header('content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); require_once 'ApnsPHP/Autoload.php'; require_once 'ApnsPHP/Push.php'; require_once 'ApnsPHP/Message.php'; require_once 'ApnsPHP/Push/Exception.php'; function push_ios_message($fans, $push_id, $text, $message_type, $artist_id) { $user_count = count($fans); if ($user_count == 0) { return; } $pem = './aaa.pem'; $password = '1234'; //$mode = ApnsPHP_Abstract::ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX; $mode = ApnsPHP_Abstract::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION; // Instanciate a new ApnsPHP_Push object $push = new ApnsPHP_Push($mode, $pem, $password); // Set the Root Certificate Autority to verify the Apple remote peer $push->setRootCertificationAuthority($pem); // Connect to the Apple Push Notification Service $push->connect(); $message = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $user_count; $i++) { $fans[$i]['device_token'] = trim($fans[$i]['device_token']); try { // Instantiate a new Message with a single recipient $message = new ApnsPHP_Message($fans[$i]['device_token']); // Set a custom identifier. To get back this identifier use the getCustomIdentifier() method // over a ApnsPHP_Message object retrieved with the getErrors() message. $message->setCustomIdentifier("Message-Badge-3"); // Set badge icon to "3" $message->setBadge(8); // Set a simple welcome text $message->setText($text); // Play the default sound $message->setSound(); $message->setCustomProperty('push_id', $push_id); $message->setCustomProperty('message_type', $message_type); // Set the expiry value to 30 seconds $message->setExpiry(30); // Add the message to the message queue $push->add($message); } catch (Exception $e) { $message = ''; var_dump($e->getMessage()); } } try{ $push->send(); $push->disconnect(); // Examine the error message container $aErrorQueue = $push->getErrors(); if (!empty($aErrorQueue)) { var_dump($aErrorQueue); var_dump(serialize($aErrorQueue)); } } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Exception:'; var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }