SSIS 官方示例 DataCleaning.sln 项目运行前设置 protectionLevel = serverstorage后点击保存出现如下错误提示:
Failed to apply package protection witherror 0xC0014061 "The protection level, ServerStorage, cannot be used whensaving to this destination. The system could not verify that the destinationsupports secure storage capability.". This error occurs when saving toXml.
无法修改到serverstorage,因为“使用 SQL Server 数据库角色保护整个包。只有将包保存到 SQL Servermsdb 数据库后,才支持此选项。在将包从 Business Intelligence DevelopmentStudio 保存到文件系统时,不支持此选项。”
修改到 EncryptSensitiveWithPassword 就可以调试了。