E.T. Inc. employs Maryanna as alien signal researcher. To identify possible alien signals and background noise, she develops a method to evaluate the signals she has already received. The signal sent by E.T is more likely regularly alternative.
Received signals can be presented by a string of small latin letters 'a' to 'z' whose length is N. For each X between 1 and N inclusive, she wants you to find out the maximum length of the substring which can be written as a concatenation of X same strings. For clarification, a substring is a consecutive part of the original string.
Received signals can be presented by a string of small latin letters 'a' to 'z' whose length is N. For each X between 1 and N inclusive, she wants you to find out the maximum length of the substring which can be written as a concatenation of X same strings. For clarification, a substring is a consecutive part of the original string.
The first line contains T, the number of test cases (T <= 200). Most of the test cases are relatively small. T lines follow, each contains a string of only small latin letters 'a' - 'z', whose length N is less than 1000, without any leading or trailing whitespaces.
For each test case, output a single line, which should begin with the case number counting from 1, followed by N integers. The X-th (1-based) of them should be the maximum length of the substring which can be written as a concatenation of X same strings. If that substring doesn't exist, output 0 instead. See the sample for more format details.
Case #1: 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Case #2: 12 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For the second sample, the longest substring which can be written as a concatenation of 2 same strings is "noonnoon", "oonnoonn", "onnoonno", "nnoonnoo", any of those has length 8; the longest substring which can be written as a concatenation of 3 same strings is the string itself. As a result, the second integer in the answer is 8 and the third integer in the answer is 12.
如果一个长度为len的字符串,如果 len%(len-nxt[len])==0&&nxt[len]!=0就说明字符串循环 (如果nxt[len0]==0那么说明这个串不循环啊)
循环节长度为len-nxt[len] 循环次数为len/(len-nxt[len])
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int maxn = 1100; 4 int nxt[maxn]; 5 char s[maxn]; 6 int ret[maxn]; 7 int casee = 0; 8 void getnxt (char s[]) 9 { 10 int j,k; 11 int len = strlen(s); 12 j = 0,k = -1; 13 nxt[0] = -1; 14 while (j<len){ 15 if (k==-1||s[j]==s[k]) 16 nxt[++j] = ++k; 17 else 18 k = nxt[k]; 19 } 20 } 21 int main() 22 { 23 int T; 24 scanf("%d",&T); 25 while (T--){ 26 scanf("%s",s); 27 memset(ret,0,sizeof ret); 28 int len = strlen(s); 29 ret[1] = len; 30 for (int i=0;i<len;++i){ 31 memset(nxt,0,sizeof nxt); 32 int tmplen = strlen(s+i); 33 getnxt(s+i); 34 for (int j=2;j<=tmplen;++j){ 35 int tmp = j; 36 while (tmp){//对于每个循环串我们寻找循环节 37 tmp = nxt[tmp];//每次沿着nxt跳是不会错过循环节的 38 if (j%(j-tmp)==0){ 39 int x = j/(j-tmp); 40 ret[x] = max(ret[x],j); 41 } 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 printf("Case #%d:",++casee); 46 for (int i=1;i<=len;++i) 47 printf(" %d",ret[i]); 48 printf(" "); 49 } 50 return 0; 51 }