
    135               while(x2-temp>=0 && b[x2-temp][y2]==-2)
    136               {
    137                      pos=1;
    138                      while(y2-pos>=0 && b[x2-temp][y2-pos]==0)
    139                             pos++;
    140                      if(y2-pos>=0 && b[x2-temp][y2-pos]==-1) return 1;
    141                      temp++;
    142               }
    143        }
    144        if(x2<x1)
    145        {
    146               temp=1;
    147               while(y2+temp<=m+1 && b[x2][y2+temp]==-2)
    148               {
    149                      pos=1;
    150                      while(x2+pos<=n+1 && b[x2+pos][y2+temp]==0)
    151                             pos++;
    152                      if(x2+pos<=n+1 && b[x2+pos][y2+temp]==-1) return 1;
    153                      temp++;
    154               }
    155               temp=1;
    156               while(y2-temp>=0 && b[x2][y2-temp]==-2)
    157               {
    158                      pos=1;
    159                      while(x2+pos<=n+1 && b[x2+pos][y2-temp]==0)
    160                             pos++;
    161                      if(x2+pos<=n+1 && b[x2+pos][y2-temp]==-1) return 1;
    162                      temp++;
    163               }
    164        }
    165        else if(x2>x1)
    166        {
    167               temp=1;
    168               while(y2+temp<=m+1 && b[x2][y2+temp]==-2)
    169               {
    170                      pos=1;
    171                      while(x2-pos>=0 && b[x2-pos][y2+temp]==0)
    172                             pos++;
    173                      if(x2-pos>=0 && b[x2-pos][y2+temp]==-1) return 1;
    174                      temp++;
    175               }
    176               temp=1;
    177               while(y2-temp>=0 && b[x2][y2-temp]==-2)
    178               {
    179                      pos=1;
    180                      while(x2-pos>=0 && b[x2-pos][y2-temp]==0)
    181                             pos++;
    182                      if(x2-pos>=0 && b[x2-pos][y2-temp]==-1) return 1;
    183                      temp++;
    184               }
    185        }
    186        return 0;
    187 }
    188 int main()
    189 {
    190        int step;
    191        int i,j;
    192        int num;
    193        scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
    194        while(n!=0 || m!=0)
    195        {
    196               num=0;
    197               for(i=0;i<=n+1;i++)
    198                      for(j=0;j<=m+1;j++)
    199                             a[i][j]=0;
    200               for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
    201                      for(j=1;j<=m;j++)
    202                             scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);
    203               scanf("%d",&step);
    204               for(i=0;i<step;i++)
    205               {
    206                      scanf("%d%d%d%d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2);
    207                      if(process()==1)
    208                      {
    209                             a[x1][y1]=0;a[x2][y2]=0;
    210                             num=num+2;
    211                      }
    212               }
    213               printf("%d
    214               scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
    215        }
    216        return 0;
    217 }
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