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  • wrk (Windows Research Kernel)

    Windows Research Kernel
    cache\cache manager
    config\registry implementation
    dbgk\user-mode debugger support
    ex\executive functions (kernel heap, synchronization, time)
    fsrtl\file system run-time support
    io\I/O manager
    ke\scheduler, CPU management, low-level synchronization
    lpc\local procedure call implementation
    mm\virtual memory manager
    ob\kernel object manager
    ps\process/thread support
    se\security functions
    wmi\Windows Management Instrumentation
    inc\NTOS-only include files
    rtl\kernel run-time support
    init\kernel startup

     nt!___PchSym_ = <no type information>

    nt!__abnormal_termination (void)
    nt!__ascii_memicmp (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!__ascii_stricmp (void *, void *)
    nt!__ascii_strnicmp (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!__decimal_point = char [2] "."
    nt!__decimal_point_length = 1
    nt!__except_handler2 (void)
    nt!__fastflag = 0n0
    nt!__from_strstr_to_strchr = <no type information>
    nt!__global_unwind2 (void)
    nt!__InterlockedCompareExchange = <no type information>
    nt!__InterlockedDecrement = <no type information>
    nt!__InterlockedExchangeAdd = <no type information>
    nt!__InterlockedIncrement = <no type information>
    nt!__isascii (int)
    nt!__KeGetCurrentThread = <no type information>
    nt!__KeIsExecutingDpc = <no type information>
    nt!__local_unwind2 (void)
    nt!__lookuptable = char [] "???"
    nt!__lookuptable = char [89] "???"
    nt!__mb_cur_max = 0n1
    nt!__newctype = unsigned short [384]
    nt!__NLG_Destination = struct _NLG_INFO
    nt!__nullstring = 0x8080a8a4 "(null)"
    nt!__report_gsfailure = <no type information>
    nt!__RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger = <no type information>
    nt!__RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger = <no type information>
    nt!__safe_se_handler_table = void *[]
    nt!__security_check_cookie (unsigned long)
    nt!__security_cookie = 0xbb40
    nt!__security_cookie_complement = <no type information>
    nt!__SEH_epilog (void)
    nt!__SEH_prolog (void)
    nt!__unwind_handler (void)
    nt!__wnullstring = 0x8080a894
    nt!_87except (int, struct _exception *, unsigned short *)
    nt!_alldiv (void)
    nt!_alldvrm (void)
    nt!_allmul (void)
    nt!_allrem (void)
    nt!_allshl (void)
    nt!_allshr (void)
    nt!_amsg_exit (void)
    nt!_ApphelpCacheDeleteEntry (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!_ApphelpCacheFreeEntry (struct tagSHIMCACHEENTRY *)
    nt!_atoi64 (char *)
    nt!_aulldiv (void)
    nt!_aulldvrm (void)
    nt!_aullrem (void)
    nt!_aullshr (void)
    nt!_cfltcvt_tab = <function> *[6]
    nt!_check_overflow_exit (void)
    nt!_check_range_exit (void)
    nt!_checkTOS_withFB (void)
    nt!_chkstk (void)
    nt!_CIcos (void)
    nt!_CIsin (void)
    nt!_CIsqrt (void)
    nt!_clrfp (void)
    nt!_convertTOStoQNaN (void)
    nt!_cpower = 0x01 ''
    nt!_ctrlfp (unsigned int, unsigned int)
    nt!_d_ind = union _dbl
    nt!_d_inf = union _dbl
    nt!_d_max = union _dbl
    nt!_d_min = union _dbl
    nt!_d_mzero = union _dbl
    nt!_decomp (double, int *)
    nt!_DEFAULT_CW_in_mem = 0x27f
    nt!_except_handler3 (void)
    nt!_ExVdmOpcodeDispatchCounts = 0
    nt!_ExVdmSegmentNotPresent = 0
    nt!_fast_exit (void)
    nt!_fload_withFB (void)
    nt!_flsbuf (int, struct _iobuf *)
    nt!_flswbuf (int, struct _iobuf *)
    nt!_fltused = 0n39029
    nt!_fptrap (void)
    nt!_handle_exc (unsigned int, double *, unsigned int)
    nt!_IDT = 0xc8 ''
    nt!_imp__HalAllocateAdapterChannel = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalAllocateCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalAllocateCrashDumpRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalAllProcessorsStarted = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalBeginSystemInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalCalibratePerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalDisableSystemInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalEnableSystemInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalEndSystemInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalFreeCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalGetAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalGetBusDataByOffset = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalGetEnvironmentVariable = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalGetInterruptVector = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalHandleNMI = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalInitializeProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalInitSystem = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalQueryRealTimeClock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalReadDmaCounter = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalReportResourceUsage = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalRequestIpi = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalReturnToFirmware = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalSetBusDataByOffset = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalSetEnvironmentVariable = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalSetProfileInterval = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalSetRealTimeClock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalSetTimeIncrement = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalStartNextProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalStartProfileInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalStopProfileInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__HalTranslateBusAddress = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__IoFlushAdapterBuffers = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__IoFreeAdapterChannel = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__IoFreeMapRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__IoMapTransfer = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdD0Transition = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdD3Transition = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdDebuggerInitialize0 = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdDebuggerInitialize1 = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdReceivePacket = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdRestore = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdSave = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KdSendPacket = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeFlushWriteBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeGetCurrentIrql = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeQueryPerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__KeStallExecutionProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__READ_PORT_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__READ_PORT_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__READ_PORT_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidBitBlt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidBufferToScreenBlt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidCleanUp = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidResetDisplay = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidScreenToBufferBlt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidSetScrollRegion = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidSetTextColor = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__VidSolidColorFill = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__WRITE_PORT_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__WRITE_PORT_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!_imp__WRITE_PORT_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_HalClearSoftwareInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockRaiseToSynch = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeAcquireQueuedSpinLockRaiseToSynch = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KfAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KfLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KfRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!_imp_KfReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_BOOTVID = <no type information>
    nt!_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_HAL = <no type information>
    nt!_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_KDCOM = <no type information>
    nt!_indefinite = <ten-byte float>
    nt!_infinity = 0n9218868437227405312
    nt!_isctype (int, int)
    nt!_itoa (int, char *, int)
    nt!_itow (int, unsigned short *, int)
    nt!_KeErrorMask = 1
    nt!_KeMaximumIncrement = 0x2625a
    nt!_KeTickCount = 0x1a985
    nt!_KeTimeAdjustment = 0x2625a
    nt!_KiAbiosPresent = 0
    nt!_KiAdjustDpcThreshold = 0x14
    nt!_KiArgumentTable = 0x2c2c2018
    nt!_KiCallbackReturn (void)
    nt!_KiCommonDataArea = 0
    nt!_KiDebugService (void)
    nt!_KiDoubleFaultStack = 0x00 ''
    nt!_KiDoubleFaultTSS = 0x00 ''
    nt!_KiFastCallEntry (void)
    nt!_KiGetTickCount (void)
    nt!_KiIdealDpcRate = 0x14
    nt!_KiIdleSMTSummary = 0
    nt!_KiIdleSummary = 0
    nt!_KiInterruptTemplate = 0x54 'T'
    nt!_KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth = 4
    nt!_KiMinimumDpcRate = 3
    nt!_KiNMITSS = 0x00 ''
    nt!_KiRaiseAssertion (void)
    nt!_KiServiceLimit = 0x128
    nt!_KiServiceTable = 0x808f2dd2
    nt!_KiShutUpAssembler (void)
    nt!_KiSynchPacket = 0
    nt!_KiSystemFatalException (void)
    nt!_KiSystemService (void)
    nt!_KiTbFlushTimeStamp = 0x14e2
    nt!_KiTickOffset = 0x2625a
    nt!_KiTimeIncrementReciprocal = 0n-2972493582642298179
    nt!_KiTimeIncrementShiftCount = 0x11
    nt!_KiTrap00 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap01 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap02 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap03 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap04 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap05 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap06 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap07 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap08 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap09 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0A (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0B (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0C (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0D (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0E (void)
    nt!_KiTrap0F (void)
    nt!_KiTrap10 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap11 (void)
    nt!_KiTrap13 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedEntrySize = 0xa
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt0 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt1 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt10 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt100 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt101 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt102 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt103 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt104 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt105 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt106 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt107 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt108 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt109 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt11 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt110 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt111 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt112 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt113 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt114 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt115 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt116 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt117 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt118 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt119 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt12 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt120 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt121 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt122 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt123 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt124 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt125 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt126 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt127 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt128 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt129 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt13 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt130 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt131 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt132 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt133 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt134 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt135 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt136 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt137 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt138 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt139 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt14 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt140 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt141 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt142 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt143 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt144 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt145 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt146 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt147 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt148 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt149 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt15 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt150 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt151 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt152 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt153 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt154 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt155 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt156 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt157 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt158 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt159 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt16 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt160 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt161 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt162 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt163 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt164 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt165 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt166 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt167 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt168 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt169 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt17 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt170 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt171 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt172 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt173 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt174 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt175 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt176 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt177 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt178 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt179 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt18 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt180 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt181 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt182 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt183 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt184 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt185 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt186 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt187 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt188 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt189 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt19 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt190 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt191 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt192 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt193 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt194 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt195 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt196 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt197 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt198 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt199 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt2 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt20 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt200 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt201 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt202 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt203 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt204 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt205 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt206 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt207 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt21 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt22 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt23 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt24 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt25 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt26 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt27 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt28 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt29 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt3 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt30 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt31 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt32 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt33 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt34 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt35 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt36 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt37 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt38 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt39 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt4 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt40 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt41 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt42 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt43 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt44 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt45 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt46 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt47 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt48 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt49 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt5 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt50 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt51 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt52 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt53 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt54 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt55 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt56 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt57 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt58 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt59 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt6 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt60 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt61 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt62 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt63 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt64 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt65 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt66 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt67 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt68 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt69 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt7 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt70 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt71 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt72 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt73 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt74 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt75 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt76 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt77 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt78 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt79 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt8 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt80 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt81 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt82 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt83 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt84 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt85 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt86 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt87 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt88 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt89 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt9 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt90 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt91 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt92 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt93 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt94 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt95 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt96 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt97 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt98 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterrupt99 (void)
    nt!_KiUnexpectedInterruptTail (void)
    nt!_ldused = 0n39027
    nt!_load_config_used = struct IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32
    nt!_load_CW (void)
    nt!_math_exit (void)
    nt!_matherr (struct _exception *)
    nt!_matherr_flag = 0n9876
    nt!_mbstrlen (char *)
    nt!_memicmp (void *, void *, unsigned int)
    nt!_MmHighestPhysicalPage = 0x1f3ff
    nt!_MmHighestUserAddress = 0x7ffeffff
    nt!_MmPaeErrMask = 0
    nt!_MmPaeMask = 0n0
    nt!_MmPfnDatabase = 0x81400000
    nt!_MmPfnDeferredList = 0
    nt!_MmPfnDereferenceSListHead = 0n522136221472644168
    nt!_MmSecondaryColorMask = 0x3f
    nt!_MmSecondaryColorNodeShift = 0x00 ''
    nt!_MmSecondaryColors = 0x40
    nt!_MmSystemLockPagesCount = 0xca
    nt!_MmSystemRangeStart = 0x80000000
    nt!_MmUserProbeAddress = 0x7fff0000
    nt!_NAME_ = 0x63 'c'
    nt!_NAME_ = 0x73 's'
    nt!_NAME_ = 0x73 's'
    nt!_nan2 = <no type information>
    nt!_NLG_Dispatch = <no type information>
    nt!_NLG_Dispatch2 = <no type information>
    nt!_NLG_Notify (unsigned long)
    nt!_NLG_Notify1 (void)
    nt!_NLG_Return2 = <no type information>
    nt!_nosnan2 = <no type information>
    nt!_NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR = <no type information>
    nt!_output (struct _iobuf *, char *, char *)
    nt!_pctype = 0x8080a9b0
    nt!_pi_by_2_to_61 = <ten-byte float>
    nt!_piby2 = <ten-byte float>
    nt!_pIoAllocateIrp = 0x8081f4f4
    nt!_pIofCallDriver = 0
    nt!_pIofCompleteRequest = 0x808216ea
    nt!_pIoFreeIrp = 0x8081fa52
    nt!_PopInternalError = <no type information>
    nt!_purecall (void)
    nt!_pwctype = 0x8080abb2
    nt!_raise_exc (struct _FPIEEE_RECORD *, unsigned int *, int, int, double *, double *)
    nt!_raise_exc_ex (struct _FPIEEE_RECORD *, unsigned int *, int, int, void *, void *, int)
    nt!_real = <no type information>
    nt!_real = <no type information>
    nt!_real = <no type information>
    nt!_rtchsifneg = <no type information>
    nt!_rtindfnpop = <no type information>
    nt!_rtindfpop = <no type information>
    nt!_RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply = <no type information>
    nt!_RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide = <no type information>
    nt!_RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply = <no type information>
    nt!_rtnospop = <no type information>
    nt!_rtnospopde = <no type information>
    nt!_rtonenpop = <no type information>
    nt!_rtonepop = <no type information>
    nt!_rttosnpop = <no type information>
    nt!_rttosnpopde = <no type information>
    nt!_rttospop = <no type information>
    nt!_rttospopde = <no type information>
    nt!_rtzeronpop = <no type information>
    nt!_rtzeropop = <no type information>
    nt!_seh_longjmp_unwind = <no type information>
    nt!_set_errno (int)
    nt!_set_exp (double, int)
    nt!_set_statfp (unsigned int)
    nt!_snprintf (char *, unsigned int, char *)
    nt!_snwprintf (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!_startOneArgErrorHandling (unsigned long, unsigned long, int64)
    nt!_startTwoArgErrorHandling (unsigned long, unsigned long, int64, int64)
    nt!_statfp (void)
    nt!_stricmp (char *, char *)
    nt!_strlwr (char *)
    nt!_strnicmp (char *, char *, unsigned int)
    nt!_strnset (unsigned char *, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!_strrev (unsigned char *)
    nt!_strset (unsigned char *, unsigned char)
    nt!_strupr (char *)
    nt!_tosnan1 = <no type information>
    nt!_tosnan2 = <no type information>
    nt!_trandisp1 (void)
    nt!_trandisp2 (void)
    nt!_twoToTOS (void)
    nt!_ValidateEH3RN (struct _EH3_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION *)
    nt!_vsnprintf (char *, unsigned int, char *, char *)
    nt!_vsnwprintf (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *, char *)
    nt!_wchartodigit (wchar_t)
    nt!_wcsicmp (wchar_t *, wchar_t *)
    nt!_wcslwr (unsigned short *)
    nt!_wcsnicmp (wchar_t *, wchar_t *, unsigned int)
    nt!_wcsnset (unsigned short *, wchar_t, unsigned int)
    nt!_wcsrev (unsigned short *)
    nt!_wcsupr (unsigned short *)
    nt!_wctype = unsigned short [258]
    nt!_woutput (struct _iobuf *, unsigned short *, char *)
    nt!_wtoi (unsigned short *)
    nt!_wtol (unsigned short *)
    nt!_zero = 0n0
    nt!`ADD_MAP_REGISTERS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`ADD_MAP_REGISTERS'::`6'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`DECREMENT_ADAPTER_CHANNELS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`DECREMENT_COMMON_BUFFERS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`DECREMENT_SCATTER_GATHER_LISTS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`INCREASE_MAPPED_TRANSFER_BYTE_COUNT'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`INCREMENT_ADAPTER_CHANNELS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`SUBTRACT_MAP_REGISTERS'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`VERIFY_BUFFER_LOCKED'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`VF_ASSERT_IRQL'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!`VF_ASSERT_MAX_IRQL'::`3'::enable = <no type information>
    nt!Abios_kit_a = <no type information>
    nt!Abios_kui_a = <no type information>
    nt!abWPAStringKey = <no type information>
    nt!AcquireOpsEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!AcquireOpsReservePool = 0x8538e508
    nt!ActionNames = <no type information>
    nt!ADD_MAP_REGISTERS = <no type information>
    nt!AfdWorkQueueSpinLock = 0
    nt!AmdK6RegionCount = 0
    nt!AmdK6Regions = struct _AMDK6_MTRR_REGION [2]
    nt!AmdMtrrHwUsageCount = 0
    nt!AnimBarPos = <no type information>
    nt!AppcompatKeyPathCustom = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Custom\"
    nt!AppcompatKeyPathLayers = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
    nt!ApphelpAVLTableAllocate (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ApphelpAVLTableFree (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheCompareEntries (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, void *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheControlValidateParameters (struct tagAHCACHESERVICEDATA *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **)
    nt!ApphelpCacheCreateBuffer (void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheFlush (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheInitialize (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!ApphelpCacheInsertEntry (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheLockExclusive (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheLockExclusiveNoWait (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheLookupEntry (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheParseBuffer (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ApphelpCacheQueryFileInformation (void *, int64 *, int64 *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheRead (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheReleaseLock (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheRemoveEntry (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ApphelpCacheShutdown (unsigned long)
    nt!ApphelpCacheVerifyContext (void)
    nt!ApphelpCacheWrite (void)
    nt!ApphelpDuplicateUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ApphelpFreeUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ArbAddAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbAddOrdering = <no type information>
    nt!ArbAddReserved = <no type information>
    nt!ArbAllocateEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ArbArbiterHandler = <no type information>
    nt!ArbBacktrackAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbBootAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbBuildAssignmentOrdering = <no type information>
    nt!ArbCommitAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbFindSuitableRange = <no type information>
    nt!ArbFreeOrderingList = <no type information>
    nt!ArbGetNextAllocationRange = <no type information>
    nt!ArbInitializeArbiterInstance = <no type information>
    nt!ArbInitializeOrderingList = <no type information>
    nt!ArbOverrideConflict = <no type information>
    nt!ArbpBuildAllocationStack = <no type information>
    nt!ArbpBuildAlternative = <no type information>
    nt!ArbpGetRegistryValue = <no type information>
    nt!ArbpQueryConflictCallback = <no type information>
    nt!ArbPreprocessEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ArbPruneOrdering = <no type information>
    nt!ArbpUpdatePriority = <no type information>
    nt!ArbQueryConflict = <no type information>
    nt!ArbRetestAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbRollbackAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ArbShareDriverExclusive = <no type information>
    nt!ArbSortArbitrationList = <no type information>
    nt!ArbStartArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!ArbTestAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ATAId = <no type information>
    nt!atoi (char *)
    nt!atol (char *)
    nt!BBT_Exclude_Selector_Code_Begin = <no type information>
    nt!BBT_Exclude_Selector_Code_End = <no type information>
    nt!BBT_Exclude_Trap_Code_Begin = <no type information>
    nt!BBT_Exclude_Trap_Code_End = <no type information>
    nt!BBTBuffer = 0x00000000
    nt!BBTMemoryDescriptor = struct _MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!BBTPagesToReserve = 0
    nt!BestCaseFill = unsigned long [33]
    nt!BiosBegin = <no type information>
    nt!BootDriverLock = <no type information>
    nt!BootLogRecord = 0x00000000
    nt!BOOTVID_NULL_THUNK_DATA = <no type information>
    nt!BreakpointsSuspended = <no type information>
    nt!BreakPointTimerStarted = <no type information>
    nt!BuildQueryDirectoryIrp (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, unsigned char, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **, struct _IRP **, struct _FILE_OBJECT **, char *)
    nt!CallLevelChange = <no type information>
    nt!CcAcquireByteRangeForWrite (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, struct _BCB **)
    nt!CcAdjustVacbLevelLockCount (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64, long)
    nt!CcAggressiveZeroCount = 0n0
    nt!CcAggressiveZeroThreshold = 0n4
    nt!CcAllocateInitializeBcb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _BCB *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcAllocateObcb (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _BCB *)
    nt!CcAllocateVacbLevel (unsigned long)
    nt!CcAvailablePagesThreshold = 0x64
    nt!CcBcbSpinLock = 0
    nt!CcBeyondVacbs = 0x8538cc50
    nt!CcCalculateVacbLevelLockCount (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long)
    nt!CcCancelMmWaitForUninitializeCacheMap (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcCanIWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!CcCapturedSystemSize = MmLargeSystem (0n2)
    nt!CcCleanSharedCacheMapList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x852db3ac - 0x84d2b34c ]
    nt!CcCollisionDelay = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fff0bdc0
    nt!CcCopyRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcCopyReadExceptionFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, long *)
    nt!CcCopyReadNoWait = 0
    nt!CcCopyReadNoWaitMiss = 0
    nt!CcCopyReadWait = 0
    nt!CcCopyReadWaitMiss = 0xfa
    nt!CcCopyWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!CcCreateVacbArray (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!CcDataFlushes = 0x13e9
    nt!CcDataPages = 0x1958
    nt!CcDeallocateBcb (struct _BCB *)
    nt!CcDeallocateVacbLevel (struct _VACB **, unsigned long)
    nt!CcDebugTraceLock = 0
    nt!CcDeferredWrites = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089d1e0 - 0x8089d1e0 ]
    nt!CcDeferredWriteSpinLock = 0
    nt!CcDeferWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CcDeleteBcbs (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcDeleteMbcb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcDeleteSharedCacheMap (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!CcDereferenceFileOffset (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!CcDirtyPagesLastScan = 0xc
    nt!CcDirtyPageTarget = 0xbb4a
    nt!CcDirtyPageThreshold = 0xf9b9
    nt!CcDirtySharedCacheMapList = struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP_LIST_CURSOR
    nt!CcDrainVacbLevelZone (void)
    nt!CcExceptionFilter (long)
    nt!CcExpressWorkQueue = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089d178 - 0x8089d178 ]
    nt!CcExtendVacbArray (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!CcFastCopyRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcFastCopyWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!CcFastMdlReadNotPossible = 0
    nt!CcFastMdlReadNoWait = 0
    nt!CcFastMdlReadResourceMiss = 0
    nt!CcFastMdlReadWait = 0
    nt!CcFastReadNotPossible = 0
    nt!CcFastReadNoWait = 0
    nt!CcFastReadResourceMiss = 0
    nt!CcFastReadWait = 0
    nt!CcFindBcb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _BCB **)
    nt!CcFindBitmapRangeToClean (struct _MBCB *, int64)
    nt!CcFindBitmapRangeToDirty (struct _MBCB *, int64, unsigned long **)
    nt!CcFirstDelay = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fe363c80
    nt!CcFlushCache (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcFreeActiveVacb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CcFreeVirtualAddress (struct _VACB *)
    nt!CcGetActiveVacb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CcGetBcbListHead (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64, unsigned char)
    nt!CcGetBcbListHeadLargeOffset (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64, unsigned char)
    nt!CcGetDirtyPages (void *, <function> *, void *, void *)
    nt!CcGetFileObjectFromBcb (void *)
    nt!CcGetFileObjectFromSectionPtrs (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *)
    nt!CcGetFlushedValidData (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, unsigned char)
    nt!CcGetLsnForFileObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcGetVacbLargeOffset (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64)
    nt!CcGetVacbMiss (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcGetVirtualAddress (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER, struct _VACB **, unsigned long *)
    nt!CcGetVirtualAddressIfMapped (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64, struct _VACB **, unsigned long *)
    nt!CcHasInactiveViews (void)
    nt!CcIdleDelay = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`ff676980
    nt!CcIdleDelayTick = 0x40
    nt!CcIdleWorkerThreadList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8538d588 - 0x85394290 ]
    nt!CcInitializeCacheManager (void)
    nt!CcInitializeCacheMap (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _CC_FILE_SIZES *, unsigned char, struct _CACHE_MANAGER_CALLBACKS *, void *)
    nt!CcInitializeVacbs (void)
    nt!CcIsThereDirtyData (struct _VPB *)
    nt!CcLazyWriteHotSpots = 0xe
    nt!CcLazyWriteIos = 0x701
    nt!CcLazyWritePages = 0x86e
    nt!CcLazyWriterCursor = struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP_LIST_CURSOR
    nt!CcLazyWriteScan (void)
    nt!CcLogError (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, long, long, unsigned char)
    nt!CcLostDelayedWrites = 0
    nt!CcMapAndCopy (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char)
    nt!CcMapAndRead (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!CcMapData (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!CcMapDataCommon (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!CcMapDataForOverwrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!CcMapDataNoWait = 0
    nt!CcMapDataNoWaitMiss = 0
    nt!CcMapDataWait = 0xa7ac
    nt!CcMapDataWaitMiss = 0x3f7
    nt!CcMasterSpinLock = 0
    nt!CcMaxDirtyWrite = 0x10000
    nt!CcMaxVacbLevelsSeen = 2
    nt!CcMdlRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcMdlReadComplete (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!CcMdlReadComplete2 (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!CcMdlReadNoWait = 0
    nt!CcMdlReadNoWaitMiss = 0
    nt!CcMdlReadWait = 0
    nt!CcMdlReadWaitMiss = 0
    nt!CcMdlWriteAbort (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!CcMdlWriteComplete (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!CcMdlWriteComplete2 (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!CcMissCounter = 0x8089d1d8
    nt!CcNoDelay = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
    nt!CcNumberActiveWorkerThreads = 0
    nt!CcNumberVacbs = 0x132e
    nt!CcNumberWorkerThreads = 8
    nt!CcPagesWrittenLastTime = 1
    nt!CcPagesYetToWrite = 1
    nt!CcPerfFileRunDown (struct _PERFINFO_ENTRY_TABLE *)
    nt!CcPerformReadAhead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!CcPfAcquireExclusiveRef = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfActivateTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfAddProcessTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfAddRef = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfAddRefEx = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfAppLaunchScenarioTypePrefix = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBeginAppLaunch = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBeginBootPhase = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBeginTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBootPhase = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBootQueueEndTraceTimer = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBootScenarioTypePrefix = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBootWorker = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfBuildDumpFromTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfCancelTraceTimer = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfCleanupPrefetchHeader = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfCleanupTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfDeactivateTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfDecRef = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfDetermineEnablePrefetcher = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfEnablePrefetcher = 0
    nt!CcPfEndBootTimerRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfEndTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfEndTraceWorkerThreadRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfFindPrefetchVolumeInfoInList = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfFindString = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGetCompletedTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGetFileNamesWorkerRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGetParameter = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGetPrefetchInstructions = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGetSectionObject = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfGlobals = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfHashValue = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfInitializePrefetcher = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfInitializePrefetchHeader = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfInvalidScenarioTypePrefix = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfIsHostingApplication = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfIsVolumeMounted = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfLogPageFault = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfLookUpSection = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfNumActiveTraces = 0n0
    nt!CcPfOpenVolumesForPrefetch = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersRead = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersSave = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersSetChangedEvent = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersSetDefaults = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersVerify = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfParametersWatcher = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchDirectoryContents = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchFileMetadata = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchingForBoot = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchMetadata = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchScenario = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfPrefetchSections = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfProcessExitNotification = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfQueryPrefetcherInformation = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfQueryScenarioInformation = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfQueryVolumeInfo = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfReferenceProcessTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfRemoveProcessTrace = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfScanCommandLine = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfSetParameter = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfSetPrefetcherInformation = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfTraceTimerRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!CcPfUpdateVolumeList = <no type information>
    nt!CcPinFileData (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _BCB **, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcPinMappedData (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!CcPinMappedDataCount = 0x2e96
    nt!CcPinRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!CcPinReadNoWait = 0
    nt!CcPinReadNoWaitMiss = 0
    nt!CcPinReadWait = 0x15db
    nt!CcPinReadWaitMiss = 0xda
    nt!CcPostDeferredWrites (void)
    nt!CcPostTickWorkQueue = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089d228 - 0x8089d228 ]
    nt!CcPostWorkQueue (struct _WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CcPrefillVacbLevelZone (unsigned long, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcPrepareMdlWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcPreparePinWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!CcPurgeAndClearCacheSection (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcPurgeCacheSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CcQueueThrottle = 0x00 ''
    nt!CcReadAheadIos = 0xf4
    nt!CcReferenceFileOffset (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!CcRegularWorkQueue = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089d2a0 - 0x8089d2a0 ]
    nt!CcReleaseByteRangeFromWrite (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _BCB *, unsigned char)
    nt!CcRemapBcb (void *)
    nt!CcRepinBcb (void *)
    nt!CcScanDpc (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!CcScheduleLazyWriteScan (unsigned char)
    nt!CcScheduleReadAhead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcSetActiveVacb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CcSetAdditionalCacheAttributes (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!CcSetBcbOwnerPointer (void *, void *)
    nt!CcSetDirtyInMask (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcSetDirtyPageThreshold (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcSetDirtyPinnedData (void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcSetFileSizes (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _CC_FILE_SIZES *)
    nt!CcSetLogHandleForFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *, <function> *)
    nt!CcSetPrivateWriteFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!CcSetReadAheadGranularity (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcSetVacbLargeOffset (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, int64, struct _VACB *)
    nt!CcSetValidData (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CcTargetCleanDelay = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`faa2b580
    nt!CcThrowAway = 0x115
    nt!CcTotalDirtyPages = 0xc
    nt!CcTune = 0
    nt!CcTwilightLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!CcUninitializeCacheMap (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _CACHE_UNINITIALIZE_EVENT *)
    nt!CcUnmapAndPurge (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcUnmapInactiveViews (unsigned long)
    nt!CcUnmapVacb (struct _VACB *, struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, unsigned char)
    nt!CcUnmapVacbArray (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CcUnpinData (void *)
    nt!CcUnpinDataForThread (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CcUnpinFileDataEx (struct _BCB *, unsigned char, UNMAP_ACTIONS)
    nt!CcUnpinRepinnedBcb (void *, unsigned char, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcVacbFreeList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x85370178 - 0x8538cc48 ]
    nt!CcVacbLevelEntries = 1
    nt!CcVacbLevelFreeList = 0x84afa008
    nt!CcVacbLevelWithBcbsEntries = 1
    nt!CcVacbLevelWithBcbsFreeList = 0x84cf85a0
    nt!CcVacbLru = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x85370028 - 0x853714c8 ]
    nt!CcVacbs = 0x85370000
    nt!CcVacbSpinLock = 0
    nt!CcWaitForCurrentLazyWriterActivity (void)
    nt!CcWaitForUninitializeCacheMap (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!CcWaitOnActiveCount (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *)
    nt!CcWorkerThread (void *)
    nt!CcWorkQueueSpinLock = 0
    nt!CcWriteBehind (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!CcZeroData (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char)
    nt!CcZeroEndOfLastPage (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!Check386B0 (void)
    nt!Check386D1 (void)
    nt!Check486AStepping (void)
    nt!Check486BStepping (void)
    nt!Check486CStepping (void)
    nt!CheckEip (void)
    nt!CheckEsp (void)
    nt!CheckHeapFillPattern = <no type information>
    nt!CheckVdmFlags (void)
    nt!ChkSum = <no type information>
    nt!Class10Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class11Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class12Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class1Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class2Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class3Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class4Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class5Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class6Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class7Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class8Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!Class9Descriptions = <no type information>
    nt!ClassDescriptionsList = <no type information>
    nt!CmBootAcceptFirstTime = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmBootLastKnownGood (unsigned long)
    nt!CmBrand = <no type information>
    nt!CmCheckRegistry (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmCheckRegistryDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!CmClassName = struct _UNICODE_STRING []
    nt!CmClassName = struct _UNICODE_STRING [8]
    nt!CmClassString = unsigned short *[]
    nt!CmClassString = unsigned short *[8]
    nt!CmCompressKey (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!CmControlHive = struct _CMHIVE
    nt!CmControlVector = <no type information>
    nt!CmCSDVersionString = struct _UNICODE_STRING ""
    nt!CmDefaultLanguageId = unsigned short []
    nt!CmDefaultLanguageIdLength = 0xa
    nt!CmDefaultLanguageIdType = 1
    nt!CmDeleteKey (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *)
    nt!CmDeleteKeyRecursive = <no type information>
    nt!CmDeleteValueKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING)
    nt!CmDisabledFloatingPointProcessor = unsigned short []
    nt!CmDumpKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *)
    nt!CmEnumerateKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmEnumerateValueKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long, _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmFirstTime = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmFlushKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmGetSystemControlValues (void *, struct _CM_SYSTEM_CONTROL_VECTOR *)
    nt!CmGetSystemDriverList (void)
    nt!CmInitSystem1 (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmInstallUILanguageId = unsigned short []
    nt!CmInstallUILanguageIdLength = 0xa
    nt!CmInstallUILanguageIdType = 1
    nt!CmIsLastKnownGoodBoot (void)
    nt!CmLoadKey (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_BODY *)
    nt!CmLockKcbForWrite (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmMaxViewsPerHive = 0x100
    nt!CmMoveKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmNotifyRunDown (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!CmNtCSDReleaseType = <no type information>
    nt!CmNtCSDVersion = 0x100
    nt!CmNtGlobalFlag = <no type information>
    nt!CmNtSpBuildNumber = <no type information>
    nt!CmpAcquireFileObjectForFile (struct _CMHIVE *, void *, struct _FILE_OBJECT **)
    nt!CmpAddAcpiAliasEntry = <no type information>
    nt!CmpAddAliasEntry (void *, struct _PROFILE_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpAddDockingInfo (void *, struct _PROFILE_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpAddDriverToList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpAddInfoAfterParseFailure (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpAddSecurityCellToCache (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char, struct _CM_KEY_SECURITY_CACHE *)
    nt!CmpAddSubKey (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpAddToDelayedClose (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpAddToDelayedDeref (struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpAddToHiveFileList (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpAddToLeaf (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpAddValueToList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _CHILD_LIST *)
    nt!CmpAdjustSecurityCacheSize (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpAllocate (unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpAllocateCmView (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpAllocateDelayItem (void)
    nt!CmpAllocateKeyControlBlock (void)
    nt!CmpAllocatePostBlock (_POST_BLOCK_TYPE, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpAllocBucketLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!CmpAllocInited = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpAmdID = char [] "AuthenticAMD"
    nt!CmpAppendLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpAppendSection = <no type information>
    nt!CmpAppendStringToMultiSz = <no type information>
    nt!CmpAppendValue = <no type information>
    nt!CmpArmDelayedCloseTimer (void)
    nt!CmpAssignSecurityDescriptor (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, void *)
    nt!CmpAssignSecurityDescriptorWrapper (void *, void *)
    nt!CmpAssignSecurityToKcb (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpBootType = 0
    nt!CmpBuildAndLockKcbArray (struct _CM_HASH_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpBuildHashStackAndLookupCache (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _HHIVE **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long **)
    nt!CmpBuildSecurityCellMappingArray (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpCacheLookup (struct _CM_HASH_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _HHIVE **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpCacheOnFlag = 1
    nt!CmpCacheTable = 0xe1009000
    nt!CmpCallBackCount = 0
    nt!CmpCallBackVector = struct _EX_CALLBACK [100]
    nt!CmpCallCallBacks (_REG_NOTIFY_CLASS, void *, unsigned char, _REG_NOTIFY_CLASS, void *)
    nt!CmpCancelSlavePost (struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpCanGrowSystemHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCannotWriteConfiguration = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpCentaurID = char [] "CentaurHauls"
    nt!CmpCheckCreateAccess (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, long *)
    nt!CmpCheckHiveIndex = 6
    nt!CmpCheckKey (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCheckKeyAccess (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCheckKeyDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!CmpCheckLexicographicalOrder (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCheckNotifyAccess (struct _CM_NOTIFY_BLOCK *, struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpCheckOperator = <no type information>
    nt!CmpCheckRecursionAndRecordThreadInfo (struct _CM_CALLBACK_CONTEXT_BLOCK *, struct _CM_ACTIVE_NOTIFY_THREAD *)
    nt!CmpCheckRegistry2 (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCheckRegistry2Debug = struct __unnamed
    nt!CmpCheckValueList (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CELL_DATA *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCheckValueListDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!CmpClaimGlobalQuota (unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCleanUpKCBCacheTable (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCleanUpKcbCacheWithLock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCleanUpKcbValueCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpCleanUpSubKeyInfo (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpCloneHwProfile = <no type information>
    nt!CmpCloseInfFile = <no type information>
    nt!CmpCloseKeyObject (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCmdHiveClose (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpCmdHiveOpen (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *, unsigned char *, struct _CMHIVE **, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCmdInit (unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCmdRenameHive (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompareCompressedName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompareInIndex (struct _HHIVE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_INDEX *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpCompareNewValueDataAgainstKCBCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompareTwoCompressedNames (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompareUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompressedNameSize (unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCompressKeyWorker (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpComputeGlobalQuotaAllowed (void)
    nt!CmpComputeHashKey (unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpComputeHashKeyForCompressedName (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpComputeHashValue (struct _CM_HASH_ENTRY *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpComputeKcbConvKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpConfigurationAreaSize = 0x4000
    nt!CmpConfigurationData = 0xe1360000
    nt!CmpConfigureProcessors (void)
    nt!CmpConstructName (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpControlSessionManager = 0x80992d24
    nt!CmpControlSessionManager = 0x80992d24
    nt!CmpConvertLangId (unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCopyCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _HHIVE *, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!CmpCopyCompressedName (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpCopyKeyPartial (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpCopyName (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned short *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpCopySyncTree (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char, _CMP_COPY_TYPE)
    nt!CmpCopySyncTree2 (struct CMP_COPY_STACK_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _HHIVE *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned char, _CMP_COPY_TYPE)
    nt!CmpCopyValue (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _HHIVE *, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!CmpCreateControlSet (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpCreateEvent (_EVENT_TYPE, void **, struct _KEVENT **)
    nt!CmpCreateHwProfileFriendlyName = <no type information>
    nt!CmpCreateKeyControlBlock (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpCreateLinkNode (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING, char, unsigned long, struct _CM_PARSE_CONTEXT *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!CmpCreateObjectTypes (void)
    nt!CmpCreatePerfKeys (void)
    nt!CmpCreatePredefined (void *, unsigned short *, void *)
    nt!CmpCreateRegistryRoot (void)
    nt!CmpCreateRootNode (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpCreateTemporaryHive (void *)
    nt!CmpCyrixID = char [] "CyrixInstead"
    nt!CmpDelayAllocBucketLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!CmpDelayCloseDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!CmpDelayCloseDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpDelayCloseIntervalInSeconds = 5
    nt!CmpDelayCloseTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!CmpDelayCloseWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpDelayCloseWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!CmpDelayCloseWorkItemActive = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBIntervalInSeconds = 5
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe142f80c - 0xe1ab9758 ]
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKCBWorkItemActive = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpDelayDerefKeyControlBlock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpDelayedCloseElements = 0x26c
    nt!CmpDelayedCloseSize = 0x800
    nt!CmpDelayedCloseTableLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!CmpDelayedDerefKeys (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpDelayedLRUListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe1ab9dd0 - 0xe1ab9f98 ]
    nt!CmpDeleteKeyObject (void *)
    nt!CmpDeleteTree (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDereferenceHiveView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *)
    nt!CmpDereferenceHiveViewWithLock (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *)
    nt!CmpDereferenceKeyControlBlock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpDereferenceKeyControlBlockWithLock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpDereferenceNameControlBlockWithLock (struct _CM_NAME_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpDestroyCmPrivateAlloc (void)
    nt!CmpDestroyCmPrivateDelayAlloc (void)
    nt!CmpDestroyHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDestroyHiveViewList (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpDestroySecurityCache (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpDestroyTemporaryHive (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpDiskFullWarning (void)
    nt!CmpDiskFullWarningWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpDiskFullWorkerPopupDisplayed = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpDoAccessCheckOnSubtree (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpDoCompareKeyName (struct _HHIVE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDoCreate (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, char, struct _CM_PARSE_CONTEXT *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CMHIVE *, void **)
    nt!CmpDoCreateChild (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, char, struct _CM_PARSE_CONTEXT *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned short, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!CmpDoFileSetSize (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDoFindSubKeyByNumber (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_INDEX *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDoFlushAll (unsigned char)
    nt!CmpDoFlushNextHive (unsigned char, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpDontGrowLogFile = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpDoOpen (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _CM_PARSE_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long *, void **, unsigned char *)
    nt!CmpDoQueueLateUnloadWorker (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpDoSort (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpDropFileObjectForHive (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpDummyApc (struct _KAPC *, void **, void **)
    nt!CmpDumpKeyBodyList (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!CmpDumpOneKeyBody (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *)
    nt!CmpDuplicateIndex (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpDuplicateKey (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpEnableLazyFlushDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!CmpEnableLazyFlushDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpEnableLazyFlushTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!CmpFeatureBits = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFileFlush (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFileRead (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFileSetSize (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFileWrite (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct CMP_OFFSET_ARRAY *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFileWriteThroughCache (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct CMP_OFFSET_ARRAY *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFilterAcpiDockingState = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFindACPITable = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFindControlSet (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char *)
    nt!CmpFindDrivers (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, _CM_SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE, unsigned short *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpFindMatchingDescriptorCell (struct _CMHIVE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct _CM_KEY_SECURITY_CACHE **)
    nt!CmpFindNameInList (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CHILD_LIST *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFindPattern = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFindReusableCellFromCache (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFindRSDTTable = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFindSecurityCellCacheIndex (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFindSubKeyByHash (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_FAST_INDEX *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpFindSubKeyByName (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpFindSubKeyByNumber (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_INDEX *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFindSubKeyInRoot (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_INDEX *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFindTagIndex (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpFindValueByName (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpFindValueByNameFromCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _CM_CACHED_VALUE ***, unsigned long *, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE **, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpFixHiveUsageCount (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpFlushNotifiesOnKeyBodyList (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpFlushNotify (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpFlushOnLockRelease = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpFlushStarveWriters = 0n0
    nt!CmpForceForceFlush = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpFree (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFreeAllMemory (void)
    nt!CmpFreeCmView (struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *)
    nt!CmpFreeDelayItem (void *)
    nt!CmpFreeDelayItemsListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe142fa64 - 0xe1ab950c ]
    nt!CmpFreeDriverList (struct _HHIVE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpFreeKCBListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe11d6458 - 0xe11d6f98 ]
    nt!CmpFreeKeyBody (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFreeKeyByCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpFreeKeyControlBlock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpFreeKeyValues (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpFreeLineList = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFreePostBlock (struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpFreeSectionList = <no type information>
    nt!CmpFreeSecurityDescriptor (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFreeSlavePost (struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpFreeValue (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFreeValueData (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpFreeValueList = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGenInstall = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetAcpiBiosInformation = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetAcpiBiosVersion = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetAcpiProfileInformation = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetAddRegInfData = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetBinaryField = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetBiosDate = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetBiosVersion = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetHiveName (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpGetInfData = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetIntField = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetKeyName = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetKeySecurity (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpGetNameControlBlock (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char *)
    nt!CmpGetNextName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char *)
    nt!CmpGetPnPBIOSTableAddress = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetRegistryValue = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetSectionLineIndex = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetSectionLineIndexValueCount = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetSymbolicLink (struct _HHIVE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpGetToken = <no type information>
    nt!CmpGetValueData (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *, unsigned long *, void **, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpGetValueDataFromCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CM_CACHED_VALUE **, struct _CELL_DATA *, unsigned char, unsigned char **, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpGetValueKeyFromCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CELL_DATA *, unsigned long, struct _CM_CACHED_VALUE ***, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE **, unsigned char, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpGetValueListFromCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CELL_DATA **, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpGlobalQuota = 0x5c00000
    nt!CmpGlobalQuotaAllowed = 0x5c00000
    nt!CmpGlobalQuotaUsed = 0x17ac80
    nt!CmpGlobalQuotaWarning = 0x576660f
    nt!CmpHashTableSize = 0x800
    nt!CmpHiveListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe10132ec - 0xe1c0286c ]
    nt!CmpHiveListHeadLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!CmpHiveRootSecurityDescriptor (void)
    nt!CmpHoldLazyFlush = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpHwprofileDefaultSelect (struct _CM_HARDWARE_PROFILE_LIST *, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!CmPhysicalAddressExtension = <no type information>
    nt!CmpID1 = <no type information>
    nt!CmpID2 = <no type information>
    nt!CmpInitCallback (void)
    nt!CmpInitCmPrivateAlloc (void)
    nt!CmpInitCmPrivateDelayAlloc (void)
    nt!CmpInitDelayDerefKCBEngine (void)
    nt!CmpInitHiveFromFile (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _CMHIVE **, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpInitHiveViewList (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpInitializeCache (void)
    nt!CmpInitializeDelayedCloseTable (void)
    nt!CmpInitializeHardwareConfiguration (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpInitializeHive (struct _CMHIVE **, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpInitializeHiveList (void)
    nt!CmpInitializeKeyNameString (struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpInitializeMachineDependentConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!CmpInitializeRegistryNames (void)
    nt!CmpInitializeRegistryNode (struct _CONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA *, void *, void **, _INTERFACE_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpInitializeSystemHive (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpInitializeValueNameString (struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpInitSecurityCache (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpInitSystemVersion = <no type information>
    nt!CmpInsertKeyHash (struct _CM_KEY_HASH *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpInsertSecurityCellList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpIntelID = char [] "GenuineIntel"
    nt!CmpInterlockedFunction (unsigned short *, <function> *)
    nt!CmpIsHiveAlreadyLoaded (void *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _CMHIVE **)
    nt!CmpIsLoadType (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, _CM_SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE)
    nt!CmpKCBLockForceAcquireAllowed (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpKeyControlBlockRoot = 0x00000000
    nt!CmpKeyInfoProbeAlingment (_KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS)
    nt!CmpKeyObjectType = 0x8538d368
    nt!CmpLateUnloadHiveWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpLazyFlush (void)
    nt!CmpLazyFlushCount = 0x17
    nt!CmpLazyFlushDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!CmpLazyFlushDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpLazyFlushHiveCount = 7
    nt!CmpLazyFlushIntervalInSeconds = 5
    nt!CmpLazyFlushPending = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpLazyFlushTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!CmpLazyFlushWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpLazyWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!CmpLinkHiveToMaster (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!CmpLinkKeyToHive (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpLoadHiveLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!CmpLoadHiveThread (void *)
    nt!CmpLoadHiveVolatile (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *)
    nt!CmpLoadOptions = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\??\e:\Program Files\Venustech\Endpoint Security\ESServer\ServerMonitor.exe"
    nt!CmpLoadWorkerDebugEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!CmpLoadWorkerEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!CmpLoadWorkerIncrement = 0n6
    nt!CmpLockRegistry (void)
    nt!CmpLockRegistryExclusive (void)
    nt!CmpLockTwoHashEntriesExclusive (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpLockTwoHashEntriesShared (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpLogError (long)
    nt!CmpMachineHiveList = struct _HIVE_LIST_ENTRY []
    nt!CmpMachineHiveList = struct _HIVE_LIST_ENTRY [7]
    nt!CmpMapCmView (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE **, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpMapPhysicalAddress = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMapThisBin (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpMarkCurrentValueDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpMarkIndexDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpMarkKeyDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpMarkKeyParentDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpMarkKeyValuesDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpMarkValueDataDirty (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *)
    nt!CmpMasterHive = 0xe1013008
    nt!CmpMatchAcpiCreatorRevisionRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchAcpiOemIdRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchAcpiOemRevisionRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchAcpiOemTableIdRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchAcpiRevisionRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchDateRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchDescription = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchInfList = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchInstallRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchMemoryRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchNextMatchRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchOemIdRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchPModeRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchPointerRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchRmPmSameRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMatchSearchRule = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMergeKeyValues (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpMHz = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMiniNTBoot = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpMoveBiosAliasTable = <no type information>
    nt!CmpMultifunctionTypes = struct __unnamed []
    nt!CmpMultifunctionTypes = struct __unnamed [9]
    nt!CmpNameCacheTable = 0xe100f000
    nt!CmpNameFromAttributes (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, char, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpNameSize (struct _HHIVE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpNoMasterCreates = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpNotifyChangeKey (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, struct _CM_POST_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpNotifyTriggerCheck (struct _CM_NOTIFY_BLOCK *, struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpNoWrite = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpOKToFollowLink (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpOpenFileWithExtremePrejudice (void **, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpOpenHiveFiles (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *, void **, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpOpenInfFile = <no type information>
    nt!CmpOpenRegKey = <no type information>
    nt!CmpOpenSubKeys = 0
    nt!CmpOrderGroup (struct _BOOT_DRIVER_NODE *, struct _BOOT_DRIVER_NODE *)
    nt!CmpOverwriteHive (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpParseInfBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!CmpParseKey (void *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void **)
    nt!CmpPerformMachineIdentification = <no type information>
    nt!CmpPinCmView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *)
    nt!CmpPostApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!CmpPostApcRunDown (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!CmpPostLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!CmpPostNotify (struct _CM_NOTIFY_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, long, unsigned char, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpPrefetchHiveFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpProcessAddRegLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProcessBitRegLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProcessDelRegLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProcessForSimpleStringSub = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProcessorControl = 0x80992d54
    nt!CmpProcessorNameString = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProcessReg = <no type information>
    nt!CmpProfileLoaded = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpQueryKeyData (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpQueryKeyDataFromCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpQueryKeyName (void *, unsigned char, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!CmpQueryKeyValueData (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CM_CACHED_VALUE **, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *, unsigned char, _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, long *)
    nt!CmpQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!CmpQuotaWarningPopupDisplayed = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpRaiseSelfHealWarning (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpRaiseSelfHealWarningForSystemHives (void)
    nt!CmpRaiseSelfHealWarningWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpRebuildKcbCache (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpRebuildSecurityCache (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpReferenceHiveView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *)
    nt!CmpReferenceKeyControlBlock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmPrefetchHivePages (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _READ_LIST *)
    nt!CmpRefreshHive (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpRefreshWorkerRoutine (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpRegistryLock = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareDescriptionString = 0x809934a0
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareDescriptionSystemString = 0x80993440
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareDeviceMapString = 0x809933f0
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareOwnerMapString = 0x80993358
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareResourceMapString = 0x809933a0
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineHardwareString = 0x809934f0
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineString = 0x80993528
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlBiosInfoString = 0x80992c88
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlBootLogString = 0x80992ee8
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlClassString = 0x80993088
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootString = 0x80993010
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlSessionManagerMemoryManagementString = 0x80992f60
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetEnumRootString = 0x809931f8
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetEnumString = 0x80993268
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetHardwareProfilesCurrentString = 0x80993100
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetServicesEventLogString = 0x80992e68
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetServicesString = 0x80993190
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetString = 0x809932c8
    nt!CmpRegistryMachineSystemString = 0x80993320
    nt!CmpRegistryPerflibString = 0x80992d78
    nt!CmpRegistryPerflibString = 0x80992d78
    nt!CmpRegistryRootHandle = 0x00000010
    nt!CmpRegistryRootString = 0x8099354c
    nt!CmpRegistrySystemCloneString = 0x80992e18
    nt!CmpRegistrySystemFileNameString = 0x80992e08
    nt!CmpRegistryUserString = 0x80992e48
    nt!CmpRehashKcbSubtree (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpReleaseGlobalQuota (unsigned long)
    nt!CmpRemoveFromDelayedClose (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpRemoveFromHiveFileList (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!CmpRemoveFromSecurityCache (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpRemoveKeyControlBlock (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpRemoveKeyHash (struct _CM_KEY_HASH *)
    nt!CmpRemoveSecurityCellList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpRemoveSubKey (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpRemoveSubKeyCellNoCellRef (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpRemoveValueFromList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CHILD_LIST *)
    nt!CmpReportNotify (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpReportNotifyHelper (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _HHIVE *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpResolveDriverDependencies (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpRiseID = char [] "RiseRiseRise"
    nt!CmProcessorMismatch = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpRunDownDelayDerefKCBEngine (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpSaveBootControlSet (unsigned short)
    nt!CmpSaveKeyByFileCopy (struct _CMHIVE *, void *)
    nt!CmpSearchForOpenSubKeys (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, _SUBKEY_SEARCH_TYPE, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!CmpSearchInfLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpSearchInfSection = <no type information>
    nt!CmpSearchKeyControlBlockTree (<function> *, void *, void *)
    nt!CmpSearchLineInSectionByIndex = <no type information>
    nt!CmpSearchSectionByName = <no type information>
    nt!CmpSearchValueInLine = <no type information>
    nt!CmpSecConvKey (unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpSecurityExceptionFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
    nt!CmpSecurityMethod (void *, _SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!CmpSelectLeaf (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long **)
    nt!CmpSelfHeal = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpSelfHealQueueListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089da20 - 0x8089da20 ]
    nt!CmpSelfHealQueueLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!CmpSelfHealWorkerActive = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpSetGlobalQuotaAllowed (void)
    nt!CmpSetNetworkValue (struct _NETWORK_LOADER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpSetSecurityDescriptorInfo (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long *, void *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!CmpSetSystemValues (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpSetupConfigurationTree (struct _CONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA *, void *, _INTERFACE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpSetupPrivateWrite (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpSetValueDataExisting (struct _HHIVE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpSetValueDataNew (struct _HHIVE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpSetValueKeyExisting (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpSetValueKeyNew (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpSetVersionData = <no type information>
    nt!CmpShareSystemHives = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpShiftAllCells (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpShiftAllCells2 (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpShiftHiveFreeBins (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE **)
    nt!CmpShiftIndex (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_INDEX *)
    nt!CmpShiftKey (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpShiftSecurityCells (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!CmpShiftValueList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpShutdownWorkers (void)
    nt!CmpSortDriverList (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!CmpSpecialBootCondition = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpSplitLeaf (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!CmpStashBuffer = 0xe1c3b000 "DIRT???"
    nt!CmpStashBufferLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!CmpStashBufferSize = 0x2000
    nt!CmpSwitchStorageAndRebuildMappings (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpSymbolicLinkValueName = 0x80992d00
    nt!CmpSyncKeyValues (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *)
    nt!CmpSyncSubKeysAfterDelete (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_NODE *, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpSystemFileName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "SYSTEM"
    nt!CmpSystemHiveConversionFailed = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisCallback = 0x8096c7bc
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisContext = 0x8089c834
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisHigh = 0x5a
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisHighSeen = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisHitRatio = 0
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisLow = 0x50
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisLowSeen = 0x01 ''
    nt!CmpSystemHiveHysteresisWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpSystemProcess = 0x85397648
    nt!CmpSystemQuotaWarningPopupDisplayed = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpSystemQuotaWarningWorker (void *)
    nt!CmpTouchView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpTraceRoutine = 0x00000000
    nt!CmpTrackHiveClose = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpTransmetaID = char [] "GenuineTMx86"
    nt!CmpTryConvertKCBLockSharedToExclusive (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpTryToLockHashEntryByIndexExclusive (unsigned long)
    nt!CmpTypeCount = unsigned long []
    nt!CmpTypeCount = unsigned long [42]
    nt!CmpUlongPtrLength = <no type information>
    nt!CmpUnknownBusCount = 0
    nt!CmpUnLockKcbArray (unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpUnlockRegistry (void)
    nt!CmpUnlockTwoHashEntries (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpUnmapCmView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpUnmapCmViewSurroundingOffset (struct _CMHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpUnmapUnusedViews (struct _CMHIVE *)
    nt!CmpUnPinCmView (struct _CMHIVE *, struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!CmpUpdateParentForEachSon (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpUpdateSignature = <no type information>
    nt!CmpUpdateSystemHiveHysteresis (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmpUsedStorage = 0
    nt!CmpValidateHiveSecurityDescriptors (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned char *)
    nt!CmpValueToData (struct _HHIVE *, struct _CM_KEY_VALUE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmpVendorID = <no type information>
    nt!CmpWalkPath (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!CmpWasSetupBoot = 0x00 ''
    nt!CmpWmiDumpKcb (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!CmpWmiDumpKcbTable (void)
    nt!CmQueryKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmQueryMultipleValueKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _KEY_VALUE_ENTRY *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmQueryRegistryQuotaInformation (struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION *)
    nt!CmQueryValueKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING, _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!CmRegisterCallback (<function> *, void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CmRegisterSystemHiveLimitCallback (unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, <function> *)
    nt!CmRegistryIODebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!CmRegistryLogSizeLimit = 0n-1
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareDescriptionName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareDescriptionSystemName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\SYSTEM"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareDeviceMapName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareOwnerMapName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\OWNERMAP"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineHardwareResourceMapName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\RESOURCEMAP"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSet = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetEnumName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\ENUM"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetEnumRootName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\ENUM\ROOT"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineSystemCurrentControlSetServices = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES"
    nt!CmRegistryMachineSystemName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM"
    nt!CmRegistryRootName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY"
    nt!CmRegistrySizeLimit = 0
    nt!CmRegistrySizeLimitLength = 0xffffffff
    nt!CmRegistrySizeLimitType = 0
    nt!CmRegistrySystemCloneName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\CLONE"
    nt!CmRegistryUserName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\REGISTRY\USER"
    nt!CmRenameKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING, char)
    nt!CmReplaceKey = <no type information>
    nt!CmRestoreKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmSaveKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmSaveMergedKeys (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, void *)
    nt!CmSelfHeal = 1
    nt!CmSetAcpiHwProfile = <no type information>
    nt!CmSetKeyUserFlags (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmSetLastWriteTimeKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!CmSetLazyFlushState (unsigned char)
    nt!CmSetRegistryQuotaInformation (struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION *)
    nt!CmSetTraceNotifyRoutine (<function> *, unsigned char)
    nt!CmSetValueKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!CmShutdownSystem (void)
    nt!CmSuiteBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!CmSuiteBufferLength = <no type information>
    nt!CmSuiteBufferType = <no type information>
    nt!CmSymbolicLinkValueName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "SymbolicLinkValue"
    nt!CmTypeName = struct _UNICODE_STRING []
    nt!CmTypeName = struct _UNICODE_STRING []
    nt!CmTypeName = struct _UNICODE_STRING [42]
    nt!CmTypeString = unsigned short *[]
    nt!CmTypeString = unsigned short *[42]
    nt!CmUnloadKey (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!CmUnloadKeyEx (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *, struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!CmUnRegisterCallback (union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!CmVersionString = <no type information>
    nt!CommonDispatchException (void)
    nt!CompareNamesCaseSensitive (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!CompareUnicodeStrings (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!ComPortDBAdd = <no type information>
    nt!ComputeNameLength (struct _STRING *)
    nt!ComputeUnicodeNameLength (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ConfigurationInformation = struct _CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION
    nt!cos = <no type information>
    nt!CpDoesPortExist = <no type information>
    nt!CpEnableFifo = <no type information>
    nt!CpGetByte = <no type information>
    nt!CpInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!CpPutByte = <no type information>
    nt!CpReadLsr = <no type information>
    nt!CpSetBaud = <no type information>
    nt!CPUID = <no type information>
    nt!CpuIdTrap6Handler (void)
    nt!CreateFileInfo (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, void *, unsigned long, int)
    nt!CreateSystemRootLink (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!CritSecGuid = struct _GUID {3ac66736-cc59-4cff-8115-8df50e39816b}
    nt!CsToLinear (void)
    nt!DaysAndFractionToTime (unsigned long, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!DbgBreakPoint = <no type information>
    nt!DbgBreakPointWithStatus = <no type information>
    nt!DbgCommandString (char *, char *)
    nt!DbgkClearProcessDebugObject (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *)
    nt!DbgkCopyProcessDebugPort (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!DbgkCreateThread (struct _ETHREAD *, void *)
    nt!DbgkDebugObjectType = 0x85397228
    nt!DbgkExitProcess (long)
    nt!DbgkExitThread (long)
    nt!DbgkForwardException (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!DbgkInitialize (void)
    nt!DbgkMapViewOfSection (void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgkOpenProcessDebugPort (struct _EPROCESS *, char, void **)
    nt!DbgkpCloseObject (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgkpConvertKernelToUserStateChange (struct _DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE *, struct _DEBUG_EVENT *)
    nt!DbgkpDeleteObject (void *)
    nt!DbgkpFreeDebugEvent (struct _DEBUG_EVENT *)
    nt!DbgkpMarkProcessPeb (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!DbgkpOpenHandles (struct _DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!DbgkpPostFakeModuleMessages (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _ETHREAD *, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *)
    nt!DbgkpPostFakeProcessCreateMessages (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *, struct _ETHREAD **)
    nt!DbgkpPostFakeThreadMessages (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *, struct _ETHREAD *, struct _ETHREAD **, struct _ETHREAD **)
    nt!DbgkpProcessDebugPortMutex = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!DbgkpQueueMessage (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _ETHREAD *, struct _DBGKM_APIMSG *, unsigned long, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *)
    nt!DbgkpResumeProcess (void)
    nt!DbgkpSectionToFileHandle (void *)
    nt!DbgkpSendApiMessage (struct _DBGKM_APIMSG *, unsigned char)
    nt!DbgkpSendApiMessageLpc (struct _DBGKM_APIMSG *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!DbgkpSetProcessDebugObject (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _DEBUG_OBJECT *, long, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!DbgkpSuspendProcess (void)
    nt!DbgkpWakeTarget (struct _DEBUG_EVENT *)
    nt!DbgkUnMapViewOfSection (void *)
    nt!DbgLoadImageSymbols (struct _STRING *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgPrint (char *)
    nt!DbgPrintEx (unsigned long, unsigned long, char *)
    nt!DbgPrintReturnControlC (char *)
    nt!DbgPrompt (char *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgQueryDebugFilterState (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgSetDebugFilterState (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!DbgUnLoadImageSymbols (struct _STRING *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!DbgUserBreakPoint = <no type information>
    nt!DblMax = 0n9218868437227405311
    nt!DblMin = 0n4503599627370496
    nt!DebugPrint (struct _STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!DebugPrompt (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!DebugService (unsigned long, void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!DebugService2 (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!DECREMENT_ADAPTER_CHANNELS = <no type information>
    nt!DECREMENT_COMMON_BUFFERS = <no type information>
    nt!DECREMENT_SCATTER_GATHER_LISTS = <no type information>
    nt!DeleteNodeFromTree (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS *)
    nt!DelistKeyBodyFromKCB (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, unsigned char)
    nt!DemandZeroPde = struct _MMPTE
    nt!DemandZeroPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!DesiredAccessForFunction = unsigned long [12]
    nt!DeviceStateNames = <no type information>
    nt!diafault (void)
    nt!DiskPartitionName = 0x8080235c "\Device\Harddisk%d\Partition%d"
    nt!DisplayBootBitmap = <no type information>
    nt!DisplayFilter = <no type information>
    nt!DoublePrivilegeSetSize = 0x20
    nt!Dr_FastCallDrSave = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kcb_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kids_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kira_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit0_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit1_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit10_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit11_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit13_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit3_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit4_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit5_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit6_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit7_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kit9_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kita_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kitb_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kitc_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kitd_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kite_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kitf_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kitx_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kss_a = <no type information>
    nt!Dr_kui_a = <no type information>
    nt!DumpTraceData = <no type information>
    nt!EisaBuildEisaDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!EisaBuildSlotsResources = <no type information>
    nt!EisaGetEisaDevicesResources = <no type information>
    nt!ElapsedDaysToYears (unsigned long)
    nt!EmptyValue = <no type information>
    nt!End = <no type information>
    nt!EnlistKeyBodyWithKCB (struct _CM_KEY_BODY *, unsigned long)
    nt!errno = 0n0
    nt!ErrorLogPort = 0x000008f0
    nt!ErrorLogPortConnected = 0x01 ''
    nt!EtwpDefaultSecurityDescriptor = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!EtwpDefaultTraceSecurityDescriptor = 0xe1372bd0
    nt!EtwpPageLockHandle = 0x809c104c
    nt!EventGuidTable = <no type information>
    nt!ExAcquireCacheAwarePushLockExclusive (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExAcquireFastMutex (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExAcquireResourceSharedLite (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAcquireRundownProtectionEx (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExAcquireTimeRefreshLock = <no type information>
    nt!ExAdjustLookasideDepth (void)
    nt!ExAllocateCacheAwarePushLock (void)
    nt!ExAllocateCacheAwareRundownProtection (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocateCallBack (<function> *, void *)
    nt!ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList (struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *)
    nt!ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList (struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *)
    nt!ExAllocateLocallyUniqueId (struct _LUID *)
    nt!ExAllocatePool (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocatePoolSanityChecks (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocatePoolWithQuota (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long, _EX_POOL_PRIORITY)
    nt!ExApplyCodePatch = <no type information>
    nt!ExBlockPushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_WAIT_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExBurnMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ExCallbackObjectType = 0x85395e70
    nt!ExCbPowerState = 0x853933b8
    nt!ExCbSetSystemState = 0x853922d8
    nt!ExCbSetSystemTime = 0x853cc0d0
    nt!ExceptionRecord32To64 = <no type information>
    nt!ExChangeHandle (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *, <function> *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExcludedDevices = <no type information>
    nt!ExcludeIfDisabled = <no type information>
    nt!ExCmosClockIsSane = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExCompareExchangeCallBack (struct _EX_CALLBACK *, struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *, struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExComputeTickCountMultiplier (unsigned long)
    nt!ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExCreateCallback (struct _CALLBACK_OBJECT **, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!ExCreateHandle (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExCreateHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ExCreatePoolTagTable (unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!ExCriticalWorkerThreads = 0xa
    nt!ExDeferredFreePool (struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR *)
    nt!ExDelayedWorkerThreads = 7
    nt!ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList (struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *)
    nt!ExDeletePagedLookasideList (struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *)
    nt!ExDeletePoolTagTable (unsigned long)
    nt!ExDeleteResourceLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExDereferenceCallBackBlock (struct _EX_CALLBACK *, struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExDereferenceHandleDebugInfo (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TRACE_DEBUG_INFO *)
    nt!ExDesktopCloseProcedureCallout = 0xbf84ad38
    nt!ExDesktopDeleteProcedureCallout = 0xbf9235f7
    nt!ExDesktopObjectType = 0x85395390
    nt!ExDesktopOkToCloseProcedureCallout = 0xbf84adc6
    nt!ExDesktopOpenProcedureCallout = 0xbf84e440
    nt!ExDestroyHandle (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExDestroyHandleTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, <function> *)
    nt!ExDisableHandleTracing (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExDisableResourceBoostLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExDrainPoolLookasideList (struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *)
    nt!ExDupHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, <function> *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExecuteHandler = <no type information>
    nt!ExecuteHandler2 = <no type information>
    nt!ExEnableHandleTracing (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireFastMutexUnsafe (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireResourceExclusive (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireResourceShared (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExEnterCriticalRegionAndAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExEnumHandleTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, <function> *, void *, void **)
    nt!ExEventObjectType = 0x853944b0
    nt!ExEventPairObjectType = 0x853942e0
    nt!ExExtendZone (struct _ZONE_HEADER *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExfAcquirePushLockExclusive (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfAcquirePushLockShared (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfAcquireRundownProtection (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!Exfi386InterlockedDecrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!Exfi386InterlockedExchangeUlong = <no type information>
    nt!Exfi386InterlockedIncrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInitializeRundownProtection (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!ExfInterlockedAddUlong = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedCompareExchange64 = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedInsertTailList = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedPopEntryList = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedPushEntryList = <no type information>
    nt!ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList = <no type information>
    nt!ExFreeCacheAwarePushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExFreeCacheAwareRundownProtection (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExFreeCallBack (struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExFreePool (void *)
    nt!ExFreePoolIndex = 0n0
    nt!ExFreePoolMask = 0n16383
    nt!ExFreePoolSanityChecks (void *)
    nt!ExFreePoolTraces = 0x00000000
    nt!ExFreePoolWithTag (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList (struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *, void *)
    nt!ExFreeToPagedLookasideList (struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *, void *)
    nt!ExfReInitializeRundownProtection (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!ExfReleasePushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfReleasePushLockExclusive (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfReleasePushLockShared (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfReleaseRundownProtection (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!ExfRundownCompleted (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!ExfTryToWakePushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *)
    nt!ExfUnblockPushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_WAIT_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExfWaitForRundownProtectionRelease (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)
    nt!ExfWakePushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK)
    nt!ExGetBigPoolInfo (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetCallBackBlockContext (struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine (struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExGetCurrentProcessorCounts (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetCurrentProcessorCpuUsage (unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetExclusiveWaiterCount (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExGetNextWakeTime (unsigned int64 *, struct _TIME_FIELDS *, void **)
    nt!ExGetPoolTagInfo (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetPreviousMode (void)
    nt!ExGetSessionPoolTagInfo (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetSessionPoolTagInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExGetSharedWaiterCount (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExGlobalAtomTableCallout = 0xbf8ae775
    nt!ExHotpSyncRenameSequence = 0n0
    nt!Exi386InterlockedDecrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!Exi386InterlockedExchangeUlong = <no type information>
    nt!Exi386InterlockedIncrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!ExInitializeCallBack (struct _EX_CALLBACK *)
    nt!ExInitializeHandleTablePackage (void)
    nt!ExInitializeNBQueueHead (union _SLIST_HEADER *)
    nt!ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList (struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *, <function> *, <function> *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!ExInitializePagedLookasideList (struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST *, <function> *, <function> *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!ExInitializePoolDescriptor (struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR *, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!ExInitializeResourceLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExInitializeSystemLookasideList (struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE *, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExInitializeTimeRefresh = <no type information>
    nt!ExInitializeZone (struct _ZONE_HEADER *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExInitPoolLookasidePointers (void)
    nt!ExInitSystem (void)
    nt!ExInitSystemPhase2 = <no type information>
    nt!ExInsertPoolTag (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExInsertTailNBQueue (void *, unsigned int64)
    nt!ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedAddUlong = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedDecrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedExchangeUlong = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedExtendZone (struct _ZONE_HEADER *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExInterlockedFlushSList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedIncrementLong = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedInsertHeadList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedInsertTailList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedPopEntryList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedPopEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedPushEntryList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedPushEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList = <no type information>
    nt!ExIsProcessorFeaturePresent (unsigned long)
    nt!ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExLocalTimeToSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!ExLockUserBuffer (void *, unsigned long, char, _LOCK_OPERATION, void **, void **)
    nt!ExLuidInitialization (void)
    nt!ExMapHandleToPointer (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!ExMapHandleToPointerEx (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *, char)
    nt!ExMinimumLookasideDepth = 4
    nt!ExMutantObjectType = 0x85395040
    nt!ExNotifyCallback (struct _CALLBACK_OBJECT *, void *, void *)
    nt!ExNPagedLookasideListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089c170 - 0x84d8ea70 ]
    nt!ExNPagedLookasideLock = 0
    nt!ExOkayToLockRoutine (void *)
    nt!ExpAdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads = 0
    nt!ExpAdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads = 0
    nt!ExpAddTagForBigPages (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExPagedLookasideListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80898470 - 0x84e7d5a0 ]
    nt!ExPagedLookasideLock = 0
    nt!ExPageLockHandle = 0x80800470
    nt!ExpAllocateExclusiveWaiterEvent (struct _ERESOURCE *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!ExpAllocateHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpAllocateHandleTableEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _EXHANDLE *)
    nt!ExpAllocateHandleTableEntrySlow (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpAllocateLowLevelTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpAllocateMidLevelTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, unsigned char, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY **)
    nt!ExpAllocateSharedWaiterSemaphore (struct _ERESOURCE *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!ExpAllocateStringRoutine (unsigned long)
    nt!ExpAllocateTablePagedPool (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpAllocateTablePagedPoolNoZero (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpAllocateUuids (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpAltTimeZoneBias = 0n-480
    nt!ExpBigTableExpansionFailed = 0
    nt!ExpBlockOnLockedHandleEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExpBoostOwnerThread (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!ExpCallbackEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!ExpCallBackFlush = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!ExpCallbackMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpCallBackReturnRefs = 0x00 ''
    nt!ExpCenturyDpc = <no type information>
    nt!ExpCenturyDpcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ExpCenturyTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpCenturyWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount (void)
    nt!ExpCheckForResource (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpCheckForWorker (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpCheckQueueShutdown (_WORK_QUEUE_TYPE, struct SHUTDOWN_WORK_ITEM *)
    nt!ExpControlKey = struct _CM_KEY_BODY *[2]
    nt!ExpCopyProcessInfo (struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpCopyThreadInfo (void *, struct _ETHREAD *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpCreateWorkerThread (_WORK_QUEUE_TYPE, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpCurrentProfileUsage = 0
    nt!ExpCurrentTimeZoneId = 0
    nt!ExpDebuggerPageIn = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpDebuggerProcessAttach = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpDebuggerProcessKill = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpDebuggerWork = 0
    nt!ExpDebuggerWorker (void *)
    nt!ExpDebuggerWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!ExpDefaultErrorPort = 0xe1632e90
    nt!ExpDefaultErrorPortProcess = 0x84e99230
    nt!ExpDeleteCallback (struct _CALLBACK_OBJECT *)
    nt!ExpDeleteMutant (void *)
    nt!ExpDeleteTimer (void *)
    nt!ExpDesktopMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpDetectWorkerThreadDeadlock (void)
    nt!ExpDummyAllocate (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpDummyGetAtomTable (void)
    nt!ExpEnvironmentLock = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!ExpEventBoost = 1
    nt!ExpEventInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpEventMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpEventPairInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpEventPairMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpExpandBigPageTable (unsigned char)
    nt!ExpExpandResourceOwnerTable (struct _ERESOURCE *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!ExpExpirationDataChangeBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpExpirationDataIoSb = <no type information>
    nt!ExpExpirationDataKey = <no type information>
    nt!ExpExpirationThread = <no type information>
    nt!ExpFindAndRemoveTagBigPages (void *, unsigned long *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExpFindCurrentThread (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned long, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!ExpFindEmptyEntry (struct _ERESOURCE *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!ExpFirmwareTableProviderListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe13e62c0 - 0xe1363e50 ]
    nt!ExpFirmwareTableResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!ExpFreeHandleTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExpFreeHandleTableEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _EXHANDLE, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExpFreeLowLevelTable (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExpFreeTablePagedPool (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpGetCurrentUserUILanguage (unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpGetHandleInfo (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpGetHandleInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetHandleInformationEx (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetInstemulInformation (struct _SYSTEM_VDM_INSTEMUL_INFO *)
    nt!ExpGetLockInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetLookasideInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetObjectInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetPoolTagInfoTarget (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!ExpGetProcessInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpGetProcessorIdleInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetProcessorPowerInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetStackTraceInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetSystemBasicInformation (struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION *)
    nt!ExpGetSystemFirmwareTableInformation (void *, char, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpGetSystemProcessorInformation (struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *)
    nt!ExpGetUILanguagePolicy (void *, unsigned short *)
    nt!ExpHydraEnabled = 1
    nt!ExpInitializeCallback = struct EXP_INITIALIZE_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS []
    nt!ExpInitializeCallback = struct EXP_INITIALIZE_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS [4]
    nt!ExpInitializeCallbacks (void)
    nt!ExpInitializeExecutive (unsigned long, struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExpInitializePushLocks (void)
    nt!ExpInitSystemPhase0 (void)
    nt!ExpInitSystemPhase1 (void)
    nt!ExpInsertPoolTracker (unsigned long, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExpInsertPoolTrackerExpansion (unsigned long, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume = <no type information>
    nt!ExpInTextModeSetup = 0x00 ''
    nt!ExpIsLoaderValid = <no type information>
    nt!ExpIsValidUILanguage (unsigned short *)
    nt!ExpKernelResolutionCount = <no type information>
    nt!ExpKeyedEventInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpKeyedEventObjectType = 0x85395730
    nt!ExpKeyManipLock = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!ExpLargePoolTableLock = 0n0
    nt!ExpLastShutDown = <no type information>
    nt!ExpLastTimeZoneBias = 0n-480
    nt!ExpLastWorkerThread = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpLicenseInfo = <no type information>
    nt!ExpLicenseInfoCount = <no type information>
    nt!ExpLookupHandleTableEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _EXHANDLE)
    nt!ExpLuid = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x57310
    nt!ExpLuidIncrement = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x1
    nt!ExpMaxTimeSeparationBeforeCorrect = <no type information>
    nt!ExpMoveFreeHandles (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExpMultiUserTS = 0
    nt!ExpMutantInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpMutantMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpNextCenturyTime = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNextCenturyTimeFields = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNextExpirationIsFatal = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNextSystemCutover = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNonPagedPoolDescriptor = struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR *[16]
    nt!ExpNtExpirationData = unsigned long [3]
    nt!ExpNtExpirationDataLength = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNtExpirationDate = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNtInstallationDate = <no type information>
    nt!ExpNumberOfNonPagedPools = 1
    nt!ExpNumberOfPagedPools = 4
    nt!ExpOkToTimeRefresh = <no type information>
    nt!ExpOkToTimeZoneRefresh = <no type information>
    nt!ExPoolCodeEnd = 0x80889a00
    nt!ExPoolCodeStart = 0x80888000
    nt!ExPoolFailures = 0
    nt!ExPoolLookasideListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80897430 - 0x85391fb0 ]
    nt!ExPoolTagTables = struct _POOL_TRACKER_TABLE *[32]
    nt!ExpOptimizePushLockList (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK)
    nt!ExpPagedPoolDescriptor = struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR *[17]
    nt!ExpPagedPoolMutex = 0x853d20f0
    nt!ExpPoolBigEntriesInUse = 0n711
    nt!ExpPoolFlags = 0
    nt!ExpPoolIndex = 2
    nt!ExpPoolScanCount = 1
    nt!ExpProductTypeChangeBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpProductTypeIoSb = <no type information>
    nt!ExpProductTypeKey = <no type information>
    nt!ExpProductTypeValueInfo = <no type information>
    nt!ExpProfileDelete (void *)
    nt!ExpProfileInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpProfileMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpProfileStateMutex = struct _KMUTANT
    nt!ExpQueryLegacyDriverInformation (struct _SYSTEM_LEGACY_DRIVER_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpQueryModuleInformation (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _RTL_PROCESS_MODULES *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpQueryNumaAvailableMemory (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpQueryNumaProcessorMap (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpRaiseHardError (long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpReadComPlusPackage (void)
    nt!ExpRealTimeIsUniversal = 0
    nt!ExpRefreshCount = <no type information>
    nt!ExpRefreshFailures = <no type information>
    nt!ExpRefreshTimeZoneInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ExpRegisterFirmwareTableInformationHandler (void *, unsigned long, char)
    nt!ExpRemovePoolTracker (unsigned long, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExpRemovePoolTrackerExpansion (unsigned long, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ExpResourceInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpResourceSpinLock = 0
    nt!ExProfileObjectType = 0x85395900
    nt!ExpScanCount = 0
    nt!ExpScanGeneralLookasideList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpScanSystemLookasideList (void)
    nt!ExpSeedHotTags (void)
    nt!ExpSemaphoreBoost = 1
    nt!ExpSemaphoreInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpSemaphoreMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpSessionPoolBigPageTable = 0xbf7f4000
    nt!ExpSessionPoolBigPageTableHash = 0xff
    nt!ExpSessionPoolBigPageTableSize = 0x100
    nt!ExpSessionPoolDescriptor = 0xbf7f0e50
    nt!ExpSessionPoolLookaside = 0xbf7f0080
    nt!ExpSessionPoolSmallLists = 0x1a
    nt!ExpSessionPoolTrackTable = 0xbf7f2000
    nt!ExpSessionPoolTrackTableMask = 0xff
    nt!ExpSessionPoolTrackTableSize = 0x100
    nt!ExpSetCurrentUserUILanguage (unsigned short *, unsigned short)
    nt!ExpSetSwappingKernelApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void *, void **, void **)
    nt!ExpSetSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSetupKey = 0x00000030
    nt!ExpSetupModeDetected = 0x00 ''
    nt!ExpSetupSystemPrefix = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x86434000`0000005d
    nt!ExpShutdownWorker (void *)
    nt!ExpShutdownWorkerThreads (void)
    nt!ExpShuttingDown = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSmallNPagedPoolLookasideLists = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE [32]
    nt!ExpSmallPagedPoolLookasideLists = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE [32]
    nt!ExpSyncRenameFiles = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSystemErrorHandler (long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExpSystemIsInCmosMode = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSystemOK = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSystemPrefixChangeBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSystemPrefixIoSb = <no type information>
    nt!ExpSystemPrefixValid = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExpSystemResourcesList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a8c20 - 0x84f0fbf0 ]
    nt!ExpTaggedPoolLock = 0
    nt!ExpThreadSetManagerEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!ExpThreadSetManagerShutdownEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!ExpTickCountMultiplier = 0xfa00000
    nt!ExpTimeout = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fd9da600
    nt!ExpTimerApcRoutine (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!ExpTimerDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshDpc = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshDpcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshInterval = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshLock = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshWork = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeRefreshWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimerInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpTimerMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpTimerResolutionCount = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeZoneBias = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffbc`f1dcc000
    nt!ExpTimeZoneDpc = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeZoneDpcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeZoneInformation = struct _RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
    nt!ExpTimeZoneTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeZoneWork = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTimeZoneWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpTooLateForErrors = 0x00 ''
    nt!ExpUpdateComPlusPackage (unsigned long)
    nt!ExpUpdateDebugInfo (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _ETHREAD *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExPushLockSpinCount = 0
    nt!ExpUuidCachedValues = struct _UUID_CACHED_VALUES_STRUCT
    nt!ExpUuidCacheValid = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExpUuidGetValues (struct _UUID_CACHED_VALUES_STRUCT *)
    nt!ExpUuidInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpUuidLastTimeAllocated = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x1cc1e11`af6a66c8
    nt!ExpUuidLoadSequenceNumber (unsigned long *)
    nt!ExpUuidLock = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!ExpUuidSaveSequenceNumber (unsigned long)
    nt!ExpUuidSaveSequenceNumberIf (void)
    nt!ExpUuidSequenceNumber = 0xc1990142
    nt!ExpUuidSequenceNumberNotSaved = 0x00 ''
    nt!ExpUuidSequenceNumberValid = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExpValidateLocale (unsigned long)
    nt!ExpWaitForResource (struct _ERESOURCE *, void *)
    nt!ExpWakeTimerList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x849e47cc - 0x849e47cc ]
    nt!ExpWakeTimerListLock = 0
    nt!ExpWatchExpirationDataWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpWatchProductTypeWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpWatchSystemPrefixWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ExpWdHandler = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpWdHandlerContext = 0x00000000
    nt!ExpWin32CloseProcedure (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpWin32DeleteProcedure (void *)
    nt!ExpWin32Initialization (void)
    nt!ExpWin32OkayToCloseProcedure (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *, char)
    nt!ExpWin32OpenProcedure (_OB_OPEN_REASON, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ExpWin32ParseProcedure (void *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void **)
    nt!ExpWin32SessionCallout (<function> *, void *, unsigned long, long *)
    nt!ExpWindowStationMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ExpWorkerApcDisabledMessage = char [84] "EXWORKER: worker exit with APCs disabled, worker routine %x, parameter %x, item %x."
    nt!ExpWorkerInitialization (void)
    nt!ExpWorkerListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089de20 - 0x8089de20 ]
    nt!ExpWorkersCanSwap = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExpWorkerSwapinMutex = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!ExpWorkerThread (void *)
    nt!ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager (void *)
    nt!ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManagerPtr = 0x85394660
    nt!ExpWstrCallback = unsigned short []
    nt!ExpWstrCallback = unsigned short [10]
    nt!ExQueryPoolBlockSize (void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!ExQueryPoolUsage (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExQuerySystemLockInformation (struct _RTL_PROCESS_LOCKS *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExQueueWorkItem (struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM *, _WORK_QUEUE_TYPE)
    nt!ExRaiseAccessViolation (void)
    nt!ExRaiseDatatypeMisalignment (void)
    nt!ExRaiseHardError (long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExReadyForErrors = 0x01 ''
    nt!ExReferenceCallBackBlock (struct _EX_CALLBACK *)
    nt!ExReferenceHandleDebugInfo (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExRegisterCallback (struct _CALLBACK_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!ExReinitializeResourceLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExReInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExReleaseCacheAwarePushLockExclusive (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExReleaseFastMutex (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafeAndLeaveCriticalRegion (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExReleaseResourceAndLeaveCriticalRegion (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite (struct _ERESOURCE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExReleaseResourceLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExReleaseRundownProtectionEx (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *, unsigned long)
    nt!ExReleaseTimeRefreshLock = <no type information>
    nt!ExRemoveHandleTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExRemoveHeadNBQueue (void *, unsigned int64 *)
    nt!ExResourceCheckFlags = 3
    nt!ExResourceTimeoutCount = 0x9e340
    nt!ExReturnPoolQuota (void *)
    nt!ExRundownCompletedCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExSemaphoreObjectType = 0x85395ca0
    nt!ExSetHandleInfo (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, void *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO *, unsigned char)
    nt!ExSetHandleTableStrictFIFO (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *)
    nt!ExSetPoolFlags (unsigned long)
    nt!ExSetResourceOwnerPointer (struct _ERESOURCE *, void *)
    nt!ExSetTimerResolution = <no type information>
    nt!ExShortTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fffe7960
    nt!ExShutdownSystem = <no type information>
    nt!ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware (void)
    nt!ExSnapShotHandleTables (<function> *, struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExSnapShotHandleTablesEx (<function> *, struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ExSwapinWorkerThreads (unsigned char)
    nt!ExSweepHandleTable (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!ExSyncRenameOwner = 0x00000000
    nt!ExSystemExceptionFilter (void)
    nt!ExSystemLookasideListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089bbf0 - 0x8538fe58 ]
    nt!ExSystemTimeToLocalTime = <no type information>
    nt!ExTimedWaitForUnblockPushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_WAIT_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!ExTimerObjectType = 0x85395ad0
    nt!ExTimerRundown (void)
    nt!ExTryToAcquireFastMutex (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!ExTryToAcquireResourceExclusiveLite (struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!ExUnlockHandleTableEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ExUnlockUserBuffer (void *)
    nt!ExUnregisterCallback (void *)
    nt!ExUpdateSystemTimeFromCmos = <no type information>
    nt!ExUuidCreate (struct _GUID *)
    nt!ExVdmOpcodeDispatchCounts = unsigned long [256]
    nt!ExVdmSegmentNotPresent = 0
    nt!ExVerifySuite = <no type information>
    nt!ExWaitForCallBacks (struct _EX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE *)
    nt!ExWaitForUnblockPushLock (struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK *, struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_WAIT_BLOCK *)
    nt!ExWindowStationCloseProcedureCallout = 0xbf84fc29
    nt!ExWindowStationDeleteProcedureCallout = 0xbf92368e
    nt!ExWindowStationObjectType = 0x85395560
    nt!ExWindowStationOkToCloseProcedureCallout = 0xbf84fcb8
    nt!ExWindowStationOpenProcedureCallout = 0xbf84e4ab
    nt!ExWindowStationParseProcedureCallout = 0xbf84e63e
    nt!ExWorkerQueue = struct _EX_WORK_QUEUE []
    nt!ExWorkerQueue = struct _EX_WORK_QUEUE [3]
    nt!FadePalette = <no type information>
    nt!FadePaletteColor = <no type information>
    nt!FadingIn = <no type information>
    nt!FillMask = unsigned char [9] ""
    nt!FillMaskUlong = unsigned long [33]
    nt!FinalizeBootLogo = <no type information>
    nt!FindBitmapResource = <no type information>
    nt!FindFileInfo (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, unsigned short *)
    nt!FindNodeOrParent (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS **)
    nt!FindNodeOrParent (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *, struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS **)
    nt!FirstEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!FlagState = 0
    nt!FloppyId = <no type information>
    nt!FormatMaxDisplacement = <no type information>
    nt!FormatMaxLength = <no type information>
    nt!fputwc (wchar_t, struct _iobuf *)
    nt!FsFilterAllocateCompletionStack (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *, unsigned char, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsFilterCtrlFree (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *)
    nt!FsFilterCtrlInit (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *, unsigned char, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsFilterFreeCompletionStack (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *)
    nt!FsFilterGetCallbacks (unsigned char, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, <function> **, <function> **)
    nt!FsFilterInit (void)
    nt!FsFilterPerformCallbacks (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char *)
    nt!FsFilterPerformCompletionCallbacks (struct _FS_FILTER_CTRL *, long)
    nt!FsRtlAcknowledgeOplockBreak (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlAcquireFileExclusive (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlAcquireFileExclusiveCommon (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, _FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAcquireFileForCcFlushEx (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlAcquireFileForModWriteEx (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _ERESOURCE **)
    nt!FsRtlAcquireToCreateMappedSection (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAddBaseMcbEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlAddLargeEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAddLargeMcbEntry (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlAddMcbEntry (struct _MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAddToTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *, unsigned int64, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!FsRtlAllocateFileLock (<function> *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlAllocateOplock (void)
    nt!FsRtlAllocatePool (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuota (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlAllocateResource (void)
    nt!FsRtlAreNamesEqual (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned short *)
    nt!FsRtlBalanceReads (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlCancelExclusiveIrp (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCancelNotify (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCancelOplockIIIrp (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCancelWaitIrp (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckLockForReadAccess (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckLockForWriteAccess (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckNoExclusiveConflict (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckNoSharedConflict (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckNotifyForDelete (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlCheckOplock (void **, struct _IRP *, void *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlCompareNodeAndKey (struct TUNNEL_NODE *, unsigned int64, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlCompleteLockIrpReal (<function> *, void *, struct _IRP *, long, long *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlCompletionRoutinePriv (void *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlCopyRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlCopyWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlCreateLockInfo = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!FsRtlCreateSectionForDataScan (void **, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlCurrentBatchOplock (void **)
    nt!FsRtlDeleteKeyFromTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *, unsigned int64)
    nt!FsRtlDeleteTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *)
    nt!FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider (void *)
    nt!FsRtlDissectDbcs (struct _STRING, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlDissectName (struct _UNICODE_STRING, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlDoesDbcsContainWildCards (struct _STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlEmptyFreePoolList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!FsRtlExclusiveLockLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlFastCheckLockForRead (struct _FILE_LOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlFastCheckLockForWrite (struct _FILE_LOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlFastMutexLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlFastUnlockAll (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlFastUnlockAllByKey (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!FsRtlFastUnlockSingle (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlFastUnlockSingleExclusive (struct _LOCK_INFO *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlFastUnlockSingleShared (struct _LOCK_INFO *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlFileLockCancelCollideList = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!FsRtlFileLockCancelCollideLock = 0
    nt!FsRtlFileLockLookasideList = struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlFindFirstOverlapInNode (struct _LOCKTREE_NODE *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlFindFirstOverlappingExclusiveNode (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS **, unsigned char *)
    nt!FsRtlFindFirstOverlappingSharedNode (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS **, unsigned char *)
    nt!FsRtlFindInTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *, unsigned int64, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlFindLargeIndex (struct _BASE_MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlFirstMappingLookasideList = struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlFreeExclusiveLock (struct _EX_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeLockInfo (struct _LOCK_INFO *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeLockTreeNode (struct _LOCKTREE_NODE *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeSharedLock (struct _SH_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeTunnelNode (struct TUNNEL_NODE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!FsRtlFreeWaitingLock (struct _WAITING_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlGetCompatibilityModeValue (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlGetFileSize (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlGetNextBaseMcbEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, unsigned long, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *)
    nt!FsRtlGetNextFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlGetNextLargeMcbEntry (struct _LARGE_MCB *, unsigned long, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *)
    nt!FsRtlGetNextMcbEntry (struct _MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlGetTunnelParameterValue (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlHalfSecond = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`ffb3b4c0
    nt!FsRtlIncrementCcFastReadNotPossible (void)
    nt!FsRtlIncrementCcFastReadNoWait (void)
    nt!FsRtlIncrementCcFastReadResourceMiss (void)
    nt!FsRtlIncrementCcFastReadWait (void)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeFileLocks (void)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeLargeMcbs (void)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeMcb (struct _MCB *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeOplock (void **)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeTunnels (void)
    nt!FsRtlInitializeWorkerThread (void)
    nt!FsRtlInitSystem (void)
    nt!FsRtlInsertPerFileObjectContext (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FSRTL_PER_FILEOBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!FsRtlInsertPerStreamContext (struct _FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER *, struct _FSRTL_PER_STREAM_CONTEXT *)
    nt!FsRtlIsDbcsInExpression (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal (struct _STRING, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlIsHpfsDbcsLegal (struct _STRING, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlIsNameInExpression (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned short *)
    nt!FsRtlIsNameInExpressionPrivate (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned short *)
    nt!FsRtlIsNotifyOnList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected (long)
    nt!FsRtlIsPagingFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlIsTotalDeviceFailure (long)
    nt!FsRtlLegalAnsiCharacterArray = 0x80802140 ""
    nt!FsRtlLockInfoLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlLockTreeNodeLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlLookupBaseMcbEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLargeMcbEntry (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *, int64 *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLastBaseMcbEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64 *, int64 *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLastBaseMcbEntryAndIndex (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64 *, int64 *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLastLargeMcbEntry (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64 *, int64 *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLastLargeMcbEntryAndIndex (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64 *, int64 *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupLastMcbEntry (struct _MCB *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupMcbEntry (struct _MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupPerFileObjectContext (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlLookupPerStreamContextInternal (struct _FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER *, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlReadComplete (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlReadCompleteDev (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlReadDev (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlWriteComplete (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!FsRtlMdlWriteCompleteDev (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _MDL *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlNormalizeNtstatus (long, long)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyChangeDirectory (void *, void *, struct _STRING *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyCleanup (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrp (struct _IRP *, struct _NOTIFY_CHANGE *, unsigned long, long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyCompleteIrpList (struct _NOTIFY_CHANGE *, long)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyCompletion (void *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyFilterChangeDirectory (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, void *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _IRP *, <function> *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyFilterReportChange (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _STRING *, unsigned short, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyFullChangeDirectory (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, void *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _IRP *, <function> *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyFullReportChange (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _STRING *, unsigned short, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyInitializeSync (void **)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyReportChange (void *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlNotifySetCancelRoutine (struct _IRP *, struct _NOTIFY_CHANGE *)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyUninitializeSync (void **)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyUpdateBuffer (struct _FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlNotifyVolumeEvent (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlNumberOfRunsInBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlNumberOfRunsInMcb (struct _MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlOpBatchBreakClosePending (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlOplockBreakNotify (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlOplockBreakToII (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *, void *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlOplockBreakToNone (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *, void *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlOplockCleanup (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!FsRtlOplockFsctrl (void **, struct _IRP *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlOplockIsFastIoPossible (void **)
    nt!FsRtlPagingIoResources = 0x8538ebd8
    nt!FsRtlPagingIoResourceSelector = 0
    nt!FsRtlpDRD = struct __unnamed
    nt!FsRtlpIsDfsEnabled (void)
    nt!FsRtlpOpenDev (void **, unsigned short *)
    nt!FsRtlPostPagingFileStackOverflow (void *, struct _KEVENT *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlPostStackOverflow (void *, struct _KEVENT *, <function> *)
    nt!FsRtlpPostStackOverflow (void *, struct _KEVENT *, <function> *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlpRedirs = 4
    nt!FsRtlpRegisterProviderWithMUP (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlPrepareMdlWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlPrepareMdlWriteDev (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MDL **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateCancelFileLockIrp (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateCheckForExclusiveLockAccess (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, struct _FILE_LOCK_INFO *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateCheckForSharedLockAccess (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, struct _FILE_LOCK_INFO *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateCheckWaitingLocks (struct _LOCK_INFO *, struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateFastUnlockAll (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateInitializeFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateInsertExclusiveLock (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, struct _EX_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateInsertLock (struct _LOCK_INFO *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_LOCK_INFO *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateInsertSharedLock (struct _LOCK_QUEUE *, struct _SH_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _IRP *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateRemoveLock (struct _LOCK_INFO *, struct _FILE_LOCK_INFO *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlPrivateResetLowestLockOffset (struct _LOCK_INFO *)
    nt!FsRtlProcessFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlPruneTunnelCache (struct TUNNEL *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!FsRtlpSetSymbolicLink (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!FsRtlPTeardownPerFileObjectContexts (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlpUncSemaphore = struct _KSEMAPHORE
    nt!FsRtlRegisterFileSystemFilterCallbacks (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, struct _FS_FILTER_CALLBACKS *)
    nt!FsRtlRegisterUncProvider (void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlReleaseFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlReleaseFileForCcFlush (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!FsRtlReleaseFileForModWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _ERESOURCE *)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveAndCompleteIrp (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveAndCompleteWaitIrp (struct _WAITING_IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveBaseMcbEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveLargeEntry (struct _BASE_MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveLargeMcbEntry (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveMcbEntry (struct _MCB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlRemoveNodeFromTunnel (struct TUNNEL *, struct TUNNEL_NODE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned char *)
    nt!FsRtlRemovePerFileObjectContext (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlRemovePerStreamContext (struct _FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER *, void *, void *)
    nt!FsRtlRequestExclusiveOplock (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK **, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlRequestOplockII (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK **, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!FsRtlResetBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlResetLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *, unsigned char)
    nt!FsRtlSafeExtensions = 0x00 ''
    nt!FsRtlSetFileSize (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlSharedLockLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlSplitBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlSplitLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64, int64)
    nt!FsRtlSplitLocks (struct _LOCKTREE_NODE *, struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlStackOverflowRead (void *)
    nt!FsRtlSyncVolumes (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!FsRtlTeardownPerStreamContexts (struct _FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER *)
    nt!FsRtlTruncateBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *, int64)
    nt!FsRtlTruncateLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *, int64)
    nt!FsRtlTruncateMcb (struct _MCB *, unsigned long)
    nt!FsRtlUninitializeBaseMcb (struct _BASE_MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlUninitializeFileLock (struct _FILE_LOCK *)
    nt!FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb (struct _LARGE_MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlUninitializeMcb (struct _MCB *)
    nt!FsRtlUninitializeOplock (void **)
    nt!FsRtlWaitingLockLookasideList = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!FsRtlWaitOnIrp (struct _NONOPAQUE_OPLOCK *, struct _IRP *, void *, <function> *, <function> *, struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!FsRtlWorkerQueues = struct _KQUEUE [2]
    nt!FsRtlWorkerThread (void *)
    nt!FstubAdjustPartitionCount = <no type information>
    nt!FstubAllocateDiskInformation = <no type information>
    nt!FstubConvertExtendedToLayout = <no type information>
    nt!FstubCopyEntryEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubCreateDiskEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubCreateDiskMBR = <no type information>
    nt!FstubCreateDiskRaw = <no type information>
    nt!FstubDetectPartitionStyle = <no type information>
    nt!FstubFixupEfiPartition (struct _PARTITION_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int64)
    nt!FstubFreeDiskInformation = <no type information>
    nt!FstubGetDiskGeometry = <no type information>
    nt!FstubReadHeaderEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubReadPartitionTableEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubReadPartitionTableMBR = <no type information>
    nt!FstubReadSector = <no type information>
    nt!FstubSetPartitionInformationEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubTranslateRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!FstubTranslateResource = <no type information>
    nt!FstubVerifyPartitionTableEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWriteBootSectorEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWriteEntryEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWriteHeaderEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWritePartitionTableEFI = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWritePartitionTableMBR = <no type information>
    nt!FstubWriteSector = <no type information>
    nt!g_bCacheEnabled = 0n1
    nt!g_bDBG = 0n0
    nt!g_rgAttributeTags = unsigned short [24]
    nt!g_rgBinVerTags = unsigned short [8]
    nt!g_rgDirectoryTags = unsigned short []
    nt!g_rgDirectoryTags = unsigned short [2]
    nt!g_rgHeaderTags = unsigned short [8]
    nt!g_rgModTypeStrings = struct _MOD_TYPE_STRINGS [4]
    nt!g_rgVerStrings = struct _VER_STRINGS [8]
    nt!g_SharedLock = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!g_ShimCache = struct tagSHIMCACHEHEADER
    nt!g_szGuidFormat = unsigned short [62]
    nt!gaTagInfo = struct _TAG_INFO [123]
    nt!GenericMappingForMembershipCheck = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!Get386Stepping (void)
    nt!Get486Stepping (void)
    nt!GetHandlerAddress (void)
    nt!GetHandlerAddress_fault (void)
    nt!GetIretHookAddress = <no type information>
    nt!GetMachineBootPointers = <no type information>
    nt!GetNextWchar = <no type information>
    nt!GetVirtualBits (void)
    nt!GetVirtualBits_Handler (void)
    nt!gInfRuleTable = <no type information>
    nt!GlobalLoggerGuid = struct _GUID {e8908abc-aa84-11d2-9a93-00805f85d7c6}
    nt!gRuleTable = <no type information>
    nt!gSearchAddress = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_ACPI_CMOS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {3a8d0384-6505-40ca-bc39-56c15f8c5fed}
    nt!GUID_ACPI_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {b091a08a-ba97-11d0-bd14-00aa00b7b32a}
    nt!GUID_ACPI_PORT_RANGES_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {f14f609b-cbbd-4957-a674-bc00213f1c97}
    nt!GUID_ACPI_REGS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {06141966-7245-6369-462e-4e656c736f6e}
    nt!GUID_AGP_TARGET_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {b15cfce8-06d1-4d37-9d4c-bedde0c2a6ff}
    nt!GUID_ARBITER_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {e644f185-8c0e-11d0-becf-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_BOGUS_INTERFACE = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {496b8280-6f25-11d0-beaf-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_1394 = struct _GUID {f74e73eb-9ac5-45eb-be4d-772cc71ddfb3}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_AVC = struct _GUID {c06ff265-ae09-48f0-812c-16753d7cba83}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_DOT4PRT = struct _GUID {441ee001-4342-11d5-a184-00c04f60524d}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_EISA = struct _GUID {ddc35509-f3fc-11d0-a537-0000f8753ed1}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_HID = struct _GUID {eeaf37d0-1963-47c4-aa48-72476db7cf49}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_INTERNAL = struct _GUID {1530ea73-086b-11d1-a09f-00c04fc340b1}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_IRDA = struct _GUID {7ae17dc1-c944-44d6-881f-4c2e61053bc1}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_ISAPNP = struct _GUID {e676f854-d87d-11d0-92b2-00a0c9055fc5}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_LPTENUM = struct _GUID {c4ca1000-2ddc-11d5-a17a-00c04f60524d}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_MCA = struct _GUID {1c75997a-dc33-11d0-92b2-00a0c9055fc5}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_PCI = struct _GUID {c8ebdfb0-b510-11d0-80e5-00a0c92542e3}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_PCMCIA = struct _GUID {09343630-af9f-11d0-92e9-0000f81e1b30}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_SD = struct _GUID {e700cc04-4036-4e89-9579-89ebf45f00cd}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_SERENUM = struct _GUID {77114a87-8944-11d1-bd90-00a0c906be2d}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_USB = struct _GUID {9d7debbc-c85d-11d1-9eb4-006008c3a19a}
    nt!GUID_BUS_TYPE_USBPRINT = struct _GUID {441ee000-4342-11d5-a184-00c04f60524d}
    nt!GUID_CLASS_INPUT = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_1394 = struct _GUID {6bdd1fc1-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_1394DEBUG = struct _GUID {66f250d6-7801-4a64-b139-eea80a450b24}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_61883 = struct _GUID {7ebefbc0-3200-11d2-b4c2-00a0c9697d07}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_ADAPTER = struct _GUID {4d36e964-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_APMSUPPORT = struct _GUID {d45b1c18-c8fa-11d1-9f77-0000f805f530}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_AVC = struct _GUID {c06ff265-ae09-48f0-812c-16753d7cba83}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_BATTERY = struct _GUID {72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_BIOMETRIC = struct _GUID {53d29ef7-377c-4d14-864b-eb3a85769359}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_BLUETOOTH = struct _GUID {e0cbf06c-cd8b-4647-bb8a-263b43f0f974}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM = struct _GUID {4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_COMPUTER = struct _GUID {4d36e966-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_DECODER = struct _GUID {6bdd1fc2-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE = struct _GUID {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_DISPLAY = struct _GUID {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_DOT4 = struct _GUID {48721b56-6795-11d2-b1a8-0080c72e74a2}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_DOT4PRINT = struct _GUID {49ce6ac8-6f86-11d2-b1e5-0080c72e74a2}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_ENUM1394 = struct _GUID {c459df55-db08-11d1-b009-00a0c9081ff6}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FDC = struct _GUID {4d36e969-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FLOPPYDISK = struct _GUID {4d36e980-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_ACTIVITYMONITOR = struct _GUID {b86dff51-a31e-4bac-b3cf-e8cfe75c9fc2}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_ANTIVIRUS = struct _GUID {b1d1a169-c54f-4379-81db-bee7d88d7454}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_CFSMETADATASERVER = struct _GUID {cdcf0939-b75b-4630-bf76-80f7ba655884}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_COMPRESSION = struct _GUID {f3586baf-b5aa-49b5-8d6c-0569284c639f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_CONTENTSCREENER = struct _GUID {3e3f0674-c83c-4558-bb26-9820e1eba5c5}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_CONTINUOUSBACKUP = struct _GUID {71aa14f8-6fad-4622-ad77-92bb9d7e6947}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_COPYPROTECTION = struct _GUID {89786ff1-9c12-402f-9c9e-17753c7f4375}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_ENCRYPTION = struct _GUID {a0a701c0-a511-42ff-aa6c-06dc0395576f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_HSM = struct _GUID {d546500a-2aeb-45f6-9482-f4b1799c3177}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_INFRASTRUCTURE = struct _GUID {e55fa6f9-128c-4d04-abab-630c74b1453a}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_OPENFILEBACKUP = struct _GUID {f8ecafa6-66d1-41a5-899b-66585d7216b7}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_PHYSICALQUOTAMANAGEMENT = struct _GUID {6a0a8e78-bba6-4fc4-a709-1e33cd09d67e}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_QUOTAMANAGEMENT = struct _GUID {8503c911-a6c7-4919-8f79-5028f5866b0c}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_REPLICATION = struct _GUID {48d3ebc4-4cf8-48ff-b869-9c68ad42eb9f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_SECURITYENHANCER = struct _GUID {d02bc3da-0c8e-4945-9bd5-f1883c226c8c}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_SYSTEM = struct _GUID {5d1b9aaa-01e2-46af-849f-272b3f324c46}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_SYSTEMRECOVERY = struct _GUID {2db15374-706e-4131-a0c7-d7c78eb0289a}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_FSFILTER_UNDELETE = struct _GUID {fe8f1572-c67a-48c0-bbac-0b5c6d66cafb}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_GPS = struct _GUID {6bdd1fc3-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_HDC = struct _GUID {4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDCLASS = struct _GUID {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_IMAGE = struct _GUID {6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_INFINIBAND = struct _GUID {30ef7132-d858-4a0c-ac24-b9028a5cca3f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_INFRARED = struct _GUID {6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_KEYBOARD = struct _GUID {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_LEGACYDRIVER = struct _GUID {8ecc055d-047f-11d1-a537-0000f8753ed1}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MEDIA = struct _GUID {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MEDIUM_CHANGER = struct _GUID {ce5939ae-ebde-11d0-b181-0000f8753ec4}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MODEM = struct _GUID {4d36e96d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MONITOR = struct _GUID {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MOUSE = struct _GUID {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MTD = struct _GUID {4d36e970-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MULTIFUNCTION = struct _GUID {4d36e971-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_MULTIPORTSERIAL = struct _GUID {50906cb8-ba12-11d1-bf5d-0000f805f530}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_NET = struct _GUID {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_NETCLIENT = struct _GUID {4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE = struct _GUID {4d36e974-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS = struct _GUID {4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_NODRIVER = struct _GUID {4d36e976-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PCMCIA = struct _GUID {4d36e977-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PNPPRINTERS = struct _GUID {4658ee7e-f050-11d1-b6bd-00c04fa372a7}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS = struct _GUID {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PRINTER = struct _GUID {4d36e979-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PRINTERUPGRADE = struct _GUID {4d36e97a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_PROCESSOR = struct _GUID {50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SBP2 = struct _GUID {d48179be-ec20-11d1-b6b8-00c04fa372a7}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER = struct _GUID {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SECURITYACCELERATOR = struct _GUID {268c95a1-edfe-11d3-95c3-0010dc4050a5}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SMARTCARDREADER = struct _GUID {50dd5230-ba8a-11d1-bf5d-0000f805f530}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SOUND = struct _GUID {4d36e97c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM = struct _GUID {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_TAPEDRIVE = struct _GUID {6d807884-7d21-11cf-801c-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_UNKNOWN = struct _GUID {4d36e97e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_USB = struct _GUID {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_VOLUME = struct _GUID {71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_VOLUMESNAPSHOT = struct _GUID {533c5b84-ec70-11d2-9505-00c04f79deaf}
    nt!GUID_DEVCLASS_WCEUSBS = struct _GUID {25dbce51-6c8f-4a72-8a6d-b54c2b4fc835}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_ARRIVAL = struct _GUID {cb3a4009-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_BATTERY = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_EJECT = struct _GUID {cb3a400f-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_EJECT_VETOED = struct _GUID {cf7b71e8-d8fd-11d2-97b5-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_ENUMERATE_REQUEST = struct _GUID {cb3a400b-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_ENUMERATED = struct _GUID {cb3a400a-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_EVENT_RBC = struct _GUID {d0744792-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_HIBERNATE_VETOED = struct _GUID {61173ad9-194f-11d3-97dc-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ARRIVAL = struct _GUID {cb3a4004-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVAL = struct _GUID {cb3a4005-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_INVALID_ID = struct _GUID {57a49b33-8b85-4e75-a081-166ce241f407}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_KERNEL_INITIATED_EJECT = struct _GUID {14689b54-0703-11d3-97d2-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_NOOP = struct _GUID {cb3a4010-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_QUERY_AND_REMOVE = struct _GUID {cb3a400e-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_REMOVAL_VETOED = struct _GUID {60dbd5fa-ddd2-11d2-97b8-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_REMOVE_PENDING = struct _GUID {cb3a400d-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_SAFE_REMOVAL = struct _GUID {8fbef967-d6c5-11d2-97b5-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_STANDBY_VETOED = struct _GUID {03b21c13-18d6-11d3-97db-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_START_REQUEST = struct _GUID {cb3a400c-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_SURPRISE_REMOVAL = struct _GUID {ce5af000-80dd-11d2-a88d-00a0c9696b4b}
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_SYS_BUTTON = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_THERMAL_ZONE = <no type information>
    nt!GUID_DEVICE_WARM_EJECT_VETOED = struct _GUID {cbf4c1f9-18d5-11d3-97db-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDCHANGER = struct _GUID {53f56312-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDROM = struct _GUID {53f56308-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK = struct _GUID {53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_FLOPPY = struct _GUID {53f56311-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MEDIUMCHANGER = struct _GUID {53f56310-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_PARTITION = struct _GUID {53f5630a-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_STORAGEPORT = struct _GUID {2accfe60-c130-11d2-b082-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_TAPE = struct _GUID {53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME = struct _GUID {53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DEVINTERFACE_WRITEONCEDISK = struct _GUID {53f5630c-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_DOCK_INTERFACE = struct _GUID {a9956ff5-13da-11d3-97db-00a0c940522e}
    nt!GUID_DRIVER_BLOCKED = struct _GUID {1bc87a21-a3ff-47a6-96aa-6d010906805a}
    nt!GUID_HWPROFILE_CHANGE_CANCELLED = struct _GUID {cb3a4002-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_HWPROFILE_CHANGE_COMPLETE = struct _GUID {cb3a4003-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_HWPROFILE_QUERY_CHANGE = struct _GUID {cb3a4001-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_INT_ROUTE_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {70941bf4-0073-11d1-a09e-00c04fc340b1}
    nt!GUID_IO_DEVICE_BECOMING_READY = struct _GUID {d07433f0-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_IO_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_REQUEST = struct _GUID {d07433d0-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_IO_DISK_CLONE_ARRIVAL = struct _GUID {6a61885b-7c39-43dd-9b56-b8ac22a549aa}
    nt!GUID_IO_DISK_LAYOUT_CHANGE = struct _GUID {11dff54c-8469-41f9-b3de-ef836487c54a}
    nt!GUID_IO_DRIVE_REQUIRES_CLEANING = struct _GUID {7207877c-90ed-44e5-a000-81428d4c79bb}
    nt!GUID_IO_MEDIA_ARRIVAL = struct _GUID {d07433c0-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_IO_MEDIA_EJECT_REQUEST = struct _GUID {d07433d1-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_IO_MEDIA_REMOVAL = struct _GUID {d07433c1-a98e-11d2-917a-00a0c9068ff3}
    nt!GUID_IO_TAPE_ERASE = struct _GUID {852d11eb-4bb8-4507-9d9b-417cc2b1b438}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_CHANGE = struct _GUID {7373654a-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_DEVICE_INTERFACE = struct _GUID {53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_DISMOUNT = struct _GUID {d16a55e8-1059-11d2-8ffd-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_DISMOUNT_FAILED = struct _GUID {e3c5b178-105d-11d2-8ffd-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_LOCK = struct _GUID {50708874-c9af-11d1-8fef-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_LOCK_FAILED = struct _GUID {ae2eed10-0ba8-11d2-8ffb-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_MOUNT = struct _GUID {b5804878-1a96-11d2-8ffd-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_NAME_CHANGE = struct _GUID {2de97f83-4c06-11d2-a532-00609713055a}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_PHYSICAL_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE = struct _GUID {2de97f84-4c06-11d2-a532-00609713055a}
    nt!GUID_IO_VOLUME_UNLOCK = struct _GUID {9a8c3d68-d0cb-11d1-8fef-00a0c9a06d32}
    nt!GUID_LEGACY_DEVICE_DETECTION_STANDARD = struct _GUID {50feb0de-596a-11d2-a5b8-0000f81a4619}
    nt!GUID_MF_ENUMERATION_INTERFACE = struct _GUID {aeb895f0-5586-11d1-8d84-00a0c906b244}
    nt!GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_ADDED_NOTIFICATION = struct _GUID {b48d49a2-e777-11d0-a50c-00a0c9062910}
    nt!GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_REMOVED_NOTIFICATION = struct _GUID {b48d49a3-e777-11d0-a50c-00a0c9062910}
    nt!GUID_PCI_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {496b8281-6f25-11d0-beaf-08002be2092f}
    nt!GUID_PCI_DEVICE_PRESENT_INTERFACE = struct _GUID {d1b82c26-bf49-45ef-b216-71cbd7889b57}
    nt!GUID_PCMCIA_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {76173af0-c504-11d1-947f-00c04fb960ee}
    nt!GUID_PNP_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION = struct _GUID {aca73f8e-8d23-11d1-ac7d-0000f87571d0}
    nt!GUID_PNP_LOCATION_INTERFACE = struct _GUID {70211b0e-0afb-47db-afc1-410bf842497a}
    nt!GUID_PNP_POWER_NOTIFICATION = struct _GUID {c2cf0660-eb7a-11d1-bd7f-0000f87571d0}
    nt!GUID_POWER_DEVICE_ENABLE = struct _GUID {827c0a6f-feb0-11d0-bd26-00aa00b7b32a}
    nt!GUID_POWER_DEVICE_TIMEOUTS = struct _GUID {a45da735-feb0-11d0-bd26-00aa00b7b32a}
    nt!GUID_POWER_DEVICE_WAKE_ENABLE = struct _GUID {a9546a82-feb0-11d0-bd26-00aa00b7b32a}
    nt!GUID_REGISTRATION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION = struct _GUID {b48d49a1-e777-11d0-a50c-00a0c9062910}
    nt!GUID_SETUP_DEVICE_ARRIVAL = struct _GUID {cb3a4000-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_QUERY_REMOVE = struct _GUID {cb3a4006-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_CANCELLED = struct _GUID {cb3a4007-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_COMPLETE = struct _GUID {cb3a4008-46f0-11d0-b08f-00609713053f}
    nt!GUID_TRANSLATOR_INTERFACE_STANDARD = struct _GUID {6c154a92-aacf-11d0-8d2a-00a0c906b244}
    nt!GUID_VERIFIER_WMI_INTERFACE = <no type information>
    nt!GuidFormat = unsigned short []
    nt!GuidFormat = unsigned short [52]
    nt!HAL_NULL_THUNK_DATA = <no type information>
    nt!HalAllocateCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!HalDispatchTable = struct HAL_DISPATCH
    nt!HalExamineMBR (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!HalFreeCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!HalpCalculateChsValues (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, char, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _PARTITION_DESCRIPTOR *)
    nt!HalpDeleteMountLetter (unsigned char)
    nt!HalpEnableAutomaticDriveLetterAssignment (void)
    nt!HalpGetFullGeometry (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DISK_GEOMETRY *, unsigned int64 *)
    nt!HalpIsOldStyleFloppy (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!HalpIsValidPartitionEntry (struct _PARTITION_DESCRIPTOR *, unsigned int64, unsigned int64)
    nt!HalpNextDriveLetter (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char *, unsigned char)
    nt!HalpNextMountLetter (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char *)
    nt!HalpQueryDriveLayout (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION **)
    nt!HalpQueryPartitionType (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!HalPrivateDispatchTable = struct HAL_PRIVATE_DISPATCH
    nt!HalpSetMountLetter (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!HalReadDmaCounter = <no type information>
    nt!HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry = <no type information>
    nt!HandleTableListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe1000e34 - 0xe1a3defc ]
    nt!HandleTableListLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!HardErrorState = 1
    nt!HdlspAddLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspBugCheckProcessing = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspEnableTerminal = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspGetLine = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspKernelAddLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspProcessDumpCommand = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspPutData = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspPutMore = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspPutString = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspSendBlueScreenInfo = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspSendStringAtBaud = <no type information>
    nt!HdlspSetBlueScreenInformation = <no type information>
    nt!HeadlessDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!HeadlessGlobals = <no type information>
    nt!HeadlessInit = <no type information>
    nt!HeadlessKernelAddLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!HeadlessTerminalAddResources = <no type information>
    nt!HeapGuid = struct _GUID {222962ab-6180-4b88-a825-346b75f2a24a}
    nt!HIBER_GET_TICK_COUNT = <no type information>
    nt!holdrand = 0n1
    nt!htonl = <no type information>
    nt!HvAllocateCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!HvAutoCompressCheck (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvCheckBin (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBIN *, unsigned long *)
    nt!HvCheckBinDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!HvCheckHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!HvCheckHiveDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!HvCloneHive (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!HvDuplicateCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned char)
    nt!HvFreeCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvFreeHive (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvFreeHivePartial (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvGetCellSize (struct _HHIVE *, void *)
    nt!HvHiveWillShrink (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvInitializeHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!HvIsCellAllocated (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvLoadHive (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvMapHive (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvMarkCellDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!HvMarkDirty (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!HvpAddBin (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpAddFreeCellHint (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpAdjustBitmap (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _FREE_DISPLAY *)
    nt!HvpAdjustHiveFreeDisplay (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpAllocateMap (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HMAP_DIRECTORY *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpBuildMap (struct _HHIVE *, void *)
    nt!HvpBuildMapAndCopy (struct _HHIVE *, void *)
    nt!HvpCheckViewBoundary (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpCleanMap (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpCoalesceDiscardedBins (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpDelistBinFreeCells (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBIN *, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpDelistFreeCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpDoAllocateCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpDoWriteHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpDropAllPagedBins (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpDropPagedBins (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpEnlistBinInMap (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, struct _HBIN *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!HvpEnlistFreeCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned char)
    nt!HvpEnlistFreeCells (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBIN *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpFillFileName (struct _HBASE_BLOCK *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!HvpFindFreeCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpFindFreeCellInBin (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, struct _HBIN *)
    nt!HvpFindFreeCellInThisViewWindow (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpFindNextDirtyBlock (struct _HHIVE *, struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long *, unsigned char **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!HvpFlushMappedData (struct _HHIVE *, struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!HvpFreeAllocatedBins (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpFreeHiveFreeDisplay (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpFreeMap (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HMAP_DIRECTORY *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetBinMemAlloc (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBIN *, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpGetCellFlat (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetCellMap (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetCellMapped (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetCellPaged (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetHCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGetHiveHeader (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBASE_BLOCK **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!HvpGetLogHeader (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBASE_BLOCK **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!HvpGrowLog1 (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpGrowLog2 (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpHeaderCheckSum (struct _HBASE_BLOCK *)
    nt!HvpInitMap (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpIsFreeNeighbor (struct _HHIVE *, struct _HBIN *, struct _HCELL *, struct _HCELL **, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpMapFileImageAndBuildMap (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpReadFileImageAndBuildMap (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpRecoverData (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpRecoverWholeHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpReleaseCellMapped (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpRemoveFreeCellHint (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE)
    nt!HvpScanForFreeCellInViewWindow (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, HSTORAGE_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!HvpTruncateBins (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvpWriteLog (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvReallocateCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!HvRecoverDataDebug = struct __unnamed
    nt!HvRefreshHive (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvReleaseFreeCellRefArray (struct _HV_TRACK_CELL_REF *)
    nt!HvShiftCell (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvShrinkHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvShutdownComplete = 0x00 ''
    nt!HvSyncHive (struct _HHIVE *)
    nt!HvTrackCellRef (struct _HV_TRACK_CELL_REF *, struct _HHIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!HvWriteHive (struct _HHIVE *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!IDT = struct _KIDTENTRY []
    nt!IDTEnd = <no type information>
    nt!IeeeAdjO = 0n-4568901821967368192
    nt!IeeeAdjU = 0n4654470214887407616
    nt!InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership = <no type information>
    nt!InbvAcquireLock = <no type information>
    nt!InbvBitBlt = <no type information>
    nt!InbvBootDriverInstalled = 0x01 ''
    nt!InbvBufferToScreenBlt = <no type information>
    nt!InbvCheckDisplayOwnership = <no type information>
    nt!InbvDisplayDebugStrings = <no type information>
    nt!InbvDisplayFilter = <no type information>
    nt!InbvDisplayState = <no type information>
    nt!InbvDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!InbvDriverInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!InbvEnableBootDriver = <no type information>
    nt!InbvEnableDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!InbvGetDisplayState = <no type information>
    nt!InbvGetResourceAddress = <no type information>
    nt!InbvIndicateProgress = <no type information>
    nt!InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter = <no type information>
    nt!InbvIsBootDriverInstalled = <no type information>
    nt!InbvNotifyDisplayOwnershipLost = <no type information>
    nt!InbvOldIrql = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortEnableFifo = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortGetByte = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortPollOnly = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortPutByte = <no type information>
    nt!InbvPortTerminate = <no type information>
    nt!InbvProgressIndicator = <no type information>
    nt!InbvProgressState = <no type information>
    nt!InbvReleaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!InbvResetDisplay = <no type information>
    nt!InbvResetDisplayParameters = <no type information>
    nt!InbvRotateGuiBootDisplay = <no type information>
    nt!InbvRotBarInit = <no type information>
    nt!InbvScreenToBufferBlt = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSetDisplayOwnership = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSetProgressBarCoordinates = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSetProgressBarSubset = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSetScrollRegion = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSetTextColor = <no type information>
    nt!InbvSolidColorFill = <no type information>
    nt!InbvTerminalBkgdColor = <no type information>
    nt!InbvTerminalTextColor = <no type information>
    nt!InbvUpdateProgressBar = <no type information>
    nt!INCREASE_MAPPED_TRANSFER_BYTE_COUNT = <no type information>
    nt!INCREMENT_ADAPTER_CHANNELS = <no type information>
    nt!INCREMENT_SCATTER_GATHER_LISTS = <no type information>
    nt!InitAnsiCodePageDataOffset = 0
    nt!InitForceInline = 0x00 ''
    nt!InitializationPhase = 2
    nt!InitializeKCBKeyBodyList (struct _CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK *)
    nt!InitializePool (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!InitialSP = <no type information>
    nt!InitIsWinPEMode = 0x00 ''
    nt!InitNlsSectionPointer = 0xe10003b8
    nt!InitNlsTableBase = 0x00010000
    nt!InitNlsTableSize = 0x33000
    nt!InitOemCodePageDataOffset = 0
    nt!InitSafeBootMode = 0
    nt!InitTableInfo = struct _NLSTABLEINFO
    nt!InitUnicodeCaseTableDataOffset = 0x31000
    nt!InitWinPEModeType = 0
    nt!InstrCountInternal = <no type information>
    nt!InstructionsTraced = <no type information>
    nt!IntBPsSkipping = <no type information>
    nt!InterlockedCompareExchange64 = <no type information>
    nt!InterlockedPopEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!InterlockedPushEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!InterlockedPushListSList = <no type information>
    nt!InternalBreakpointCheck = <no type information>
    nt!InternalBreakpointCheckDpc = <no type information>
    nt!InternalBreakpointTimer = <no type information>
    nt!IoAcquireCancelSpinLock (unsigned char *)
    nt!IoAcquireRemoveLockEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoAcquireVpbSpinLock (unsigned char *)
    nt!IoAdapterObjectType = 0x8538f7c8
    nt!IoAddTriageDumpDataBlock = <no type information>
    nt!IoAllocateAdapterChannel (struct _ADAPTER_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoAllocateController (struct _CONTROLLER_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoAllocateDriverObjectExtension (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!IoAllocateErrorLogEntry (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!IoAllocateGenericErrorLogEntry (unsigned char)
    nt!IoAllocateIrp (char, unsigned char)
    nt!IoAllocateMdl (void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoAllocateWorkItem (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoArcBootDeviceName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\ArcName\multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"
    nt!IoArcHalDeviceName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\ArcName\multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"
    nt!IoAssignDriveLetters (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!IoAssignResources = <no type information>
    nt!IoAsynchronousPageWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, <function> *, void *, _IO_PAGING_PRIORITY, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _IRP **)
    nt!IoAttachDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IoAttachDeviceByPointer (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStackSafe (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest (unsigned long, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest (unsigned long, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, struct _KEVENT *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IoBuildPartialMdl (struct _MDL *, struct _MDL *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!IoBuildPoDeviceNotifyList = <no type information>
    nt!IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest (unsigned long, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _KEVENT *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IoCallDriver (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoCancelFileOpen (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoCancelIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoCancelThreadIo (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!IoChangeFileObjectFilterContext (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!IoCheckDesiredAccess (unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!IoCheckEaBufferValidity (struct _FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoCheckFunctionAccess (unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!IoCheckQuerySetFileInformation (_FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IoCheckQuerySetVolumeInformation (_FSINFOCLASS, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IoCheckQuotaBufferValidity (struct _FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoCheckShareAccess (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SHARE_ACCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!IoCompleteRequest (struct _IRP *, char)
    nt!IoCompletionObjectType = 0x853ca040
    nt!IoComputeDesiredAccessFileObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, long *)
    nt!IoConfigureCrashDump = <no type information>
    nt!IoConnectInterrupt (struct _KINTERRUPT **, <function> *, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, _KINTERRUPT_MODE, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IoControllerObjectType = 0x8538f5f8
    nt!IoControlPnpDeviceActionQueue = <no type information>
    nt!IoCountOperations = 1
    nt!IoCreateController (unsigned long)
    nt!IoCreateDevice (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IoCreateDisk = <no type information>
    nt!IoCreateDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, <function> *)
    nt!IoCreateFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, _CREATE_FILE_TYPE, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, _CREATE_FILE_TYPE, void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!IoCreateNotificationEvent (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **)
    nt!IoCreateStreamFileObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, void **)
    nt!IoCreateStreamFileObjectLite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoCreateSymbolicLink (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoCreateSynchronizationEvent (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **)
    nt!IoCreateUnprotectedSymbolicLink (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoCsqInitialize (struct _IO_CSQ *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!IoCsqInitializeEx (struct _IO_CSQ *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *)
    nt!IoCsqInsertIrp (struct _IO_CSQ *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT *)
    nt!IoCsqInsertIrpEx (struct _IO_CSQ *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT *, void *)
    nt!IoCsqRemoveIrp (struct _IO_CSQ *, struct _IO_CSQ_IRP_CONTEXT *)
    nt!IoCsqRemoveNextIrp (struct _IO_CSQ *, void *)
    nt!IoDeleteController (struct _CONTROLLER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoDeleteDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoDeleteDriver (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoDeleteSymbolicLink (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoDetachDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoDeviceHandlerObjectSize = 0
    nt!IoDeviceHandlerObjectType = 0x00000000
    nt!IoDeviceNodeTreeSequence = <no type information>
    nt!IoDeviceObjectType = 0x8538f428
    nt!IoDisconnectInterrupt (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!IoDriverObjectType = 0x8538f258
    nt!IoEnqueueIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoEnumerateDeviceObjectList (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoEnumerateRegisteredFiltersList (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT **, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoFastQueryNetworkAttributes (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *)
    nt!IofCallDriver (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IofCallDriverSpecifyReturn (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!IofCompleteRequest (struct _IRP *, char)
    nt!IoFileObjectType = 0x853cae70
    nt!IoFillDumpHeader = <no type information>
    nt!IoFindDeviceThatFailedIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoFlushAdapterBuffers = <no type information>
    nt!IoForwardIrpSynchronously = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeAdapterChannel = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeController (struct _CONTROLLER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoFreeDumpRange = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeDumpStack = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeErrorLogEntry (void *)
    nt!IoFreeIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoFreeMapRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeMdl (struct _MDL *)
    nt!IoFreePoDeviceNotifyList = <no type information>
    nt!IoFreeWorkItem (struct _IO_WORKITEM *)
    nt!IoGetAttachedDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetAttachedDeviceReference (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetBaseFileSystemDeviceObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetBootDiskInformation (struct _BOOTDISK_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!IoGetConfigurationInformation (void)
    nt!IoGetCurrentProcess (void)
    nt!IoGetDeviceAttachmentBaseRef (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetDeviceInstanceName = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDeviceInterfaces = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDeviceObjectPointer (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT **, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IoGetDeviceProperty = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDeviceToVerify (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!IoGetDiskDeviceObject (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IoGetDmaAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDriverObjectExtension (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, void *)
    nt!IoGetDumpHiberRanges = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetDumpStack = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetFileObjectFilterContext (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping (void)
    nt!IoGetInitialStack (void)
    nt!IoGetLegacyVetoList = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetLowerDeviceObject (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetPagingIoPriority (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoGetPoNotifyParent = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetRelatedDeviceObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoGetRelatedTargetDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IoGetRequestorProcess (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoGetRequestorProcessId (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoGetRequestorSessionId (struct _IRP *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoGetStackLimits (unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoGetTopLevelIrp (void)
    nt!IoInitializeCrashDump = <no type information>
    nt!IoInitializeDumpStack = <no type information>
    nt!IoInitializeIrp (struct _IRP *, unsigned short, char)
    nt!IoInitializeRemoveLockEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoInitializeTimer (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoInitSystem (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!IOInstructionTable = 0xe4 ''
    nt!IoInvalidateDeviceRelations = <no type information>
    nt!IoInvalidateDeviceState = <no type information>
    nt!IoIsDeviceEjectable (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoIsFileOriginRemote (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoIsOperationSynchronous (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoIsSystemThread (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!IoIsTriageDumpEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!IoIsValidNameGraftingBuffer (struct _IRP *, struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER *)
    nt!IoIsWdmVersionAvailable = <no type information>
    nt!IoLoaderArcBootDeviceName = 0xe143ae88 "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"
    nt!IoMakeAssociatedIrp (struct _IRP *, char)
    nt!IoMapTransfer = <no type information>
    nt!IoMovePoNotifyChildren = <no type information>
    nt!IoNotifyPowerOperationVetoed = <no type information>
    nt!IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey = <no type information>
    nt!IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey = <no type information>
    nt!IoOtherOperationCount = 0
    nt!IoOtherTransferCount = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
    nt!IopAbortRequest (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!IopAcquireFileObjectLock (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, char, unsigned char, unsigned char *)
    nt!IopAddPageToPageMap = <no type information>
    nt!IopAddRelationToList = <no type information>
    nt!IopAddRemoteBootValuesToRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!IopAddRemoveReqDescs = <no type information>
    nt!IopAddRunTimeTriageDataBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!IoPageRead (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _KEVENT *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IoPageReadIrpAllocationFailure = 0n0
    nt!IoPageReadNonPagefileIrpAllocationFailure = 0n0
    nt!IopAllocateBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateBootResourcesInternal = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateBootResourcesRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateErrorLogEntry (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopAllocateIrpCleanup (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!IopAllocateIrpMustSucceed (char)
    nt!IopAllocateIrpPrivate (char, unsigned char)
    nt!IopAllocateLegacyBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateRelationList = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateReserveIrp (char)
    nt!IopAllocateResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopAllocateUnicodeString = <no type information>
    nt!IopApcHardError (void *)
    nt!IopAppendBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!IopAppendLegacyVeto = <no type information>
    nt!IopAssignNetworkDriveLetter = <no type information>
    nt!IopAssignResourcesToDevices = <no type information>
    nt!IopAttachDeviceToDeviceStackSafe (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IopAutoReboot = <no type information>
    nt!IopBootAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!IopBootConfigsReserved = <no type information>
    nt!IopBootDriverReinitializeQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f580 - 0x8089f580 ]
    nt!IopBootLog (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopBootLogToFile (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopBuildCmResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!IopBuildCmResourceLists = <no type information>
    nt!IopBuildFullDriverPath (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopBuildGlobalSymbolicLinkString = <no type information>
    nt!IopBuildRemovalRelationList = <no type information>
    nt!IopBuildSymbolicLinkStrings = <no type information>
    nt!IopBusNumberInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!IopBusNumberPackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopBusNumberScoreRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopBusNumberUnpackRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopBusNumberUnpackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopCacheHitIncrement = 0n0
    nt!IopCacheNetbiosNameForIpAddress = <no type information>
    nt!IopCalculateRequiredDumpSpace = <no type information>
    nt!IopCallArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopCallBootDriverReinitializationRoutines (void)
    nt!IopCallDriverReinitializationRoutines (void)
    nt!IopCancelAlertedRequest (struct _KEVENT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IopCancelPendingEject = <no type information>
    nt!IopCancelRemoveLockedDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopCancelSpinLock = 0
    nt!IopCaptureObjectName = <no type information>
    nt!IopCdRomFileSystemQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x850bb19c - 0x853c5d3c ]
    nt!IopChainDereferenceComplete = <no type information>
    nt!IopChangeInterfaceType = <no type information>
    nt!IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long *, char, unsigned long)
    nt!IopCheckDeviceAndDriver (struct _OPEN_PACKET *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopCheckGetQuotaBufferValidity (struct _FILE_GET_QUOTA_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopCheckHardErrorEmpty (void)
    nt!IopCheckTopDeviceHint (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **, struct _OPEN_PACKET *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopCheckUnloadDriver (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, unsigned char *)
    nt!IopCheckVpbMounted (struct _OPEN_PACKET *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, long *)
    nt!IopChildToRootTranslation = <no type information>
    nt!IopCleanupDeviceRegistryValues = <no type information>
    nt!IopCleanupSelectedConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopCloseFile (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!IopCmResourcesToIoResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopCombineCmResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!IopCombineLegacyResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopCommitConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopCompareReqAlternativePriority = <no type information>
    nt!IopCompareResourceRequestPriority = <no type information>
    nt!IopCompleteDumpInitialization = <no type information>
    nt!IopCompletePageWrite (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!IopCompleteRequest (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!IopCompleteUnloadOrDelete (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!IopCompletionLock = 0
    nt!IopCompletionLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!IopCompletionMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!IopCompressRelationList = <no type information>
    nt!IopComputeConfigurationPriority = <no type information>
    nt!IopComputeHarddiskDerangements (unsigned long)
    nt!IopConnectLinkTrackingPort (void *)
    nt!IopCopyBootLogRegistryToFile (void)
    nt!IopCrashDumpLock = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!IopCreateArcNames (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!IopCreateArcNamesCd (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!IopCreateArcNamesDisk (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned char, unsigned char *)
    nt!IopCreateCmResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!IopCreateDefaultDeviceSecurityDescriptor (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char *, struct _ACL **, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopCreateFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, _CREATE_FILE_TYPE, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!IopCreateObjectTypes (void)
    nt!IopCreateRegistryKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!IopCreateRootDirectories (void)
    nt!IopCreateSecurityDescriptorPerType (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopCreateSummaryDump = <no type information>
    nt!IopCreateVpb (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopCsqCancelRoutine (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IopCurrentHardError = 0x00000000
    nt!IopDatabaseLock = 0
    nt!IopDatabaseResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!IopDeadIrp = 0x00000000
    nt!IopDeallocateApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!IopDecDisableableDepends = <no type information>
    nt!IopDecrementDeviceObjectHandleCount (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopDecrementDeviceObjectRef (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!IopDeferredRegistrationList = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeferredRegistrationLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopDelayedRemoveWorker = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteDevice (void *)
    nt!IopDeleteDriver (void *)
    nt!IopDeleteFile (void *)
    nt!IopDeleteIoCompletion (void *)
    nt!IopDeleteKeyRecursive = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteKeyRecursiveCallback = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteLegacyKey = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteLockedDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteLockedDeviceNodes = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeleteSessionSymLinks (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopDereferenceNotify = <no type information>
    nt!IopDereferenceVpbAndFree (struct _VPB *)
    nt!IopDestroyDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopDetermineResourceListSize = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceClassNotifyList = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceClassNotifyLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceEjectComplete = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceInterfaceKeysFromSymbolicLink = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceObjectFromDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceObjectToDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!IopDeviceTreeLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopDisableDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopDisableDeviceInterfaces = <no type information>
    nt!IopDisassociateThreadIrp (void)
    nt!IopDiskFileSystemQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x850bb2c4 - 0x853c5e54 ]
    nt!IopDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaOverrideConflict = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaPackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaScoreRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaUnpackRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopDmaUnpackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopDoDeferredSetInterfaceState = <no type information>
    nt!IopDoNameTransmogrify (struct _IRP *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER *)
    nt!IopDriverLoadingFailed = <no type information>
    nt!IopDriverLoadResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!IopDriverReinitializeQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f498 - 0x8089f498 ]
    nt!IopDropIrp (struct _IRP *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopDropReferenceString = <no type information>
    nt!IopDumpControlBlock = 0x84e70228
    nt!IopDumpControlBlockChecksum = 0x82e
    nt!IopDuplicateDetection = <no type information>
    nt!IopEjectDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopEliminateBogusConflict = <no type information>
    nt!IopEnumerateRelations = <no type information>
    nt!IoPerfCallDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IoPerfCompleteRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IoPerfInit = <no type information>
    nt!IoPerfReset = <no type information>
    nt!IopErrorLogAllocation = 0n844
    nt!IopErrorLogConnectPort (void)
    nt!IopErrorLogDisabledThisBoot = 0x00 ''
    nt!IopErrorLogDpc (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!IopErrorLogGetEntry (void)
    nt!IopErrorLogListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f630 - 0x8089f630 ]
    nt!IopErrorLogLock = 0
    nt!IopErrorLogObject = 0x853aa328
    nt!IopErrorLogPortPending = 0x00 ''
    nt!IopErrorLogQueueRequest (void)
    nt!IopErrorLogRequeueEntry (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!IopErrorLogThread (void *)
    nt!IopErrorLogWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!IopExceptionCleanup (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, struct _KEVENT *, struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!IopExceptionFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, long *)
    nt!IopExecuteHardwareProfileChange = <no type information>
    nt!IopExecuteHwpDefaultSelect = <no type information>
    nt!IopFailZeroAccessCreate = 1
    nt!IopfCompleteRequest (struct _IRP *, char)
    nt!IopFetchConfigurationInformation (unsigned short **, struct _GUID, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopFileMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!IopFileUtilClearAttributes = <no type information>
    nt!IopFileUtilRename = <no type information>
    nt!IopFileUtilWalkDirectoryTreeHelper = <no type information>
    nt!IopFileUtilWalkDirectoryTreeTopDown = <no type information>
    nt!IopFilterResourceRequirementsCall = <no type information>
    nt!IopFilterResourceRequirementsList = <no type information>
    nt!IopFinalCrashDumpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!IopFindBestConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopFindLegacyBusDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopFindLegacyDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopFindMountableDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopFindResourceHandlerInfo = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeDCB = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IopFreeIrpAndMdls (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IopFreeMiniPacket (struct _IOP_MINI_COMPLETION_PACKET *)
    nt!IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeRelationList = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeReqAlternative = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeReqList = <no type information>
    nt!IopFreeReserveIrp (char)
    nt!IopFreeResourceRequirementsForAssignTable = <no type information>
    nt!IopFsNotifyChangeQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe14363e0 - 0xe1608a90 ]
    nt!IopFsRegistrationOps = 0xf
    nt!IopGenericPackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopGenericScoreRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopGenericTranslateOrdering = <no type information>
    nt!IopGenericUnpackRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopGenericUnpackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetBasicInformationFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION *)
    nt!IopGetDeviceAttachmentBase (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopGetDeviceInstanceCsConfigFlags = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetDeviceInterfaces = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetDevicePDO (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopGetDeviceResourcesFromRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetDriverNameFromKeyNode (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopGetDriverPathInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_FS_DRIVER_PATH_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!IopGetDumpControlBlockCheck = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetDumpStack = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetFileInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopGetLegacyVetoListDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetLegacyVetoListDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetLegacyVetoListDrivers = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetLoadedDriverInfo = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetMaxValidMemorySize = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetModeInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopGetMountFlag (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopGetNetworkOpenInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _OPEN_PACKET *)
    nt!IopGetRegistryKeyInformation (void *, struct _KEY_FULL_INFORMATION **)
    nt!IopGetRegistryValue (void *, unsigned short *, struct _KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION **)
    nt!IopGetRegistryValues (void *, struct _KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION **)
    nt!IopGetRelatedTargetDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetRelationsCount = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetResourceRequirementsForAssignTable = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetRootDevices = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetSecondaryDumpDataLimits = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetSecondaryDumpDataSpace = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetServiceType = <no type information>
    nt!IopGetSetObjectId (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!IopGetSetSecurityObject (void *, _SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!IopGetVolumeId (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!IopGroupIndex = <no type information>
    nt!IopGroupListHead = <no type information>
    nt!IopGroupTable = <no type information>
    nt!IopHardError = struct _IOP_HARD_ERROR_QUEUE
    nt!IopHardErrorThread (void *)
    nt!IopHwProfileNotifyLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopIgnoreDumpCheck = <no type information>
    nt!IopIncDisableableDepends = <no type information>
    nt!IopIncrementDeviceObjectHandleCount (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopInitFailCode = 0
    nt!IopInitHalDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitHalResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeAttributesAndCreateObject (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT **)
    nt!IopInitializeBootDrivers = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeBootLogging (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, char *)
    nt!IopInitializeBuiltinDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, <function> *, struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *, unsigned char, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT **)
    nt!IopInitializeDCB = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeDeviceInstanceKey = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeDeviceKey = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeDumpSpaceAndType = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeIrpStackProfiler (void)
    nt!IopInitializePlugPlayNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializePlugPlayServices = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeReserveIrp (struct _IOP_RESERVE_IRP_ALLOCATOR *)
    nt!IopInitializeResourceMap = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeSummaryDump = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitializeSystemDrivers = <no type information>
    nt!IopInitReservedResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!IopInsertLegacyBusDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopInsertRemoveDevice (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopInterlockedDecrementUlong (_KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER, long *)
    nt!IopInterlockedIncrementUlong (_KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER, long *)
    nt!IopInterlockedInsertHeadList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!IopInterlockedInsertTailList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!IopInterlockedRemoveHeadList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!IopInvalidateRelationsInList = <no type information>
    nt!IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopInvalidDeviceRequest (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IopInvokeDumpIoCallbacks = <no type information>
    nt!IopInvokeSecondaryDumpDataCallbacks = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrpStackProfiler = struct _IOP_IRP_STACK_PROFILER
    nt!IopIrpStackProfilerTimer (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!IopIrqInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrqPackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrqScoreRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrqTranslateOrdering = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrqUnpackRequirement = <no type information>
    nt!IopIrqUnpackResource = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsAddressRangeValid = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsAnyDeviceInstanceEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsDeviceInstanceEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsFirmwareDisabled = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsLegacyDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsRelationInList = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsRemoteBootCard = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsReportedAlready = <no type information>
    nt!IopIsSameMachine (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, void *)
    nt!IopLargeIrpLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!IopLargeIrpStackLocations = 9
    nt!IopLegacyBusInformationTable = <no type information>
    nt!IopLegacyDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopLegacyResourceAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!IopLinkTrackingPacket = struct _LINK_TRACKING_PACKET
    nt!IopLinkTrackingPortObject = struct _KEVENT
    nt!IopLinkTrackingServiceEvent = 0x8538d248
    nt!IopLinkTrackingServiceEventHandle = 0x00000000
    nt!IopLinkTrackingServiceObject = 0x00000000
    nt!IopLoadDriver (void *, unsigned char, unsigned char, long *)
    nt!IopLoadDumpDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IopLoaderBlock = 0x00000000
    nt!IopLoadFileSystemDriver (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopLoadUnloadDriver (void *)
    nt!IopLockMountedDeviceForRemove = <no type information>
    nt!IopLogErrorEvent (unsigned long, unsigned long, long, long, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!IopMapDeviceObjectToDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!IopMapPhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!IopMapVirtualToPhysicalMdl = <no type information>
    nt!IopMarkBootPartition (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!IopMarkHalDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopMaxDeviceNodeLevel = <no type information>
    nt!IopMdlLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!IopMemFindSuitableRange = <no type information>
    nt!IopMemInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!IopMergeCmResourceLists = <no type information>
    nt!IopMergeFilteredResourceRequirementsList = <no type information>
    nt!IopMergeRelationLists = <no type information>
    nt!IopMountInitializeVpb (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!IopMountVolume (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _VPB **)
    nt!IopNeedToReleaseBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopNetworkFileSystemQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8525f754 - 0x85269dec ]
    nt!IopNotifyAlreadyRegisteredFileSystems (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, <function> *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopNotifyDeviceClassChange = <no type information>
    nt!IopNotifyHwProfileChange = <no type information>
    nt!IopNotifyLastChanceShutdownQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x853b4e58 - 0x853b4e58 ]
    nt!IopNotifyPnpWhenChainDereferenced = <no type information>
    nt!IopNotifySetupDeviceArrival = <no type information>
    nt!IopNotifyShutdownQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x84e6d090 - 0x8536b798 ]
    nt!IopNotifyTargetDeviceChange = <no type information>
    nt!IoPnPDeliverServicePowerNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IoPnpDriverObject = 0x853cacd8
    nt!IopNumberDeviceNodes = <no type information>
    nt!IopNumTriageDumpDataBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!IopOpenDeviceParametersSubkey = <no type information>
    nt!IopOpenLinkOrRenameTarget (void **, struct _IRP *, void *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopOpenOrCreateDeviceInterfaceSubKeys = <no type information>
    nt!IopOpenOrCreateDeviceRegistryKey = <no type information>
    nt!IopOpenRegistryKey (void **, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IopOpenRegistryKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!IopOrphanNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IopParentToRawTranslation = <no type information>
    nt!IopParseDevice (void *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void **)
    nt!IopParseFile (void *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void **)
    nt!IopParseSymbolicLinkName = <no type information>
    nt!IopPendingEjects = <no type information>
    nt!IopPendingSurpriseRemovals = <no type information>
    nt!IopPerfDriverUniqueMatchId = <no type information>
    nt!IopPerfLogFileCreate = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnPAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnPCompleteRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnPDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnpDriverStarted = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnpEnumerationRequestList = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnpScratchBuffer1 = <no type information>
    nt!IopPnPSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopPortAddAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!IopPortBacktrackAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!IopPortFindSuitableRange = <no type information>
    nt!IopPortGetNextAlias = <no type information>
    nt!IopPortInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!IopPowerDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!IopPrepareDriverLoading = <no type information>
    nt!IopProbeAndLockPages (struct _MDL *, char, _LOCK_OPERATION, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!IopProcessAssignResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessAssignResourcesWorker = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessCompletedEject = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessDeferredRegistrations = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessIrpStackProfiler (void)
    nt!IopProcessRelation = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessSetInterfaceState = <no type information>
    nt!IopProcessWorkItem (void *)
    nt!IopProfileNotifyList = <no type information>
    nt!IopProtectSystemPartition = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryAndSaveDeviceNodeCapabilities = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryConflictFillConflicts = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryConflictFillString = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryConflictList = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryConflictListInternal = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryDeviceRelations = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryDeviceResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryDeviceState = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryDockRemovalInterface = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryFsOperationAccess = unsigned long []
    nt!IopQueryFsOperationAccess = unsigned long [11]
    nt!IopQueryFsOperationLength = unsigned char [] ""
    nt!IopQueryFsOperationLength = unsigned char [11] ""
    nt!IopQueryLegacyBusInformation = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryName (void *, unsigned char, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!IopQueryNameInternal (void *, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!IopQueryOperationAccess = unsigned long []
    nt!IopQueryOperationAccess = unsigned long [42]
    nt!IopQueryOperationLength = unsigned char [] ""
    nt!IopQueryOperationLength = unsigned char [42] ""
    nt!IopQueryRebalance = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryRebalanceWorker = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryReconfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryRemoveLockedDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueryResourceHandlerInterface = <no type information>
    nt!IopQuerySetAlignmentRequirement = unsigned char [42] ""
    nt!IopQuerySetFsAlignmentRequirement = unsigned char [11] ""
    nt!IopQueryXxxInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, char, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopQueueDeviceWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueuePendingEject = <no type information>
    nt!IopQueuePendingSurpriseRemoval = <no type information>
    nt!IopRaiseHardError (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!IopRaiseInformationalHardError (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!IopReadDumpRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!IopReadyDeviceObjects (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopReallocateResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopRearrangeAssignTable = <no type information>
    nt!IopRearrangeReqList = <no type information>
    nt!IopReassignSystemRoot (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!IopRebalance = <no type information>
    nt!IopReferenceDriverObjectByName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopReferenceVerifyVpb (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _VPB **, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!IopRegisterDeviceInterface = <no type information>
    nt!IopReleaseDeviceResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopReleaseFilteredBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopReleaseResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopReleaseResourcesInternal = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoteBootCardInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveDeviceInterfaces = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveHardErrorPacket (void)
    nt!IopRemoveIndirectRelationsFromList = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveLegacyDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveLockedDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemovePageFromPageMap = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveRelationFromList = <no type information>
    nt!IopRemoveTimerFromTimerList (struct _IO_TIMER *)
    nt!IopReplaceSeperatorWithPound = <no type information>
    nt!IopReportBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!IopReportTargetDeviceChangeAsyncWorker = <no type information>
    nt!IopRequestDeviceEjectWorker = <no type information>
    nt!IopRequestHwProfileChangeNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IopReserveIrpAllocator = struct _IOP_RESERVE_IRP_ALLOCATOR
    nt!IopResizeBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!IopResourceRequirementsChanged = <no type information>
    nt!IopResourceRequirementsListToReqList = <no type information>
    nt!IopRestartDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopRestoreResourcesInternal = <no type information>
    nt!IopResurrectDriver (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopRetestConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootBusNumberArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootDmaArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootIrqArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootMemArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopRootPortArbiter = <no type information>
    nt!IopRunTimeContextOffsets = <no type information>
    nt!IopSafebootDriverLoad (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopSaveRestoreConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopSecurityResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!IopSelectFirstConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopSelectNextConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopSendMessageToTrackService (struct _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION *, struct _FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER *, struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION *)
    nt!IopSetAllRelationsTags = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetDefaultGateway = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetDeviceSecurityDescriptor (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long *, void *, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!IopSetDeviceSecurityDescriptors (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long *, void *, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!IopSetEaOrQuotaInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IopSetFsOperationAccess = unsigned long []
    nt!IopSetFsOperationAccess = unsigned long [11]
    nt!IopSetFsOperationLength = unsigned char [] ""
    nt!IopSetFsOperationLength = unsigned char [11] ""
    nt!IopSetIoRoutines (void)
    nt!IopSetLegacyDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetLegacyResourcesFlag = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetOperationAccess = unsigned long []
    nt!IopSetOperationAccess = unsigned long [42]
    nt!IopSetOperationLength = unsigned char [] ""
    nt!IopSetOperationLength = unsigned char [42] ""
    nt!IopSetRegistryStringValue = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetRelationsTag = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetRemoteLink (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION *)
    nt!IopSetupArbiterAndTranslators = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetupNotifyData = <no type information>
    nt!IopSetupRemoteBootCard = <no type information>
    nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!IopSizeTriageDumpDataBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!IopSmallIrpLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!IopStartApcHardError (void *)
    nt!IopStartDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopStartNetworkForRemoteBoot = <no type information>
    nt!IopStartNextPacket (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!IopStartNextPacketByKey (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!IopStartNextPacketByKeyEx (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, int)
    nt!IopStartRamdisk = <no type information>
    nt!IopStartTcpIpForRemoteBoot = <no type information>
    nt!IopStoreSystemPartitionInformation (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IopSurpriseRemoveListLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopSurpriseRemoveLockedDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!IopSynchronousApiServiceTail (long, struct _KEVENT *, struct _IRP *, char, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IopSynchronousCall = <no type information>
    nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, char, unsigned char, _TRANSFER_TYPE)
    nt!IopSystemControlDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!IopTapeFileSystemQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x853c5c24 - 0x853c5c24 ]
    nt!IopTargetDeviceNotifyLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopTCPQueryInformationEx = <no type information>
    nt!IopTCPSetInformationEx = <no type information>
    nt!IopTestConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopTestForReconfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!IopTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!IopTimerCount = 7
    nt!IopTimerDispatch (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!IopTimerDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!IopTimerLock = 0
    nt!IopTimerQueueHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8536a85c - 0x85208114 ]
    nt!IopTrackLink (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, struct _KEVENT *, char)
    nt!IopTranslateAndAdjustReqDesc = <no type information>
    nt!IopTranslateBusAddress = <no type information>
    nt!IopTranslatorHandlerCm = <no type information>
    nt!IopTranslatorHandlerIo = <no type information>
    nt!IopTriageDumpDataBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!IopUncacheInterfaceInformation = <no type information>
    nt!IopUniqueDeviceObjectNumber = 0n89
    nt!IopUnlinkDeviceRemovalRelations = <no type information>
    nt!IopUnloadAttachedDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IopUnloadDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!IopUnloadSafeCompletion (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!IopUnlockMountedDeviceForRemove = <no type information>
    nt!IopUnMarshalIds (struct _FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION *, struct _LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION *, struct _GUID *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!IopUnregisterDeviceInterface = <no type information>
    nt!IopUserCompletion (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!IopUserRundown (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!IopVerifierOn = 0x00 ''
    nt!IopVerifyDeviceObjectOnStack (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopVerifyDiskSignature (struct _DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX *, struct _ARC_DISK_SIGNATURE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IopVerifyDriverObjectOnStack (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!IopVpbSpinLock = 0
    nt!IopWarmEjectDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IopWarmEjectLock = <no type information>
    nt!IopWarmEjectPdo = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteAllocatedResourcesToRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteDriverList = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteIpAddressToRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!IopWritePageToDisk = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteSummaryDump = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteSummaryHeader = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteToDisk = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteTriageDump = <no type information>
    nt!IopWriteTriageDumpDataBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!IopWstrAssignedResources = unsigned short [24]
    nt!IopWstrAssignmentOrdering = unsigned short [19]
    nt!IopWstrBusRaw = unsigned short [9]
    nt!IopWstrBusTranslated = unsigned short [16]
    nt!IopWstrBusValues = unsigned short [10]
    nt!IopWstrHal = unsigned short [27]
    nt!IopWstrLoaderReservedMemory = unsigned short [16]
    nt!IopWstrOtherDrivers = unsigned short [13]
    nt!IopWstrPhysicalMemory = unsigned short [16]
    nt!IopWstrRaw = unsigned short [5]
    nt!IopWstrRequestedResources = unsigned short [25]
    nt!IopWstrReservedResources = unsigned short [18]
    nt!IopWstrSpecialMemory = unsigned short [9]
    nt!IopWstrSystem = unsigned short [17]
    nt!IopWstrSystemResources = unsigned short [24]
    nt!IopWstrTranslated = unsigned short [12]
    nt!IopXxxControlFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IoQueryDeviceDescription = <no type information>
    nt!IoQueryFileDosDeviceName (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION **)
    nt!IoQueryFileInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoQueryVolumeInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, _FSINFOCLASS, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoQueueThreadIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoQueueWorkItem (struct _IO_WORKITEM *, <function> *, _WORK_QUEUE_TYPE, void *)
    nt!IoRaiseHardError (struct _IRP *, struct _VPB *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoRaiseInformationalHardError (long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!IoReadDiskSignature = <no type information>
    nt!IoReadOperationCount = 0
    nt!IoReadPartitionTable (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned char, struct _DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION **)
    nt!IoReadPartitionTableEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoReadTransferCount = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
    nt!IoRegisterBootDriverReinitialization (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoRegisterDeviceInterface = <no type information>
    nt!IoRegisterDriverReinitialization (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoRegisterFileSystem (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoRegisterFsRegistrationChange (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, <function> *)
    nt!IoRegisterLastChanceShutdownNotification (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IoRegisterShutdownNotification (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoReleaseCancelSpinLock (unsigned char)
    nt!IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWaitEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoReleaseRemoveLockEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoReleaseVpbSpinLock (unsigned char)
    nt!IoRemoteBootClient = 0x00 ''
    nt!IoRemoveShareAccess (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SHARE_ACCESS *)
    nt!IoReportDetectedDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportHalResourceUsage = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportResourceForDetection = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportResourceUsage = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportResourceUsageInternal = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportTargetDeviceChange = <no type information>
    nt!IoReportTargetDeviceChangeAsynchronous = <no type information>
    nt!IoRequestDeviceEject = <no type information>
    nt!IoRetryIrpCompletions (void)
    nt!IoReuseIrp (struct _IRP *, long)
    nt!IoSetCompletionRoutineEx (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, <function> *, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!IoSetDeviceInterfaceState = <no type information>
    nt!IoSetDeviceToVerify (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoSetDumpRange = <no type information>
    nt!IoSetFileOrigin (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice (struct _IRP *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoSetInformation (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!IoSetIoCompletion (void *, void *, void *, long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!IoSetPartitionInformation (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!IoSetPartitionInformationEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoSetShareAccess (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SHARE_ACCESS *)
    nt!IoSetStartIoAttributes (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!IoSetSystemPartition (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoSetThreadHardErrorMode (unsigned char)
    nt!IoSetTopLevelIrp (struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoShutdownPnpDevices = <no type information>
    nt!IoShutdownSystem (unsigned long)
    nt!IoStartNextPacket (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!IoStartNextPacketByKey (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!IoStartPacket (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, unsigned long *, <function> *)
    nt!IoStartTimer (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoStatisticsLock = 0
    nt!IoStopTimer (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoSynchronousInvalidateDeviceRelations = <no type information>
    nt!IoSynchronousPageWrite (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _MDL *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _KEVENT *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!IoThreadToProcess (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!IoTranslateBusAddress = <no type information>
    nt!IoUnregisterFileSystem (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoUnregisterFsRegistrationChange (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, <function> *)
    nt!IoUnregisterPlugPlayNotification = <no type information>
    nt!IoUnregisterShutdownNotification (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!IoUpdateShareAccess (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SHARE_ACCESS *)
    nt!IoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess (struct _IRP *, unsigned long)
    nt!IovAllocateIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovAttachDeviceToDeviceStack = <no type information>
    nt!IovBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IovBuildDeviceIoControlRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IovCallDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IovCancelIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovCompleteRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IovDeleteDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IovDetachDevice = <no type information>
    nt!IovDriverListHead = <no type information>
    nt!IoVerifierInit = <no type information>
    nt!IoVerifierOnByDefault = <no type information>
    nt!IoVerifyPartitionTable = <no type information>
    nt!IoVerifyVolume (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!IovFreeIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovFreeIrpPrivate = <no type information>
    nt!IovInitializeIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovInitializeTimer = <no type information>
    nt!IoVolumeDeviceToDosName (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IovpAdvanceStackDownwards = <no type information>
    nt!IovpBuildDriverObjectList = <no type information>
    nt!IovpBuildMiniIrpSnapshot = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCallDriver1 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCallDriver2 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCancelCount = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCancelIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCheckIrpForCriticalTracking = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest1 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest2 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest3 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest4 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpCompleteRequest5 = <no type information>
    nt!IovpExamineDevObjForwarding = <no type information>
    nt!IovpExamineIrpStackForwarding = <no type information>
    nt!IovpInitCalled = <no type information>
    nt!IovpInternalCompleteAfterWait = <no type information>
    nt!IovpInternalCompleteAtDPC = <no type information>
    nt!IovpInternalCompletionTrap = <no type information>
    nt!IovpInternalDeferredCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!IovpLocalCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!IovpPacketFromIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataAdvance = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataAttachSurrogate = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataBufferIO = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataClose = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataCreate = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataDereference = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataDeterminePolicy = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataFinalizeSurrogate = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataReference = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSessionDataUnbufferIO = <no type information>
    nt!IovpSwapSurrogateIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IovpUnloadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!IovpValidateDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!IovpVerifierFlags = <no type information>
    nt!IovpVerifierLevel = <no type information>
    nt!IovUnloadDrivers = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilFlushStackCache = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilGetBottomDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilGetLowerDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilGetUpperDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilHasDispatchHandler = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilInit = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsDesignatedFdo = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsDeviceObjectMarked = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsInFdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsPdo = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsRawPdo = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsVerifiedDeviceStack = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilIsWdmStack = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilMarkDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilMarkStack = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilRelateDeviceObjects = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!IovUtilWatermarkIrp = <no type information>
    nt!IoWMIAllocateInstanceIds (struct _GUID *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!IoWMICompleteRequest (struct _WMILIB_INFO *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, long, unsigned long, char)
    nt!IoWMIDeviceObjectToInstanceName (void *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoWMIExecuteMethod (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!IoWMIHandleToInstanceName (void *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoWMIOpenBlock (struct _GUID *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!IoWMIQueryAllData (void *, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!IoWMIQueryAllDataMultiple (void **, unsigned long, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!IoWMIQuerySingleInstance (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!IoWMIQuerySingleInstanceMultiple (void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!IoWMIRegistrationControl (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!IoWMISetNotificationCallback (void *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!IoWMISetSingleInstance (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!IoWMISetSingleItem (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!IoWMISuggestInstanceName (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!IoWMISystemControl (struct _WMILIB_INFO *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!IoWMIWriteEvent (void *)
    nt!IoWriteCrashDump = <no type information>
    nt!IoWriteErrorLogEntry (void *)
    nt!IoWriteOperationCount = 0
    nt!IoWritePartitionTable (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION *)
    nt!IoWritePartitionTableEx = <no type information>
    nt!IoWriteTransferCount = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
    nt!IrpMajorNames = <no type information>
    nt!isalpha (int)
    nt!isdigit (int)
    nt!islower (int)
    nt!isprint (int)
    nt!IsRegistryKeyLocked = <no type information>
    nt!isspace (int)
    nt!isupper (int)
    nt!IsVacbLevelReferenced (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long)
    nt!iswctype (wchar_t, unsigned short)
    nt!isxdigit (int)
    nt!Kd_ACPI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_AMLI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_AUTOCHK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_BURNENG_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_CDAUDIO_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_CDROM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_CLASSPNP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_CONFIG_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_CRASHDUMP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DCOMSS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DEFAULT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DFRGIFC_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DFSC_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DISK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DMADMIN_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DMCONFIG_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DMIO_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DMSERVER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_DMSYNTH_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_ENDOFTABLE_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FASTFAT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FCPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FDC_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FLOPPY_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FLTMGR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FSTUB_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_FUSION_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_HALIA64_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_HPS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_I8042PRT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IDEP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IDLETASK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVAUDIO_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVBUS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVDRIVER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVNETWORK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVSTREAMING_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IHVVIDEO_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_IMAPI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_INFINIBAND_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_ISAPNP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_KBDCLASS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_KBDHID_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_LDR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_LSERMOUS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_MCHGR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_MM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_MOUCLASS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_MOUHID_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_NETAPI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_NTFS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_NTOSPNP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PCI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PCIIDE_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PNPMEM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PNPMGR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PREFETCHER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PRINTSPOOLER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_PROCESSOR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_REDBOOK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_RPCPROXY_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_RSFILTER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_RTLTHREADPOOL_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SAMSS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SCCLIENT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SCSERVER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SCSIMINIPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SCSIPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SERENUM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SERIAL_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SERMOUSE_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SETUP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SHPC_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SIS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SMSS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SOFTPCI_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_STORMINIPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_STORPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_STORPROP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SVCHOST_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SXS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_SYSTEM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_TAPE_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_TCPIP_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_TCPIP6_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_TERMSRV_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_TWOTRACK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_UHCD_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_UNIMODEM_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VDS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VDSBAS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VDSDYNDR_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VDSUTIL_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VERIFIER_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VIDEO_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VIDEOPRT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VSS_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_VSSDYNDISK_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_W32TIME_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_WIN2000_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_WMICORE_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_WMILIB_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_WOW64_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!Kd_WSOCKTRANSPORT_Mask = <no type information>
    nt!KdAutoEnableOnEvent = <no type information>
    nt!KdBlockEnable = <no type information>
    nt!KdBreakAfterSymbolLoad = 0x00 ''
    nt!KdChangeOption = <no type information>
    nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak = <no type information>
    nt!KdCloseRemoteFile = <no type information>
    nt!KDCOM_NULL_THUNK_DATA = <no type information>
    nt!KdComponentTable = <no type information>
    nt!KdComponentTableSize = <no type information>
    nt!KdCreateRemoteFile = <no type information>
    nt!KdD0Transition = <no type information>
    nt!KdD3Transition = <no type information>
    nt!KdDebuggerDataBlock = struct _KDDEBUGGER_DATA64
    nt!KdDebuggerEnabled = 0x01 ''
    nt!KdDebuggerInitialize0 = <no type information>
    nt!KdDebuggerInitialize1 = <no type information>
    nt!KdDebuggerNotPresent = 0x00 ''
    nt!KdDeleteAllBreakpoints = <no type information>
    nt!KdDisableCount = <no type information>
    nt!KdDisableDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!KdDisableDebuggerWithLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdDumpEnableOffset = 0
    nt!KdEnableDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!KdEnableDebuggerWithLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdEnterDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!KdEnteredDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!KdExitDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!KdGetDataBlock = <no type information>
    nt!KdGetInternalBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdIgnoreUmExceptions = 0x00 ''
    nt!KdInitSystem = <no type information>
    nt!KdIsThisAKdTrap = <no type information>
    nt!KdLogDbgPrint = <no type information>
    nt!KdNumberOfSpecialCalls = <no type information>
    nt!KdpAddBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpAllowDisable = <no type information>
    nt!KdpBreakpointInstruction = <no type information>
    nt!KdpBreakpointTable = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCauseBugCheck = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCheckLowMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCheckTracePoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCommandString = <no type information>
    nt!KdpContext = <no type information>
    nt!KdpContextSent = <no type information>
    nt!KdpControlCPressed = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCopyMemoryChunks = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCurrentSymbolEnd = <no type information>
    nt!KdpCurrentSymbolStart = <no type information>
    nt!KdpDataSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpDebuggerDataListHead = <no type information>
    nt!KdpDebuggerLock = 1
    nt!KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!KdpDeleteBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpDeleteBreakpointRange = <no type information>
    nt!KdPerformanceCounterRate = <no type information>
    nt!KdpFillMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetBusData = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetCallNextOffset = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetContext = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetReturnAddress = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetStateChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpGetVersion = <no type information>
    nt!KdpInternalBPs = <no type information>
    nt!KdpIsSpecialCall = <no type information>
    nt!KdpIsTryFinallyReturn = <no type information>
    nt!KdPitchDebugger = 0x00 ''
    nt!KdpLevelChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpLowRestoreBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpLowWriteContent = <no type information>
    nt!KdpMessageBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!KdpNextCallLevelChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpNotSupported = <no type information>
    nt!KdpNumInternalBreakpoints = <no type information>
    nt!KdPollBreakIn = <no type information>
    nt!KdpOweBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdPowerTransition = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPathBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPollBreakInWithPortLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPortLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPortLocked = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPortUnlock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPrint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPrintSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPrintString = <no type information>
    nt!KdpProcessInternalBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPrompt = <no type information>
    nt!KdpPromptString = <no type information>
    nt!KdpQueryMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpQueryPerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!KdpQuickMoveMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadControlSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadIoSpaceExtended = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadMachineSpecificRegister = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpRemoteFiles = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReport = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReportCommandStringStateChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReportExceptionStateChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpReportLoadSymbolsStateChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpRestoreAllBreakpoints = <no type information>
    nt!KdpRestoreBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx = <no type information>
    nt!KdPreviouslyEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintBufferChanges = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintBufferSize = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintCircularBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintDefaultCircularBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintRolloverCount = <no type information>
    nt!KdPrintWritePointer = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchAddressRangeEnd = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchAddressRangeStart = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchCheckPoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchEndPageFrame = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchHammingDistance = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchInProgress = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPageHitIndex = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPageHitOffsets = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPageHits = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPfnValue = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPhysicalPage = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchPhysicalPageRange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSearchStartPageFrame = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSendTraceData = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSendWaitContinue = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSetBusData = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSetCommonState = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSetContext = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSetContextState = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSetStateChange = <no type information>
    nt!KdpStub = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSuspendAllBreakpoints = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSuspendBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSwitchProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSymbol = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysCheckLowMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysGetVersion = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysReadBusData = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysReadControlSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysReadIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysReadMsr = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysWriteBusData = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysWriteControlSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysWriteIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpSysWriteMsr = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipDpc = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipDpcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipEvent = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipEventLock = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipPending = 0x1e
    nt!KdpTimeSlipTimer = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipWork = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTimeSlipWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!KdpTrap = <no type information>
    nt!KdPullRemoteFile = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteControlSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteIoSpaceExtended = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteMachineSpecificRegister = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWritePhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdpWriteVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!KdReadRemoteFile = <no type information>
    nt!KdReceivePacket = <no type information>
    nt!KdRefreshDebuggerNotPresent = <no type information>
    nt!KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock = <no type information>
    nt!KdReportTraceData = <no type information>
    nt!KdRestore = <no type information>
    nt!KdSave = <no type information>
    nt!KdSendPacket = <no type information>
    nt!KdSetDbgPrintBufferSize = <no type information>
    nt!KdSetInternalBreakpoint = <no type information>
    nt!KdSetOwedBreakpoints = <no type information>
    nt!KdSetSpecialCall = <no type information>
    nt!KdSpecialCalls = <no type information>
    nt!KdSystemDebugControl = <no type information>
    nt!KdTimerDifference = <no type information>
    nt!KdTimerStart = <no type information>
    nt!KdTimerStop = <no type information>
    nt!KdUpdateDataBlock = <no type information>
    nt!KdUpdateTimeSlipEvent = <no type information>
    nt!KdVersionBlock = <no type information>
    nt!Ke386CallBios (unsigned long, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!Ke386ConfigureCyrixProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!Ke386CyrixId = <no type information>
    nt!Ke386GetGdtEntryThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long, struct _KGDTENTRY *)
    nt!Ke386IoSetAccessProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!Ke386QueryIoAccessMap (unsigned long, unsigned char (*)[8192])
    nt!Ke386SetDescriptorProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long, struct _LDT_ENTRY)
    nt!Ke386SetIoAccessMap (unsigned long, unsigned char (*)[8192])
    nt!Ke386SetIOPL (void)
    nt!Ke386SetLdtProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, struct _LDT_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!Ke386SetVdmInterruptHandler = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireGuardedMutex (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeAcquireGuardedMutexUnsafe (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc (unsigned long *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!KeAcquireInterruptSpinLock (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeAcquireSpinLockEx (struct _KSPIN_LOCK_EX *)
    nt!KeAcquireSpinLockForDpc (unsigned long *)
    nt!KeActiveProcessors = 1
    nt!KeAddSystemServiceTable (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeAdjustInterruptTime (int64)
    nt!KeAlertResumeThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeAlertThread (struct _KTHREAD *, char)
    nt!KeAreAllApcsDisabled (void)
    nt!KeAreApcsDisabled (void)
    nt!KeAttachProcess (struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!KeBalanceSetManager (void *)
    nt!KeBoostPriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, long)
    nt!KeBootTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x1cc1e0d`f35b45b8
    nt!KeBootTimeBias = 0x78e33078
    nt!KeBugCheck (unsigned long)
    nt!KeBugCheck2 (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KeBugCheckActive = 0x00 ''
    nt!KeBugCheckCallbackListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x851b9a90 - 0x80a58380 ]
    nt!KeBugCheckCallbackLock = 0
    nt!KeBugCheckCount = 0n1
    nt!KeBugCheckEx (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!KeBugCheckOwner = 0xffffffff
    nt!KeBugCheckOwnerRecursionCount = 0
    nt!KeBugCheckReasonCallbackListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xf768b4c0 - 0x853abe48 ]
    nt!KeBugCheckUnicodeToAnsi (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeCancelTimer (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KeCapturePersistentThreadState = <no type information>
    nt!KeCheckForTimer (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeClearEvent (struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!KeClearTimer (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KeComputeReciprocal (long, char *)
    nt!KeConnectInterrupt (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!KeContextFromKframes (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!KeContextToKframes (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _CONTEXT *, unsigned long, char)
    nt!KeDelayExecutionThread (char, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback (struct _KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD *)
    nt!KeDeregisterBugCheckReasonCallback (struct _KBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD *)
    nt!KeDeregisterNmiCallback (void *)
    nt!KeDetachProcess (void)
    nt!KeDisableInterrupts = <no type information>
    nt!KeDisconnectInterrupt (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!KeEnterCriticalRegion (void)
    nt!KeEnterGuardedRegion (void)
    nt!KeEnterKernelDebugger (void)
    nt!KefAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeFeatureBits = 0x20033fff
    nt!KeFindConfigurationEntry (struct _CONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA *, _CONFIGURATION_CLASS, _CONFIGURATION_TYPE, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeFindNextRightSetAffinity (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!KeFlushCurrentTb = <no type information>
    nt!KeFlushEntireTb (unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!KeFlushMultipleTb (unsigned long, void **, unsigned char)
    nt!KeFlushProcessTb (void)
    nt!KeFlushQueueApc (struct _KTHREAD *, char)
    nt!KeFlushQueuedDpcs (void)
    nt!KeFlushSingleTb (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeForceAttachProcess (struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!KeForceResumeThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeFreezeAllThreads (void)
    nt!KeFreezeExecution (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeGdiFlushUserBatch = 0xbf89ce45
    nt!KeGenericCallDpc (<function> *, void *)
    nt!KeGetBugMessageText (unsigned long, struct _STRING *)
    nt!KeGetPreviousMode = <no type information>
    nt!KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment (void)
    nt!KeI386AbiosCall (unsigned short, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, unsigned char *, unsigned short)
    nt!KeI386AllocateGdtSelectors (unsigned short *, unsigned short)
    nt!KeI386Call16BitCStyleFunction = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386Call16BitFunction = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386CpuStep = 0x2505
    nt!KeI386CpuType = 6
    nt!KeI386EFlagsAndMaskV86 = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386EFlagsOrMaskV86 = <no type information>
    nt!Kei386EoiHelper = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386FlatToGdtSelector (unsigned long, unsigned short, unsigned short)
    nt!KeI386ForceNpxEmulation = 0
    nt!KeI386FxsrPresent = 0x01 ''
    nt!KeI386GetLid (unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned char, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, unsigned short *)
    nt!KeI386MachineType = 0
    nt!KeI386NpxPresent = 0x01 ''
    nt!KeI386ReleaseGdtSelectors (unsigned short *, unsigned short)
    nt!KeI386ReleaseLid (unsigned short, struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!KeI386SetGdtSelector (unsigned long, struct _KGDTENTRY *)
    nt!KeI386VdmInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386VirtualIntExtensions = <no type information>
    nt!KeI386XMMIPresent = 0x01 ''
    nt!KeInitializeApc (struct _KAPC *, struct _KTHREAD *, _KAPC_ENVIRONMENT, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, char, void *)
    nt!KeInitializeCrashDumpHeader = <no type information>
    nt!KeInitializeDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *)
    nt!KeInitializeDpc (struct _KDPC *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!KeInitializeEvent (struct _KEVENT *, _EVENT_TYPE, unsigned char)
    nt!KeInitializeEventPair (struct _KEVENT_PAIR *)
    nt!KeInitializeGate (struct _KGATE *)
    nt!KeInitializeGuardedMutex (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeInitializeInterrupt (struct _KINTERRUPT *, <function> *, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, _KINTERRUPT_MODE, unsigned char, char, unsigned char)
    nt!KeInitializeMutant (struct _KMUTANT *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeInitializeMutex (struct _KMUTANT *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeInitializeProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeInitializeProfile (struct _KPROFILE *, struct _KPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _KPROFILE_SOURCE, unsigned long)
    nt!KeInitializeQueue (struct _KQUEUE *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeInitializeSemaphore (struct _KSEMAPHORE *, long, long)
    nt!KeInitializeSpinLock (unsigned long *)
    nt!KeInitializeSpinLockEx (struct _KSPIN_LOCK_EX *)
    nt!KeInitializeThread (struct _KTHREAD *, void *, <function> *, <function> *, void *, struct _CONTEXT *, void *, struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!KeInitializeThreadedDpc (struct _KDPC *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!KeInitializeTimer (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KeInitializeTimerEx (struct _KTIMER *, _TIMER_TYPE)
    nt!KeInitSystem (void)
    nt!KeInitThread (struct _KTHREAD *, void *, <function> *, <function> *, void *, struct _CONTEXT *, void *, struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *, struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeInsertDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *, struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY *)
    nt!KeInsertHeadQueue (struct _KQUEUE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!KeInsertQueue (struct _KQUEUE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!KeInsertQueueApc (struct _KAPC *, void *, void *, long)
    nt!KeInsertQueueDpc (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *)
    nt!KeInterruptTimeBias = 0
    nt!KeInvalidAccessAllowed (void *)
    nt!KeInvalidateAllCaches (void)
    nt!KeIpiGenericCall (<function> *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeIsAttachedProcess (void)
    nt!KeIsWaitListEmpty (void *)
    nt!KeLargestCacheLine = 0x40
    nt!KeLeaveCriticalRegion (void)
    nt!KeLeaveGuardedRegion (void)
    nt!KeLicensedProcessors = <no type information>
    nt!KeLoaderBlock = 0x00000000
    nt!KeLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KeMaximumIncrement = 0x2625a
    nt!KeMinimumIncrement = 0x2710
    nt!KeNodeBlock = struct _KNODE *[]
    nt!KeNodeBlock = struct _KNODE *[]
    nt!KeNodeBlock = struct _KNODE *[1]
    nt!KeNumaInitialize (void)
    nt!KeNumberNodes = 0x01 ''
    nt!KeNumberProcessors = 0n1 ''
    nt!KeNumprocSpecified = 0
    nt!KeOptimizeProcessorControlState (void)
    nt!KePrefetchNTAGranularity = 0x40
    nt!KePrepareToLoseProcessorSpecificState (void)
    nt!KeProcessNodeSeed = 0x00 ''
    nt!KeProcessorArchitecture = 0
    nt!KeProcessorLevel = 6
    nt!KeProcessorRevision = 0x2505
    nt!KeProfileInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!KeProfileInterruptWithSource = <no type information>
    nt!KePulseEvent (struct _KEVENT *, long, unsigned char)
    nt!KeQueryActiveProcessors (void)
    nt!KeQueryBasePriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeQueryInterruptTime (void)
    nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile (_KPROFILE_SOURCE)
    nt!KeQueryLogicalProcessorInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeQueryPriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeQueryRuntimeProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeQueryRuntimeThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeQuerySystemTime (union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeQueryTickCount (union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeQueryTimeIncrement (void)
    nt!KeQueryTimerDueTime (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KeQueryValuesProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, struct _KPROCESS_VALUES *)
    nt!KeRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeRaiseUserException (long)
    nt!KeRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher = 0x7c95ed04
    nt!KeReadStateEvent (struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!KeReadStateMutant (struct _KMUTANT *)
    nt!KeReadStateProcess (struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!KeReadStateQueue (struct _KQUEUE *)
    nt!KeReadStateSemaphore (struct _KSEMAPHORE *)
    nt!KeReadStateThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeReadStateTimer (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KeReadyThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeRegisterBugCheckCallback (struct _KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD *, <function> *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback (struct _KBUGCHECK_REASON_CALLBACK_RECORD *, <function> *, _KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON, unsigned char *)
    nt!KeRegisteredProcessors = <no type information>
    nt!KeRegisterNmiCallback (<function> *, void *)
    nt!KeReleaseGuardedMutex (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeReleaseGuardedMutexUnsafe (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockForDpc (struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *)
    nt!KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeReleaseInterruptSpinLock (struct _KINTERRUPT *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeReleaseMutant (struct _KMUTANT *, long, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!KeReleaseMutex (struct _KMUTANT *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeReleaseQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeReleaseSemaphore (struct _KSEMAPHORE *, long, long, unsigned char)
    nt!KeReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeReleaseSpinLockEx (struct _KSPIN_LOCK_EX *)
    nt!KeReleaseSpinLockForDpc (unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueueIfBusy (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeRemoveDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *)
    nt!KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue (struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE *, struct _KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY *)
    nt!KeRemoveQueue (struct _KQUEUE *, char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeRemoveQueueApc (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!KeRemoveQueueDpc (struct _KDPC *)
    nt!KeRemoveSystemServiceTable (unsigned long)
    nt!KeResetEvent (struct _KEVENT *)
    nt!KeRestoreFloatingPointState (struct _KFLOATING_SAVE *)
    nt!KeRestoreMtrr (void)
    nt!KeRestorePAT (void)
    nt!KeRestoreProcessorSpecificFeatures (void)
    nt!KeResumeThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeRevertToUserAffinityThread (void)
    nt!KernelDemandZeroPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!KernelVerifier = 0
    nt!KernelVerifierTickPage = <no type information>
    nt!KeRundownQueue (struct _KQUEUE *)
    nt!KeRundownThread (void)
    nt!KeSaveFloatingPointState (struct _KFLOATING_SAVE *)
    nt!KeSaveStateForHibernate (struct _KPROCESSOR_STATE *)
    nt!KeServiceDescriptorTable = struct _KSERVICE_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR [2]
    nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow = struct _KSERVICE_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR [2]
    nt!KeSetAffinityProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetAffinityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetAutoAlignmentProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetAutoAlignmentThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetBasePriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, long)
    nt!KeSetDisableBoostProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetDisableBoostThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetDisableQuantumProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetDmaIoCoherency (unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetEvent (struct _KEVENT *, long, unsigned char)
    nt!KeSetEventBoostPriority (struct _KEVENT *, struct _KTHREAD **)
    nt!KeSetIdealProcessorThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned char)
    nt!KeSetImportanceDpc (struct _KDPC *, _KDPC_IMPORTANCE)
    nt!KeSetIntervalProfile (unsigned long, _KPROFILE_SOURCE)
    nt!KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable (unsigned char)
    nt!KeSetPhysicalCacheTypeRange (union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!KeSetPriorityAndQuantumProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, long, char)
    nt!KeSetPriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, long)
    nt!KeSetPriorityZeroPageThread (long)
    nt!KeSetProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, long, unsigned char)
    nt!KeSetProfileIrql (unsigned char)
    nt!KeSetQuantumProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, char)
    nt!KeSetSystemAffinityThread (unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetSystemTime (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeSetTargetProcessorDpc (struct _KDPC *, char)
    nt!KeSetTimeIncrement (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!KeSetTimer (struct _KTIMER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER, struct _KDPC *)
    nt!KeSetTimerEx (struct _KTIMER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER, long, struct _KDPC *)
    nt!KeSignalCallDpcDone (void *)
    nt!KeSignalCallDpcSynchronize (void *)
    nt!KeSignalGateBoostPriority (struct _KGATE *)
    nt!KeStackAttachProcess (struct _KPROCESS *, struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!KeStartAllProcessors (void)
    nt!KeStartProfile (struct _KPROFILE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeStartThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeStopProfile (struct _KPROFILE *)
    nt!KeSuspendThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeSwapProcessOrStack (void *)
    nt!KeSwitchFrozenProcessor (unsigned long)
    nt!KeSwitchKernelStack = <no type information>
    nt!KeSynchronizeExecution = <no type information>
    nt!KeTerminateThread (long)
    nt!KeTestAlertThread (char)
    nt!KeTestSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeThawAllThreads (void)
    nt!KeThawExecution (unsigned char)
    nt!KeThreadDpcEnable = 0
    nt!KeThreadSwitchCounters = struct _KTHREAD_SWITCH_COUNTERS
    nt!KeTickCount = struct _KSYSTEM_TIME
    nt!KeTimeAdjustment = 0x2625a
    nt!KeTimeIncrement = 0x2625a
    nt!KeTimerCheckFlags = 1
    nt!KeTimeSynchronization = 0x01 ''
    nt!KeTryToAcquireGuardedMutex (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KeTryToAcquireQueuedSpinLockAtRaisedIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KeTryToAcquireQueuedSpinLockAtRaisedIrqlUP = 0x33 '3'
    nt!KeTryToAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!KeUninitThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KeUnstackDetachProcess (struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!KeUpdateRunTime = <no type information>
    nt!KeUpdateSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!KeUserApcDispatcher = 0x7c95ec08
    nt!KeUserCallbackDispatcher = 0x7c95ec70
    nt!KeUserExceptionDispatcher = 0x7c95ecb8
    nt!KeUserModeCallback (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!KeUserPopEntrySListEnd = 0x7c9524b4
    nt!KeUserPopEntrySListFault = 0x7c9524b2
    nt!KeUserPopEntrySListResume = 0x7c9524a5
    nt!KeVdmInsertQueueApc = <no type information>
    nt!KevUtilAddressToFileHeader (void *, unsigned int *, struct _UNICODE_STRING **, unsigned char *)
    nt!KeWaitForGate (struct _KGATE *, _KWAIT_REASON, char)
    nt!KeWaitForMultipleObjects (unsigned long, void **, _WAIT_TYPE, _KWAIT_REASON, char, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _KWAIT_BLOCK *)
    nt!KeWaitForSingleObject (void *, _KWAIT_REASON, char, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KeyboardMap = <no type information>
    nt!KeYieldProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!KeyName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework"
    nt!KeyValueName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "Enable64Bit"
    nt!KeZeroPages = 0x808323bc
    nt!KeZeroPagesFromIdleThread = 0x80832398
    nt!KfAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KfLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KfRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KfReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KfSanityCheckLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386AdjustEsp0 = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386AdlibEmulation = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386AllocateContiguousMemory (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!Ki386BiosCallReturnAddress = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386BuildIdentityBuffer (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!Ki386CheckDelayedNpxTrap (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _FX_SAVE_AREA *)
    nt!Ki386CheckDivideByZeroTrap (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!Ki386ClearIdentityMap (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *)
    nt!Ki386ConvertPte (struct _HARDWARE_PTE_X86 *)
    nt!Ki386CreateIdentityMap (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *, void *, void *)
    nt!Ki386DispatchOpcode = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386DispatchOpcodeV86 = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386EnableCurrentLargePage = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386EnableCurrentLargePageEnd = 0xcccccccc
    nt!Ki386EnableDE = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386EnableFxsr = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386EnableGlobalPage = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386EnableTargetLargePage (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *)
    nt!Ki386EnableXMMIExceptions = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386FlushTargetDescriptors (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!Ki386GetSelectorParameters = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386IdentityMapMakeValid (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *, struct _HARDWARE_PTE_X86 *, void **)
    nt!Ki386InitializeGdtFreeList (struct _KFREE_GDT_ENTRY *)
    nt!Ki386IopmSaveArea = 0xe1006000
    nt!Ki386LoadTargetInt21Entry = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386LoadTargetLdtr (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!Ki386MapAddress (struct _IDENTITY_MAP *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!Ki386SetupAndExitToV86Code = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmDispatchIo = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmDispatchStringIo = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmEnablePentiumExtentions = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmReflectException = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmReflectException_A = <no type information>
    nt!Ki386VdmSegmentNotPresent = <no type information>
    nt!Ki387RoundModeTable = 0x00000000
    nt!Ki486CompatibilityLock = 0
    nt!KiAbiosGdt = unsigned long [32]
    nt!KiAbiosGdtLock = 0
    nt!KiAbiosGetGdt = <no type information>
    nt!KiAbiosLidTableLock = 0
    nt!KiAbiosPresent = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiAcquireFastMutex (struct _FAST_MUTEX *)
    nt!KiAcquireGuardedMutex (struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX *)
    nt!KiAcquireQueuedSpinLockCheckForFreeze (struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KiAddRange (struct _NEW_RANGE *, unsigned int64, unsigned int64, unsigned char)
    nt!KiAdjustDpcThreshold = 0x14
    nt!KiAdjustIrpCredits (void)
    nt!KiAdjustQuantumThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KiAdjustSimultaneousMultiThreadingCharacteristics (void)
    nt!KiAllProcessorsStarted (void)
    nt!KiAmdK6AddRegion (unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!KiAmdK6FindFreeRegion (_MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!KiAmdK6HandleWcRegionRequest (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!KiAmdK6InitializeMTRR (void)
    nt!KiAmdK6Mtrr = struct _AMDK6_MTRR_MSR_IMAGE
    nt!KiAmdK6MTRRAddRegionFromHW (struct _AMDK6_MTRR)
    nt!KiAmdK6MtrrCommitChanges (void)
    nt!KiAmdK6MtrrSetMemoryType (unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!KiAmdK6MtrrWRMSR (void)
    nt!KiArgumentTable = unsigned char [] "???"
    nt!KiAttachProcess (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KPROCESS *, struct _KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE *, struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!KiBarrierWait = 0
    nt!KiBBTUnexpectedRange = <no type information>
    nt!KiBiosFrame = struct _KTRAP_FRAME
    nt!KiBootFeatureBits = 0x80
    nt!KiBugCheckData = unsigned long [5]
    nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak (unsigned long)
    nt!KiBugCheckDriver = 0x00000000
    nt!KiBugCodeMessages = 0x80a156f0
    nt!KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment (struct ADJUST_INTERRUPT_TIME_CONTEXT *)
    nt!KiCallUserMode = <no type information>
    nt!KiChainedDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!KiChainedDispatch2ndLvl = <no type information>
    nt!KiCheckForAtlThunk (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery (void)
    nt!KiCheckForSListAddress (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiCloneDescriptor (struct _DESCRIPTOR *, struct _DESCRIPTOR *, void *)
    nt!KiCloneSelector (unsigned long, struct _KGDTENTRY *, struct _DESCRIPTOR *, void *)
    nt!KiCommonDataArea = 0x00000000
    nt!KiCompleteEffectiveRangeChange (struct _NEW_RANGE *)
    nt!KiCompleteTimer (struct _KTIMER *, struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE *)
    nt!KiComputeTimerTableIndex = <no type information>
    nt!KiComputeWaitInterval (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!KiConnectVectorAndInterruptObject (struct _KINTERRUPT *, CONNECT_TYPE)
    nt!KiContinue (struct _CONTEXT *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiContinuePreviousModeUser (struct _CONTEXT *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiCoprocessorError = <no type information>
    nt!KiCopyInformation (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *)
    nt!KiDebugRegisterContextOffsets = unsigned long []
    nt!KiDebugRegisterContextOffsets = unsigned long [8]
    nt!KiDebugRegisterTrapOffsets = unsigned long []
    nt!KiDebugRegisterTrapOffsets = unsigned long [8]
    nt!KiDebugRoutine = 0x809be8f8
    nt!KiDebugSwitchRoutine = 0x8086cb20
    nt!KiDeferredReadyThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KiDeliverApc (char, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiDisableFastSyscallReturn (void)
    nt!KiDispatcherLock = 0
    nt!KiDispatchException (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!KiDispatchInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!KiDisplayBlueScreen = <no type information>
    nt!KiDmaIoCoherency = 0
    nt!KiDPCTimeout = 0x6e
    nt!KiDummyDoubleFaultHandler (void)
    nt!KiDummyLock = 0
    nt!KiDummyNmiHandler (void)
    nt!KiDumpParameterImages = <no type information>
    nt!KiEm87StateToNpxFrame = <no type information>
    nt!KiEmulateAtlThunk (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!KiEnableFastSyscallReturn (void)
    nt!KiEnableHeadlessBlueScreen = <no type information>
    nt!KiEnableTimerWatchdog = 0
    nt!KiEndOfCode16 = 0xcccccccc "--- memory read error at address 0xcccccccc ---"
    nt!KiEndUnexpectedRange = <no type information>
    nt!KiEspFromTrapFrame (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiEspToTrapFrame (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiExceptionExit = <no type information>
    nt!KiExecuteDpc (void *)
    nt!KiExitDispatcher (unsigned char)
    nt!KiFastCallCopyDoneOnce = 0x01 ''
    nt!KiFastCallEntry = unsigned char [] "???"
    nt!KiFastCallEntry2 = <no type information>
    nt!KiFastSystemCallDisable = 0
    nt!KiFastSystemCallIsIA32 = 0x01 ''
    nt!KiFindFirstSetLeft = char [256] ""
    nt!KiFindFirstSetLeftBit (unsigned int64)
    nt!KiFindFirstSetRight = char [256] ""
    nt!KiFindFirstSetRightBit (unsigned int64)
    nt!KiFindReadyThread (unsigned long, struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiFloatingDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!KiFlushDcache = <no type information>
    nt!KiFlushDescriptors = <no type information>
    nt!KiFlushIcache = <no type information>
    nt!KiFlushNPXState = <no type information>
    nt!KiFlushTargetEntireTb (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiFlushTargetMultipleTb (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiFlushTargetProcessTb (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiFlushTargetSingleTb (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiFreeGdtListHead = 0x8003f0e0
    nt!KiFreezeExecutionLock = 1
    nt!KiFreezeFlag = 4
    nt!KiFreezeLockBackup = 0
    nt!KiFreezeOwner = 0x00000000
    nt!KiFreezeTargetExecution (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiGenericCallDpcMutex = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!KiGetCacheInformation (void)
    nt!KiGetCpuVendor (void)
    nt!KiGetFeatureBits (void)
    nt!KiGetInterruptDispatchPatchAddresses = <no type information>
    nt!KiGetUserModeStackAddress = <no type information>
    nt!KiGetVectorInfo (unsigned long, struct DISPATCH_INFO *)
    nt!KiHandleNmi (void)
    nt!KiHardwareTrigger = 0n4
    nt!KiI386CallAbios = <no type information>
    nt!KiI386PentiumLockErrataFixup (void)
    nt!KiI386PentiumLockErrataPresent = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiI386SelectorBase (unsigned short)
    nt!Kii386SpinOnSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KiIdealDpcRate = 0x14
    nt!KiIdleLoop = <no type information>
    nt!KiIdleSchedule = <no type information>
    nt!KiIdleSMTSummary = 0
    nt!KiIdleSummary = 0
    nt!KiIgnoreUnexpectedTrap07 = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiInBiosCall = 0
    nt!KiInitializeAbios (unsigned char)
    nt!KiInitializeAbiosGdtEntry (struct _KGDTENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!KiInitializeContextThread (struct _KTHREAD *, <function> *, <function> *, void *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!KiInitializeDpc (struct _KDPC *, <function> *, void *, _KOBJECTS)
    nt!KiInitializeInterruptTimers (void)
    nt!KiInitializeInterruptTimersDpc (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiInitializeKernel (struct _KPROCESS *, struct _KTHREAD *, void *, struct _KPRCB *, char, struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!KiInitializeMachineType (void)
    nt!KiInitializeMTRR (unsigned char)
    nt!KiInitializePAT (void)
    nt!KiInitializePcr (unsigned long, struct _KPCR *, struct _KIDTENTRY *, struct _KGDTENTRY *, struct _KTSS *, struct _KTHREAD *, void *)
    nt!KiInitializeTSS (struct _KTSS *)
    nt!KiInitializeTSS2 (struct _KTSS *, struct _KGDTENTRY *)
    nt!KiInitializeUserApc (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, <function> *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiInitialProcess = struct _EPROCESS
    nt!KiInitialThread = struct _ETHREAD
    nt!KiInitMachineDependent (void)
    nt!KiInitProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!KiInitProcessorState (struct _KPROCESSOR_STATE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!KiInitSpinLocks (struct _KPRCB *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiInitSystem (void)
    nt!KiInsertQueue (struct _KQUEUE *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned char)
    nt!KiInsertQueueApc (struct _KAPC *, long)
    nt!KiInsertTimerTable (struct _KTIMER *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiInSwapKernelStacks (struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!KiInSwapProcesses (struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!KiInterruptDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!KiInterruptDispatch2ndLvl = <no type information>
    nt!KiInterruptTemplate = unsigned long [106]
    nt!KiInterruptTemplate2ndDispatch = 0x000000bf
    nt!KiInterruptTemplateDispatch = 0x45f7ff8b
    nt!KiInterruptTemplateObject = 0xfffc5ee9
    nt!KiInvalidateAllCachesTarget (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiInvokeBugCheckEntryCallbacks (void)
    nt!KiIpiGenericCallTarget (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiIpiSend = <no type information>
    nt!KiIpiSendPacket = <no type information>
    nt!KiIpiServiceRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!KiIpiSignalPacketDone = <no type information>
    nt!KiIpiSignalPacketDoneAndStall = <no type information>
    nt!KiIsNpxPresent = <no type information>
    nt!KiISROverflow = 0x7530
    nt!KiIsrTimerInit = 0x00000000
    nt!KiIsrTscLimit = 0xffffffff`ffffffff
    nt!KiLargePageSafetyCheck = <no type information>
    nt!KiLastProcessor = 0
    nt!KiLengthToMask (unsigned int64)
    nt!KiLoadFastSyscallMachineSpecificRegisters (long *)
    nt!KiLoadIopmOffset (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiLoadLdtr = <no type information>
    nt!KiLoadMTRR (struct _NEW_RANGE *)
    nt!KiLoadMTRRTarget (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiLoadPAT (struct _NEW_PAT *)
    nt!KiLoadPATTarget (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiLockNMI = 0
    nt!KiLockStepExecution (struct _PROCESSOR_LOCKSTEP *)
    nt!KiLockStepOtherProcessors (unsigned long *)
    nt!KiLockStepProcessor (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiLogicalIdTable = 0x00000000
    nt!KiMask32Array = unsigned long [32]
    nt!KiMaskToLength (unsigned int64)
    nt!KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth = 0n4
    nt!KiMinimumDpcRate = 3
    nt!KiMoveApcState (struct _KAPC_STATE *, struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!KiMtrrMaskBase = 0n68719472640
    nt!KiMtrrMaskMask = 0n68719472640
    nt!KiMtrrMaxRangeShift = 0x24 '$'
    nt!KiMtrrOverflowMask = 0n-68719476737
    nt!KiMtrrResBitMask = 0n68719476735
    nt!KiMXCsrMask = 0xffff
    nt!KiNextIStreamByte (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, unsigned char **)
    nt!KiNmiCallbackListHead = 0x00000000
    nt!KiNmiCallbackListLock = 0
    nt!KiNMIOwner = 0xffffffff
    nt!KiNMIRecursionCount = 0
    nt!KiNode0 = struct _KNODE
    nt!KiNpxFrameToEm87State = <no type information>
    nt!KiNumberFreeSelectors = 0x61
    nt!KiOldIrql = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiOutSwapKernelStacks (void)
    nt!KiOutSwapProcesses (struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!KiPassiveRelease = <no type information>
    nt!KiPcToFileHeader (void *, struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY **, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!KiPollFreezeExecution (void)
    nt!KiProcessDebugRegister (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiProcessDeferredReadyList (struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiProcessInSwapListHead = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!KiProcessListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f820 - 0x8089f820 ]
    nt!KiProcessListLock = 0
    nt!KiProcessorBlock = struct _KPRCB *[]
    nt!KiProcessorBlock = struct _KPRCB *[]
    nt!KiProcessorBlock = struct _KPRCB *[32]
    nt!KiProcessorStart (void)
    nt!KiProcessorStartControl = KcStartGetId (0n2)
    nt!KiProcessorStartData = unsigned long [4]
    nt!KiProcessOutSwapListHead = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!KiProfileAlignmentFixup = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval = 0
    nt!KiProfileInterval = 0x9897
    nt!KiProfileIrql = 0x1f ''
    nt!KiProfileListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f7e8 - 0x8089f7e8 ]
    nt!KiProfileLock = 0
    nt!KiProfileSourceListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x8089f9a8 - 0x8089f9a8 ]
    nt!KipWorkAroundCompiler (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!KiQuantumEnd (void)
    nt!KiQueuedLockTableSize = 0x21
    nt!KiQueueReadyThread (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiRaiseException (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _CONTEXT *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, unsigned char)
    nt!KiRangeInfo = struct _RANGE_INFO
    nt!KiRangeLock = 0
    nt!KiRangeWeight (struct _ONE_RANGE *)
    nt!KiRDTSC = <no type information>
    nt!KiReadyScanLast = 0
    nt!KiReadyThread (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KiRecordDr7 (unsigned long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!KiReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!KiRemoveRange (struct _NEW_RANGE *, unsigned int64, unsigned int64, unsigned char *)
    nt!KiRestoreBaseFrame (void)
    nt!KiRestoreFastSyscallReturnState (void)
    nt!KiRestoreProcessorControlState = <no type information>
    nt!KiRestoreProcessorState = <no type information>
    nt!KiRetireDpcList (struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiReverseStallIpiLock = 0
    nt!KiSaveProcessorControlState = <no type information>
    nt!KiSaveProcessorState = <no type information>
    nt!KiScanBugCheckCallbackList (void)
    nt!KiScanReadyQueues (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiSegSsFromTrapFrame (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *)
    nt!KiSegSsToTrapFrame (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiSelectNextThread (struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiServiceExit = <no type information>
    nt!KiServiceExit2 = <no type information>
    nt!KiServiceLimit = 0x128
    nt!KiServiceTable = unsigned long []
    nt!KiSetAffinityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiSetCR0Bits = <no type information>
    nt!KiSetHaltedNmiandDoubleFaultHandler (void)
    nt!KiSetInternalEvent (struct _KEVENT *, struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!KiSetIoMap (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiSetPriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD *, long)
    nt!KiSetProcessorType = <no type information>
    nt!KiSetServerWaitClientEvent (struct _KEVENT *, struct _KEVENT *, unsigned long)
    nt!KiSignalTimer (struct _KTIMER *)
    nt!KiSMTProcessorsPresent = 0x00 ''
    nt!KiSpinlockTimeout = 0x37
    nt!KiStack16GdtEntry = 0x8003f0f8
    nt!KiStackInSwapListHead = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!KiStackOutSwapRequest = 0n0
    nt!KiStackProtectTime = 0x465
    nt!KiStartEffectiveRangeChange (struct _NEW_RANGE *)
    nt!KiStartProfileInterrupt (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiStartWaitAcknowledge (void)
    nt!KiStopProfileInterrupt (void *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiSuspendNop (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!KiSuspendRundown (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!KiSuspendThread (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiSwapContext = <no type information>
    nt!KiSwapEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!KiSwapIDT (void)
    nt!KiSwappingThread = 0x8538d660
    nt!KiSwapProcess = <no type information>
    nt!KiSwapThread (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KPRCB *)
    nt!KiSynchPacket = 0x00000000
    nt!KiSystemCallExit = unsigned char [] "???"
    nt!KiSystemCallExit2 = unsigned char [] "???"
    nt!KiSystemCallExit3 = <no type information>
    nt!KiSystemCallExitAdjust = 1
    nt!KiSystemCallExitAdjusted = 0x01 ''
    nt!KiSystemCallExitBranch = unsigned char [] "u???"
    nt!KiSystemSharedData = 0xffdf0000
    nt!KiSystemStartup = <no type information>
    nt!KiTbFlushTimeStamp = 0n5346
    nt!KiThreadStartup = <no type information>
    nt!KiTickOffset = 0x2625a
    nt!KiTimedChainedDispatch2ndLvl (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!KiTimedInterruptDispatch (struct _KINTERRUPT *)
    nt!KiTimeIncrementReciprocal = union _ULARGE_INTEGER 0xd6bf94d5`e57a42bd
    nt!KiTimeIncrementShiftCount = 0n17 ''
    nt!KiTimeLimitDpcMicroseconds = 0
    nt!KiTimeLimitIsrMicroseconds = 0
    nt!KiTimerExpiration (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!KiTimerExpireDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!KiTimerListExpire (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned char)
    nt!KiTimerTableListHead = struct _KTIMER_TABLE_ENTRY [512]
    nt!KiTimerTableLock = struct _ALIGNED_SPINLOCK_STRUCT [16]
    nt!KiTimerTableSize = 0x200
    nt!KiUnexpectedEntrySize = 0xa
    nt!KiUnexpectedInterruptTail = 0x80883007
    nt!KiUnlicensedProcessorPresent = <no type information>
    nt!KiUnwaitThread (struct _KTHREAD *, long, long)
    nt!KiUpdateDr7 (unsigned long)
    nt!KiVdmSetUserCR0 (void)
    nt!KiWaitTest (void *, long)
    nt!KiXMMIZeroingEnable = 0
    nt!KiXMMIZeroPages = <no type information>
    nt!KiXMMIZeroPagesNoSave = <no type information>
    nt!KiZeroPages = <no type information>
    nt!Kt6_ExceptionHandler (void)
    nt!Ktd_ExceptionHandler (void)
    nt!KxFlushEntireTb (void)
    nt!LazyWriter = struct _LAZY_WRITER
    nt!LdrAccessResource (void *, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!LdrEnumResources (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct _LDR_ENUM_RESOURCE_ENTRY *)
    nt!LdrFindResource_U (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY **)
    nt!LdrFindResourceDirectory_U (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY **)
    nt!LdrpAccessResourceData (void *, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!LdrpAccessResourceDataNoMultipleLanguage (void *, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!LdrpCompareResourceNames_U (unsigned long, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *, struct _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *)
    nt!LdrProcessRelocationBlockLongLong (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short *, int64)
    nt!LdrpSearchResourceSection_U (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!LdrRelocateImage (void *, char *, long, long, long)
    nt!LdrRelocateImageWithBias (void *, int64, char *, long, long, long)
    nt!LdrVerifyMappedImageMatchesChecksum = <no type information>
    nt!LdtMutex = struct _KMUTANT
    nt!LeadDownVec = 0x808738ec
    nt!LeadDownVec = 0x80873c3c
    nt!LeadUpVec = 0x80873760
    nt!LeadUpVec = 0x80873ab0
    nt!LeapYearDaysPrecedingMonth = short [13]
    nt!LeapYearDayToMonth = unsigned char [366] ""
    nt!LocalLegalAnsiCharacterArray = unsigned char [128] ""
    nt!LookupEntryPoint (void *, char *, void **)
    nt!LpcDisconnectPort (void *)
    nt!LpcExitThread (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!LpcInitSystem (void)
    nt!LpcMaxEventLogs = 0xa
    nt!LpcpClosePort (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!LpcpCopyRequestData (unsigned char, void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!LpcpCreatePort (void **, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!LpcpDeletePort (void *)
    nt!LpcpDestroyPortQueue (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!LpcpEventCounts = 0
    nt!LpcpFindDataInfoMessage (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _CLIENT_ID)
    nt!LpcpFreeConMsg (struct _LPCP_MESSAGE **, struct _LPCP_CONNECTION_MESSAGE **, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!LpcpFreeDataInfoMessage (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _CLIENT_ID)
    nt!LpcpFreePortClientSecurity (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *)
    nt!LpcpFreeToPortZone (struct _LPCP_MESSAGE *, unsigned long)
    nt!LpcpInitializePortQueue (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *)
    nt!LpcpInitializePortZone (unsigned long)
    nt!LpcpLock = struct _LPC_MUTEX
    nt!LpcpMaxMessageSize = 0x160
    nt!LpcpMessagesLookaside = struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!LpcpMoveMessage = <no type information>
    nt!LpcpNextCallbackId = 3
    nt!LpcpNextMessageId = 0x9046
    nt!LpcPortObjectType = 0x8538e070
    nt!LpcpPortMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!LpcpPrepareToWakeClient (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!LpcpRequestWaitReplyPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, char)
    nt!LpcpSaveDataInfoMessage (struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *, struct _LPCP_MESSAGE *, unsigned long)
    nt!LpcpTotalNumberOfMessages = 0
    nt!LpcpValidateClientPort (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!LpcRequestPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!LpcRequestWaitReplyPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!LpcRequestWaitReplyPortEx (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!LpcWaitablePortObjectType = 0x8538f040
    nt!LsaCallAuthenticationPackage = <no type information>
    nt!LsaDeregisterLogonProcess = <no type information>
    nt!LsaFreeReturnBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!LsaLogonUser = <no type information>
    nt!LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage = <no type information>
    nt!LsapEvent = <no type information>
    nt!LsapPort = <no type information>
    nt!LsaRegisterLogonProcess = <no type information>
    nt!LZNT1CompressChunk = <no type information>
    nt!LZNT1DecompressChunk = <no type information>
    nt!LZNT1FindMatchMaximum = <no type information>
    nt!LZNT1FindMatchStandard = <no type information>
    nt!Magic10000 = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xd1b71758`e219652c
    nt!Magic10000000 = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xd6bf94d5`e57a42bd
    nt!Magic86400000 = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xc6d750eb`fa67b90e
    nt!MainPalette = <no type information>
    nt!MapperAdjustResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!MapperCallback = <no type information>
    nt!MapperConstructRootEnumTree = <no type information>
    nt!MapperDeviceExtension = <no type information>
    nt!MapperFindIdentMatch = <no type information>
    nt!MapperFreeList = <no type information>
    nt!MapperKeySeed = <no type information>
    nt!MapperMarkKey = <no type information>
    nt!MapperPeripheralCallback = <no type information>
    nt!MapperPhantomizeDetectedComPorts = <no type information>
    nt!MapperProcessFirmwareTree = <no type information>
    nt!MapperSeedKey = <no type information>
    nt!MapperTranslatePnPId = <no type information>
    nt!MapperValueSeed = <no type information>
    nt!MatchAll (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, void *)
    nt!MatchModeAdditive = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!MatchModeDefaultCustom = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!MatchModeDefaultMain = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!MatchModeDefaultMain = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!MatchModeExclusive = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!MatchModeNormal = union tagMATCHMODE
    nt!mbstowcs (unsigned short *, char *, unsigned int)
    nt!mbtowc (unsigned short *, char *, unsigned int)
    nt!memchr (void)
    nt!memcpy (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!memmove (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!memset (void)
    nt!Mi4dBreak = 0x01 ''
    nt!Mi4dFiles = 0
    nt!Mi4dPages = 0
    nt!MiAccessCheck (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiActiveIoCounter = 0n0
    nt!MiActiveVerifierThunks = 0
    nt!MiActiveVerifies = <no type information>
    nt!MiAddActivePageDirectories = <no type information>
    nt!MiAddCachedRange (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAddExpansionNonPagedPool (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAddExtraSystemPteRanges (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAddHalIoMappings (void)
    nt!MiAddMappedPtes (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiAddMdlTracker (struct _MDL *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAddPagesWithNoMappings = <no type information>
    nt!MiAddPtesList = struct _MMPTE
    nt!MiAddRangeToCrashDump = <no type information>
    nt!MiAddSystemPtes (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiAddValidPageToWorkingSet (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAddViewsForSection (struct _MSUBSECTION *, unsigned int64, unsigned char, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiAddViewsForSectionWithPfn (struct _MSUBSECTION *, unsigned int64)
    nt!MiAddWorkingSetPage (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiAddWsleHash (struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiAdjustClaimParameters (unsigned long)
    nt!MiAdjustWorkingSetManagerParameters (unsigned long)
    nt!MiAgeWorkingSet (struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiAgingShift = 5
    nt!MiAllMainMemoryMustBeCached = 0x00 ''
    nt!MiAllocateAweInfo (void)
    nt!MiAllocateContiguousMemory (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, void *)
    nt!MiAllocateLargePages (void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocateLargeZeroPages (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocatePagesForMdl (union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocatePfn (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocatePoolPages (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocateSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MiAllocateVad (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllocateWsle (struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAllowWorkingSetExpansion (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiAppendSubsectionChain (struct _MSUBSECTION *, struct _MSUBSECTION *)
    nt!MiApplyDriverVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!MiAttachAndLockWorkingSet (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiAttachSession (struct _MM_SESSION_SPACE *)
    nt!MiAttemptPageFileExtension (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiAttemptPageFileReduction (void)
    nt!MiAvailablePagesEventHighSets = 1
    nt!MiAvailablePagesEventLowSets = 1
    nt!MiAweViewInserter (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MI_PHYSICAL_VIEW *)
    nt!MiAweViewRemover (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiBadRefCount (struct _MMPFN *)
    nt!MiBootRegistryRuns = 0x00000000
    nt!MiBuildForkPageTable (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiBuildImportsForBootDrivers (void)
    nt!MiBuildPagedPool (void)
    nt!MiCachedNonPagedPool = 0x8140f1e0
    nt!MiCachedNonPagedPoolCount = 0xe4
    nt!MiCacheImageSymbols (void *)
    nt!MiCacheOverride = unsigned long [4]
    nt!MiCacheStrings = char *[4]
    nt!MiCalculatePageCommitment (void *, void *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiCallDllUnloadAndUnloadDll (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiCancelWriteOfMappedPfn (unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!MiCanFileBeTruncatedInternal (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!MiCaptureAndResetWorkingSetAccessBits (struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCaptureImageExceptionValues (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiCaptureUlongPtrArray (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCaptureWriteWatchDirtyBit (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!MiCauseOverCommitPopup (void)
    nt!MiChangeNoAccessForkPte (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiChargeCommitment (unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiChargeCommitmentCantExpand (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiChargeCommitmentFailures = unsigned long [3]
    nt!MiChargeResidentAvailable (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiChargeTemporaryCommitmentForReduction (unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckCacheAttributes (unsigned long, unsigned long, _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE)
    nt!MiCheckControlArea (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiCheckControlAreaStatus (_SECTION_CHECK_TYPE, struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, unsigned long, struct _CONTROL_AREA **, unsigned char *)
    nt!MiCheckDosCalls (struct _IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckForConflictingNode (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!MiCheckForConflictingVadExistence (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *)
    nt!MiCheckForContiguousMemory (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE)
    nt!MiCheckForControlAreaDeletion (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiCheckForUserStackOverflow (void *, void *)
    nt!MiCheckPageFileMapping (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!MiCheckPdeForPagedPool (void *)
    nt!MiCheckPdeForSessionSpace (void *)
    nt!MiCheckProtoPtePageState (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned char, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiCheckPteRelease (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckPteReserve (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckPurgeAndUpMapCount (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckSecuredVad (struct _MMVAD *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCheckSessionPoolAllocations (void)
    nt!MiCheckSingleFilter = <no type information>
    nt!MiCheckSystemPteProtection (unsigned long, void *)
    nt!MiCheckSystemTrimEndCriteria (struct _MMWS_TRIM_CRITERIA *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiCheckVirtualAddress (void *, unsigned long *, struct _MMVAD **)
    nt!MiClaimAdjustmentThreshold = unsigned long [8]
    nt!MiCleanPhysicalProcessPages (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiCleanSection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiClearImports (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiClearStackGuardBits (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!MiCloneProcessAddressSpace (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiClusterWritesDisabled = 0n0
    nt!MiCommitPopups = long [2]
    nt!MiCompleteProtoPteFault (unsigned long, void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned char, struct _MMPFN **)
    nt!MiComputeDriverProtection (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiComputeSystemTrimCriteria (struct _MMWS_TRIM_CRITERIA *)
    nt!MiContractPagingFiles (void)
    nt!MiConvertStaticSubsections (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiCopyHeaderIfResident (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCopyOnWrite (void *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiCreateDataFileMap (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SEGMENT **, unsigned int64 *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCreateImageFileMap (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _SEGMENT **)
    nt!MiCreateMemoryEvent (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _KEVENT **)
    nt!MiCreatePageTablesForPhysicalRange (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *)
    nt!MiCreatePagingFileMap (struct _SEGMENT **, unsigned int64 *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiCreatePebOrTeb (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!MiCreatePhysicalVadRoot (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDbgReleaseAddress = <no type information>
    nt!MiDbgTranslatePhysicalAddress = <no type information>
    nt!MiDbgUnTranslatePhysicalAddress = <no type information>
    nt!MiDbgWriteCheck = <no type information>
    nt!MiDeadPteTrackerSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MiDecommitPages (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD_SHORT *)
    nt!MiDecrementCloneBlockReference (struct _MMCLONE_DESCRIPTOR *, struct _MMCLONE_BLOCK *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMPTE_FLUSH_LIST *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiDecrementReferenceCount (struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDecrementReferenceCountForAwePage (struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDecrementShareCount (struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDecrementSubsections (struct _SUBSECTION *, struct _SUBSECTION *)
    nt!MiDeferredUnlockPages (unsigned long)
    nt!MiDelayPageFaults = 0n0
    nt!MiDeleteAddressesInWorkingSet (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiDeletePageTablesForPhysicalRange (void *, void *)
    nt!MiDeletePte (struct _MMPTE *, void *, unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE_FLUSH_LIST *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiDeletePteList (struct _MMPTE_DELETE_LIST *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiDeletePteRange (struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDeleteSystemPageableVm (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiDeleteValidSystemPte (struct _MMPTE *, void *, struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPTE_FLUSH_LIST *)
    nt!MiDeleteVirtualAddresses (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiDereferenceControlArea (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiDereferenceControlAreaBySection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiDereferenceImports (struct _LOAD_IMPORTS *)
    nt!MiDereferenceIoSpace (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MiDereferenceLastChanceLdw (struct _MM_LDW_WORK_CONTEXT *)
    nt!MiDereferenceSegmentThread (void *)
    nt!MiDereferenceSession (void)
    nt!MiDereferenceSessionFinal (void)
    nt!MiDetachAndUnlockWorkingSet (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiDetachSession (void)
    nt!MiDetermineTrimAmount (struct _MMWS_TRIM_CRITERIA *, struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiDetermineUserGlobalPteMask (struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiDispatchFault (unsigned long, void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiDoCopyMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MiDoMappedCopy (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiDoneWithThisPageGetAnother (unsigned long *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiDoPoolCopy (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiDoReplacement (struct _MMSUPPORT *, _WSLE_ALLOCATION_TYPE)
    nt!MiDownShareCountFlushEntireTb (unsigned long)
    nt!MiDrainingMappedWrites = 0
    nt!MiEliminateWorkingSetEntry (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiEmptyWorkingSet (struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiEnableKernelVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!MiEnablePagingOfDriver (void *)
    nt!MiEnablePagingOfDriverAtInit (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiEnablePagingTheExecutive (void)
    nt!MiEnableVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!MiEndOfInitialPoolFrame = 0x53ff
    nt!MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl (struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *, void **)
    nt!MiEstimationShift = 6
    nt!MiExpandSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MiExpansionPoolPagesInitialCharge = 0x533d
    nt!MiExpansionPoolPagesInUse = 0
    nt!MiExtendedSubsectionsConvertedToDynamic = 0
    nt!MiExtendPagingFileMaximum (unsigned long, struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!MiExtendPagingFiles (struct _MMPAGE_FILE_EXPANSION *)
    nt!MiFaultRetries = 0
    nt!MiFaultRetryMask = 0x1f
    nt!MiFeedSysPtePool (unsigned long)
    nt!MiFillSystemPageDirectory (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFillWsleHash (struct _MMWSL *)
    nt!MiFindActualFaultingPte (void *)
    nt!MiFindContiguousMemory (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, void *)
    nt!MiFindContiguousMemoryInPool (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!MiFindContiguousPages (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MiFindDescriptor (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFindEmptyAddressRange (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!MiFindEmptyAddressRangeDownBasedTree (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *, void **)
    nt!MiFindEmptyAddressRangeDownTree (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *, void **)
    nt!MiFindEmptyAddressRangeInTree (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *, struct _MMADDRESS_NODE **, void **)
    nt!MiFindExportedRoutineByName (void *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!MiFindImageSectionObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiFindInitializationCode (void **, void **)
    nt!MiFindLargePageMemory (struct _COLORED_PAGE_INFO *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiFindNodeOrParent (struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *, unsigned long, struct _MMADDRESS_NODE **)
    nt!MiFinishPageFileExtension (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFirstDriverLoadEver = 0n3
    nt!MiFirstPageFileCreatedAndReady = 1
    nt!MiFirstReservedZeroingPte = 0xc03dd198
    nt!MiFlushAcquire (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiFlushAllPages (void)
    nt!MiFlushCacheForAttributeChange = 0
    nt!MiFlushComplete (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFlushDataSection (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!MiFlushDirtyBitsToPfn (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiFlushPteListFreePfns (void **, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFlushRangeFilter (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiFlushRelease (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiFlushSectionInternal (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _SUBSECTION *, struct _SUBSECTION *, unsigned long, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiFlushTbAndCapture (struct _MMVAD *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFlushTbForAttributeChange = 0
    nt!MiFreeAllExpansionNonPagedPool (void)
    nt!MiFreeAweInfo (struct _AWEINFO *)
    nt!MiFreeContiguousPages (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFreeEventCounter (struct _EVENT_COUNTER *)
    nt!MiFreeInitializationCode (void *, void *)
    nt!MiFreeInPageSupportBlock (struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT *)
    nt!MiFreeLargePageMemory (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFreeLargePages (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFreeMdlTracker (struct _MDL *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFreeNonPagedPool (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiFreePoolPages (void *)
    nt!MiFreeSessionPoolBitMaps (void)
    nt!MiFreeSessionSpaceMap (void)
    nt!MiFreeWsle (unsigned long, struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiFreeWsleList (struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMWSLE_FLUSH_LIST *)
    nt!MiFullyInitialized = 1
    nt!MiGatherMappedPages (unsigned char)
    nt!MiGatherPagefilePages (struct _MMMOD_WRITER_MDL_ENTRY *, struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!MiGetEventCounter (void)
    nt!MiGetExceptionInfo (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiGetFirstNode (struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!MiGetHighestPteConsumer (unsigned long *)
    nt!MiGetImageProtection (unsigned long)
    nt!MiGetInPageSupportBlock (unsigned char, long *)
    nt!MiGetNextNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *)
    nt!MiGetPageForHeader (unsigned long)
    nt!MiGetPageProtection (struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiGetPreviousNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *)
    nt!MiGetProtoPteAddressExtended (struct _MMVAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiGetSystemPteAvailability (unsigned long, _MM_PAGE_PRIORITY)
    nt!MiGetWorkingSetInfo (struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiGetWorkingSetInfoList (struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiGrowWsleHash (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiHandleBankedSection (void *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiHandleForkTransitionPte (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMCLONE_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiHardTrim = 0
    nt!MiHighestUserPde = 0xc03007fc
    nt!MiHighestUserPte = 0xc01fffbc
    nt!MiHighMemoryEvent = 0x85395340
    nt!MiHighNonPagedPoolEvent = 0x85395240
    nt!MiHighNonPagedPoolThreshold = 0x1400
    nt!MiHighPagedPoolEvent = 0x853952c0
    nt!MiHighPagedPoolThreshold = 0x3c00
    nt!MiHotPatchList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a7650 - 0x808a7650 ]
    nt!MiIdentifyPfn (struct _MMPFN *, struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY *)
    nt!MiImageFailure = 0
    nt!MiIncrementSystemPtes (unsigned long)
    nt!MiInDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!MiInitializeAndChargePfn (unsigned long *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializeCommitment (void)
    nt!MiInitializeCopyOnWritePfn (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _MMWSL *)
    nt!MiInitializeDriverLargePageList (void)
    nt!MiInitializeDriverVerifierList = <no type information>
    nt!MiInitializeIoTrackers (void)
    nt!MiInitializeLargePageSupport (void)
    nt!MiInitializeLoadedModuleList (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiInitializeMemoryEvents (void)
    nt!MiInitializeNonPagedPool (void)
    nt!MiInitializeNonPagedPoolThresholds (void)
    nt!MiInitializePfn (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializePfnAndMakePteValid (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE)
    nt!MiInitializePfnForOtherProcess (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializePfnTracing (void)
    nt!MiInitializePoolEvents (void)
    nt!MiInitializeReadInProgressPfn (struct _MDL *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _KEVENT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializeReadInProgressSinglePfn (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *, struct _KEVENT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializeSessionIds (void)
    nt!MiInitializeSessionPool (void)
    nt!MiInitializeSessionWsSupport (void)
    nt!MiInitializeSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MiInitializeSystemCache (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInitializeSystemPtes (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiInitializeSystemSpaceMap (void *)
    nt!MiInitializeTransitionPfn (unsigned long, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiInitializeVerifyingComponents = <no type information>
    nt!MiInitializeWorkingSetList (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiInitialSystemPageDirectory = 0x853cb000
    nt!MiInitMachineDependent (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiInPageSingleKernelStack (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KERNEL_STACK_SEGMENT *)
    nt!MiInPageSinglePages = 0
    nt!MiInsertAweInfo (struct _AWEINFO *)
    nt!MiInsertBasedSection (struct _SECTION *)
    nt!MiInsertImageSectionObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiInsertInSystemSpace (struct _MMSESSION *, unsigned long, struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiInsertIoSpaceMap (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE)
    nt!MiInsertNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!MiInsertPageFileInList (void)
    nt!MiInsertPageInFreeList (unsigned long)
    nt!MiInsertPageInList (struct _MMPFNLIST *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiInsertPhysicalViewAndRefControlArea (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _CONTROL_AREA *, struct _MI_PHYSICAL_VIEW *)
    nt!MiInsertPteTracker (struct _MDL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE, void *, void *)
    nt!MiInsertStandbyListAtFront (unsigned long)
    nt!MiInsertVadCharges (struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiInsertWsleHash (unsigned long, struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiInsertZeroListAtBack (unsigned long)
    nt!MiIoRetryMask = 0x1f
    nt!MiIsAddressRangeValid = <no type information>
    nt!MiIsAddressValid (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiIsEntireRangeCommitted (void *, void *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiIsPoolLargeSession (void *)
    nt!MiIsProtectionCompatible (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiIsPteProtectionCompatible (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiIsRegularMemory (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiIssueNoPtesBugcheck (unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiIssuePageExtendRequest (struct _MMPAGE_FILE_EXPANSION *)
    nt!MiIssuePageExtendRequestNoWait (unsigned long)
    nt!MiKernelResourceEndPte = 0xc02028c0
    nt!MiKernelResourceStartPte = 0xc0202854
    nt!MiKernelVerifierOriginalCalls = <no type information>
    nt!MiKernelVerifierThunks = <no type information>
    nt!MiLargePageAllDrivers = 0
    nt!MiLargePageDriverList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a0420 - 0x808a0420 ]
    nt!MiLargePageHyperPte = 0xc03de93c
    nt!MiLargePageRangeIndex = 2
    nt!MiLargePageRanges = struct _MI_LARGE_PAGE_RANGES [64]
    nt!MiLargeVaRangeIndex = 2
    nt!MiLargeVaRanges = struct _MI_LARGE_VA_RANGES [3]
    nt!MiLargeZero = <no type information>
    nt!MiLastAdjustmentOfClaimParams = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x0
    nt!MiLastChanceLdwContext = struct _MM_LDW_WORK_CONTEXT
    nt!MiLastMappedWriteError = 0n0
    nt!MiLastModifiedWriteError = 0n0
    nt!MiLastStandbyRePurposed = 0
    nt!MiLastVadBit = 0x7ffd
    nt!MiLdwPopupWorker (void *)
    nt!MiLoadImageSection (struct _SECTION **, void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiLoadUserSymbols (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiLocateAddress (void *)
    nt!MiLocateAddressInTree (unsigned long, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!MiLocateExportName (void *, char *)
    nt!MiLocateKernelSections (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiLocateSubsection (struct _MMVAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiLocateWsle (void *, struct _MMWSL *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiLockCode (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiLockPagedAddress (void *)
    nt!MiLogPfnInformation (struct _MMPFN *, unsigned short)
    nt!MiLookupDataTableEntry (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiLowestSystemPteVirtualAddress = 0xf2400000
    nt!MiLowMemoryEvent = 0x853932b8
    nt!MiLowNonPagedPoolEvent = 0x85395280
    nt!MiLowNonPagedPoolThreshold = 0x800
    nt!MiLowPagedPoolEvent = 0x85395300
    nt!MiLowPagedPoolThreshold = 0x1e00
    nt!MiMakeOutswappedPageResident (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!MiMakePdeExistAndMakeValid (struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiMakeProtectionMask (unsigned long)
    nt!MiMakeSystemAddressValid (void *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfn (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfnSystemWs (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfnWs (void *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiMapBBTMemory (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiMapCacheExceptionFilter (long *, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
    nt!MiMapCacheFailures = 0
    nt!MiMapLargePageSection (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *, struct _MMVAD *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMapLockedPagesInUserSpace (struct _MDL *, void *, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, void *)
    nt!MiMapNewPfns = <no type information>
    nt!MiMapPageInHyperSpace (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!MiMapPageInHyperSpaceAtDpc (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMapPagesToZeroInHyperSpace (struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMappedPagesTooOldEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MiMappedPageWriter (void *)
    nt!MiMappedWriteBurstCount = 0
    nt!MiMapSinglePage (void *, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, _MM_PAGE_PRIORITY)
    nt!MiMapViewInSystemSpace (void *, struct _MMSESSION *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiMapViewOfDataSection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, struct _EPROCESS *, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, struct _SECTION *, _SECTION_INHERIT, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMapViewOfImageSection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, struct _EPROCESS *, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, struct _SECTION *, _SECTION_INHERIT, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMapViewOfPhysicalSection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, struct _EPROCESS *, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiMapWithLargePages (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MiMarkImageInSystem (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiMarkPoolLargeSession (void *)
    nt!MiMaximumSystemCacheSizeExtra = 0x2cc00
    nt!MiMaximumWorkingSet = 0x7fff0
    nt!MiMaximumWslesPerSweep = 0x40000
    nt!MiMdlsAdjusted = 0
    nt!MiMemorySan = <no type information>
    nt!MiModifiedPageLife = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`4d2fa200
    nt!MiModifiedPageWriter (void *)
    nt!MiModifiedPageWriterTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!MiModifiedPageWriterTimerDispatch (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!MiModifiedPageWriterTimerDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!MiModifiedPageWriterWorker (void)
    nt!MiModifiedWriteBurstCount = 0
    nt!MiMovePageToEndOfStandbyList = <no type information>
    nt!MiMustFrameBeCached (unsigned long)
    nt!MiNextZeroProcessor = 0n0
    nt!MiNonCachedCollisions = 0
    nt!MiNonPagedPoolSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MiNonPagedPoolSListMaximum = 4
    nt!MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!MiNoPagesLastChance (unsigned long)
    nt!MiNotifyMemoryEvents (void)
    nt!MiObtainFreePages (void)
    nt!MiOutPageSingleKernelStack (struct _KTHREAD *, struct _KERNEL_STACK_SEGMENT *, struct _MMPTE_FLUSH_LIST *)
    nt!MiPagedPoolSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MiPagedPoolSListMaximum = 8
    nt!MiPageFileContract = struct _MMPAGE_FILE_EXPANSION
    nt!MiPageFileFull (void)
    nt!MiPageFileTraceIndex = 0n326
    nt!MiPageFileTraces = struct _MI_PAGEFILE_TRACES [256]
    nt!MiPagesInLoaderBlock (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned char *)
    nt!MiPerformHotPatch = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfAllocateMdls = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfCompletePrefetchIos = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfExecuteReadList = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfFreeDummyPage = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfnBitMap = struct _RTL_BITMAP
    nt!MiPfPrepareReadList = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfPutPagesInTransition = <no type information>
    nt!MiPfReleaseSubsectionReferences = <no type information>
    nt!MiPhysicalViewAdjuster (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiPhysicalViewRemover (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiPlatformCacheAttributes = _MI_PFN_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE [12]
    nt!MiProbeRaises = unsigned long [34]
    nt!MiProcessLoaderEntry (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiProcessValidPteList (struct _MMPTE **, unsigned long)
    nt!MiProcessWorkingSets (unsigned long, struct _MMWS_TRIM_CRITERIA *)
    nt!MiPromoteNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *)
    nt!MiProtectAweRegion (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiProtectedPoolInsertList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiProtectedPoolRemoveEntryList (struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiProtectFreeNonPagedPool (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiProtectSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MiProtectVirtualMemory (struct _EPROCESS *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiPteEndBitmap = 0x00000000
    nt!MiPteHeader = struct _SYSPTES_HEADER
    nt!MiPteRangeIndex = 2
    nt!MiPteRanges = struct _MI_PTE_RANGES [8]
    nt!MiPteSListExpansionWorker (void *)
    nt!MiPteStart = 0x00000000
    nt!MiPteStartBitmap = 0x00000000
    nt!MiPteTrackerLock = 0
    nt!MiPurgeImageSection (struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiPurgeTransitionList (void)
    nt!MiQueryAddressState (void *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!MiQueueWorkingSetRequest (unsigned long)
    nt!MiRealSuccessor (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *)
    nt!MiReApplyVerifierToLoadedModules = <no type information>
    nt!MiRearrangeWorkingSetExpansionList (void)
    nt!MiRebalanceNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *)
    nt!MiRecoverExtraPtes (unsigned long)
    nt!MiRecoverSpecialPtes = <no type information>
    nt!MiReEnableVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!MiReferenceIoSpace (struct _MDL *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiReferenceSubsection (struct _MSUBSECTION *)
    nt!MiReleaseAllMemory (void)
    nt!MiReleaseModifiedWriter (void)
    nt!MiReleasePageFileSpace (struct _MMPTE)
    nt!MiReleasePhysicalCharges (unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiReleaseProcessReferenceToSessionDataPage (struct _MM_SESSION_SPACE *)
    nt!MiReleaseSplitSystemPtes (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiReleaseSystemPtes (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiReleaseWsle (unsigned long, struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiReloadBootLoadedDrivers (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MiRememberUnloadedDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveAnyPage (unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveCachedRange (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveFreePoolMemoryFromDump = <no type information>
    nt!MiRemoveFromSystemSpace (struct _MMSESSION *, void *, struct _CONTROL_AREA **)
    nt!MiRemoveImageHeaderPage (unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveImageSectionObject (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiRemoveImageSessionWide (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveIoSpaceMap (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveMappedPtes (void *, unsigned long, struct _CONTROL_AREA *, struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiRemoveMappedView (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiRemoveNode (struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *, struct _MM_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!MiRemovePageByColor (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemovePageFromList (struct _MMPFNLIST *)
    nt!MiRemovePageFromWorkingSet (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiRemovePhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MiRemovePhysicalPages = <no type information>
    nt!MiRemovePteTracker (struct _MDL *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiRemoveUnusedSegments (void)
    nt!MiRemoveUserPhysicalPagesVad (struct _MMVAD_SHORT *)
    nt!MiRemoveVadCharges (struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiRemoveViewsFromSection (struct _MSUBSECTION *, unsigned int64)
    nt!MiRemoveViewsFromSectionWithPfn (struct _MSUBSECTION *, unsigned int64)
    nt!MiRemoveWorkingSetPages (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiRemoveWsle (unsigned long, struct _MMWSL *)
    nt!MiRemoveWsleFromFreeList (unsigned long, struct _MMWSLE *, struct _MMWSL *)
    nt!MiRemoveZeroPage (unsigned long)
    nt!MiReplaceWorkingSetEntry (struct _MMSUPPORT *, _WSLE_ALLOCATION_TYPE)
    nt!MiReplacing = 0
    nt!MiRepointWsleHashIndex (struct _MMWSLE, struct _MMWSL *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiReportPhysicalMemory (void)
    nt!MiRequestedSystemPtes = 0
    nt!MiReserveAlignedSystemPtes (unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!MiReserveSystemPtes (unsigned long, _MMSYSTEM_PTE_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MiResetVirtualMemory (void *, void *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiResidentPagesForSpan (void *, void *)
    nt!MiResolveDemandZeroFault (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiResolveImageReferences (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, char **, unsigned short **, struct _LOAD_IMPORTS **)
    nt!MiResolveMappedFileFault (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT **, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiResolvePageFileFault (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT **, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiResolveProtoPteFault (unsigned long, void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN **, struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT **, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!MiResolveTransitionFault (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char, struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT **)
    nt!MiResolveVerifierExports = <no type information>
    nt!MiRestoreTransitionPte (struct _MMPFN *)
    nt!MiReturnFailedSessionPages (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiReturnLargePages (struct _MI_LARGEPAGE_MEMORY_RUN *)
    nt!MiReturnPageTablePageCommitment (void *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *, struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiRundownHotpatchList = <no type information>
    nt!MiSafeBooted = 0
    nt!MiSectionDelete (void *)
    nt!MiSectionInitialization (void)
    nt!MiSectionMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!MiSecureVirtualMemory (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiSegmentDelete (struct _SEGMENT *)
    nt!MiSessionAddProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiSessionBasePte = 0xc02f0000
    nt!MiSessionBigPoolPages = 1
    nt!MiSessionCommitPageTables (void *, void *)
    nt!MiSessionCreateCharge = 6
    nt!MiSessionCreateInternal (unsigned long *)
    nt!MiSessionDataPages = 2
    nt!MiSessionIdBitmap = 0xe1002340
    nt!MiSessionIdMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!MiSessionImageEnd = 0xc0000000
    nt!MiSessionImagePteEnd = 0xc0300000
    nt!MiSessionImagePteStart = 0xc02fe000
    nt!MiSessionImageStart = 0xbf800000
    nt!MiSessionInitializeWorkingSetList (void)
    nt!MiSessionInsertImage (void *)
    nt!MiSessionInSwapProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiSessionLastPte = 0xc0300000
    nt!MiSessionLeader (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiSessionLeaderExists = 0n1
    nt!MiSessionLookupImage (void *)
    nt!MiSessionOutSwapProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiSessionPageTableRelease (unsigned long)
    nt!MiSessionPoolBigPageTable (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolBigPageTableSize (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolEnd = 0xbc400000
    nt!MiSessionPoolLookaside (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolSmallLists (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolStart = 0xbc000000
    nt!MiSessionPoolTrackTable (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolTrackTableSize (void)
    nt!MiSessionPoolVector (void)
    nt!MiSessionProcessGlobalSubsections (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!MiSessionRemoveImage (void *)
    nt!MiSessionRemoveProcess (void)
    nt!MiSessionSpaceEnd = 0xc0000000
    nt!MiSessionSpacePageTables = 0x10
    nt!MiSessionSpaceWs = 0xbf400000
    nt!MiSessionTagPages = 3
    nt!MiSessionTagSizePages = 2
    nt!MiSessionUnloadAllImages (void)
    nt!MiSessionViewStart = 0xbc400000
    nt!MiSessionWideInitializeAddresses (void)
    nt!MiSessionWideReserveImageAddress (struct _SECTION *, void **, struct _SECTION **)
    nt!MiSessionWideVaBitMap = struct _RTL_BITMAP
    nt!MiSessionWsList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xf7997078 - 0xf7997078 ]
    nt!MiSetControlAreaSymbolsLoaded (struct _CONTROL_AREA *)
    nt!MiSetDirtyBit (void *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiSetMemoryPriorityProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MiSetPageModified (struct _MMVAD *, void *)
    nt!MiSetPagingOfDriver (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *)
    nt!MiSetProtectionOnSection (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMVAD *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MiSetProtectionOnTransitionPte (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiSetSystemCodeProtection (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiShareSessionImage (void *, struct _SECTION *)
    nt!MiShutdownSystem (void)
    nt!MiSlushDescriptorBase = 0x1340
    nt!MiSlushDescriptorCount = 0xc0
    nt!MiSnapThunk (void *, void *, struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 *, struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 *, struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, char **)
    nt!MiSpecialPagesInUsePeak = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPagesNonPaged = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPagesNonPagedMaximum = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPagesNonPagedPeak = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPagesPageable = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPagesPageablePeak = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPoolExtra = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPoolExtraCount = 0
    nt!MiSpecialPoolFirstPte = 0x00000000
    nt!MiSpecialPoolLastPte = <no type information>
    nt!MiSpecialPoolLock = <no type information>
    nt!MiStackGrowthFailures = unsigned long [1]
    nt!MiStartOfInitialPoolFrame = 0x16ef
    nt!MiStartZeroPageWorkers (void)
    nt!MiStopBadMaps = 0
    nt!MiSubsectionActions = 0
    nt!MiSubsectionsConvertedToDynamic = 0
    nt!MiSubsectionsProcessed = 0
    nt!MiSuspectDriverList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a8608 - 0x808a8608 ]
    nt!MiSwapWslEntries (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiSyncCachedRanges (void)
    nt!MiSysPteTimeStamp = unsigned long [2]
    nt!MiSystemCacheEndExtra = 0xb1ffffff
    nt!MiSystemCacheStartExtra = 0x85400000
    nt!MiSystemPteAllocationFailed = 0
    nt!MiSystemPteNBHead = void *[5]
    nt!MiSystemPteSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MiSystemPteSListHeadLock = 0
    nt!MiSystemViewStart = 0xbb000000
    nt!MiTempEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MiTerminateWsle (void *, struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiTimerPending = 0x01 ''
    nt!MiTotalUnloads = 2
    nt!MiTrackIoLock = 0
    nt!MiTrackPtesAborted = 0x00 ''
    nt!MiTriageActionStrings = <no type information>
    nt!MiTriageAddDrivers = <no type information>
    nt!MiTriageSystem = <no type information>
    nt!MiTrimAllPageFaultCount = 0
    nt!MiTrimAllSystemPageableMemory (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MiTrimInProgressCount = 0n0
    nt!MiTrimPte (void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _MMPTE)
    nt!MiTrimRemovalPagesOnly = 0
    nt!MiTrimSegmentCache (void)
    nt!MiTrimWorkingSet (unsigned long, struct _MMSUPPORT *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnlinkFreeOrZeroedPage (struct _MMPFN *)
    nt!MiUnlinkPageFromList (struct _MMPFN *)
    nt!MiUnlinkWorkingSet (struct _MMSUPPORT *)
    nt!MiUnloadsSkipped = 0
    nt!MiUnlockPagedAddress (void *)
    nt!MiUnmapLargePages (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnmapLockedPagesInUserSpace (void *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!MiUnmapPagesInZeroSpace (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnmapSinglePage (void *)
    nt!MiUnmapViewInSystemSpace (struct _MMSESSION *, void *)
    nt!MiUnmapViewOfSection (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnProtectFreeNonPagedPool (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnsecureVirtualMemory (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUnusedSubsectionPagedPool = 0x70a90
    nt!MiUnusedSubsectionPagedPoolPeak = 0x718f8
    nt!MiUpControlAreaRefs (struct _MMVAD *)
    nt!MiUpdateImageHeaderPage (struct _MMPTE *, unsigned long, struct _CONTROL_AREA *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUpdateLargeProtoPfns (struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMPFN *, struct _MMPTE)
    nt!MiUpdateMdlTracker (struct _MDL *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls (unsigned long)
    nt!MiUpdateSystemPdes (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiUpdateThunks (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUpdateWsle (unsigned long *, void *, struct _MMSUPPORT *, struct _MMPFN *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUpForkPageShareCount (struct _MMPFN *)
    nt!MiUseLargeDriverPage (unsigned long, void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiUseMaximumSystemSpace = 0
    nt!MiUseMaximumSystemSpaceEnd = 0
    nt!MiUserFaultRetries = 0
    nt!MiUserFaultRetryMask = 0xf
    nt!MiVerifierCheckThunks = <no type information>
    nt!MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x0 - 0x0 ]
    nt!MiVerifierPoolThunks = <no type information>
    nt!MiVerifierStackProtectTime = <no type information>
    nt!MiVerifierThunks = <no type information>
    nt!MiVerifierThunksAdded = 0
    nt!MiVerifyAllDrivers = 0
    nt!MiVerifyImageHeader (struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *, struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiVerifyingDriverUnloading = <no type information>
    nt!MiWaitForForkToComplete (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiWaitForInPageComplete (struct _MMPFN *, struct _MMPTE *, void *, struct _MMPTE *, struct _MMINPAGE_SUPPORT *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MiWorkingSetRequestEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MiWorkingSetRequestFlags = 0
    nt!MiWriteCombiningPtes = 0x01 ''
    nt!MiWriteComplete (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!MiWriteProtectSystemImage (void *)
    nt!MiWsleFailures = 0
    nt!MiZeroAllPageFiles (void)
    nt!MiZeroAwePageWorker (void *)
    nt!MiZeroingDisabled = 0
    nt!MiZeroInParallel (struct _COLORED_PAGE_INFO *)
    nt!MiZeroPageFile (void *)
    nt!MiZeroPageFileFirstPage (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!MiZeroPageWorker (void *)
    nt!MiZeroPhysicalPage (unsigned long)
    nt!Mm30Milliseconds = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fffb6c20
    nt!Mm64BitPhysicalAddress = 0x00 ''
    nt!MmAccessFault (unsigned long, void *, char, void *)
    nt!MmAddPhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MmAddPhysicalMemoryEx = <no type information>
    nt!MmAddVerifierEntry = <no type information>
    nt!MmAddVerifierThunks = <no type information>
    nt!MmAdjustWorkingSetSize (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!MmAdjustWorkingSetSizeEx (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!MmAdvanceMdl (struct _MDL *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocateContiguousMemory (unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache (unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MmAllocatedNonPagedPool = 0x9f5
    nt!MmAllocateIndependentPages (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocateMappingAddress (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocateNonCachedMemory (unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocatePagesForMdl (union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocatePagesForMdlEx (union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!MmAllocateSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MmAllocationFragment = 0x8000
    nt!MmAllocationPreference = 0
    nt!MmAreMdlPagesLocked (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmAssignProcessToJob (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmAttachSession (void *, struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!MmAttemptForCantExtend = struct _MMPAGE_FILE_EXPANSION
    nt!MmAvailablePages = 0xef1f
    nt!MmAvailablePagesEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmAvailablePagesEventHigh = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmAvailablePoolInPages (_POOL_TYPE)
    nt!MmBadPageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmBootImageSize = 0x1400000
    nt!MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmCallDllInitialize (struct _KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *, struct _LIST_ENTRY *)
    nt!MmCanFileBeTruncated (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!MmCheckCachedPageState (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmCheckForSafeExecution (void *, void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmCheckSystemImage (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmClaimParameterAdjustDownTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x1312d00
    nt!MmClaimParameterAdjustUpTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x23c34600
    nt!MmCleanProcessAddressSpace (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmClusterPageFileReads = 0
    nt!MmCodeClusterSize = 7
    nt!MmCollidedFlushEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmCollidedLockEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmCollidedLockWait = 0n0
    nt!MmCommitSessionMappedView (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmCompatibleProtectionMask = unsigned long [8]
    nt!MmConsumedPoolPercentage = 0x50
    nt!MMCONTROL = 0x61436d4d
    nt!MmCopyToCachedPage (void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmCopyVirtualMemory (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmCrashDumpPte = 0xc03fef80
    nt!MmCreateKernelStack (unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!MmCreateMdl (struct _MDL *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmCreateMirror = <no type information>
    nt!MmCreatePeb (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _INITIAL_PEB *, struct _PEB **)
    nt!MmCreateProcessAddressSpace (unsigned long, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmCreateSection (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!MmCreateTeb (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _INITIAL_TEB *, struct _CLIENT_ID *, struct _TEB **)
    nt!MmCriticalSectionTimeout = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffe86d`079b8000
    nt!MmCritsectTimeoutSeconds = 0x278d00
    nt!MmDataClusterSize = 3
    nt!MMDB = 0x62446d4d
    nt!MmDbgCopyMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MmDbgIsLowMemOk = <no type information>
    nt!MmDeadStackSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MmDebugPte = 0xc03feffc
    nt!MmDecommittedPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!MmDefaultMaximumNonPagedPool = 0x100000
    nt!MmDeleteKernelStack (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmDeleteProcessAddressSpace (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmDeleteTeb (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!MmDereferenceSegmentHeader = struct _MMDEREFERENCE_SEGMENT_HEADER
    nt!MmDetachSession (void *, struct _KAPC_STATE *)
    nt!MmDeterminePoolType (void *)
    nt!MmDisableModifiedWriteOfSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *)
    nt!MmDisablePagingExecutive = 0
    nt!MmDriverCommit = 0x56b
    nt!MmDynamicMemoryLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!MmDynamicPfn = 0
    nt!MmEmptyAllWorkingSets (void)
    nt!MmEnableModifiedWriteOfSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *)
    nt!MmEnablePAT (void)
    nt!MmEnforceWorkingSetLimit (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmEnforceWriteProtection = 1
    nt!MmEventCountSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MmExpansionLock = 0
    nt!MmExtendSection (void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmFirstFreeSystemCache = 0xc0234c00
    nt!MmFirstFreeSystemPte = struct _MMPTE [2]
    nt!MmFirstReservedMappingPte = 0xc0301000
    nt!MmFlushImageSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, _MMFLUSH_TYPE)
    nt!MmFlushSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmFlushVirtualMemory (struct _EPROCESS *, void **, unsigned long *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!MmForceSectionClosed (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmFreeBootRegistry (void)
    nt!MmFreeContiguousMemory (void *)
    nt!MmFreeContiguousMemorySpecifyCache (void *, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MmFreedExpansionPoolMaximum = 5
    nt!MmFreeDriverInitialization (void *)
    nt!MmFreeGoal = 0x64
    nt!MmFreeIndependentPages (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmFreeLoaderBlock (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MmFreeMappingAddress (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmFreeNonCachedMemory (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmFreePageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmFreePagesByColor = struct _MMCOLOR_TABLES *[2]
    nt!MmFreePagesFromMdl (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmFreePagingSpaceLow = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a4840 - 0x808a4840 ]
    nt!MmFreeSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MmFrontOfList = 0
    nt!MmGatherMemoryForHibernate (struct _MDL *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmGetDirectoryFrameFromProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmGetExecuteOptions (unsigned long *)
    nt!MmGetFileNameForAddress (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!MmGetFileNameForSection (struct _SECTION *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION **)
    nt!MmGetFileObjectForSection (void *)
    nt!MmGetImageInformation (struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!MmGetKernelDumpRange = <no type information>
    nt!MmGetNextSession (void *)
    nt!MmGetNumberOfFreeSystemPtes (void)
    nt!MmGetPageFileInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmGetPhysicalAddress (void *)
    nt!MmGetPhysicalMemoryRanges = <no type information>
    nt!MmGetSectionRange (void *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmGetSessionById (unsigned long)
    nt!MmGetSessionId (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmGetSessionIdEx (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmGetSessionLocaleId (void)
    nt!MmGetSessionMappedViewInformation (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmGetSizeOfBigPoolAllocation (void *)
    nt!MmGetSystemPageFile (void)
    nt!MmGetSystemRoutineAddress (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!MmGetVerifierInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmGetVirtualForPhysical (union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!MmGrowKernelStack (void *)
    nt!MmGrowKernelStackEx (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmHalfSecond = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`ffb3b4c0
    nt!MmHeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold = 0x1000
    nt!MmHeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold = 0x10000
    nt!MmHeapSegmentCommit = 0x2000
    nt!MmHeapSegmentReserve = 0x100000
    nt!MmHibernateInformation (void *, unsigned long *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!MmHiberPages = 0x300
    nt!MmHighestPhysicalPage = 0x1f3ff
    nt!MmHighestPossiblePhysicalPage = 0x1f3ff
    nt!MmHighestUserAddress = 0x7ffeffff
    nt!MmHighMemoryThreshold = 0x2c31
    nt!MmHighSectionBase = 0x7f7effff
    nt!MmHotPatchRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!MmHyperSpaceEnd = 0xc0bfffff
    nt!MmIdentifyPhysicalMemory (void)
    nt!MmImageProtectionArray = char [16] "???"
    nt!MmInitializeHandBuiltProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmInitializeHandBuiltProcess2 (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmInitializeMemoryLimits (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *, unsigned char *, struct _PHYSICAL_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *)
    nt!MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION **)
    nt!MmInitSystem (unsigned long, struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!MmInPageKernelStack (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!MmInPageSupportMinimum = 0x10
    nt!MmInPageSupportSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MmInSwapProcess (struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!MmIoHeader = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x852717d0 - 0x853ddf50 ]
    nt!MmIoTrackerLock = 0
    nt!MmIsAddressValid (void *)
    nt!MmIsDriverVerifying = <no type information>
    nt!MmIsFileObjectAPagingFile (struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!MmIsIoSpaceActive (union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long)
    nt!MmIsMemoryAvailable (unsigned long)
    nt!MmIsNonPagedSystemAddressValid (void *)
    nt!MmIsRecursiveIoFault (void)
    nt!MmIsSessionAddress (void *)
    nt!MmIsSpecialPoolAddress = <no type information>
    nt!MmIsSpecialPoolAddressFree = <no type information>
    nt!MmIsSystemAddressLocked (void *)
    nt!MmIsThisAnNtAsSystem (void)
    nt!MmIsVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!MmKeepBootRegistry = 0
    nt!MmKernelStackPages = 0n3616
    nt!MmKernelStackResident = 0x2ff
    nt!MmLargePageDriverBuffer = unsigned short []
    nt!MmLargePageDriverBuffer = unsigned short [512]
    nt!MmLargePageDriverBufferLength = 0xffffffff
    nt!MmLargePageDriverBufferType = 0
    nt!MmLargePageMinimum = 0xff00
    nt!MmLargeStacks = 0n99
    nt!MmLargeStackSize = 0xf000
    nt!MmLargeSystemCache = 1
    nt!MmLastFreeSystemCache = 0xc0234b00
    nt!MmLastReservedMappingPte = 0xc03013fc
    nt!MmLastUnloadedDriver = 2
    nt!MmLeakedLockedPages = 0
    nt!MmLoadedUserImageList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x852d2550 - 0x852d2550 ]
    nt!MmLoadSystemImage (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!MmLocateUnloadedDriver (void *)
    nt!MmLockAndCopyMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MmLockedIoPagesHead = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!MmLockPageableDataSection (void *)
    nt!MmLockPageableSectionByHandle (void *)
    nt!MmLowestPhysicalPage = 1
    nt!MmLowMemoryThreshold = 0xebb
    nt!MmMakeFileAccess = unsigned long [8]
    nt!MmMakeKernelResourceSectionWritable (void)
    nt!MmMakeLowMemory = 1
    nt!MmMakeProtectNotWriteCopy = unsigned long [32]
    nt!MmMakeSectionAccess = unsigned long [8]
    nt!MmMapIoSpace (union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MmMapLockedPages (struct _MDL *, char)
    nt!MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache (struct _MDL *, char, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE, void *, unsigned long, _MM_PAGE_PRIORITY)
    nt!MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping (void *, unsigned long, struct _MDL *, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MmMapMemoryDumpMdl (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmMappedFileHeader = struct _MMMOD_WRITER_LISTHEAD
    nt!MmMappedFileIoComplete = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmMappedPageWriterEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmMappedPageWriterList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x808a4490 - 0x808a4490 ]
    nt!MmMapUserAddressesToPage (void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!MmMapVideoDisplay (union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE)
    nt!MmMapViewInSessionSpace (void *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmMapViewInSystemCache (void *, void **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmMapViewInSystemSpace (void *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmMapViewOfSection (void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, _SECTION_INHERIT, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmMarkPhysicalMemoryAsBad = <no type information>
    nt!MmMarkPhysicalMemoryAsGood = <no type information>
    nt!MmMaxAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 0x64000
    nt!MmMaximumDeadKernelStacks = 5
    nt!MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes = 0xbd11000
    nt!MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInPages = 0xbd11
    nt!MmMaximumNonPagedPoolPercent = 0
    nt!MmMaximumWorkingSetSize = 0x1a357
    nt!MmMaxTransitionCluster = 8
    nt!MmMdlPagesAllocated = 0
    nt!MmMemoryUsage (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmMinAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 0x8000
    nt!MmMinimumFreeDiskSpace = 0x100000
    nt!MmMinimumFreePages = 0x51
    nt!MmMinimumFreePagesToZero = 8
    nt!MmMinimumNonPagedPoolSize = 0x40000
    nt!MmMinimumPageFileReduction = 0x100
    nt!MmMinimumStackCommitInBytes = 0
    nt!MmMinimumWorkingSetSize = 0x14
    nt!MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmModifiedPageLifeInSeconds = 0x12c
    nt!MmModifiedPageListByColor = struct _MMPFNLIST [1]
    nt!MmModifiedPageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmModifiedPageMaximum = 0x320
    nt!MmModifiedPageWriterEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmModifiedWriteClusterSize = 0x10
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolEnd = 0xffbe0000
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolEnd0 = 0x85400000
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolExpansionStart = 0xf7be0000
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolFreeListHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [4]
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolLock = 0
    nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart = 0x816ef000
    nt!MmNonPagedSystemStart = 0xf2400000
    nt!MmNumberOfActiveMdlEntries = 2
    nt!MmNumberOfFreeNonPagedPool = 0x331c
    nt!MmNumberOfMappedMdls = 0x14
    nt!MmNumberOfPagingFiles = 1
    nt!MmNumberOfPhysicalPages = 0x1f372
    nt!MmNumberOfSystemPtes = 0x57df
    nt!MmOneSecond = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`ff676980
    nt!MmOutPageKernelStack (struct _KTHREAD *)
    nt!MmOutSwapProcess (struct _KPROCESS *)
    nt!MmPagedPoolCommit = 0xc8c
    nt!MmPagedPoolEnd = 0xf23fffff
    nt!MmPagedPoolInfo = struct _MM_PAGED_POOL_INFO
    nt!MmPagedPoolMaximumDesired = 0
    nt!MmPagedPoolMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!MmPagedPoolPage = 0xc3b
    nt!MmPagedPoolStart = 0xe1000000
    nt!MmPageEntireDriver (void *)
    nt!MmPageFaultNotifyRoutine = 0x00000000
    nt!MmPageFileCreationLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!MmPageFileExtension = 0x100
    nt!MmPageLocationList = struct _MMPFNLIST *[8]
    nt!MmPagesAboveWsMinimum = 0x114af
    nt!MmPagesAboveWsThreshold = 0x25
    nt!MmPagingFile = struct _MMPAGING_FILE *[16]
    nt!MmPagingFileHeader = struct _MMMOD_WRITER_LISTHEAD
    nt!MmPeakCommitment = 0xe4d5
    nt!MmPerfSnapShotValidPhysicalMemory (void)
    nt!MmPerfUnusedSegmentsEnumerate (void)
    nt!MmPerfVadTreeWalk (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!MmPfnDatabase = 0x81400000
    nt!MmPfnDeferredList = 0x00000000
    nt!MmPfnDereferenceSListHead = union _SLIST_HEADER
    nt!MmPfnLock = 0
    nt!MmPhysicalMemoryBlock = 0x853ddce8
    nt!MmPlentyFreePages = 0x320
    nt!MmPlentyFreePagesValue = 0x320
    nt!MmPoisonedTb = <no type information>
    nt!MmPoolCodeEnd = 0x8088cc00
    nt!MmPoolCodeStart = 0x8088b000
    nt!MmPoolFailureReasons = unsigned long [11]
    nt!MmPoolFailures = unsigned long [3][3]
    nt!MmPreemptiveTrims = unsigned long [4]
    nt!MmPrefetchPages = <no type information>
    nt!MmProbeAndLockPages (struct _MDL *, char, _LOCK_OPERATION)
    nt!MmProbeAndLockProcessPages (struct _MDL *, struct _EPROCESS *, char, _LOCK_OPERATION)
    nt!MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages (struct _MDL *, union _FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT *, char, _LOCK_OPERATION)
    nt!MmProcessColorSeed = 0x36283bb0
    nt!MmProcessCommit = 0xc59
    nt!MmProcessList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80898fb0 - 0x8498d8e8 ]
    nt!MmProductType = 1
    nt!MmProtectedPteList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x851fe0b8 - 0x851fe0b8 ]
    nt!MmProtectedPteLock = 0
    nt!MmProtectFreedNonPagedPool = 0
    nt!MmProtectMdlSystemAddress (struct _MDL *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmProtectSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MmProtectToPteMask = unsigned long [32]
    nt!MmProtectToValue = unsigned long [32]
    nt!MmPteCodeEnd = 0x8088a800
    nt!MmPteCodeStart = 0x8088a000
    nt!MmPteFailures = unsigned long [2]
    nt!MmPteGlobal = struct _MMPTE
    nt!MmPurgeSection (struct _SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmQuerySpecialPoolBlockSize = <no type information>
    nt!MmQuerySpecialPoolBlockType = <no type information>
    nt!MmQuerySystemCacheWorkingSetInformation (struct _SYSTEM_FILECACHE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!MmQuerySystemSize (void)
    nt!MmQueryWorkingSetInformation (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmQuitNextSession (void *)
    nt!MmRaisePoolQuota (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!MmReadClusterSize = 7
    nt!MmReadWrite = char [32] "???"
    nt!MmReferenceCountCheck = 0x7fff
    nt!MmReleaseDumpAddresses (unsigned long)
    nt!MmRemovePhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!MmRemovePhysicalMemoryEx = <no type information>
    nt!MmRemoveVerifierEntry = <no type information>
    nt!MmResetDriverPaging (void *)
    nt!MmResidentAvailableAtInit = 0x14dd8
    nt!MmResidentAvailablePages = 0n81119
    nt!MmResourcesAvailable (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long, _EX_POOL_PRIORITY)
    nt!MmResTrack = unsigned long [84]
    nt!MmReturnMemoryForHibernate (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmReturnPoolQuota (_POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!MmRomPageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmRotatingUniprocessorNumber = 0n0 ''
    nt!MmSecondaryColorMask = 0x3f
    nt!MmSecondaryColorNodeShift = 0x00 ''
    nt!MmSecondaryColors = 0x40
    nt!MMSECT = 0x74536d4d
    nt!MmSectionBasedMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!MmSectionBasedRoot = struct _MM_AVL_TABLE
    nt!MmSectionCommitMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!MmSectionExtendResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!MmSectionExtendSetResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!MmSectionObjectType = 0x8538d040
    nt!MmSecureVirtualMemory (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmSession = struct _MMSESSION
    nt!MmSessionBase = 0xbc000000
    nt!MmSessionCreate (unsigned long *)
    nt!MmSessionDataPages = 0n1
    nt!MmSessionDelete (unsigned long)
    nt!MmSessionFailureCauses = unsigned long [11]
    nt!MmSessionImageSize = 0x800000
    nt!MmSessionPoolSize = 0x400000
    nt!MmSessionSetUnloadAddress (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!MmSessionSize = 0x4000000
    nt!MmSessionSpace = 0xbf7f0000
    nt!MmSessionViewSize = 0x3000000
    nt!MmSetAddressRangeModified (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmSetBankedSection (void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, <function> *, void *)
    nt!MmSetExecuteOptions (unsigned long)
    nt!MmSetMemoryPriorityProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!MmSetPageFaultNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!MmSetPageProtection (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MmSetSessionLocaleId (unsigned long)
    nt!MmSetVerifierInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmSevenMinutes = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`00000000
    nt!MmSeventySeconds = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`d646d900
    nt!MmSharedCommit = 0x7db
    nt!MmSharedUserDataPte = 0xe10027b8
    nt!MmShortTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fffe7960
    nt!MmShutdownSystem (unsigned long)
    nt!MmSizeOfMdl (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes = 0x3d11000
    nt!MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes = 0x11400000
    nt!MmSizeOfPagedPoolInPages = 0x11400
    nt!MmSizeOfSystemCacheInPages = 0x4cc00
    nt!MmSizeOfTriageInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmSizeOfUnloadedDriverInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmSmallStacks = 0n508
    nt!MmSnapUnloads = 1
    nt!MmSpecialPagesInUse = <no type information>
    nt!MmSpecialPoolCatchOverruns = <no type information>
    nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd = 0x00000000
    nt!MmSpecialPoolRejected = <no type information>
    nt!MmSpecialPoolStart = 0x00000000
    nt!MmSpecialPoolTag = 0
    nt!MmStandbyPageListByPriority = struct _MMPFNLIST [8]
    nt!MmStandbyPageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmStandbyRePurposed = 0
    nt!MmSubsectionBase = 0x816ef000
    nt!MmSysPteIndex = unsigned long [5]
    nt!MmSysPteListBySizeCount = unsigned long [5]
    nt!MmSysPteMinimumFree = unsigned long [5]
    nt!MmSysPteTables = unsigned char [17] ""
    nt!MmSystemCacheEnd = 0xe0ffffff
    nt!MmSystemCachePage = 0x18b3
    nt!MmSystemCachePteBase = 0xc0000000
    nt!MmSystemCacheStart = 0xc1000000
    nt!MmSystemCacheWorkingSetList = 0xc0c00000
    nt!MmSystemCacheWs = struct _MMSUPPORT
    nt!MmSystemCacheWsle = 0xc0c00038
    nt!MmSystemCacheWsMinimum = 0x4a4
    nt!MmSystemCodePage = 0xa
    nt!MmSystemCommitReserve = 0x500
    nt!MmSystemDriverPage = 0x201
    nt!MmSystemLoadLock = struct _KMUTANT
    nt!MmSystemLockPagesCount = 0xca
    nt!MmSystemPageDirectory = unsigned long []
    nt!MmSystemPageDirectory = unsigned long [1]
    nt!MmSystemPageFileLocated = 0x01 ''
    nt!MmSystemPagePtes = 0xf7a50000
    nt!MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMax = 0x1c2
    nt!MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMin = 0x32
    nt!MmSystemPteBase = 0xc0000000
    nt!MmSystemPtesEnd = struct _MMPTE *[2]
    nt!MmSystemPtesStart = struct _MMPTE *[2]
    nt!MmSystemRangeStart = 0x80000000
    nt!MmSystemShutdown = 0
    nt!MmSystemSize = MmLargeSystem (0n2)
    nt!MmSystemSpaceLock = 0
    nt!MmSystemViewSize = 0x1000000
    nt!MMTEMPORARY = 0x78786d4d
    nt!MmThrottleBottom = 0x50
    nt!MmThrottleTop = 0x1c2
    nt!MmTotalClaim = 0
    nt!MmTotalCommitLimit = 0x4054e
    nt!MmTotalCommitLimitMaximum = 0x5a636
    nt!MmTotalCommittedPages = 0xd9f5
    nt!MmTotalEstimatedAvailable = 0
    nt!MmTotalFreeSystemPtes = unsigned long [2]
    nt!MmTotalNonPagedPoolQuota = 0x60000
    nt!MmTotalPagedPoolQuota = 0x280000
    nt!MmTotalPagesForPagingFile = 0xfc
    nt!MmTotalSystemCodePages = 0x159
    nt!MmTotalSystemDriverPages = 0n527
    nt!MmTotalSystemPtes = 0xe7df
    nt!MmTrackLockedPages = 0
    nt!MmTrackPtes = 0
    nt!MmTransitionPrivatePages = 0x73e
    nt!MmTransitionSharedPages = 0x50ab
    nt!MmTransitionSharedPagesPeak = 0x77b2
    nt!MmTriageActionTaken = <no type information>
    nt!MmTrimAllSystemPageableMemory (unsigned long)
    nt!MmTwentySeconds = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`f4143e00
    nt!MmUnloadedDrivers = 0x850bc008
    nt!MmUnloadSystemImage (void *)
    nt!MmUnlockCachedPage (void *)
    nt!MmUnlockPageableImageSection (void *)
    nt!MmUnlockPages (struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmUnmapIoSpace (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmUnmapLockedPages (void *, struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmUnmapReservedMapping (void *, unsigned long, struct _MDL *)
    nt!MmUnmapVideoDisplay (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace (void *)
    nt!MmUnmapViewInSystemCache (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace (void *)
    nt!MmUnmapViewOfSection (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!MmUnsecureVirtualMemory (void *)
    nt!MmUnusedSegmentCleanup = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmUnusedSegmentCount = 0x322
    nt!MmUnusedSegmentForceFree = 0
    nt!MmUnusedSegmentForceFreeDefault = 0x1e
    nt!MmUnusedSegmentList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x852d496c - 0x851f1acc ]
    nt!MmUnusedSubsectionCount = 0x2c0
    nt!MmUnusedSubsectionCountPeak = 0x2c2
    nt!MmUnusedSubsectionList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x852d49c0 - 0x851f1b20 ]
    nt!MmUpdateMdlTracker (struct _MDL *, void *, void *)
    nt!MmUserProbeAddress = 0x7fff0000
    nt!MmUserProtectionToMask1 = char [16] ""
    nt!MmUserProtectionToMask2 = char [16] ""
    nt!MmUseSpecialPool = <no type information>
    nt!MMVADKEY = 0x20646156
    nt!MmVadPhysicalPages = 0
    nt!MmVerifierData = struct _MM_DRIVER_VERIFIER_DATA
    nt!MmVerifierTriageEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!MmVerifyDriverBuffer = unsigned short [512]
    nt!MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = 0xffffffff
    nt!MmVerifyDriverBufferType = 0
    nt!MmVerifyDriverLevel = 0xffffffff
    nt!MmVerifyImageIsOkForMpUse (void *)
    nt!MmVirtualBias = 0
    nt!MmWorkingSetExpansionHead = struct _MMWORKING_SET_EXPANSION_HEAD
    nt!MmWorkingSetList = 0xc0502000
    nt!MmWorkingSetManager (void)
    nt!MmWorkingSetManagerEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmWriteAllModifiedPages = 0n0
    nt!MmWriteTriageInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmWriteUnloadedDriverInformation = <no type information>
    nt!MmZeroedPageListHead = struct _MMPFNLIST
    nt!MmZeroingPageEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!MmZeroingPageThreadActive = 0x00 ''
    nt!MmZeroPageFile = 0
    nt!MmZeroPageThread (void)
    nt!MOD32 = struct KMOD [4]
    nt!MsgISROverflow = unsigned char [52] ".*** ISR at %lx appears to have an interrupt storm."
    nt!Multiply (void)
    nt!MultiplyTest (void)
    nt!MxConvertToLargePage (void *, void *)
    nt!MxFreeDescriptor = 0x80087108
    nt!MxGetNextPage (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!MxMapLargePages = 3
    nt!MxOldFreeDescriptor = struct _MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!MxOldSlushDescriptor1 = struct _MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!MxOldSlushDescriptor2 = struct _MEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!MxPfnAllocation = 0x2ef
    nt!MxSlushDescriptor1 = 0x8008ace8
    nt!MxSlushDescriptor2 = 0x00000000
    nt!MY_READ_PORT_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!MY_READ_REGISTER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!MY_WRITE_PORT_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!MY_WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!NameToOrdinal (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *)
    nt!NextTraceDataSym = <no type information>
    nt!Nls844UnicodeLowercaseTable = 0xc1071de6
    nt!Nls844UnicodeUpcaseTable = 0xc1071004
    nt!NlsAnsiCodePage = 0x3a8
    nt!NlsAnsiToUnicodeData = 0xc104001c
    nt!NlsLeadByteInfo = 0x809d2678
    nt!NlsLeadByteInfoTable = unsigned short [256]
    nt!NlsMbAnsiCodePageTables = 0xc1040220
    nt!NlsMbCodePageTag = 0x01 ''
    nt!NlsMbOemCodePageTables = 0xc1040220
    nt!NlsMbOemCodePageTag = 0x01 ''
    nt!NlsOemCodePage = 0x3a8
    nt!NlsOemLeadByteInfo = 0x809d2898
    nt!NlsOemLeadByteInfo = 0x809d2898
    nt!NlsOemLeadByteInfoTable = unsigned short [256]
    nt!NlsOemToUnicodeData = 0xc104001c
    nt!NlsUnicodeToAnsiData = 0xc1050022 ""
    nt!NlsUnicodeToMbAnsiData = 0xc1050022
    nt!NlsUnicodeToMbOemData = 0xc1050022
    nt!NlsUnicodeToOemData = 0xc1050022 ""
    nt!NoAccessPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!NonPagedPoolDescriptor = struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!NonPagedPoolLock = 0
    nt!NormalYearDaysPrecedingMonth = short [13]
    nt!NormalYearDayToMonth = unsigned char [365] ""
    nt!NoWaitNpxInstructions = struct __unnamed [8]
    nt!npxts_30 (void)
    nt!NtAcceptConnectPort (void **, void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, unsigned char, struct _PORT_VIEW *, struct _REMOTE_PORT_VIEW *)
    nt!NtAccessCheck (void *, void *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, long *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckByType (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, long *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, long *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtAddAtom (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!NtAddBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtAddDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtAdjustGroupsToken (void *, unsigned char, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, unsigned long, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtAdjustPrivilegesToken (void *, unsigned char, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, unsigned long, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtAlertResumeThread (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtAlertThread (void *)
    nt!NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId (struct _LUID *)
    nt!NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtAllocateUuids (union _ULARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, char *)
    nt!NtAllocateVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtApphelpCacheControl (_APPHELPCACHESERVICECLASS, void *)
    nt!NtAreMappedFilesTheSame (void *, void *)
    nt!NtAssignProcessToJobObject (void *, void *)
    nt!ntAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!NtBuildLab = <no type information>
    nt!NtBuildNumber = 0xf0000ed8
    nt!NtCallbackReturn = <no type information>
    nt!NtCancelDeviceWakeupRequest = <no type information>
    nt!NtCancelIoFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!NtCancelTimer (void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtClearEvent (void *)
    nt!NtClose (void *)
    nt!NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtCompactKeys (unsigned long, void **)
    nt!NtCompareTokens (void *, void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtCompleteConnectPort (void *)
    nt!NtCompressKey (void *)
    nt!NtConnectPort (void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, struct _PORT_VIEW *, struct _REMOTE_PORT_VIEW *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtContinue = <no type information>
    nt!NtCreateDebugObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateDirectoryObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtCreateEvent (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, _EVENT_TYPE, unsigned char)
    nt!NtCreateEventPair (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtCreateFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateIoCompletion (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateJobObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtCreateJobSet (unsigned long, struct _JOB_SET_ARRAY *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateKey (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtCreateKeyedEvent (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateMailslotFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtCreateMutant (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtCreateNamedPipeFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtCreatePagingFile (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreatePort (void **, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateProcess (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!NtCreateProcessEx (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateProfile (void **, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, _KPROFILE_SOURCE, unsigned long)
    nt!NtCreateSection (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!NtCreateSemaphore (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, long, long)
    nt!NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!NtCreateThread (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, struct _CLIENT_ID *, struct _CONTEXT *, struct _INITIAL_TEB *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtCreateTimer (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, _TIMER_TYPE)
    nt!NtCreateToken (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, _TOKEN_TYPE, struct _LUID *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _TOKEN_USER *, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, struct _TOKEN_OWNER *, struct _TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP *, struct _TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL *, struct _TOKEN_SOURCE *)
    nt!NtCreateWaitablePort (void **, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtDebugActiveProcess (void *, void *)
    nt!NtDebugContinue (void *, struct _CLIENT_ID *, long)
    nt!NtDelayExecution (unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtDeleteAtom (unsigned short)
    nt!NtDeleteBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtDeleteDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtDeleteFile (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtDeleteKey (void *)
    nt!NtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtDeleteValueKey (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!NtdllTraceGuid = struct _GUID {e21d2142-df90-4d93-bbd9-30e63d5a4ad6}
    nt!NtDuplicateObject (void *, void *, void *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtDuplicateToken (void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned char, _TOKEN_TYPE, void **)
    nt!NtEnumerateBootEntries = <no type information>
    nt!NtEnumerateDriverEntries = <no type information>
    nt!NtEnumerateKey (void *, unsigned long, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx = <no type information>
    nt!NtEnumerateValueKey (void *, unsigned long, _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtExtendSection (void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NTFastDOSIO = <no type information>
    nt!NtFilterToken (void *, unsigned long, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, void **)
    nt!NtFindAtom (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!NtFlushBuffersFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!NtFlushInstructionCache (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtFlushKey (void *)
    nt!NtFlushVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!NtFlushWriteBuffer (void)
    nt!NtFreeUserPhysicalPages (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtFreeVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtFsControlFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtfsStructLock = 0
    nt!NtGetContextThread (void *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber (void)
    nt!NtGetDevicePowerState = <no type information>
    nt!NtGetPlugPlayEvent = <no type information>
    nt!NtGetWriteWatch (void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtGlobalFlag = 0
    nt!NtImpersonateAnonymousToken (void *)
    nt!NtImpersonateClientOfPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtImpersonateThread (void *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *)
    nt!NtInitializeRegistry (unsigned short)
    nt!NtInitialUserProcessBuffer = unsigned short [128]
    nt!NtInitialUserProcessBufferLength = 0xffffffff
    nt!NtInitialUserProcessBufferType = 1
    nt!NtInitiatePowerAction = <no type information>
    nt!NtIsProcessInJob (void *, void *)
    nt!NtIsSystemResumeAutomatic = <no type information>
    nt!NtListenPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtLoadDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!NtLoadKey (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtLoadKey2 (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtLoadKeyEx (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!NtLockFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!NtLockProductActivationKeys = <no type information>
    nt!NtLockRegistryKey (void *)
    nt!NtLockVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtMajorVersion = 5
    nt!NtMakePermanentObject (void *)
    nt!NtMakeTemporaryObject (void *)
    nt!NtMapUserPhysicalPages (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter (void **, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtMapViewOfSection (void *, void *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, _SECTION_INHERIT, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtMinorVersion = 2
    nt!NtModifyBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtModifyDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!NtNotifyChangeKey (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys (void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!NtOpenDirectoryObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenEvent (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenEventPair (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenFile (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtOpenIoCompletion (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenJobObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenKey (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenKeyedEvent (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenMutant (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtOpenProcess (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _CLIENT_ID *)
    nt!NtOpenProcessToken (void *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!NtOpenProcessTokenEx (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!NtOpenSection (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenSemaphore (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtOpenThread (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _CLIENT_ID *)
    nt!NtOpenThreadToken (void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void **)
    nt!NtOpenThreadTokenEx (void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!NtOpenTimer (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtPlugPlayControl = <no type information>
    nt!NtPowerInformation = <no type information>
    nt!NtPrivilegeCheck (void *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtProtectVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtPulseEvent (void *, long *)
    nt!NtQueryAttributesFile (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION *)
    nt!NtQueryBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryDebugFilterState = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryDefaultLocale (unsigned char, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryDefaultUILanguage (unsigned short *)
    nt!NtQueryDirectoryFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS, unsigned char, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtQueryDirectoryObject (void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryEaFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtQueryEvent (void *, _EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryFullAttributesFile (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationAtom (unsigned short, _ATOM_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS)
    nt!NtQueryInformationJobObject (void *, _JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationPort (void *, _PORT_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationProcess (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationThread (void *, _THREADINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInformationToken (void *, _TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryInstallUILanguage (unsigned short *)
    nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile (_KPROFILE_SOURCE, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryIoCompletion (void *, _IO_COMPLETION_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryKey (void *, _KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryMultipleValueKey (void *, struct _KEY_VALUE_ENTRY *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryMutant (void *, _MUTANT_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryObject (void *, _OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryOpenSubKeys (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryOpenSubKeysEx (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryPerformanceCounter (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtQueryPortInformationProcess (void)
    nt!NtQueryQuotaInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char)
    nt!NtQuerySection (void *, _SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQuerySecurityObject (void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQuerySemaphore (void *, _SEMAPHORE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue = <no type information>
    nt!NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx = <no type information>
    nt!NtQuerySystemInformation (_SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQuerySystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryTimer (void *, _TIMER_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryTimerResolution = <no type information>
    nt!NtQueryValueKey (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, _KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory (void *, void *, _MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtQueryVolumeInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FSINFOCLASS)
    nt!NtQueueApcThread (void *, <function> *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!NtRaiseException = <no type information>
    nt!NtRaiseHardError (long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtReadFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtReadFileScatter (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtReadRequestData (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtReadVirtualMemory (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort (void *)
    nt!NtReleaseKeyedEvent (void *, void *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtReleaseMutant (void *, long *)
    nt!NtReleaseSemaphore (void *, long, long *)
    nt!NtRemoveIoCompletion (void *, void **, void **, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtRemoveProcessDebug (void *, void *)
    nt!NtRenameKey (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!NtReplaceKey (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtReplyPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtReplyWaitReceivePort (void *, void **, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx (void *, void **, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtReplyWaitReplyPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtRequestDeviceWakeup = <no type information>
    nt!NtRequestPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtRequestWaitReplyPort (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *)
    nt!NtRequestWakeupLatency = <no type information>
    nt!NtResetEvent (void *, long *)
    nt!NtResetWriteWatch (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtRestoreKey (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtResumeProcess (void *)
    nt!NtResumeThread (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtSaveKey (void *, void *)
    nt!NtSaveKeyEx (void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSaveMergedKeys (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!NtSecureConnectPort (void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, struct _PORT_VIEW *, void *, struct _REMOTE_PORT_VIEW *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtSetBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetContextThread (void *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!NtSetDebugFilterState = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetDefaultHardErrorPort (void *)
    nt!NtSetDefaultLocale (unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetDefaultUILanguage (unsigned short)
    nt!NtSetDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetEaFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetEvent (void *, long *)
    nt!NtSetEventBoostPriority (void *)
    nt!NtSetHighEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtSetInformationDebugObject (void *, _DEBUGOBJECTINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtSetInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS)
    nt!NtSetInformationJobObject (void *, _JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetInformationKey (void *, _KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetInformationObject (void *, _OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetInformationProcess (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetInformationThread (void *, _THREADINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetInformationToken (void *, _TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetIntervalProfile (unsigned long, _KPROFILE_SOURCE)
    nt!NtSetIoCompletion (void *, void *, void *, long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetLdtEntries (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetLowEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtSetQuotaInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetSecurityObject (void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetSystemInformation (_SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetSystemPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetThreadExecutionState = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetTimer (void *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, <function> *, void *, unsigned char, long, unsigned char *)
    nt!NtSetTimerResolution = <no type information>
    nt!NtSetUuidSeed (char *)
    nt!NtSetValueKey (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtSetVolumeInformationFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, _FSINFOCLASS)
    nt!NtShutdownSystem (_SHUTDOWN_ACTION)
    nt!NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject (void *, void *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtStartProfile (void *)
    nt!NtStopProfile (void *)
    nt!NtSuspendProcess (void *)
    nt!NtSuspendThread (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtSystemDebugControl = <no type information>
    nt!NtSystemRoot = struct _UNICODE_STRING "C:\WINDOWS"
    nt!NtTerminateJobObject (void *, long)
    nt!NtTerminateProcess (void *, long)
    nt!NtTerminateThread (void *, long)
    nt!NtTestAlert (void)
    nt!NtTraceEvent (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!NtTranslateFilePath = <no type information>
    nt!NtUnloadDriver (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!NtUnloadKey (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!NtUnloadKey2 (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtUnloadKeyEx (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *)
    nt!NtUnlockFile (void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtUnlockVirtualMemory (void *, void **, unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!NtUnmapViewOfSection (void *, void *)
    nt!NtVdmControl = <no type information>
    nt!NtWaitForDebugEvent (void *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _DBGUI_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE *)
    nt!NtWaitForKeyedEvent (void *, void *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtWaitForMultipleObjects (unsigned long, void **, _WAIT_TYPE, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtWaitForMultipleObjects32 (unsigned long, long *, _WAIT_TYPE, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtWaitForSingleObject (void *, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!NtWaitHighEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtWaitLowEventPair (void *)
    nt!NtWriteFile (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, void *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtWriteFileGather (void *, void *, <function> *, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, union _FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT *, unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtWriteRequestData (void *, struct _PORT_MESSAGE *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtWriteVirtualMemory (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!NtYieldExecution (void)
    nt!nullclass = struct _UNICODE_STRING ""
    nt!NullString = struct _UNICODE_STRING ""
    nt!NumTraceDataSyms = <no type information>
    nt!ObAssignObjectSecurityDescriptor (void *, void *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!ObAssignSecurity (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, void *, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *)
    nt!ObAuditInheritedHandleProcedure (struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, void *)
    nt!ObCheckCreateObjectAccess (void *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, char, long *)
    nt!ObCheckObjectAccess (void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned char, char, long *)
    nt!ObClearProcessHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObCloseHandle (void *, char)
    nt!ObCreateObject (char, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, char, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!ObCreateObjectType (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER *, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE **)
    nt!ObDeassignSecurity (void **)
    nt!ObDeleteCapturedInsertInfo (void *)
    nt!ObDereferenceDeviceMap (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObDereferenceObject (void *)
    nt!ObDereferenceObjectDeferDelete (void *)
    nt!ObDereferenceObjectEx (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObDereferenceProcessHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObDereferenceSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObDupHandleProcedure (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!ObDuplicateObject (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, char)
    nt!ObEnumerateObjectsByType (struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!ObFastDereferenceObject (struct _EX_FAST_REF *, void *)
    nt!ObFastReferenceObject (struct _EX_FAST_REF *)
    nt!ObFastReferenceObjectLocked (struct _EX_FAST_REF *)
    nt!ObFastReplaceObject (struct _EX_FAST_REF *, void *)
    nt!ObfDereferenceDeviceMap (struct _DEVICE_MAP *)
    nt!ObfDereferenceObject (void *)
    nt!ObFindHandleForObject (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION *, void **)
    nt!ObFreeObjectCreateInfoBuffer (struct _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!ObfReferenceObject (void *)
    nt!ObGetHandleInformation (struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObGetHandleInformationEx (struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObGetObjectInformation (char *, struct _SYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObGetObjectSecurity (void *, void **, unsigned char *)
    nt!ObGetProcessHandleCount (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObGetSecurityMode (void)
    nt!ObInheritDeviceMap (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObInitializeFastReference (struct _EX_FAST_REF *, void *)
    nt!ObInitProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObInitSystem (void)
    nt!ObInsertObject (void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, void **)
    nt!ObIsLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled (void)
    nt!ObIsObjectDeletionInline (void *)
    nt!ObKillProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObLogSecurityDescriptor (void *, void **, unsigned long)
    nt!ObMakeTemporaryObject (void *)
    nt!ObOpenObjectByName (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, void *, void **)
    nt!ObOpenObjectByPointer (void *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, void **)
    nt!ObpAccessProtectCloseBit = 0x2000000
    nt!ObpAllocateObject (struct _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION *, char, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_HEADER **)
    nt!ObpAllocateObjectNameBuffer (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ObpAuditBaseDirectories = 0
    nt!ObpAuditBaseObjects = 0
    nt!ObpAuditObjectAccess (void *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpCachedGrantedAccesses = 0x00000000
    nt!ObpCaptureHandleInformation (struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO **, void *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObpCaptureHandleInformationEx (struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX **, void *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObpCaptureObjectCreateInformation (struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, char, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpCaptureObjectName (char, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpCaseInsensitive = 1
    nt!ObpChargeQuotaForObject (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, unsigned char *)
    nt!ObpCheckObjectReference (void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned char, char, long *)
    nt!ObpCheckTraverseAccess (void *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned char, char, long *)
    nt!ObpCloseHandle (void *, char)
    nt!ObpCloseHandleProcedure (struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, void *)
    nt!ObpCloseHandleTableEntry (struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!ObpCompareSecurityDescriptors (void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!ObpComputeGrantedAccessIndex (unsigned long)
    nt!ObpCreateCacheEntry (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpCreateDosDevicesDirectory (void)
    nt!ObpCreateHandle (_OB_OPEN_REASON, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *, char, void **, void **)
    nt!ObpCreateInfoLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!ObpCreateSymbolicLinkName (struct _OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK *)
    nt!ObpCreateTypeArray (struct _OBJECT_TYPE *)
    nt!ObpCreateUnnamedHandle (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, char, void **, void **)
    nt!ObpCurCachedGrantedAccessIndex = 0
    nt!ObpDecrementHandleCount (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _OBJECT_HEADER *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpDefaultObject = struct _KEVENT
    nt!ObpDefaultSecurityDescriptorLength = 0x1d4
    nt!ObpDeferObjectDeletion (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpDeleteDirectoryEntry (struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *)
    nt!ObpDeleteNameCheck (void *)
    nt!ObpDeleteObjectType (void *)
    nt!ObpDeleteSymbolicLink (void *)
    nt!ObpDeleteSymbolicLinkName (struct _OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK *)
    nt!ObpDeregisterObject (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpDestroyTypeArray (struct _OBJECT_TYPE_ARRAY *)
    nt!ObpDeviceMapLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!ObpDirectoryMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ObpDirectoryObjectType = 0x853cc260
    nt!ObpDosDevicesShortName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\??\"
    nt!ObpDosDevicesShortNamePrefix = union ALIGNEDNAME
    nt!ObpDosDevicesShortNameRoot = union ALIGNEDNAME
    nt!ObpEnumFindHandleProcedure (struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, void *)
    nt!ObPerfDumpHandleEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ObPerfHandleTableWalk = <no type information>
    nt!ObpFreeDosDevicesProtection (void *)
    nt!ObpFreeObject (void *)
    nt!ObpFreeObjectNameBuffer (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!ObpGetDosDevicesProtection (void *)
    nt!ObpGetObjectRefInfo (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpGetShadowDirectory (struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY *)
    nt!ObpGetTraceIndex (struct _OBJECT_REF_TRACE *)
    nt!ObpHashBuffer (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpIncrementHandleCount (_OB_OPEN_REASON, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpIncrementHandleDataBase (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *, struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObpIncrementUnnamedHandleCount (unsigned long *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpInitSecurityDescriptorCache (void)
    nt!ObpInitStackTrace (void)
    nt!ObpInsertDirectoryEntry (struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY *, struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *, struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpInsertHandleCount (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpIsObjectTraced (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpIsUnsecureName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!ObpKernelHandleTable = 0xe1000e18
    nt!ObpLock = struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK
    nt!ObpLookupDirectoryEntry (struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned char, struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *)
    nt!ObpLookupObjectName (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *, void **)
    nt!ObpLUIDDeviceMapsDisabled = 0
    nt!ObpLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = 1
    nt!ObpMaxCachedGrantedAccessIndex = 0
    nt!ObpMaxStacks = 0n14747
    nt!ObpNameBufferLookasideList = struct _GENERAL_LOOKASIDE
    nt!ObpNumStackTraces = 0
    nt!ObpNumTracedObjects = 0
    nt!ObpObjectBuckets = 0n401
    nt!ObpObjectSecurityMode = 1
    nt!ObpObjectTable = 0x00000000
    nt!ObpObjectTypes = struct _OBJECT_TYPE *[48]
    nt!ObpParseSymbolicLink (void *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, char, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, void **)
    nt!ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink (struct _OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpProcessRemoveObjectQueue (void *)
    nt!ObpProtectionMode = 1
    nt!ObpPushStackInfo (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *, unsigned char)
    nt!ObpQueryNameString (void *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!ObpReferenceDeviceMap (void)
    nt!ObpReferenceProcessObjectByHandle (void *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _HANDLE_TABLE *, char, void **, struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObpReferenceSecurityDescriptor (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpRegisterObject (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpReleaseExclusiveNameLock (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpReleaseLookupContextObject (struct _OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT *)
    nt!ObpRemoveObjectList = 0x00000000
    nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!ObpRemoveObjectWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!ObpRootDirectoryObject = 0xe1000b60
    nt!ObpSetCurrentProcessDeviceMap (void)
    nt!ObpSetHandleAttributes (struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpShutdownCloseHandleProcedure (struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY *, void *, void *)
    nt!ObpStackSequence = 0
    nt!ObpStacksPerObject = 0n32768
    nt!ObpStackTable = 0x00000000
    nt!ObpStackTraceLock = 0
    nt!ObpSymbolicLinkMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType = 0x85397040
    nt!ObpTraceDepth = 0n16
    nt!ObpTraceEnabled = 0x00 ''
    nt!ObpTraceNoDeregister = 0
    nt!ObpTracePoolTags = unsigned long [16]
    nt!ObpTracePoolTagsBuffer = unsigned short [128]
    nt!ObpTracePoolTagsLength = 0xffffffff
    nt!ObpTranslateGrantedAccessIndex (unsigned short)
    nt!ObpTryReferenceNameInfoExclusive (struct _OBJECT_HEADER *)
    nt!ObpTypeDirectoryObject = 0xe1000960
    nt!ObpTypeMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!ObpTypeObjectType = 0x853cc430
    nt!ObpUnlinkDirectoryEntry (struct _OBJECT_DIRECTORY *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObpUnsecureGlobalNamesBuffer = unsigned short [128]
    nt!ObpUnsecureGlobalNamesLength = 0xb4
    nt!ObpValidateAccessMask (struct _ACCESS_STATE *)
    nt!ObpValidateDesiredAccess (unsigned long)
    nt!ObpWaitForMultipleObjects (unsigned long, void **, _WAIT_TYPE, unsigned char, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!ObpXXX1 = 0
    nt!ObpXXX2 = 0
    nt!ObpXXX3 = 0
    nt!ObQueryDeviceMapInformation (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObQueryNameString (void *, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle (void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!ObQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo (void *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!ObQueryTypeInfo (struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObQueryTypeName (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!ObReferenceFileObjectForWrite (void *, char, void **, struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!ObReferenceObjectByHandle (void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, void **, struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!ObReferenceObjectByName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char, void *, void **)
    nt!ObReferenceObjectByPointer (void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE *, char)
    nt!ObReferenceObjectEx (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObReferenceObjectSafe (void *)
    nt!ObReferenceProcessHandleTable (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!ObReferenceSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObReleaseObjectSecurity (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!ObSetDeviceMap (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!ObSetDirectoryDeviceMap (struct _DEVICE_MAP **, void *)
    nt!ObSetHandleAttributes (void *, struct _OBJECT_HANDLE_FLAG_INFORMATION *, char)
    nt!ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo (void *, unsigned long *, void *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!ObSetSecurityObjectByPointer (void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!ObShutdownSystem (unsigned long)
    nt!ObsSecurityDescriptorCache = struct _OB_SD_CACHE_LIST [257]
    nt!ObSwapObjectNames (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObSystemDeviceMap = 0xe1001788
    nt!ObValidateSecurityQuota (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!ObvUtilStartObRefMonitoring = <no type information>
    nt!ObvUtilStopObRefMonitoring = <no type information>
    nt!ObWatchHandles = 0x00 ''
    nt!OemDefaultChar = 0x3f
    nt!OemTransUniDefaultChar = 0x3f
    nt!oinnvuserrefs (void)
    nt!oinnvuserrefs_fault (void)
    nt!oldpc = <no type information>
    nt!One = 0n4607182418800017408
    nt!One = 0n4607182418800017408
    nt!Opcode0F (void)
    nt!Opcode0FV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeADDR32Prefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeADDR32PrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeCLI (void)
    nt!OpcodeCLIV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeCSPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeCSPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeDispatch = 0x80995466
    nt!OpcodeDispatchV86 = 0x80996474
    nt!OpcodeDSPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeDSPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeESPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeESPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeFSPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeFSPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeGenericPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeGenericPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeGSPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeGSPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeHLTV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINB (void)
    nt!OpcodeINBimm (void)
    nt!OpcodeINBimmV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINBV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeIndex = 0x00 ''
    nt!OpcodeINSB (void)
    nt!OpcodeINSBV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINSW (void)
    nt!OpcodeINSWV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINTnn (void)
    nt!OpcodeINTnnV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINTO (void)
    nt!OpcodeINTOV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeInvalid (void)
    nt!OpcodeInvalidV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINW (void)
    nt!OpcodeINWimm (void)
    nt!OpcodeINWimmV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeINWV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeIRETV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeLOCKPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeLOCKPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeNPXV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOPER32Prefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeOPER32PrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTB (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTBimm (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTBimmV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTBV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTSB (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTSBV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTSW (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTSWV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTW (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTWimm (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTWimmV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeOUTWV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodePOPFV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodePUSHFV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeREPNEPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeREPNEPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeREPPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeREPPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeSSPrefix (void)
    nt!OpcodeSSPrefixV86 (void)
    nt!OpcodeSTI (void)
    nt!OpcodeSTIV86 (void)
    nt!over = unsigned long [3]
    nt!P0BootStack = 0x00 ''
    nt!PaletteBmp = <no type information>
    nt!PaletteNum = <no type information>
    nt!PalettePtr = <no type information>
    nt!ParallelId = <no type information>
    nt!PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID = struct _GUID {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
    nt!PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED_GUID = struct _GUID {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
    nt!PARTITION_LDM_DATA_GUID = struct _GUID {af9b60a0-1431-4f62-bc68-3311714a69ad}
    nt!PARTITION_LDM_METADATA_GUID = struct _GUID {5808c8aa-7e8f-42e0-85d2-e1e90434cfb3}
    nt!PARTITION_MSFT_RESERVED_GUID = struct _GUID {e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae}
    nt!PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID = struct _GUID {c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}
    nt!PbAddDependentResourcesToList = <no type information>
    nt!PbAddress32ToAddress16 = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosCodeSelector = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosDataSelector = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosDmaToIoDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosEntryPoint = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosIrqToIoDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosMemoryToIoDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosPortFixedToIoDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosPortToIoDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbBiosSpinlock = <no type information>
    nt!PbCallPnpBiosWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PbCmDmaToBiosDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbCmIrqToBiosDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbCmMemoryToBiosDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbCmPortToBiosDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PbHardwareService = <no type information>
    nt!pbih = <no type information>
    nt!PbSelectors = <no type information>
    nt!PcAnsiToUnicode = <no type information>
    nt!PerfGetCycleCount (void)
    nt!PerfGlobalGroupMask = struct _PERFINFO_GROUPMASK
    nt!PerfInfoAddToFileHash (struct _PERFINFO_ENTRY_TABLE *, struct _FILE_OBJECT *)
    nt!PerfInfoCalcHashValue (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!PerfInfoFileNameRunDown (void)
    nt!PerfInfoFlushProfileCache (void)
    nt!PerfInfoLogBytes (unsigned short, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!PerfInfoLogBytesAndUnicodeString (unsigned short, void *, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!PerfInfoLogFileName (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!PerfInfoLogInterrupt (void *, unsigned long, unsigned int64)
    nt!PerfInfoProcessRunDown (void)
    nt!PerfInfoProfileInit (void)
    nt!PerfInfoProfileInterval = 0n10000 (No matching enumerant)
    nt!PerfInfoProfileObject = struct _KPROFILE
    nt!PerfInfoProfileSourceActive = ProfileMaximum (0n24)
    nt!PerfInfoProfileSourceRequested = ProfileTime (0n0)
    nt!PerfInfoProfileUninit (void)
    nt!PerfInfoReserveBytes (struct _PERFINFO_HOOK_HANDLE *, unsigned short, unsigned long)
    nt!PerfInfoSampledProfileCaching = 0x00 ''
    nt!PerfInfoSampledProfileFlushInProgress = 0n0
    nt!PerfInfoStopLog (void)
    nt!PerfInfoSysModuleRunDown (void)
    nt!PerfNullHookHandle = struct _PERFINFO_HOOK_HANDLE
    nt!PerfProfileCache = struct _PERFINFO_SAMPLED_PROFILE_CACHE
    nt!PerfProfileInterrupt (_KPROFILE_SOURCE, void *)
    nt!PerfSetLogging = <no type information>
    nt!perftouchbuffer = 0xcd17
    nt!perr_fault (void)
    nt!perr1_fault (void)
    nt!PfVerifyScenarioBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!PfVerifyScenarioId = <no type information>
    nt!PfVerifyTraceBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!PfxFindPrefix (struct _PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!PfxInitialize (struct _PREFIX_TABLE *)
    nt!PfxInsertPrefix (struct _PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _STRING *, struct _PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!PfxRemovePrefix (struct _PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!Phase1Initialization (void *)
    nt!Phase1InitializationDiscard (void *)
    nt!PiAllocateCriticalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!PiAllocateGenericTableEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PiAsynchronousCall = <no type information>
    nt!PiBuildDeviceNodeInstancePath = <no type information>
    nt!PiBuildUnsafeRemovalDeviceBlock = <no type information>
    nt!PiCollapseEnumRequests = <no type information>
    nt!PiCollectOpenHandles = <no type information>
    nt!PiCollectOpenHandlesCallBack = <no type information>
    nt!PiCollectVetoedHandles = <no type information>
    nt!PiCompareDDBCacheEntries = <no type information>
    nt!PiCompareGuid = <no type information>
    nt!PiCompareInstancePath = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlCopyUserModeCallersBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlDeregisterDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlDeviceClassAssociation = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlEnumerateDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGenerateLegacyDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetBlockedDriverData = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetDeviceDepth = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetDevicePowerData = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetInterfaceDeviceAlias = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetInterfaceDeviceList = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetPropertyData = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetRelatedDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetSetDeviceStatus = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlGetUserFlagsFromDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlHaltDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlInitializeDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlMakeUserModeCallersCopy = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlQueryAndRemoveDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlQueryConflictList = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlQueryDeviceRelations = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlQueryTargetDeviceRelation = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlRegisterNewDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlResetDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlRetrieveDockData = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlStartDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiControlUserResponse = <no type information>
    nt!PiCopyKeyRecursive = <no type information>
    nt!PiCreateDeviceInstanceKey = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalCallbackVerifyCriticalEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalCopyCriticalDeviceProperties = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalDeviceDatabaseEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalOpenCriticalDeviceKey = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalOpenDevicePreInstallKey = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalOpenFirstMatchingSubKey = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalPreInstallDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiCriticalQueryRegistryValueCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PiDDBCacheList = <no type information>
    nt!PiDDBCacheTable = <no type information>
    nt!PiDDBLock = <no type information>
    nt!PiDDBPath = <no type information>
    nt!PiDeferNotification = <no type information>
    nt!PiDeferSetInterfaceState = <no type information>
    nt!PiDeviceClassAssociation = <no type information>
    nt!PiDeviceRegistration = <no type information>
    nt!PiDeviceRelationType = <no type information>
    nt!PiDumpVetoedHandles = <no type information>
    nt!PiEngineLock = <no type information>
    nt!PiEnumerationLock = <no type information>
    nt!PiEventQueueEmpty = <no type information>
    nt!PiFinalizeVetoedRemove = <no type information>
    nt!PiFindDevInstMatch = <no type information>
    nt!PiFixupID = <no type information>
    nt!PiForEachDriverQueryRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!PiFreeGenericTableEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PiGenerateLegacyDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!PiGetDeviceRegistryProperty = <no type information>
    nt!PiGetInterfaceDeviceAlias = <no type information>
    nt!PiGetInterfaceDeviceList = <no type information>
    nt!PiGetRelatedDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiHandleEnumerateHandlesAgainstDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!PiHandleProcessWalkWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PiHotSwapGetDefaultBusRemovalPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PiHotSwapGetDetachableNode = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitCacheGroupInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitGroupOrderTable = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitGroupOrderTableCount = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitializeDDBCache = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitializeDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitPhase0 = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitPhase1 = <no type information>
    nt!PiInitReleaseCachedGroupInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PiInsertEventInQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PiIrpQueryRemoveDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiIrpQueryRemoveDeviceCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!PiIsDriverBlocked = <no type information>
    nt!PiLastGoodCopyKeyContents = <no type information>
    nt!PiLastGoodRevertCopyCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PiLastGoodRevertLastKnownDirectory = <no type information>
    nt!PiLockDeviceActionQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PiLoggedErrorEventsMask = <no type information>
    nt!PiLookupInDDB = <no type information>
    nt!PiLookupInDDBCache = <no type information>
    nt!PiMarkDeviceTreeForReenumeration = <no type information>
    nt!PiMarkDeviceTreeForReenumerationWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PiNormalDDBPath = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotificationInProgress = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotificationInProgressLock = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyDriverCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyUserMode = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyUserModeDeviceRemoval = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyUserModeKernelInitiatedEject = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyUserModeRemoveVetoed = <no type information>
    nt!PiNotifyUserModeRemoveVetoedByList = <no type information>
    nt!pIoAllocateIrp = 0x8081f4f4
    nt!pIofCallDriver = 0x00000000
    nt!pIofCompleteRequest = 0x808216ea
    nt!pIoFreeIrp = 0x8081fa52
    nt!pIoQueryBusDescription = <no type information>
    nt!pIoQueryDeviceDescription = <no type information>
    nt!PipAddDevicesToBootDriver = <no type information>
    nt!PipAddDevicesToBootDriverWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PiPagePathSetState = <no type information>
    nt!PipAllocateDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!PipApplyFunctionToServiceInstances = <no type information>
    nt!PipApplyFunctionToSubKeys = <no type information>
    nt!PipAreDriversLoaded = <no type information>
    nt!PipAreDriversLoadedWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PipCallDriverAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PipCallDriverAddDeviceQueryRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!PipChangeDeviceObjectFromRegistryProperties = <no type information>
    nt!PipCheckDependencies = <no type information>
    nt!PipClearDevNodeProblem = <no type information>
    nt!PipConcatenateUnicodeStrings = <no type information>
    nt!PipCreateEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PipCreateMadeupNode = <no type information>
    nt!PipDetermineDefaultInterfaceType = <no type information>
    nt!PipDeviceActionWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PipDeviceEnumerationWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!PipEnumerateCompleted = <no type information>
    nt!PipEnumerateDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PipEnumerationInProgress = <no type information>
    nt!PipForAllChildDeviceNodes = <no type information>
    nt!PipForAllDeviceNodes = <no type information>
    nt!PipForAllDeviceNodesCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PipForDeviceNodeSubtree = <no type information>
    nt!PipFreeGroupTree = <no type information>
    nt!PipFreeUnicodeStringList = <no type information>
    nt!PipGenerateMadeupNodeName = <no type information>
    nt!PipGetDriverTagPriority = <no type information>
    nt!PipGetRegistryDwordWithFallback = <no type information>
    nt!PipGetRegistrySecurityWithFallback = <no type information>
    nt!PipInsertDriverList = <no type information>
    nt!PipIsBeingRemovedSafely = <no type information>
    nt!PipIsDevNodeDNStarted = <no type information>
    nt!PipIsDuplicatedDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PipIsFirmwareMapperDevicePresent = <no type information>
    nt!PipIsProblemReadonly = <no type information>
    nt!PipLoadBootFilterDriver = <no type information>
    nt!PipLookupGroupName = <no type information>
    nt!PipMakeGloballyUniqueId = <no type information>
    nt!PipNotifySetupDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PipOpenServiceEnumKeys = <no type information>
    nt!PipPnPDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessDevNodeTree = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessRestartPhase1 = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessRestartPhase2 = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessStartPhase1 = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessStartPhase2 = <no type information>
    nt!PipProcessStartPhase3 = <no type information>
    nt!PipReadDeviceConfiguration = <no type information>
    nt!PipRegMultiSzToUnicodeStrings = <no type information>
    nt!PipRequestDeviceAction = <no type information>
    nt!PipRequestDeviceRemoval = <no type information>
    nt!PipRequestDeviceRemovalWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PipRestoreDevNodeState = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessAddBootDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessBusRelations = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessClearDeviceProblem = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessCustomDeviceEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessDriverInstance = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessHaltDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessNewDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessQueryDeviceState = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessQueryRemoveAndEject = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessReenumeration = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessRequeryDeviceState = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessResourceRequirementsChanged = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessSetDeviceProblem = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessShutdownPnpDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessStartSystemDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PiProcessTargetDeviceEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileChangeCancelRequired = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileChangeSemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileConvertFakeDockToRealDock = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileDeviceCount = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileDeviceListHead = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileDeviceListLock = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileDevicesInTransition = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileRetrievePreferredCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileSendHardwareProfileCancel = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileSendHardwareProfileCommit = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileUpdateDeviceTree = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileUpdateDeviceTreeCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileUpdateDeviceTreeWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PiProfileUpdateHardwareProfile = <no type information>
    nt!PipServiceInstanceToDeviceInstance = <no type information>
    nt!PipSetDevNodeProblem = <no type information>
    nt!PipSetDevNodeState = <no type information>
    nt!PipTearDownPnpStacksOnShutdown = <no type information>
    nt!PipWaitForBootDevicesDeleted = <no type information>
    nt!PipWaitForBootDevicesStarted = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueryAndAllocateBootResources = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueryDeviceRelations = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueryInterface = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueryResourceRequirements = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueueDeviceRequest = <no type information>
    nt!PiQueueQueryAndRemoveEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PiRearrangeDeviceInstances = <no type information>
    nt!PiRegSzToString = <no type information>
    nt!PiRemoveDeferredSetInterfaceState = <no type information>
    nt!PiResetProblemDevicesWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PiResizeTargetDeviceBlock = <no type information>
    nt!PiRestartDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PiSetupDDBPath = <no type information>
    nt!PiShutdownContext = <no type information>
    nt!PiUnlockDeviceActionQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PiUpdateDriverDBCache = <no type information>
    nt!PiUserModeRunning = <no type information>
    nt!PiUserResponse = <no type information>
    nt!PiWalkDeviceList = <no type information>
    nt!PltRotBarStatus = <no type information>
    nt!PlugPlayHandlerTable = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosCheckForExclusion = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosCheckForHardwareDisabled = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosCollectLegacyDeviceResources = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosCopyDeviceParamKey = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosCopyIoDecode = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosEliminateDupes = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExamineBiosDeviceInstanceKey = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExamineBiosDeviceKey = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExamineDeviceKeys = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExpandProductId = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExtractCompatibleIDs = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosExtractInfo = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosFindMatchingDevNode = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosFreeDevNodeInfo = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosGetBiosHandleFromDeviceKey = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosGetBiosInfo = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosGetDescription = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosIgnoreNode = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosInitializePnPBios = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosIoResourceListToCmResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosMapper = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosReserveLegacyDeviceResources = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosSetDeviceNodes = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosShutdownSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosTranslateInfo = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBiosWriteInfo = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBootDriversInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!PnPBootDriversLoaded = <no type information>
    nt!PnpCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!PnpDefaultInterfaceType = <no type information>
    nt!PnPGetBiosInfoValue = <no type information>
    nt!PnPInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!PnPIrpNames = <no type information>
    nt!PoCallDriver = <no type information>
    nt!PoCancelDeviceNotify = <no type information>
    nt!PoGetDevicePowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PoGetLightestSystemStateForEject = <no type information>
    nt!PoHiberInProgress = <no type information>
    nt!PoInitDriverServices = <no type information>
    nt!PoInitHiberServices = <no type information>
    nt!PoInitializeDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!PoInitializePrcb = <no type information>
    nt!PoInitSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PointerMap = <no type information>
    nt!PoInvalidateDevicePowerRelations = <no type information>
    nt!PoNotifySystemTimeSet = <no type information>
    nt!PoolBigPageTable = 0x84afc000
    nt!PoolBigPageTableHash = 0x1fff
    nt!PoolBigPageTableSize = 0x2000
    nt!PoolHitTag = 0xffffff0f
    nt!PoolTrackTable = 0x853f1000
    nt!PoolTrackTableExpansion = 0x00000000
    nt!PoolTrackTableExpansionPages = 0
    nt!PoolTrackTableExpansionSize = 0
    nt!PoolTrackTableMask = 0x7ff
    nt!PoolTrackTableSize = 0x801
    nt!PoolVector = struct _POOL_DESCRIPTOR *[2]
    nt!PopAcPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopAcProcessorPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopAcProcessorRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopAcquirePolicyLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopAcRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopAction = <no type information>
    nt!PopActionRetrieveInitialState = <no type information>
    nt!PopActionWaiters = <no type information>
    nt!PopAddPagesToCompressedPageSet = <no type information>
    nt!PopAdminPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopAdminRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopAdvanceSystemPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PopAllocateDevState = <no type information>
    nt!PopAllocateHiberContext = <no type information>
    nt!PopAllocateHiberContextCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PopAllocateOwnMemory = <no type information>
    nt!PopAllocatePages = <no type information>
    nt!PopApmActiveFlag = <no type information>
    nt!PopApmFlag = <no type information>
    nt!PopApplyAdminPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopApplyAttributeState = <no type information>
    nt!PopApplyPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopApplyProcessorPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopApplyThermalThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopAttributes = <no type information>
    nt!PopBuildMemoryImageHeader = <no type information>
    nt!PopBuildPowerChannel = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculateBusyPercentage = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculateC3Percentage = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculatePerfDecreaseLevel = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculatePerfIncreaseDecreaseTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculatePerfIncreaseLevel = <no type information>
    nt!PopCalculatePerfMinCapacity = <no type information>
    nt!PopCallSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PopCapabilities = struct SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES
    nt!PopCaptureCounts = <no type information>
    nt!PopCB = <no type information>
    nt!PopChangeCapability = <no type information>
    nt!PopCheckForWork = <no type information>
    nt!PopCheckSystemPowerIrpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!PopCleanupDevState = <no type information>
    nt!PopCleanupPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PopClearHiberFileSignature = <no type information>
    nt!PopClonePcr = <no type information>
    nt!PopCloneRange = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompareActions = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompleteAction = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompleteFindIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompletePolicyIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompleteRequestIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompleteSystemPowerIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompositeBatteryDeviceHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompositeBatteryName = <no type information>
    nt!PopCompositeBatteryUpdateThrottleLimit = <no type information>
    nt!PopConnectToPolicyDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PopConvertUsToPerfCount = <no type information>
    nt!PopCoolingMode = <no type information>
    nt!PopCreateDumpMdl = <no type information>
    nt!PopCreateHiberFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopCreateHiberFileSecurityDescriptor = <no type information>
    nt!PopCreateHiberLinkFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopCriticalShutdown = <no type information>
    nt!PopCurrentLevel = <no type information>
    nt!PopCurrentPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PopDcPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopDcProcessorPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopDcProcessorRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopDcRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopDebugHiberFileName = <no type information>
    nt!PopDefaultPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopDefaultProcessorPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopDeleteHiberLinkFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopDemoteIdleness = <no type information>
    nt!PopDiscardRange = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchAcDcCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchCallout = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchDisplayRequired = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchEventCodes = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchFullWake = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchPolicyCallout = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchPolicyIrps = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchSetStateFailure = <no type information>
    nt!PopDispatchStateCallout = <no type information>
    nt!PopDisplayRequired = <no type information>
    nt!PopDopeGlobalLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopDumpStackPrefix = <no type information>
    nt!PopDumpStatistics = <no type information>
    nt!PopDumpSystemIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopEnableHiberFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopEndCompressedPageSet = <no type information>
    nt!PopEnterNotification = <no type information>
    nt!PopEventCallout = 0xbf80a0b1
    nt!PopEventCalloutDispatch = <no type information>
    nt!PopEventCode = <no type information>
    nt!PopExceptionFilter = <no type information>
    nt!PopFailedHibernationAttempt = <no type information>
    nt!PopFilterCapabilities = <no type information>
    nt!PopFindIrpByDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!PopFindIrpByInrush = <no type information>
    nt!PopFindLoadedModule = <no type information>
    nt!PopFindPowerDependencies = <no type information>
    nt!PopFlushVolumes = <no type information>
    nt!PopFlushVolumeWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopFreeHiberContext = <no type information>
    nt!PopFullWake = <no type information>
    nt!PopGatherMemoryForHibernate = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetDope = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetHiberFlags = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetNextRange = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetPolicyWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetRangeCount = <no type information>
    nt!PopGetReasonListByReasonCode = <no type information>
    nt!PopGracefulShutdown = <no type information>
    nt!PopHandleNextState = <no type information>
    nt!PopHeuristics = <no type information>
    nt!PopHeuristicsRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopHiberComplete = <no type information>
    nt!PopHiberFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopHiberFileDebug = <no type information>
    nt!PopHiberFileName = <no type information>
    nt!PopHibernationErrorSubtstitionString = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdle0 = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdle0PromoteLimit = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdle0PromoteTicks = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdle0TimeCheck = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultDemotePercent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultDemoteTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultDemoteToC1Percent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultDemoteToC1Time = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultMinThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultPromoteFromC1Percent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultPromoteFromC1Time = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultPromotePercent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDefaultPromoteTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDetectionMode = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleDetectList = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleFrom0Delay = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleFrom0IdlePercent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleHandlerLookAsideList = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleScanDpc = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleScanTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleScanTimer = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleSwitchIdleHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleSwitchIdleHandlers = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleThrottleCheckRate = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleThrottleCheckTimeout = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleTimeCheck = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleTo0Percent = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleUpdateIdleHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleUpdateIdleHandlers = <no type information>
    nt!PopIdleVerifyIdleHandlers = <no type information>
    nt!PopInitializePowerPolicySimulate = <no type information>
    nt!PopInitProcessorStateHandlers2 = <no type information>
    nt!PopInitShutdownList = <no type information>
    nt!PopInitSIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopInrushIrpPointer = <no type information>
    nt!PopInrushIrpReferenceCount = <no type information>
    nt!PopInrushPending = <no type information>
    nt!PopInsertLoggingEntry = <no type information>
    nt!PopInternalAddToDumpFile = <no type information>
    nt!PopInvalidNotifyBlockCount = <no type information>
    nt!PopInvokeStateHandlerTargetProcessor = <no type information>
    nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopIOCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PopIORegionMove = <no type information>
    nt!PopIOResume = <no type information>
    nt!PopIOWrite = <no type information>
    nt!PopIrpSerialList = <no type information>
    nt!PopIrpSerialListLength = <no type information>
    nt!PopIrpSerialLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopIssueActionRequest = <no type information>
    nt!PopIssueNextState = <no type information>
    nt!PopLockGetDoDevicePowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PopLoggingInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PopLogNotifyDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PopMapInternalActionToIrpAction = <no type information>
    nt!PopNotifyDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PopNotifyEvents = <no type information>
    nt!PopNotifyLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopNotifyPolicyDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PopNotifyWork = <no type information>
    nt!PopOpenPowerKey = <no type information>
    nt!PoPowerSequence = <no type information>
    nt!PopPassivePowerCall = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfBusyAdjustmentThreshold = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfCounterFrequency = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfCriticalFrequencyDelta = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfCriticalTimeDelta = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDecreaseAbsoluteModifier = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDecreaseMinimumTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDecreasePercentModifier = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDecreaseTimeValue = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDegradeThrottleMinCapacity = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfDegradeThrottleMinFrequency = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfHandleInrush = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIdleDpc = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIncreaseAbsoluteModifier = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIncreaseMinimumTime = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIncreasePercentModifier = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfIncreaseTimeValue = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfMaxC3Frequency = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfTimeDelta = <no type information>
    nt!PopPerfTimeTicks = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyIrpQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyLockThread = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicySystemIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyTimeChange = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorkerAction = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorkerActionPromote = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorkerMain = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorkerNotify = <no type information>
    nt!PopPolicyWorkerThread = <no type information>
    nt!PopPowerStateHandlers = <no type information>
    nt!PopPowerStateNotifyHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopPresentIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopPresentNotify = <no type information>
    nt!PopPreserveRange = <no type information>
    nt!PopProcessorIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopProcessorInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PopProcessorPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopPromoteActionFlag = <no type information>
    nt!PopPromoteFromIdle0 = <no type information>
    nt!PopPromoteIdleness = <no type information>
    nt!PopReadShutdownPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopRecalculateCBTriggerLevels = <no type information>
    nt!PopRegisterForDeviceNotification = <no type information>
    nt!PopRegKey = <no type information>
    nt!PopReleasePolicyLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopRemoveReasonRecordByReasonCode = <no type information>
    nt!PopReportDevState = <no type information>
    nt!PopRequestedIrps = <no type information>
    nt!PopResetActionDefaults = <no type information>
    nt!PopResetCBTriggers = <no type information>
    nt!PopResetChildCount = <no type information>
    nt!PopResetCurrentPolicies = <no type information>
    nt!PopResetSwitchTriggers = <no type information>
    nt!PopRestartSetSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PopReturnMemoryForHibernate = <no type information>
    nt!PopRoundThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopRunDownSourceTargetList = <no type information>
    nt!PopSaveHeuristics = <no type information>
    nt!PopSaveHiberContext = <no type information>
    nt!PopScanIdleList = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetDevicesSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetNotificationWork = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetPerfFlagAndUpdateThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetPerfLevels = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetPowerAction = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetRange = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopSetupListForWake = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownCleanly = 0
    nt!PopShutdownEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownListAvailable = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownListMutex = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownPowerOffPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownPowerOffPolicyRegKey = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownPowerOffPolicyRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownThreadList = <no type information>
    nt!PopShutdownWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!PopSIdle = <no type information>
    nt!PopSimulate = <no type information>
    nt!PopSimulateRegKey = <no type information>
    nt!PopSimulateRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopSleepDeviceList = <no type information>
    nt!PopSleepSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PopSplitMdl = <no type information>
    nt!PopSqrt = <no type information>
    nt!PopStateCallout = 0xbf93795c
    nt!PopStateChangeNotify = <no type information>
    nt!PopSwitches = <no type information>
    nt!PopSystemButtonHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopSystemIrpDispatchWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopSystemRequiredSet = <no type information>
    nt!PopSystemStateString = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermal = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermalDeviceHandler = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermalLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermalUpdateThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermalZoneCleanup = <no type information>
    nt!PopThermalZoneDpc = <no type information>
    nt!PopTriggerSwitch = <no type information>
    nt!PopUndockPolicyRegName = <no type information>
    nt!PopUnlockAfterSleepWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopUnlockAfterSleepWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!PopUnlockComplete = <no type information>
    nt!PopUpdateAllThrottles = <no type information>
    nt!PopUpdateHiberComplete = <no type information>
    nt!PopUpdateProcessorThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopUserIsAdmin = <no type information>
    nt!PopUserPresentSet = <no type information>
    nt!PopUserPresentSetWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PopUserPresentWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!PopVerifyPowerActionPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopVerifyProcessorPowerPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopVerifySystemPowerPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PopVerifySystemPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PopVerifyThrottle = <no type information>
    nt!PopVolumeDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PopVolumeLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopWaitForSystemPowerIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PopWakeDeviceList = <no type information>
    nt!PopWakeSystemTimeout = <no type information>
    nt!PopWakeTimeoutDpc = <no type information>
    nt!PopWakeTimeoutTimer = <no type information>
    nt!PopWakeTimer = <no type information>
    nt!PopWorkerLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopWorkerPending = <no type information>
    nt!PopWorkerSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!PopWorkerStatus = <no type information>
    nt!PopWorkerTypes = <no type information>
    nt!PopWriteHiberImage = <no type information>
    nt!PopWriteHiberPages = <no type information>
    nt!PopZeroHiberFile = <no type information>
    nt!PoQueueShutdownWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!PoRegisterDeviceForIdleDetection = <no type information>
    nt!PoRegisterDeviceNotify = <no type information>
    nt!PoRegisterSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PoRequestPowerIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PoRequestShutdownEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PoRequestShutdownWait = <no type information>
    nt!Port = <no type information>
    nt!PoRunDownDeviceObject = <no type information>
    nt!PoSetHiberRange = <no type information>
    nt!PoSetPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!PoSetSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PoShutdownBugCheck = <no type information>
    nt!PoSimpleCheck = <no type information>
    nt!PoStartNextPowerIrp = <no type information>
    nt!PoSystemIdleTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!PoSystemIdleWorker = <no type information>
    nt!PotentialNewSymbol = <no type information>
    nt!PoUnregisterSystemState = <no type information>
    nt!PoVolumeDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PoWakeState = <no type information>
    nt!PowerIrpNames = <no type information>
    nt!PowerStateDisableReasonListHead = <no type information>
    nt!PpBiosResourcesSetToDisabled = <no type information>
    nt!PpBiosResourcesToNtResources = <no type information>
    nt!PpBootDDB = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidArray = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidCount = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidCountMax = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidGet = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidGetIndex = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!PpBusTypeGuidLock = <no type information>
    nt!PpCallerInitializesRequestTable = <no type information>
    nt!PpCheckInDriverDatabase = <no type information>
    nt!PpCmResourcesToBiosResources = <no type information>
    nt!PpCompleteDeviceEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpCreateLegacyDeviceIds = <no type information>
    nt!PpCriticalGetDeviceLocationStrings = <no type information>
    nt!PpCriticalProcessCriticalDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PpDDBHandle = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceActionThread = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceEventList = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceEventThread = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceReferenceTable = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceReferenceTableLock = <no type information>
    nt!PpDeviceRegistration = <no type information>
    nt!PpDevNodeInsertIntoTree = <no type information>
    nt!PpDevNodeLockTree = <no type information>
    nt!PpDevNodeRemoveFromTree = <no type information>
    nt!PpDevNodeUnlockTree = <no type information>
    nt!PpDisableFirmwareMapper = <no type information>
    nt!PpDriverObjectDereferenceComplete = <no type information>
    nt!PPerfGlobalGroupMask = 0x00000000
    nt!PpFilterNtResource = <no type information>
    nt!PpForEachDeviceInstanceDriver = <no type information>
    nt!PpGetBlockedDriverList = <no type information>
    nt!PpHandleEnumerateHandlesAgainstPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!PpHotSwapGetDevnodeRemovalPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PpHotSwapInitRemovalPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PpHotSwapUpdateRemovalPolicy = <no type information>
    nt!PpInitGetGroupOrderIndex = <no type information>
    nt!PpInitializeBootDDB = <no type information>
    nt!PpInitializeDeviceReferenceTable = <no type information>
    nt!PpInitializeNotification = <no type information>
    nt!PpInitSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PpIrpQueryBusInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PpIrpQueryCapabilities = <no type information>
    nt!PpIrpQueryDeviceText = <no type information>
    nt!PpIrpQueryID = <no type information>
    nt!PpIrpQueryResourceRequirements = <no type information>
    nt!PpLastGoodDoBootProcessing = <no type information>
    nt!PpLogEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpMarkDeviceStackStartPending = <no type information>
    nt!PpNotifyUserModeRemovalSafe = <no type information>
    nt!PpPagePathAssign = <no type information>
    nt!PpPnpShuttingDown = <no type information>
    nt!PpProcessClearProblem = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileBeginHardwareProfileTransition = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileCancelHardwareProfileTransition = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileCancelTransitioningDock = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileCommitTransitioningDock = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileIncludeInHardwareProfileTransition = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileInit = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileMarkAllTransitioningDocksEjected = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileProcessDockDeviceCapability = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileQueryHardwareProfileChange = <no type information>
    nt!PpProfileRetrievePreferredDockToEject = <no type information>
    nt!PpQueryBusInformation = <no type information>
    nt!PpQueryDeviceID = <no type information>
    nt!PpQueryID = <no type information>
    nt!PpRegistryDeviceResource = <no type information>
    nt!PpRegistrySemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!PpReleaseBootDDB = <no type information>
    nt!PpRemoveDeviceActionRequests = <no type information>
    nt!PpResetProblemDevices = <no type information>
    nt!PpSaveDeviceCapabilities = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetBlockedDriverEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetCustomTargetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetDeviceClassChange = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetDeviceRemovalSafe = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetHwProfileChangeEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetInvalidIDEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetPlugPlayEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetPowerEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetPowerVetoEvent = <no type information>
    nt!PpSetTargetDeviceRemove = <no type information>
    nt!PpShutdownSystem = <no type information>
    nt!PpSynchronizeDeviceEventQueue = <no type information>
    nt!PpSystemHiveLimitCallback = <no type information>
    nt!PpSystemHiveLimits = <no type information>
    nt!PpSystemHiveTooLarge = <no type information>
    nt!PpUserBlock = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilCallAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilFailDriver = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilGetDevnodeRemovalOption = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilInit = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilIsHardwareBeingVerified = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilTestStartedPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!PpvUtilVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!PrefixTable = 0xf2 ''
    nt!ProbeForRead (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ProbeForWrite (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!ProfileCount = 0
    nt!ProgressBarLeft = <no type information>
    nt!ProgressBarTop = <no type information>
    nt!PromoteNode (struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS *)
    nt!PrototypePte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!Ps386GetVdmIoHandler (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, struct _VDM_IO_HANDLER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!PsActiveProcessHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x853976e0 - 0x8498d750 ]
    nt!PsAssignImpersonationToken (struct _ETHREAD *, void *)
    nt!PsCallImageNotifyRoutines (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _IMAGE_INFO *)
    nt!PsChangeJobMemoryUsage (unsigned long, long)
    nt!PsChangeQuantumTable (unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargePoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargeProcessNonPagedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargeProcessPagedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargeProcessPageFileQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargeProcessPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!PsChargeSharedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!PsContinueWaiting = 0x00 ''
    nt!PsConvertToGuiThread (void)
    nt!PsCreateSystemProcess (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!PsCreateSystemThread (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, struct _CLIENT_ID *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!PsDefaultSystemLocaleId = 0x804
    nt!PsDefaultThreadLocaleId = 0x804
    nt!PsDefaultUILanguageId = 0x804
    nt!PsDereferenceImpersonationToken (void *)
    nt!PsDereferencePrimaryToken (void *)
    nt!PsDisableImpersonation (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _SE_IMPERSONATION_STATE *)
    nt!PsEmbeddedNTMask = 0
    nt!PsEnforceExecutionTimeLimits (void)
    nt!PsEnumProcesses (<function> *, void *)
    nt!PsEstablishWin32Callouts (struct _WIN32_CALLOUTS_FPNS *)
    nt!PsExitSpecialApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!PsGetContextThread (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _CONTEXT *, char)
    nt!PsGetCurrentProcess (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentProcessId (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentProcessSessionId (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThread (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadId (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadPreviousMode (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadProcess (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadProcessId (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadStackBase (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadStackLimit (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadTeb (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread (void)
    nt!PsGetCurrentThreadWin32ThreadAndEnterCriticalRegion (void **)
    nt!PsGetJobLock (struct _EJOB *)
    nt!PsGetJobSessionId (struct _EJOB *)
    nt!PsGetJobUIRestrictionsClass (struct _EJOB *)
    nt!PsGetNextJob (struct _EJOB *)
    nt!PsGetNextJobProcess (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetNextProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetNextProcessThread (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetProcessCreateTimeQuadPart (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessDebugPort (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessExitProcessCalled (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessExitStatus (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessExitTime (void)
    nt!PsGetProcessId (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessImageFileName (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessInheritedFromUniqueProcessId (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessJob (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessPeb (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessPriorityClass (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessSectionBaseAddress (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessSecurityPort (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessSessionId (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessSessionIdEx (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessWin32Process (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetProcessWin32WindowStation (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsGetThreadFreezeCount (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadHardErrorsAreDisabled (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadId (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadProcess (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadProcessId (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadSessionId (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadTeb (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetThreadWin32Thread (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsGetVersion (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!PsIdleProcess = 0x80898d80
    nt!PsImageNotifyEnabled = 0x01 ''
    nt!PsImpersonateClient (struct _ETHREAD *, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
    nt!PsInitializeQuotaSystem (void)
    nt!PsInitialSystemProcess = 0x85397648
    nt!PsInitSystem (unsigned long, struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!PsInstallUILanguageId = 0x804
    nt!PsIsProcessBeingDebugged (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsIsSystemProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsIsSystemThread (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsIsThreadImpersonating (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsIsThreadTerminating (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsJobType = 0x85397900
    nt!PsLoadedModuleList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x853dd2d8 - 0x84a92af0 ]
    nt!PsLoadedModuleResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!PsLoadedModuleSpinLock = 0
    nt!PsLocateSystemDll (unsigned char)
    nt!PsLookupProcessByProcessId (void *, struct _EPROCESS **)
    nt!PsLookupProcessThreadByCid (struct _CLIENT_ID *, struct _EPROCESS **, struct _ETHREAD **)
    nt!PsLookupThreadByThreadId (void *, struct _ETHREAD **)
    nt!PsMapSystemDll (struct _EPROCESS *, void **, unsigned long)
    nt!PsMaximumWorkingSet = 0x159
    nt!PsMinimumWorkingSet = 0x32
    nt!PsNtDllPathName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll"
    nt!PsNtosImageBase = 0x80800000
    nt!PsOpenTokenOfProcess (void *, void **)
    nt!Psp386CreateVdmIoListHead (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!Psp386GetVdmIoHandler (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!Psp386InsertVdmIoHandlerBlock (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _VDM_IO_HANDLER *)
    nt!Psp386InstallIoHandler (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EMULATOR_ACCESS_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!Psp386RemoveIoHandler (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EMULATOR_ACCESS_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspActiveProcessMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!PspAddProcessToJob (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspApplyJobLimitsToProcess (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspApplyJobLimitsToProcessSet (struct _EJOB *)
    nt!PspAssignPrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *)
    nt!PspBBTNotifyRoutine = 0x00000000
    nt!PspBootAccessToken = 0xe1001a78
    nt!PspCaptureTokenFilter (char, struct _JOBOBJECT_SECURITY_LIMIT_INFORMATION *, struct _PS_JOB_TOKEN_FILTER **)
    nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak (char *, void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!PspCidTable = 0xe1002c98
    nt!PspComputeQuantumAndPriority (struct _EPROCESS *, _PSPROCESSPRIORITYMODE, char *)
    nt!PspCreateLdt (struct _LDT_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!PspCreateProcess (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine = struct _EX_CALLBACK [8]
    nt!PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutineCount = 2
    nt!PspCreateThread (void **, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _CLIENT_ID *, struct _CONTEXT *, struct _INITIAL_TEB *, unsigned char, <function> *, void *)
    nt!PspCreateThreadNotifyRoutine = struct _EX_CALLBACK [8]
    nt!PspCreateThreadNotifyRoutineCount = 0
    nt!PspDefaultNonPagedLimit = 0
    nt!PspDefaultPagedLimit = 0
    nt!PspDefaultPagefileLimit = 0xffffffff
    nt!PspDefaultQuotaBlock = struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK
    nt!PspDeleteLdt (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspDeleteProcessSecurity (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspDeleteThreadSecurity (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PspDeleteVdmObjects (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspDereferenceQuota (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspDereferenceQuotaBlock (struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK *)
    nt!PspDoingGiveBacks = 0x01 ''
    nt!PspExitApcRundown (struct _KAPC *)
    nt!PspExitNormalApc (void *, void *, void *)
    nt!PspExitProcess (unsigned char, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspExitProcessFromJob (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspExitThread (long)
    nt!PspExpandQuota (_PS_QUOTA_TYPE, struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_ENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!PspFixedQuantums = char [6] "???"
    nt!PspFoldProcessAccountingIntoJob (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspForegroundQuantum = char [3] "$$$"
    nt!PspFreezeProcessWorker (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!PspGetContext (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!PspGetJobFromSet (struct _EJOB *, unsigned long, struct _EJOB **)
    nt!PspGetNextJobProcess (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspGetSetContextSpecialApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!PspGivebackQuota (_PS_QUOTA_TYPE, struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_ENTRY *)
    nt!PspInheritQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspInitializeJobStructures (void)
    nt!PspInitializeJobStructuresPhase1 (void)
    nt!PspInitializeProcessSecurity (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspInitializeSystemDll (void)
    nt!PspInitialSystemProcessHandle = 0x00000004
    nt!PspInitPhase0 (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!PspInitPhase1 (struct _LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK *)
    nt!PspInsertQuotaBlock (struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK *)
    nt!PspIsDescriptorValid (struct _LDT_ENTRY *)
    nt!PspJobClose (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!PspJobDelete (void *)
    nt!PspJobInfoAlign = unsigned long [11]
    nt!PspJobInfoLengths = unsigned long [11]
    nt!PspJobList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x84a8be10 - 0x84a8be10 ]
    nt!PspJobListLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!PspJobMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!PspJobSchedulingClasses = char [10] "???"
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsInterval = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fbd3e280
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsLock = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsShuttingDown = 0x00 ''
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsWork (void *)
    nt!PspJobTimeLimitsWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!PspLdtInitialize (void)
    nt!PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine = struct _EX_CALLBACK [8]
    nt!PspLoadImageNotifyRoutineCount = 1
    nt!PspLookupKernelUserEntryPoints (void)
    nt!PspLookupSystemDllEntryPoint (char *, void **)
    nt!PspPriorityTable = long [7]
    nt!PspProcessDelete (void *)
    nt!PspProcessMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!PspQueryDescriptorThread (struct _ETHREAD *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!PspQueryLdtInformation (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _LDT_INFORMATION *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!PspQueryPooledQuotaLimits (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!PspQueryQuotaLimits (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!PspQueryWorkingSetWatch (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char)
    nt!PspQueueApcSpecialApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!PspQuotaBlockList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x84e60668 - 0x84aac7b8 ]
    nt!PspQuotaLock = 0
    nt!PspQuotaStatus = long [3]
    nt!PspReaper (void *)
    nt!PspReleaseReturnedQuota (_PS_QUOTA_TYPE)
    nt!PspRemoveProcessFromJob (struct _EJOB *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsPrioritySeparation = 0
    nt!PsProcessType = 0x85397ca0
    nt!PspSetContext (struct _KTRAP_FRAME *, struct _KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS *, struct _CONTEXT *, char)
    nt!PspSetLdtInformation (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _LDT_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspSetLdtSize (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _LDT_SIZE *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspSetPrimaryToken (void *, struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!PspSetProcessIoHandlers (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspSetQuotaLimits (void *, _PROCESSINFOCLASS, void *, unsigned long, char)
    nt!PspShutdownJobLimits (void)
    nt!PspShutdownThread = 0x00000000
    nt!PspSinglePrivCheck (struct _LUID, char, struct _PRIV_CHECK_CTX *)
    nt!PspSinglePrivCheckAudit (unsigned long, struct _PRIV_CHECK_CTX *)
    nt!PspSystemDll = struct _SYSTEM_DLL
    nt!PspSystemThreadStartup (<function> *, void *)
    nt!PspTerminateAllProcessesInJob (struct _EJOB *, long, unsigned char)
    nt!PspTerminateProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, long)
    nt!PspTerminateThreadByPointer (struct _ETHREAD *, long, unsigned char)
    nt!PspThreadDelete (void *)
    nt!PspThreadMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!PspUnhandledExceptionInSystemThread (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
    nt!PspUseJobSchedulingClasses = 0x01 ''
    nt!PspUserThreadStartup (<function> *, void *)
    nt!PspVariableQuantums = char [6] "???"
    nt!PspVdmInitialize (void)
    nt!PspW32JobCallout = 0xbf936b01
    nt!PspW32ProcessCallout = 0xbf84c0e2
    nt!PspW32ThreadCallout = 0xbf854000
    nt!PspWaitForUsermodeExit (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PspWin32SessionCallout (<function> *, struct _WIN32_JOBCALLOUT_PARAMETERS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PspWorkingSetChangeHead = struct _JOB_WORKING_SET_CHANGE_HEAD
    nt!PspWriteTebImpersonationInfo (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsQuitNextProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsQuitNextProcessThread (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsRawPrioritySeparation = 0
    nt!PsReaperListHead = struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY
    nt!PsReaperWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!PsReferenceEffectiveToken (struct _ETHREAD *, _TOKEN_TYPE *, unsigned char *, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL *)
    nt!PsReferenceImpersonationToken (struct _ETHREAD *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL *)
    nt!PsReferencePrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsReferenceProcessFilePointer (struct _EPROCESS *, void **)
    nt!PsRemoveCreateThreadNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!PsReportProcessMemoryLimitViolation (void)
    nt!PsRestoreImpersonation (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _SE_IMPERSONATION_STATE *)
    nt!PsResumeProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsResumeThread (struct _ETHREAD *, unsigned long *)
    nt!PsReturnPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned long)
    nt!PsReturnProcessNonPagedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsReturnProcessPagedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsReturnProcessPageFileQuota (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsReturnSharedPoolQuota (struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!PsRevertThreadToSelf (struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!PsRevertToSelf (void)
    nt!PsSetBBTNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!PsSetContextThread (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _CONTEXT *, char)
    nt!PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine (<function> *, unsigned char)
    nt!PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!PsSetJobUIRestrictionsClass (struct _EJOB *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsSetLdtEntries (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!PsSetProcessLdtInfo (struct _LDT_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!PsSetProcessPriorityByClass (struct _EPROCESS *, _PSPROCESSPRIORITYMODE)
    nt!PsSetProcessPriorityClass (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!PsSetProcessSecurityPort (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!PsSetProcessWin32Process (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void *)
    nt!PsSetProcessWindowStation (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!PsSetThreadHardErrorsAreDisabled (struct _ETHREAD *, unsigned char)
    nt!PsSetThreadWin32Thread (struct _ETHREAD *, void *, void *)
    nt!PsShutdownSystem (void)
    nt!PsSuspendProcess (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!PsSuspendThread (struct _ETHREAD *, unsigned long *)
    nt!PsSystemDllBase = 0x7c930000
    nt!PsSystemDllDllBase = 0x7c930000
    nt!PsTerminateProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, long)
    nt!PsTerminateSystemThread (long)
    nt!PsThreadType = 0x85397ad0
    nt!PsUseImpersonationToken = 0x00 ''
    nt!PsWaitForAllProcesses (void)
    nt!PsWatchEnabled = 0x00 ''
    nt!PsWatchWorkingSet (long, void *, void *)
    nt!PsWrapApcWow64Thread (void **, void **)
    nt!PushException (void)
    nt!PushInt (void)
    nt!PushIntExceptionHandler (void)
    nt!PushPmInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!PushRmInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!qsort (void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, <function> *)
    nt!QStringTerminators = <no type information>
    nt!RaiseException (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RamdiskBootDiskGuid = <no type information>
    nt!rand (void)
    nt!RawCheckForDismount (struct _VCB *, unsigned char)
    nt!RawCleanup (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawClose (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawCompletionRoutine (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!RawCreate (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawDeviceCdRomObject = 0x853c5d08
    nt!RawDeviceDiskObject = 0x853c5e20
    nt!RawDeviceTapeObject = 0x853c5bf0
    nt!RawDispatch (struct _VOLUME_DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!RawFileSystemControl (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawInitialize (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RawInitializeVcb (struct _VCB *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _VPB *)
    nt!RawMountVolume (struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawQueryFsAttributeInfo (struct _VCB *, struct _FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RawQueryFsDeviceInfo (struct _VCB *, struct _FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RawQueryFsSizeInfo (struct _VCB *, struct _FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RawQueryFsVolumeInfo (struct _VCB *, struct _FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RawQueryInformation (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawQueryVolumeInformation (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawReadWriteDeviceControl (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawSetInformation (struct _VCB *, struct _IRP *, struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *)
    nt!RawShutdown (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!RawUnload (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *)
    nt!RawUserFsCtrl (struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _VCB *)
    nt!RawVerifyVolume (struct _IO_STACK_LOCATION *, struct _VCB *)
    nt!RDMSR = <no type information>
    nt!RDTSC = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!READ_REGISTER_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!READ_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!RealPredecessor (struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS *)
    nt!RealSuccessor (struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS *)
    nt!RebalanceNode (struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS *)
    nt!ReferenceVacbLevel (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long, long, unsigned long)
    nt!RegChangeNotificationGuid = struct _GUID {4ee0b301-94bc-11d0-a4ec-00a0c9062910}
    nt!RegistryKeyName = 0x8080233c "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\DISK"
    nt!RegTab = <no type information>
    nt!regValue = <no type information>
    nt!ReleaseOpsEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!ReleaseOpsReservePool = 0x8538e318
    nt!ResourceCount = <no type information>
    nt!ResourceList = <no type information>
    nt!RM32 = unsigned char [8] "D@<\t`XTD@<\EA=]???"
    nt!RM8 = unsigned char [8] "D@<\EA=]???"
    nt!RotBarInit = <no type information>
    nt!RotBarSelection = <no type information>
    nt!RotBarUpdate = <no type information>
    nt!RtlAbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD (void *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlAcquirePebLock (void)
    nt!RtlAddAccessAllowedAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!RtlAddAccessAllowedAceEx (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!RtlAddAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAddAtomToAtomTable (void *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlAddAuditAccessAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlAddRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlAddressInSectionTable (struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAllocateHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly = <no type information>
    nt!RtlAllocateStringRoutine = 0x808d04f0
    nt!RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar (unsigned char **)
    nt!RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlAppendAsciizToString (struct _STRING *, char *)
    nt!RtlAppendStringToString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlAppendUnicodeToString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlAreAllAccessesGranted (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAreBitsClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAreBitsSet (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlAssert (void *, void *, unsigned long, char *)
    nt!RtlBackoff = <no type information>
    nt!RtlBaseAceType = unsigned char [9] ""
    nt!RtlCaptureContext = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCaptureStackBackTrace (unsigned long, unsigned long, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlCharToInteger (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlCheckRegistryKey (unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlClearAllBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!RtlClearBit (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlClearBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlCompareMemory = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompareMemoryUlong = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompareString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlCompareUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlCompressBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressBufferLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressBufferNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressBufferProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressChunks = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressWorkSpaceSizeLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCompressWorkSpaceSizeNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlComputeCrc32 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlComputeLfnChecksum = <no type information>
    nt!RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlCopyLuid (struct _LUID *, struct _LUID *)
    nt!RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray (unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!RtlCopyMemoryNonTemporal = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCopyRangeList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCopySid (unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray (unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlCopyString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlCopyUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlCrc32Table = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCreateAcl (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlCreateAtomTable (unsigned long, void **)
    nt!RtlCreateHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCreateHotPatch = <no type information>
    nt!RtlCreateRegistryKey (unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlCreateSecurityDescriptorRelative (struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlCreateSystemVolumeInformationFolder (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlCreateUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, char *)
    nt!RtlCreateUserProcess (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS *, void *, void *, void *, unsigned char, void *, void *, struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION *)
    nt!RtlCreateUserThread (void *, void *, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, <function> *, void *, void **, struct _CLIENT_ID *)
    nt!RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN (struct _CPTABLEINFO *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlCutoverTimeToSystemTime (struct _TIME_FIELDS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlDecompressBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressBufferLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressBufferNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressBufferProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressChunks = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressFragment = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressFragmentLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressFragmentNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDecompressFragmentProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDelete (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlDeleteAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlDeleteAtomFromAtomTable (void *, unsigned short)
    nt!RtlDeleteElementGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!RtlDeleteNoSplay (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *, struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS **)
    nt!RtlDeleteOwnersRanges = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDeleteRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDeleteRegistryValue (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlDeNormalizeProcessParams (struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS *)
    nt!RtlDescribeChunk = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDescribeChunkLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDescribeChunkNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDescribeChunkProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDestroyAtomTable (void *)
    nt!RtlDestroyHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlDispatchException (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _CONTEXT *)
    nt!RtlDnsHostNameToComputerName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlDosPathSeparatorsString = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\/"
    nt!RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar (unsigned short)
    nt!RtlDowncaseUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlEmptyAtomTable (void *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide (union _ULARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlEnumerateGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlEnumerateGenericTableLikeADirectory (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, <function> *, void *, unsigned long, void **, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void **)
    nt!RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplayingAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void **)
    nt!RtlEqualLuid (struct _LUID *, struct _LUID *)
    nt!RtlEqualPrefixSid (void *, void *)
    nt!RtlEqualSid (void *, void *)
    nt!RtlEqualString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlEqualUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply = <no type information>
    nt!RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide = <no type information>
    nt!RtlExtendedMagicDivide = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFatIllegalTable = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFillMemory = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFillMemoryUlong = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFillMemoryUlonglong = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFindCharInUnicodeString (unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlFindClearBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlFindClearBitsAndSet (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlFindClearRuns (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, struct _RTL_BITMAP_RUN *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlFindFirstRunClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlFindLastBackwardRunClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlFindLeastSignificantBit (unsigned int64)
    nt!RtlFindLongestRunClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlFindMessage (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY **)
    nt!RtlFindMostSignificantBit (unsigned int64)
    nt!RtlFindNextForwardRunClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlFindRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFindRtlPatchHeader = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFindSetBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlFindSetBitsAndClear (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlFindUnicodePrefix (struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlFirstFreeAce (struct _ACL *, void **)
    nt!RtlFormatBuffer2 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlFreeAnsiString (struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlFreeHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFreeHeapSlowly = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFreeHotPatchData = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFreeOemString (struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlFreeRangeList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlFreeStringRoutine = 0x80888b5c
    nt!RtlFreeUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlGenerate8dot3Name = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!RtlGetCallersAddress = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned char *, struct _ACL **, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlGetDefaultCodePage (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlGetElementGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlGetElementGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlGetFirstRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor (void *, void **, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlGetHotpatchHeader = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetLastRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetNextRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetNtGlobalFlags (void)
    nt!RtlGetNtProductType = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor (void *, void **, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned char *, struct _ACL **, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlGetSetBootStatusData = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGetVersion = <no type information>
    nt!RtlGUIDFromString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!RtlHashUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData (void *, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlImageNtHeader (void *)
    nt!RtlImageNtHeaderEx (unsigned long, void *, unsigned int64, struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS **)
    nt!RtlInitAnsiString = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitAnsiStringEx (struct _STRING *, char *)
    nt!RtlInitCodePageTable (unsigned short *, struct _CPTABLEINFO *)
    nt!RtlInitializeAtomPackage (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlInitializeBitMap (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlInitializeContext (void *, struct _CONTEXT *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlInitializeExceptionLog (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlInitializeGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!RtlInitializeGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, <function> *, <function> *, <function> *, void *)
    nt!RtlInitializeHotPatch = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitializeRangeList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitializeRangeListPackage = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitializeSid (void *, struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlInitializeStackTraceDataBase (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlInitializeUnicodePrefix (struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlInitNlsTables (unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, struct _NLSTABLEINFO *)
    nt!RtlInitString = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitUnicodeString = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInitUnicodeStringEx (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlInsertElementGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlInsertElementGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlInsertElementGenericTableFull (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, void *, _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT)
    nt!RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, void *, _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT)
    nt!RtlInsertUnicodePrefix (struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!RtlInt64ToUnicodeString (unsigned int64, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlIntegerToChar (unsigned long, unsigned long, long, char *)
    nt!RtlIntegerToUnicode (unsigned long, unsigned long, long, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIntegerToUnicodeString (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlInterlockedSetClearBits (unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlInvertRangeList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlIpv4AddressToStringA (struct in_addr *, char *)
    nt!RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA (struct in_addr *, unsigned short, char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW (struct in_addr *, unsigned short, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlIpv4AddressToStringW (struct in_addr *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv4StringToAddressA (char *, unsigned char, char **, struct in_addr *)
    nt!RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA (char *, unsigned char, struct in_addr *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW (unsigned short *, unsigned char, struct in_addr *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv4StringToAddressW (unsigned short *, unsigned char, unsigned short **, struct in_addr *)
    nt!RtlIpv6AddressToStringA (struct in6_addr *, char *)
    nt!RtlIpv6AddressToStringExA (struct in6_addr *, unsigned long, unsigned short, char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW (struct in6_addr *, unsigned long, unsigned short, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlIpv6AddressToStringW (struct in6_addr *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv6StringToAddressA (char *, char **, struct in6_addr *)
    nt!RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA (char *, struct in6_addr *, unsigned long *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW (unsigned short *, struct in6_addr *, unsigned long *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlIpv6StringToAddressW (unsigned short *, unsigned short **, struct in6_addr *)
    nt!RtlIsGenericTableEmpty (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlIsGenericTableEmptyAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlIsRangeAvailable = <no type information>
    nt!RtlIsSystemAceType = unsigned char [9] ""
    nt!RtlIsValidHandler (<function> *)
    nt!RtlIsValidOemCharacter = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerAdd = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerDivide (union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerNegate = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerSubtract = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerToChar (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, long, char *)
    nt!RtlLargeIntegerToUnicode (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long, long, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlLengthRequiredSid (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor (void *)
    nt!RtlLengthSid (void *)
    nt!RtlLengthSidAsUnicodeString (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlLockBootStatusData = <no type information>
    nt!RtlLogStackBackTrace (void)
    nt!RtlLogUmodeStackBackTrace (void)
    nt!RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable (void *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlLookupElementGenericTable (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!RtlLookupElementGenericTableAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *)
    nt!RtlLookupElementGenericTableFull (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *, void *, void **, _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT *)
    nt!RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *, void *, void **, _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT *)
    nt!RtlLookupFunctionTable (void *, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD (void *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlMapGenericMask (unsigned long *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!RtlMapSecurityErrorToNtStatus (long)
    nt!RtlMergeRangeLists = <no type information>
    nt!RtlMoveMemory = <no type information>
    nt!RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize (unsigned long *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlNextUnicodePrefix (struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlNtStatusToDosError (long)
    nt!RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb (long)
    nt!RtlNumberGenericTableElements (struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlNumberGenericTableElementsAvl (struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlNumberOfClearBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!RtlNumberOfSetBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!RtlOemStringToCountedUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlOemStringToUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlOemToUnicodeN (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlOpenCurrentUser (unsigned long, void **)
    nt!RtlpAcquireStackTraceDataBase (void)
    nt!RtlpAddData (void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpAddIntersectingRanges = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpAddKnownAce (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlpAddRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpAddToMergedRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpAllocateAtom (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpAllocateHotpatchMemory = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpAllocDeallocQueryBuffer (unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long, long *)
    nt!RtlpApplyAclToObject (struct _ACL *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!RtlpApplyRelocationFixups = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpAtomAllocateTag = 0x6d6f7441
    nt!RtlpAtomMapAtomToHandleEntry (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpBitsClearAnywhere = char [256] "???"
    nt!RtlpBitsClearHigh = char [256] "???"
    nt!RtlpBitsClearLow = char [256] "???"
    nt!RtlpBitsClearTotal = char [256] "???"
    nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCallQueryRegistryRoutine (struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE *, struct _KEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION *, unsigned long *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlpCaptureContext = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCaptureStackLimits (unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpCaptureStackTraceForLogging (struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpCoalesceFreeBlocks = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCompareAces (struct _KNOWN_ACE *, struct _KNOWN_ACE *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlpCompareKnownAces (struct _KNOWN_ACE *, struct _KNOWN_ACE *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlpCompareKnownObjectAces (struct _KNOWN_OBJECT_ACE *, struct _KNOWN_OBJECT_ACE *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlpComputeMergedAcl (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, struct _ACL *, unsigned long, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, struct _ACL **, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpComputeMergedAcl2 (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, struct _ACL *, unsigned long, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, unsigned long *, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpConvertToMergedRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCopyAces (struct _ACL *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, ACE_TYPE_TO_COPY, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *)
    nt!RtlpCopyAndNormalizePeHeaderForHash = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCopyEffectiveAce (struct _ACE_HEADER *, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, void **, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlpCopyRangeListEntry = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCreateHandleForAtom (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *, struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!RtlpCreateRangeListEntry = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpCreateServerAcl (struct _ACL *, unsigned char, void *, struct _ACL **, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlpCreateStack (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _INITIAL_TEB *)
    nt!RtlpCreateUnCommittedRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDeCommitFreeBlock = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDeleteData (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpDeleteFromMergedRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDeleteRangeListEntry = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDestroyHandleTableForAtomTable (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlpDestroyHeapSegment = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDestroyUnCommittedRange = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpDidUnicodeToOemWork (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlpEnvironCacheName = struct _UNICODE_STRING ""
    nt!RtlpEnvironCacheValid = 0x00 ''
    nt!RtlpEnvironCacheValue = struct _UNICODE_STRING ""
    nt!RtlpExceptionLog = 0x00000000
    nt!RtlpExceptionLogCount = 0
    nt!RtlpExceptionLogSize = 0
    nt!RtlpExecuteHandlerForException = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpExtendHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpExtendStackTraceDataBase (struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpFindAndCommitPages = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpFindSectionHeader = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpFreeAtom (void *)
    nt!RtlpFreeHandleForAtom (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *, struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!RtlpFreeHotpatchMemory = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpFreeStack (void *, struct _INITIAL_TEB *)
    nt!RtlpGenerateInheritAcl (struct _ACL *, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlpGenerateInheritedAce (struct _ACE_HEADER *, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *, unsigned long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!RtlpGetColdpatchDebugSignature = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpGetExtraStuffPointer = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpGetIntegerAtom (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlpGetRegistrationHead = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpGetRegistryHandle (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned char, void **)
    nt!RtlpGetStackLimits = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpGetTimeZoneInfoHandle (unsigned char, void **)
    nt!RtlpGuidPresentInGuidList (struct _GUID *, struct _GUID **, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpHashStringToAtom (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *, unsigned short *, struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE_ENTRY ***, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpHeapExceptionFilter = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpImageDirectoryEntryToData32 (void *, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned long *, struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)
    nt!RtlpImageDirectoryEntryToData64 (void *, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned long *, struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 *)
    nt!RtlPinAtomInAtomTable (void *, unsigned short)
    nt!RtlpInheritAcl (struct _ACL *, struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, struct _ACL **, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpInheritAcl2 (struct _ACL *, struct _ACL *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, void *, void *, void *, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned char, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpInitializeHandleTableForAtomTable (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlpInitializeHeapSegment = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpInitUpcaseTable (unsigned short *, struct _NLSTABLEINFO *)
    nt!RtlpInsertFreeBlock = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpInsertUnCommittedPages = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpIntegerChars = char [16] "0123456789ABCDEF0"
    nt!RtlpIntegerWChars = unsigned short [16]
    nt!RtlpInterlockedFlushSList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpInterlockedPushEntrySList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpIsDuplicateAce (struct _ACL *, struct _KNOWN_ACE *)
    nt!RtlpIsRangeAvailable = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpIsSameImage = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpLockAtomTable (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlpLogCapturedStackTrace (struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpLogExceptionHandler (struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, struct _CONTEXT *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpLogLastExceptionDisposition (unsigned long, _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION)
    nt!RtlpLogStackBackTraceEx (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpNewSecurityObject (void *, void *, void **, struct _GUID **, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!RtlpNormalizePeHeaderForIdHash = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpOpenImageFile (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, void **, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlpPeHeaderHash2 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpQueryRegistryDirect (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!RtlpQuerySecurityDescriptor (struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *, void **, unsigned long *, void **, unsigned long *, struct _ACL **, unsigned long *, struct _ACL **, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpRandomConstantVector = unsigned long [128]
    nt!RtlpRandomExAuxVarY = 0x7775fb16
    nt!RtlpRandomExConstantVector = unsigned long [128]
    nt!RtlpRangeListEntryLookasideList = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpReadSingleHookInformation = <no type information>
    nt!RtlPrefetchMemoryNonTemporal = <no type information>
    nt!RtlPrefixString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlPrefixUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlpRegistryPaths = unsigned short *[6]
    nt!RtlpRegistryQueryInitialBuffersize = 0x84
    nt!RtlpReleaseStackTraceDataBase (void)
    nt!RtlpRunTable = struct _RUN_ENTRY [146]
    nt!RtlpSearchValidationCode = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpSetSecurityObject (void *, unsigned long, void *, void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, void *)
    nt!RtlpSingleRangeValidate = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpStackTraceDataBase = 0x00000000
    nt!RtlpStackTraceDataBaseLock = struct _KSPIN_LOCK_EX
    nt!RtlpStatusTable = unsigned short [1129]
    nt!RtlpSysVolAdminSid (struct _SID *)
    nt!RtlpSysVolAllocate (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpSysVolCheckOwnerAndSecurity (void *, struct _ACL *)
    nt!RtlpSysVolCreateSecurityDescriptor (void **, struct _ACL **)
    nt!RtlpSysVolFree (void *)
    nt!RtlpSysVolSystemSid (struct _SID *)
    nt!RtlpSysVolTakeOwnership (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseAcquireLock (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseAllocate (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseFree (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseInitializeLock (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseInternalAdd (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *, unsigned long, void **, struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK **)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseInternalFind (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *, unsigned long, void **, struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK **)
    nt!RtlpTraceDatabaseReleaseLock (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlpTraceStandardHashFunction (unsigned long, void **)
    nt!RtlpUnlinkHandler = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpUnlockAtomTable (struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE *)
    nt!RtlpValidatePeChecksum = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpValidatePeHeaderHash2 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpValidateSDOffsetAndSize (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlpValidateTargetModule = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpValidateTargetRanges = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpVerCompare = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpVerGetConditionMask = <no type information>
    nt!RtlpWalkFrameChainExceptionFilter (unsigned long, void *)
    nt!RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable (void *, unsigned short, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlQueryAtomsInAtomTable (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *)
    nt!RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U (void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlQueryInformationAcl (struct _ACL *, void *, unsigned long, _ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS)
    nt!RtlQueryRegistryValues (unsigned long, unsigned short *, struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE *, void *, void *)
    nt!RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation (struct _RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!RtlRaiseException = <no type information>
    nt!RtlRaiseStatus = <no type information>
    nt!RtlRandom = <no type information>
    nt!RtlRandomEx = <no type information>
    nt!RtlReadHookInformation = <no type information>
    nt!RtlReadSingleHookValidation = <no type information>
    nt!RtlRealPredecessor (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlRealSuccessor (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlReleasePebLock (void)
    nt!RtlRemoveUnicodePrefix (struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE *, struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY *)
    nt!RtlReserveChunk = <no type information>
    nt!RtlReserveChunkLZNT1 = <no type information>
    nt!RtlReserveChunkNS = <no type information>
    nt!RtlReserveChunkProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlResetRtlTranslations (struct _NLSTABLEINFO *)
    nt!RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime (unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime (unsigned long, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!RtlSectionTableFromVirtualAddress (struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD (void *, void *, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *, unsigned long *, struct _ACL *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD2 (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlSetActiveTimeBias (long)
    nt!RtlSetAllBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *)
    nt!RtlSetBit (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlSetBits (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned char, struct _ACL *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor (void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor (void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned char, struct _ACL *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlSetTimeZoneInformation (struct _RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!RtlSizeHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlSplay (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlStringCatExWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCbCatExA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCbCopyA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCbCopyExA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCbPrintfA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCbPrintfExA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCopyExWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringCopyWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringFromGUID (struct _GUID *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlStringLengthWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringVPrintfExWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlStringVPrintfWorkerA = <no type information>
    nt!RtlSubAuthorityCountSid (void *)
    nt!RtlSubAuthoritySid (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlSubtreePredecessor (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlSubtreeSuccessor (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!RtlTestBit (struct _RTL_BITMAP *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlTimeFieldsToTime (struct _TIME_FIELDS *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _TIME_FIELDS *)
    nt!RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980 (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlTimeToTimeFields (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _TIME_FIELDS *)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseAdd (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *, unsigned long, void **, struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK **)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseCreate (unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, <function> *)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseDestroy (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseEnumerate (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *, struct _RTL_TRACE_ENUMERATE *, struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK **)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseFind (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *, unsigned long, void **, struct _RTL_TRACE_BLOCK **)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseLock (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseUnlock (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlTraceDatabaseValidate (struct _RTL_TRACE_DATABASE *)
    nt!RtlUlongByteSwap (unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUlonglongByteSwap (unsigned int64)
    nt!RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUnicodeStringToInteger (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!RtlUnicodeStringToOemString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUnicodeToCustomCPN (struct _CPTABLEINFO *, char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize (unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUnicodeToOemN (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUnlockBootStatusData = <no type information>
    nt!RtlUnwind (void *, void *, struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *, void *)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar (unsigned short)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString (struct _STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeToCustomCPN (struct _CPTABLEINFO *, char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlUpperChar (char)
    nt!RtlUpperString (struct _STRING *, struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlUshortByteSwap (unsigned short)
    nt!RtlValidAcl (struct _ACL *)
    nt!RtlValidateUnicodeString (unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlValidSecurityDescriptor (void *)
    nt!RtlValidSid (void *)
    nt!RtlVerifyVersionInfo = <no type information>
    nt!RtlWalkFrameChain (void **, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlWorkSpaceProcs = <no type information>
    nt!RtlWriteRegistryValue (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize (struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlxOemStringToUnicodeSize (struct _STRING *)
    nt!RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlxUnicodeStringToOemSize (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!RtlZeroHeap = <no type information>
    nt!RtlZeroMemory = <no type information>
    nt!s_szInvalidTag = unsigned short [11]
    nt!ScanHexFormat (unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!ScPatchFxb = 0xc601ae0f
    nt!ScPatchFxe = 0x0a4d47c6
    nt!scr_fault (void)
    nt!SdbAlloc (unsigned int)
    nt!SdbCloseDatabaseRead (struct _DB *)
    nt!SdbFindFirstNamedTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbFindFirstStringIndexedTag (struct _DB *, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short *, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbFindFirstTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!SdbFindNextStringIndexedTag (struct _DB *, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbFindNextTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbFree (void *)
    nt!SdbFreeFileInfo (void *)
    nt!SdbGetDatabaseID (struct _DB *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!SdbGetDatabaseMatch (void *, unsigned short *, void *, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbGetEntryFlags (struct _GUID *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbGetFileInfo (void *, unsigned short *, void *, void *, unsigned long, int)
    nt!SdbGetFirstChild (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbGetIndex (struct _DB *, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbGetNextChild (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbGetStringTagPtr (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbGetTagDataSize (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbGetTagFromTagID (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbInitDatabaseInMemory (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbMakeIndexKeyFromString (unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpBinarySearchFirst (struct _INDEX_RECORD *, unsigned long, unsigned int64, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpBinarySearchUnique (struct _INDEX_RECORD *, unsigned long, unsigned int64, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpCheckAllAttributes (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, struct _DB *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!SdbpCheckAttribute (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, void *, unsigned short, void *)
    nt!SdbpCheckExe (void *, struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *, _ADDITIVE_MODE, int, union tagMATCHMODE *, unsigned long *, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpCheckForMatch (void *, struct _DB *, unsigned long, struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *, union tagMATCHMODE *, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpCheckUptoVersion (unsigned int64, unsigned int64)
    nt!SdbpCheckVersion (unsigned int64, unsigned int64)
    nt!SdbpCleanupAttributeMgr (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *)
    nt!SdbpCreateSearchDBContext (struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpCreateSearchPathPartsFromPath (unsigned short *, struct tagSEARCHPATH **)
    nt!SdbpDoesFileExists_U (unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpFindFirstIndexedWildCardTag (struct _DB *, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short *, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbpFindMatchingName (struct _DB *, unsigned long, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbpFindNextIndexedWildCardTag (struct _DB *, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbpFindNextNamedTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short, unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpFormatMatchMode (union tagMATCHMODE *)
    nt!SdbpFormatMatchModeType (unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpFreeUnicodeString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!SdbpGetAttribute (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, struct tagFILEINFORMATION *, unsigned short)
    nt!SdbpGetFileChecksum (unsigned long *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGetFileDirectoryAttributesNT (struct tagFILEINFORMATION *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGetFileVersionInformation (struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *, void **, struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO **)
    nt!SdbpGetFirstIndexedRecord (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned int64, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbpGetHeaderAttributes (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, struct tagFILEINFORMATION *)
    nt!SdbpGetImageNTHeader (struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS **, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGetIndex (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpGetMappedData (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpGetMappedStringFromTable (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpGetMappedTagData (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpGetModulePECheckSum (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGetModuleType (unsigned long *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGetNextIndexedRecord (struct _DB *, unsigned long, struct _FIND_INFO *)
    nt!SdbpGetNextTagId (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpGetTagHeadSize (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpGetVersionAttributesNT (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, struct tagFILEINFORMATION *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpGUIDToUnicodeString (struct _GUID *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!SdbpInitializeSearchDBContext (struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *)
    nt!SdbpIsExeEntryEnabled (struct _DB *, unsigned long, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpKeyToAnsiString (unsigned int64, char *)
    nt!SdbpOpenAndMapFile (unsigned short *, struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *, _PATH_TYPE)
    nt!SdbpOpenDatabaseInMemory (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpPatternMatch (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpPatternMatchAnsi (char *, char *)
    nt!SdbpQueryAppCompatFlagsByExeID (unsigned short *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbpQueryBinVersionInformation (struct tagSDBCONTEXT *, struct tagFILEINFORMATION *, struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO *)
    nt!SdbpQueryFileDirectoryAttributesNT (struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *, struct tagFILEDIRECTORYATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!SdbpReadMappedData (struct _DB *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpReadStringRef (struct _DB *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpReadTagData (struct _DB *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpReleaseSearchDBContext (struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *)
    nt!SdbpResolveAndSplitPath (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbpScanIndexes (struct _DB *)
    nt!SdbpSearchDB (void *, struct _DB *, unsigned short, struct tagSEARCHDBCONTEXT *, unsigned long *, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *, union tagMATCHMODE *)
    nt!SdbpSetAttribute (struct tagFILEINFORMATION *, unsigned short, void *)
    nt!SdbpUnmapAndCloseDB (struct _DB *)
    nt!SdbpUnmapAndCloseFile (struct tagIMAGEFILEDATA *)
    nt!SdbpUpcaseUnicodeStringToMultiByteN (char *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!SdbpVerQueryValue (void *, void *, void **, unsigned int *)
    nt!SdbQueryData (void *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbQueryDataEx (void *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbQueryDataExTagID (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbReadBinaryTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbReadDWORDTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!SdbReadEntryInformation (void *, unsigned long, struct tagENTRYINFO *)
    nt!SdbReadQWORDTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned int64)
    nt!SdbReadWORDTag (struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!SdbReleaseDatabase (void *)
    nt!SdbTagIDToTagRef (void *, struct _DB *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SdbTagRefToTagID (void *, unsigned long, struct _DB **, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeAccessCheck (void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET **, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, char, unsigned long *, long *)
    nt!SeAccessCheckByType (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char)
    nt!SeAliasAccountOpsSid = 0xe1000d60
    nt!SeAliasAdminsSid = 0xe1000d78
    nt!SeAliasBackupOpsSid = 0xe1003e28
    nt!SeAliasGuestsSid = 0xe1002e18
    nt!SeAliasPowerUsersSid = 0xe1003e40
    nt!SeAliasPrintOpsSid = 0xe1002e00
    nt!SeAliasSystemOpsSid = 0xe1001de8
    nt!SeAliasUsersSid = 0xe1001e00
    nt!SeAnonymousAuthenticationId = struct _LUID
    nt!SeAnonymousLogonSid = 0xe1001e18
    nt!SeAnonymousLogonToken = 0xe10004f0
    nt!SeAnonymousLogonTokenNoEveryone = 0xe1000418
    nt!SeAppendPrivileges (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *)
    nt!SearchStrings = <no type information>
    nt!SeAssignPrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeAssignSecurity (void *, void *, void **, unsigned char, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!SeAssignSecurityEx (void *, void *, void **, struct _GUID *, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, _POOL_TYPE)
    nt!SeAssignWorldSecurityDescriptor (void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeAuditHandleCreation (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, void *)
    nt!SeAuditHandleDuplication (void *, void *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!SeAuditHardLinkCreation (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!SeAuditingFileEvents (unsigned char, void *)
    nt!SeAuditingFileEventsWithContext (unsigned char, void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents (unsigned char, void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeAuditingHardLinkEvents (unsigned char, void *)
    nt!SeAuditingHardLinkEventsWithContext (unsigned char, void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeAuditingState = struct _SE_AUDITING_STATE []
    nt!SeAuditingState = struct _SE_AUDITING_STATE []
    nt!SeAuditingState = struct _SE_AUDITING_STATE [9]
    nt!SeAuditPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeAuditProcessCreation (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!SeAuditProcessExit (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!SeAuditSystemTimeChange (union _LARGE_INTEGER, union _LARGE_INTEGER)
    nt!SeAuthenticatedUsersSid = 0xe1003e70
    nt!SeBackupPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeBatchSid = 0xe1002e60
    nt!SeCaptureAcl (struct _ACL *, char, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, struct _ACL **, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeCaptureAuditPolicy (struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY *, char, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY **)
    nt!SeCaptureLuidAndAttributesArray (struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, char, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES **, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeCaptureObjectTypeList (struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, char, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST **)
    nt!SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor (void *, char, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, void **)
    nt!SeCaptureSecurityQos (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, char, unsigned char *, struct _SECURITY_ADVANCED_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *)
    nt!SeCaptureSid (void *, char, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, void **)
    nt!SeCaptureSidAndAttributesArray (struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, char, void *, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, unsigned char, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES **, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeCaptureSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeCaptureSubjectContextEx (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeChangeNotifyPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeCheckAuditPrivilege (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, char)
    nt!SeCheckPrivilegedObject (struct _LUID, void *, unsigned long, char)
    nt!SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm (void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!SeComputeQuotaInformationSize (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SecondsToStartOf1970 = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x2`b6109100
    nt!SecondsToStartOf1980 = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0x2`c8df3700
    nt!SeCopyClientToken (void *, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, char, void **)
    nt!SeCreateAccessState (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _AUX_ACCESS_DATA *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeCreateAccessStateEx (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _EPROCESS *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _AUX_ACCESS_DATA *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeCreateClientSecurity (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, unsigned char, struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeCreateClientSecurityFromSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, unsigned char, struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeCreateGlobalPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeCreatePagefilePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeCreatePermanentPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeCreateTokenPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeCreatorGroupServerSid = 0xe1002e78
    nt!SeCreatorGroupSid = 0xe1000dd8
    nt!SeCreatorOwnerServerSid = 0xe1001e60
    nt!SeCreatorOwnerSid = 0xe1003eb0
    nt!SeDeassignPrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *)
    nt!SeDeassignSecurity (void **)
    nt!SeDebugPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeDefaultObjectMethod (void *, _SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeDeleteAccessState (struct _ACCESS_STATE *)
    nt!SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarm (void *, void *)
    nt!SeDetailedAuditingWithToken (void *)
    nt!SeDialupSid = 0xe1000dc0
    nt!SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeExchangePrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, void **)
    nt!SeExports = 0x809d30f8
    nt!SeFastFilterToken (void *, char, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!SeFastTraverseCheck (void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned long, char)
    nt!SeFileSystemNotifyRoutinesHead = struct _SEP_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_NOTIFICATION
    nt!SeFilterToken (void *, unsigned long, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, void **)
    nt!SeFreeCapturedObjectTypeList (void *)
    nt!SeFreeCapturedSecurityQos (void *)
    nt!SeFreePrivileges (struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *)
    nt!SeGetLogonIdDeviceMap (struct _LUID *, struct _DEVICE_MAP **)
    nt!SeGetTokenControlInformation (void *, struct _TOKEN_CONTROL *)
    nt!SeImpersonateClient (struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!SeImpersonateClientEx (struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!SeImpersonatePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeInitializeProcessAuditName (void *, unsigned char, struct _OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION **)
    nt!SeInitSystem (void)
    nt!SeInteractiveSid = 0xe1003e88
    nt!SeIsChildTokenByPointer (void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SeIsSiblingTokenByPointer (void *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SeLoadDriverPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeLocalServicePublicDacl = 0xe1001cf8
    nt!SeLocalServicePublicSd = 0x809d2fbc
    nt!SeLocalServiceSid = 0xe1002e30
    nt!SeLocalSid = 0xe1002e90
    nt!SeLocalSystemSid = 0xe1002e48
    nt!SeLocateProcessImageName (struct _EPROCESS *, struct _UNICODE_STRING **)
    nt!SeLockMemoryPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeLockSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeMakeAnonymousLogonToken (void)
    nt!SeMakeAnonymousLogonTokenNoEveryone (void)
    nt!SeMakeSystemToken (void)
    nt!SeManageVolumePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeMarkLogonSessionForTerminationNotification (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SeMaximumAuditMask (struct _ACL *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeNetworkServiceSid = 0xe1003e58
    nt!SeNetworkSid = 0xe1001e48
    nt!SeNtAuthoritySid = 0xe1003ea0
    nt!SeNullSid = 0xe1003ec8
    nt!SeObjectReferenceAuditAlarm (struct _LUID *, void *, void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char, char)
    nt!SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned char, unsigned char, char, unsigned char *)
    nt!SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _ACCESS_STATE *, unsigned char, unsigned char, char, unsigned char *)
    nt!SeOperationAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!SepAccessCheck (void *, void *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned long, char, unsigned long *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET **, long *, unsigned char, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *, unsigned long, _AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *, unsigned long *, long *, unsigned char *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepAddAccessTypeList (struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, ACCESS_MASK_FIELD_TO_UPDATE)
    nt!SepAdjustGroups (struct _TOKEN *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _TOKEN_GROUPS *, void *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepAdjustPrivileges (struct _TOKEN *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepAdtAuditingEnabled = 0x01 ''
    nt!SepAdtAuditThisEventWithContext (_POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SepAdtCloseObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *)
    nt!SepAdtCopyToLsaSharedMemory (void *, void *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!SepAdtCountEventsDiscarded = 0
    nt!SepAdtCurrentListLength = 0
    nt!SepAdtDeleteObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, void *)
    nt!SepAdtDiscardingAudits = 0x00 ''
    nt!SepAdtGenerateDiscardAudit (void)
    nt!SepAdtInitializeAuditingOptions (void)
    nt!SepAdtInitializeBounds (void)
    nt!SepAdtInitializeCrashOnFail (void)
    nt!SepAdtInitializePrivilegeAuditing (void)
    nt!SepAdtLogAuditRecord (struct _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY *)
    nt!SepAdtLogInformation = struct _POLICY_AUDIT_LOG_INFO
    nt!SepAdtLsaDeadEvent = 0x00000000
    nt!SepAdtMarshallAuditRecord (struct _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY *, struct _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY **, _SEP_RM_LSA_MEMORY_TYPE *)
    nt!SepAdtMaxListLength = 0x3000
    nt!SepAdtMinListLength = 0x2000
    nt!SepAdtObjectReferenceAuditAlarm (void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!SepAdtOpenObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _LUID *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char, void *, _POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SepAdtOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _LUID *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char, void *)
    nt!SepAdtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepAdtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, void *, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepAdtValidateAuditBounds (unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!SepAppendDefaultDacl (struct _TOKEN *, struct _ACL *)
    nt!SepAppendPrimaryGroup (struct _TOKEN *, void *)
    nt!SepAssemblePrivileges (unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET **)
    nt!SepAuditAssignPrimaryToken (struct _EPROCESS *, void *)
    nt!SepAuditFailed (long)
    nt!SepAuditOptions = struct _SEP_AUDIT_OPTIONS
    nt!SepAuditTypeList (struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, long *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepCheckAcl (struct _ACL *, unsigned long)
    nt!SepCleanupLUIDDeviceMapDirectory (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepComparePrivilegeAndAttributeArrays (struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!SepCompareSidAndAttributeArrays (struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long)
    nt!SepConcatenatePrivileges (struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *)
    nt!SepCopyProxyData (struct _SECURITY_TOKEN_PROXY_DATA **, struct _SECURITY_TOKEN_PROXY_DATA *)
    nt!SepCrashOnAuditFail = 0x00 ''
    nt!SepCreateClientSecurity (void *, struct _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *, unsigned char, _TOKEN_TYPE, unsigned char, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, struct _SECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SepCreateImpersonationTokenDacl (struct _TOKEN *, void *, struct _ACL **)
    nt!SepCreateLogonSessionTrack (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepCreateToken (void **, char, unsigned long, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, _TOKEN_TYPE, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, struct _LUID *, union _LARGE_INTEGER *, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, void *, void *, struct _ACL *, struct _TOKEN_SOURCE *, unsigned char, struct _SECURITY_TOKEN_PROXY_DATA *, struct _SECURITY_TOKEN_AUDIT_DATA *)
    nt!SepCreatorSidAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!SepDeleteLogonSessionTrack (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepDequeueWorkItem (void)
    nt!SepDeReferenceLogonSession (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepDoublePrivilegeSet = 0xe1000c90
    nt!SepDuplicateToken (struct _TOKEN *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned char, _TOKEN_TYPE, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, char, struct _TOKEN **)
    nt!SepExamineSacl (struct _ACL *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepExamineSaclEx (struct _ACL *, void *, unsigned long, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned char, long *, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepExpandDynamic (struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long)
    nt!SepExports = struct _SE_EXPORTS
    nt!SepExWorkItem = struct _SEP_WORK_ITEM
    nt!SepFilterPrivilegeAudits (unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *)
    nt!SepFilterPrivileges = 0x80994258
    nt!SepFilterPrivilegesLong = struct _LUID *[8]
    nt!SepFilterPrivilegesShort = struct _LUID *[6]
    nt!SepFilterToken (struct _TOKEN *, char, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _TOKEN **)
    nt!SepFreeCapturedString (struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!SepFreeDefaultDacl (struct _TOKEN *)
    nt!SepFreePrimaryGroup (struct _TOKEN *)
    nt!SepFreeProxyData (struct _SECURITY_TOKEN_PROXY_DATA *)
    nt!SepGetDefaultsSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, void **, void **, void **, void **, struct _ACL **)
    nt!SepIdAssignableAsGroup (void *, void *)
    nt!SepIdAssignableAsOwner (struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long)
    nt!SepImportantProcessSd = 0x00000000
    nt!SepInformFileSystemsOfDeletedLogon (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepInformLsaOfDeletedLogon (struct _LUID *)
    nt!SepInitializationPhase0 (void)
    nt!SepInitializationPhase1 (void)
    nt!SepInitializePrivilegeFilter (unsigned char)
    nt!SepInitializePrivilegeSets (void)
    nt!SepInitializeWorkList (void)
    nt!SepInitProcessAuditSd (void)
    nt!SepInitSystemDacls (void)
    nt!SepLocalServicePublicSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepLocalSidAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!SepLogonSessions = 0xe1001cb0
    nt!SepLsaHandle = 0x0000049c
    nt!SepLsaQueue = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x809d326c - 0x809d326c ]
    nt!SepLsaQueueLength = 0
    nt!SepLsaQueueLock = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!SepMakeTokenEffectiveOnly (struct _TOKEN *)
    nt!SepMaximumAccessCheck (struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _ACL *, void *, unsigned long, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!SepModifyTokenPolicyCounter (struct _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepNormalAccessCheck (unsigned long, struct _TOKEN *, struct _TOKEN *, struct _ACL *, void *, unsigned long, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!SepNotifyFileSystems (void *)
    nt!SepNtAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!SepNullSidAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!SepObjectInTypeList (struct _GUID *, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SepOpenTokenOfThread (void *, unsigned char, void **, struct _ETHREAD **, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL *)
    nt!SepPrimaryDomainAdminSid = 0x00000000
    nt!SepPrimaryDomainSid = 0x00000000
    nt!SepPrivilegeCheck (struct _TOKEN *, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, unsigned long, char)
    nt!SepProbeAndCaptureQosData (struct _SECURITY_ADVANCED_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE *)
    nt!SepProbeAndCaptureString_U (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING **)
    nt!SepProcessAccessesToAudit = 0
    nt!SepProcessAuditSd = 0x00000000
    nt!SepPublicDefaultSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepPublicDefaultUnrestrictedSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepPublicOpenSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepPublicOpenUnrestrictedSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepQueryNameString (void *)
    nt!SepQueryTypeString (void *)
    nt!SepQueueWorkItem (struct _SEP_LSA_WORK_ITEM *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepReferenceLogonSession (struct _LUID *, struct _SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES **)
    nt!SepRegQueryDwordValue (unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SepRegQueryHelper (unsigned short *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SepRemoveDisabledGroupsAndPrivileges (struct _TOKEN *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!SePrincipalSelfSid = 0xe1001e30
    nt!SePrivilegeCheck (struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, char)
    nt!SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char)
    nt!SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm (void *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET *, unsigned char, char)
    nt!SePrivilegePolicyCheck (unsigned long *, unsigned long *, struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, void *, struct _PRIVILEGE_SET **, char)
    nt!SepRmCallLsa (struct _SEP_WORK_ITEM *)
    nt!SepRmCommandDispatch = <function> *[4]
    nt!SepRmCommandServerThread (void *)
    nt!SepRmCommandServerThreadInit (void)
    nt!SepRmCreateLogonSessionWrkr (struct _RM_COMMAND_MESSAGE *, struct _RM_REPLY_MESSAGE *)
    nt!SepRmDbInitialization (void)
    nt!SepRmDbLock = struct _ERESOURCE []
    nt!SepRmDbLock = struct _ERESOURCE [4]
    nt!SepRmDeleteLogonSessionWrkr (struct _RM_COMMAND_MESSAGE *, struct _RM_REPLY_MESSAGE *)
    nt!SepRmInitPhase0 (void)
    nt!SepRmLsaCallProcess = 0x85397648
    nt!SepRmNotifyMutex = struct _FAST_MUTEX
    nt!SepRmSetAuditEventWrkr (struct _RM_COMMAND_MESSAGE *, struct _RM_REPLY_MESSAGE *)
    nt!SepRmState = struct _SEP_RM_STATE
    nt!SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SepServicesFilterPrivileges = struct _LUID *[2]
    nt!SepSetAuditInfoForObjectType (unsigned char, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned long, long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!SepSidInSidAndAttributes (struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!SepSidInToken (void *, void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepSidInTokenEx (void *, void *, void *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!SepSinglePrivilegeCheck (struct _LUID, void *, char)
    nt!SepSystemDefaultSd = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!SepSystemSecurityPrivilegeSet = 0xe1002d80
    nt!SepTakeOwnershipPrivilegeSet = 0xe1003d90
    nt!SepTokenDeleteMethod (void *)
    nt!SepTokenInitialization (void)
    nt!SepTokenIsOwner (void *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepTokenMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!SepTokenPolicyCounter = long [9]
    nt!SePublicDefaultDacl = 0xe1000d00
    nt!SePublicDefaultSd = 0x809d2f44
    nt!SePublicDefaultUnrestrictedDacl = 0xe1001d70
    nt!SePublicDefaultUnrestrictedSd = 0x809d2f5c
    nt!SePublicOpenDacl = 0xe1002da0
    nt!SePublicOpenSd = 0x809d2f8c
    nt!SePublicOpenUnrestrictedDacl = 0xe1003db0
    nt!SePublicOpenUnrestrictedSd = 0x809d2f74
    nt!SepUpdateParentTypeList (struct _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!SepValidOwnerSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *, void *, unsigned char)
    nt!SepVariableInitialization (void)
    nt!SepWorldSidAuthority = struct _SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY
    nt!SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken (void *, struct _LUID *)
    nt!SeQueryInformationToken (void *, _TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, void **)
    nt!SeQuerySecurityAccessMask (unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo (unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **)
    nt!SeQuerySessionIdToken (void *, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeRegisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!SeReleaseAcl (struct _ACL *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseAuditPolicy (struct _TOKEN_AUDIT_POLICY *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseLuidAndAttributesArray (struct _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor (void *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseSid (void *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseSidAndAttributesArray (struct _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *, char, unsigned char)
    nt!SeReleaseSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeReportSecurityEvent (unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY *)
    nt!SeRestorePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeRestrictedSid = 0xe1000d90
    nt!SerialId = <no type information>
    nt!SeRmInitPhase1 (void)
    nt!SeSecurityPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeServiceSid = 0xe1000da8
    nt!SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping (struct _ACCESS_STATE *, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeSetAuditParameter (struct _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_ARRAY *, _SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!SeSetSecurityAccessMask (unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfo (void *, unsigned long *, void *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfoEx (void *, unsigned long *, void *, void **, unsigned long, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!SeSetSessionIdToken (void *, unsigned long)
    nt!SeShutdownPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSinglePrivilegeCheck (struct _LUID, char)
    nt!SeSubProcessToken (void *, void **, unsigned char, unsigned long)
    nt!SeSubsystemName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "Security"
    nt!SeSyncAgentPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSystemAuthenticationId = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSystemDefaultDacl = 0xe1000cb8
    nt!SeSystemDefaultSd = 0x809d2fa4
    nt!SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSystemProfilePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSystemtimePrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeSystemTokenSource = struct _TOKEN_SOURCE
    nt!SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeTcbPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeTokenCanImpersonate (void *, void *, _SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
    nt!SeTokenImpersonationLevel (void *)
    nt!SeTokenIsAdmin (void *)
    nt!SeTokenIsRestricted (void *)
    nt!SeTokenObjectType = 0x85397e70
    nt!SeTokenType (void *)
    nt!SetVacb (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, union _LARGE_INTEGER, struct _VACB *)
    nt!SetVirtualBits (void)
    nt!SetVirtualBits_Handler (void)
    nt!SeUndockPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeUnlockSubjectContext (struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT *)
    nt!SeUnregisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine (<function> *)
    nt!SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege = struct _LUID
    nt!SeValidSecurityDescriptor (unsigned long, void *)
    nt!SeWorldSid = 0xe1001e78
    nt!ShimExceptionHandler (struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, char *, unsigned long)
    nt!shortsort (char *, char *, unsigned int, <function> *)
    nt!ShortTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fff0bdc0
    nt!ShowProgressBar = <no type information>
    nt!shutdownlength = <no type information>
    nt!sin = <no type information>
    nt!SinglePrivilegeSetSize = 0x14
    nt!SkippingWhichBP = <no type information>
    nt!sprintf (char *, char *)
    nt!sqrt = <no type information>
    nt!Square1 = <no type information>
    nt!Square2 = <no type information>
    nt!Square3 = <no type information>
    nt!srand (unsigned int)
    nt!SsToLinear (void)
    nt!StackOverflowFallback = struct _STACK_OVERFLOW_ITEM
    nt!StackOverflowFallbackSerialEvent = struct _KEVENT
    nt!Start = <no type information>
    nt!stnpx_30 (void)
    nt!strcat (void)
    nt!strchr (void)
    nt!strcmp (void)
    nt!strcpy (void)
    nt!StringCatExWorkerW = <no type information>
    nt!StringCatWorkerW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCbCatExW = <no type information>
    nt!StringCbCatW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCbCopyExW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *, unsigned short **, unsigned int *, unsigned long)
    nt!StringCbCopyW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCbPrintfExW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, unsigned short **, unsigned int *, unsigned long, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCbPrintfW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCchCopyW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCchPrintfExW = <no type information>
    nt!StringCchPrintfW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringCopyExWorkerW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, unsigned int, wchar_t *, unsigned short **, unsigned int *, unsigned long)
    nt!StringCopyWorkerW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *)
    nt!StringLengthWorkerW (wchar_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int *)
    nt!StringTerminators = <no type information>
    nt!StringVPrintfExWorkerW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned short **, unsigned int *, unsigned long, wchar_t *, char *)
    nt!StringVPrintfWorkerW (unsigned short *, unsigned int, wchar_t *, char *)
    nt!strlen (void)
    nt!strncat (void)
    nt!strncmp (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!strncpy (void)
    nt!strrchr (unsigned char *, unsigned char)
    nt!strspn (unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!strstr (void)
    nt!strtol (char *, char **, int)
    nt!strtoul (char *, char **, int)
    nt!strtoxl (char *, char **, int, int)
    nt!SUBTRACT_MAP_REGISTERS = <no type information>
    nt!SwapContext (void)
    nt!SwapSplayLinks (struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *, struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *)
    nt!SwitchToHandlerStack (void)
    nt!SwitchToHandlerStack_fault (void)
    nt!swprintf (unsigned short *, wchar_t *)
    nt!SymbolRecorded = <no type information>
    nt!SymNumFor = <no type information>
    nt!SystemHiveFullPathBuffer = unsigned char [] "\"
    nt!SystemHiveFullPathBuffer = unsigned char [128] "\"
    nt!SystemHiveFullPathName = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SYSTEM"
    nt!SystemStateNames = <no type information>
    nt!SystemTraceControlGuid = struct _GUID {9e814aad-3204-11d2-9a82-006008a86939}
    nt!szBias = unsigned short []
    nt!szBias = unsigned short [5]
    nt!szDaylightBias = unsigned short []
    nt!szDaylightBias = unsigned short [13]
    nt!szDaylightName = unsigned short []
    nt!szDaylightName = unsigned short [13]
    nt!szDaylightStart = unsigned short []
    nt!szDaylightStart = unsigned short [14]
    nt!szStandardBias = unsigned short []
    nt!szStandardBias = unsigned short [13]
    nt!szStandardName = unsigned short []
    nt!szStandardName = unsigned short [13]
    nt!szStandardStart = unsigned short []
    nt!szStandardStart = unsigned short [14]
    nt!TagToIndex (unsigned short)
    nt!tcpxsum = <no type information>
    nt!Temporary486Int6 (void)
    nt!TemporaryInt1 (void)
    nt!TemporaryInt6 (void)
    nt!TimeToDaysAndFraction (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!tolower (int)
    nt!TotalTraceBuffers = 0
    nt!toupper (int)
    nt!towlower (wchar_t)
    nt!towupper (wchar_t)
    nt!TraceDataBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!TraceDataBufferFilled = <no type information>
    nt!TraceDataBufferPosition = <no type information>
    nt!TraceDataRecordCallInfo = <no type information>
    nt!TraceDataSyms = <no type information>
    nt!TraceErrorGuid = struct _GUID {398191dc-2da7-11d3-8b98-00805f85d7c6}
    nt!TrailDownVec = 0x808739e8
    nt!TrailDownVec = 0x80873d38
    nt!TrailUpVec = 0x8087384c
    nt!TrailUpVec = 0x80873b9c
    nt!TransitionPde = struct _MMPTE
    nt!TriageActUpon = <no type information>
    nt!TriageGetBugcheckData = <no type information>
    nt!TriageGetDriverCount = <no type information>
    nt!TriageGetLoaderEntry = <no type information>
    nt!TriageGetMmInformation = <no type information>
    nt!TriageImagePageSize = <no type information>
    nt!TriagepGetPageSize = <no type information>
    nt!TriagepVerifyDump = <no type information>
    nt!TunnelLookasideList = struct _PAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!TunnelMaxAge = 0x8f0d180
    nt!TunnelMaxEntries = 0x400
    nt!under = unsigned long [3]
    nt!UnicodeDefaultChar = 0x3f
    nt!UnwindDownVec = 0x8087398c
    nt!UnwindDownVec = 0x80873cdc
    nt!UnwindUpVec = 0x80873833
    nt!UnwindUpVec = 0x80873b83
    nt!UTF8Encode = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kids_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kira_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit0_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit1_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit10_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit11_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit13_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit3_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit4_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit5_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit6_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit7_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kit9_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kita_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kitb_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kitc_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kitd_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kite_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kitf_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kitx_a = <no type information>
    nt!V86_kui_a = <no type information>
    nt!VacbLevelReference (struct _SHARED_CACHE_MAP *, struct _VACB **, unsigned long)
    nt!ValidKernelPde = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidKernelPdeLocal = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidKernelPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidKernelPteLocal = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidPdePde = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidPtePte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ValidUserPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!vDbgPrintEx (unsigned long, unsigned long, char *, char *)
    nt!vDbgPrintExWithPrefix (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, char *, char *)
    nt!vDbgPrintExWithPrefixInternal (char *, unsigned long, unsigned long, char *, char *, unsigned char)
    nt!VdmBopCount = 0
    nt!VdmCallStringIoHandler = <no type information>
    nt!VdmCheckPMCliTimeStamp = <no type information>
    nt!VdmClearPMCliTimeStamp = <no type information>
    nt!VdmConvertToLinearAddress = <no type information>
    nt!vdmDebugPoint (void)
    nt!VdmDecodeOperand = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchBop = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchException = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchIntAck (void)
    nt!VdmDispatchInterrupts = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchIoToHandler = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchIRQ13 = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchOpcode_try = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchOpcodeV86_try = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchPageFault = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchStringIoToHandler = <no type information>
    nt!VdmDispatchUnalignedIoToHandler = <no type information>
    nt!VdmEndExecution = <no type information>
    nt!VdmFetchBop1 = <no type information>
    nt!VdmFetchBop4 = <no type information>
    nt!VdmFetchULONG = <no type information>
    nt!VdmFixEspEbp (void)
    nt!VdmIoListCreationResource = struct _ERESOURCE
    nt!VdmOpcode0f = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeClts = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeGetCrx = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeGetDrx = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeLmsw = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeSetCrx = <no type information>
    nt!VdmOpcodeSetDrx = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpDelayIntApcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpDelayIntDpcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpDelayInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpDispatchableIntPending = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpEnterIcaLock = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpFlushPrinterWriteData = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpGetVdmTib = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpIcaAccept = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpIcaScan = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpIsThreadTerminating = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpLeaveIcaLock = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpMaxPMCliTime = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpPrinterDirectIoClose = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpPrinterDirectIoOpen = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpPrinterInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpQueryVdmProcess = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpQueueIntApcRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpQueueInterrupt = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpQueueIntNopRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpQueueIntNormalRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpRestartDelayedInterrupts = <no type information>
    nt!VdmPrinterStatus = <no type information>
    nt!VdmPrinterWriteData = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpRundownRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!VdmpStartExecution = <no type information>
    nt!VdmQueryDirectoryFile = <no type information>
    nt!VdmRundownDpcs = <no type information>
    nt!VdmSegNotPres_ExceptionHandler (void)
    nt!VdmSegParams = <no type information>
    nt!VdmSetPMCliTimeStamp = <no type information>
    nt!VdmSkipNpxInstruction = <no type information>
    nt!VdmStringIoBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!VdmStringIoMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VdmSwapContexts = <no type information>
    nt!VdmTibPass1 = <no type information>
    nt!VdmTraceEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VdmUserCr0MapIn = unsigned char [] ""
    nt!VdmUserCr0MapOut = <no type information>
    nt!VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierDdiDriverName = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierDeadlockFreePool = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAcquireFastMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAllocatePool = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAllocatePoolWithQuota = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAllocatePoolWithTag = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExFreePool = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExFreePoolWithTag = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExInitializeNPagedLookasideList = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExInitializePagedLookasideList = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExReleaseFastMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExReleaseResourceLite = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierExTryToAcquireFastMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierFilterDriverName = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierFreeTrackedPool = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoAllocateIrp1 = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoAllocateIrp2 = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoDeleteDevice = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoDetachDevice = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoFreeIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIoInitializeIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIrqlData = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierIsTrackingPool = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeAcquireQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeInitializeMutant = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeInitializeMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeInitializeSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeInitializeTimer = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeLeaveCriticalRegion = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeReleaseMutant = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeReleaseMutex = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeReleaseQueuedSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeSetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeSynchronizeExecution = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKeWaitForSingleObject = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKfAcquireSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKfLowerIrql = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKfRaiseIrql = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierKfReleaseSpinLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierLargePagedPoolMap = 0x00000000
    nt!VerifierListLock = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmMapIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmMapLockedPages = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmProbeAndLockPages = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmProbeAndLockProcessPages = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmUnlockPages = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmUnmapIoSpace = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierMmUnmapLockedPages = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierModifyableOptions = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierNtCreateFile = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierNtReadFile = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierNtWriteFile = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierObDereferenceObject = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierObfReferenceObject = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierOptionChanges = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierReferenceObjectByHandle = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierRequiredTimeSinceBoot = <no type information>
    nt!VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted = <no type information>
    nt!VERIFY_BUFFER_LOCKED = <no type information>
    nt!VerSetConditionMask = <no type information>
    nt!VersionDataKeys = <no type information>
    nt!VF_ASSERT_IRQL = <no type information>
    nt!VF_ASSERT_MAX_IRQL = <no type information>
    nt!VF_FIND_BUFFER = <no type information>
    nt!VF_FIND_DEVICE_INFORMATION = <no type information>
    nt!VF_FIND_INACTIVE_ADAPTER = <no type information>
    nt!VF_MARK_FOR_DEFERRED_REMOVE = <no type information>
    nt!VF_MARK_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST = <no type information>
    nt!VF_UNMARK_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST = <no type information>
    nt!VfAdapterCallback = <no type information>
    nt!VfAllocateAdapterChannel = <no type information>
    nt!VfAllocateCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!VfAllocateCrashDumpRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!VfAssert = <no type information>
    nt!VfBugcheckInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfBugcheckThrowException = <no type information>
    nt!VfBugcheckThrowIoException = <no type information>
    nt!VfBuildMdlFromScatterGatherList = <no type information>
    nt!VfBuildScatterGatherList = <no type information>
    nt!VfCalculateScatterGatherListSize = <no type information>
    nt!VfDdiExposeWmiObjects = <no type information>
    nt!VfDdiInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockAcquireResource = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockAfterCallDriver = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockBeforeCallDriver = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockDeleteMemoryRange = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockDetectionInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockInitializeResource = <no type information>
    nt!VfDeadlockReleaseResource = <no type information>
    nt!VfDevObjAdjustFdoForVerifierFilters = <no type information>
    nt!VfDevObjPostAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!VfDevObjPreAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!VfDisableHalVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!VfFailDeviceNode = <no type information>
    nt!VfFailDriver = <no type information>
    nt!VfFailSystemBIOS = <no type information>
    nt!VfFilterAttach = <no type information>
    nt!VfFilterCreated = <no type information>
    nt!VfFilterDriverObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfFilterInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfFilterIsVerifierFilterObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfFlushAdapterBuffers = <no type information>
    nt!VfFreeAdapterChannel = <no type information>
    nt!VfFreeCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!VfFreeMapRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!VfGenericInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfGetDmaAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!VfGetDmaAlignment = <no type information>
    nt!VfGetPDO = <no type information>
    nt!VfGetScatterGatherList = <no type information>
    nt!VfHalAllocateMapRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!VfHalDeleteDevice = <no type information>
    nt!VfHalVerifierInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!VfInitializeTimerInformation = <no type information>
    nt!VfInitVerifier = <no type information>
    nt!VfInjectDmaFailure = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpAllocate = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryAcquireLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryAppendToChain = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryDereference = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryFindAndLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryGetChainNext = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryGetChainPrevious = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryInsertAndLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryReference = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryReleaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseEntryRemoveFromChain = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpDatabaseInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpFree = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogDeleteDeviceLogs = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogGetIrpDatabaseSiloCount = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogLockDatabase = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogRecordEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogRetrieveWmiData = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpLogUnlockDatabase = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpMakeTouchable = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpMakeUntouchable = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpPrepareAllocaCallStackData = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpReleaseCallStackData = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpReserveCallStackData = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpSendSynchronousIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfIrpWatermark = <no type information>
    nt!VfIsPCIBus = <no type information>
    nt!VfIsVerificationEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!VfLegacyGetAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorAdvanceIrpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorBuildIrpLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorIsNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorIsSystemRestrictedIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorIsValidIrpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorRegisterHandlers = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorTestStartedPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorVerifyFinalIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorVerifyIrpStackDownward = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorVerifyIrpStackUpward = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorVerifyNewIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfMajorVerifyNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!VfMapTransfer = <no type information>
    nt!VfMessageRetrieveErrorData = <no type information>
    nt!VfMessageRetrieveInternalTable = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketAcquireLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketCreateAndLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketDereference = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketFindAndLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketGetCurrentSessionData = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketReference = <no type information>
    nt!VfPacketReleaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpAdvanceIrpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpIsSystemRestrictedIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpTestStartedPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpVerifyIrpStackDownward = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpVerifyIrpStackUpward = <no type information>
    nt!VfPnpVerifyNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerIsSystemRestrictedIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerTestStartedPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerVerifyIrpStackDownward = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerVerifyIrpStackUpward = <no type information>
    nt!VfPowerVerifyNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!VfpPacketNotificationCallback = <no type information>
    nt!VfPrintDumpIrp = <no type information>
    nt!VfPrintDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfPutDmaAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!VfPutScatterGatherList = <no type information>
    nt!VfQueryPerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!VfRandomGetNumber = <no type information>
    nt!VfReadDmaCounter = <no type information>
    nt!VfRealHalAllocateMapRegisters = <no type information>
    nt!VfScatterGatherCallback = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsCreateSnapshot = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsGetSnapshotSize = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsGetValue = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsGlobal = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsIsOptionEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!VfSettingsSetOption = <no type information>
    nt!VfSetVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!VfStackSeedStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfUtilIsMemoryRangeReadable = <no type information>
    nt!VfVerifierRunningMode = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiInit = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiTestStartedPdoStack = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiVerifyIrpStackDownward = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiVerifyIrpStackUpward = <no type information>
    nt!VfWmiVerifyNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAddBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAddDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAdjustPrivilegesToken = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAlertThread = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAllocateVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwAssignProcessToJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwBreakForIssues = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwBreakForVspaceOps = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCancelIoFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCancelTimer = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCheckAddress = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCheckHandle = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCheckObjectAttributes = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCheckUnicodeString = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwClearEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwClose = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwConnectPort = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateSection = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwCreateTimer = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeleteBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeleteDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeleteFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeleteKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeleteValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDeviceIoControlFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDuplicateObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwDuplicateToken = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwEnableSimulatedAttacks = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwEnumerateBootEntries = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwEnumerateDriverEntries = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwEnumerateKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwEnumerateValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwExceptionFilter = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwFlushInstructionCache = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwFlushKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwFlushVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwFreeVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwFsControlFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwInitiatePowerAction = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwIsProcessInJob = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwLastCall = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwLoadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwLoadKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwMakeTemporaryObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwMapViewOfSection = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwModifyBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwModifyDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwNotifyChangeKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenProcess = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenProcessToken = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenProcessTokenEx = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenSection = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenThread = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenThreadToken = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenThreadTokenEx = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwOpenTimer = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwPowerInformation = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwPulseEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryDefaultLocale = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryDefaultUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryDirectoryFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryEaFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryFullAttributesFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInformationJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInformationProcess = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInformationThread = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInformationToken = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryInstallUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQuerySection = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQuerySecurityObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQuerySystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwQueryVolumeInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReadFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReplaceKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReportedIssues = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReportedIssuesIndex = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReportIssue = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwReportUserModeVirtualSpaceOperation = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwRequestWaitReplyPort = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwRequiredTimeSinceBoot = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwResetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwRestoreKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSaveKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSaveKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetDefaultLocale = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetDefaultUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetEaFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetInformationJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetInformationObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetInformationProcess = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetInformationThread = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetSecurityObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetSystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetTimer = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSetVolumeInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwShouldCheck = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwShouldReportIssue = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwShouldSimulateDecommitAttack = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwSystemSufficientlyBooted = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwTerminateJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwTerminateProcess = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwTranslateFilePath = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwUnloadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwUnloadKey = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwUnmapViewOfSection = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwVerifierSessionEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwWaitForMultipleObjects = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwWaitForSingleObject = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwWriteFile = <no type information>
    nt!VfZwYieldExecution = <no type information>
    nt!ViAdapterList = <no type information>
    nt!ViAllocateContiguousMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ViAllocateFromContiguousMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ViAllocateMapRegisterFile = <no type information>
    nt!ViAllocateMapRegistersFromFile = <no type information>
    nt!ViAllocationsFailedDeliberately = <no type information>
    nt!ViBadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!ViBucheckProcessParams = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckApplyControl = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugCheckControlOverride = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugCheckEmptyString = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckHalt = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugCheckInitialControl = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugCheckParamTable = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckPrintBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckPrintParamData = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckPrintUrl = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckProcessMessageText = <no type information>
    nt!ViBugcheckPrompt = <no type information>
    nt!ViCheckAdapterBuffers = <no type information>
    nt!ViCheckMdlPages = <no type information>
    nt!ViCheckPadding = <no type information>
    nt!ViCheckTag = <no type information>
    nt!ViCommonBufferCalculatePadding = <no type information>
    nt!ViCopyBackModifiedBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!VidBitBlt = <no type information>
    nt!VidBufferToScreenBlt = <no type information>
    nt!VidCleanUp = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiBuildWmiRegInfoData = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiClassFailDeviceInField = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiClassFailDeviceLogo = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiClassFailDeviceUnderDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiDeviceObjectArray = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiDispatchWmi = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiDispatchWmiQueryAllData = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiDispatchWmiRegInfoEx = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiInitialized = <no type information>
    nt!VidDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiThrowException = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiWmiMofKey = <no type information>
    nt!ViDdiWmiMofResourceName = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAddParticipant = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAddResource = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAddThread = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAgeWindow = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAllocate = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAllocateFromPoolCache = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockAnalyze = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockCanProceed = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockCertify = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockCheckDuplicatesAmongChildren = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockCheckDuplicatesAmongRoots = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockCheckStackLimits = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDatabaseHash = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDatabaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDatabaseOwner = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDebug = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDeleteNode = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDeleteResource = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDeleteThread = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDetectionEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDetectionIsLockedAlready = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDetectionLock = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockDetectionUnlock = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockForgetResourceHistory = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockFree = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockFreeIntoPoolCache = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockGlobals = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockIssue = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockMergeNodes = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockReportIssue = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockReservedNodes = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockReservedResources = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockReservedThreads = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockResourceTypeInfo = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockSearchResource = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockSearchThread = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockSimilarNode = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockSimilarNodes = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockSimultaneousLocksLimit = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockState = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockStrict = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockTrimPoolCache = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockTrimPoolCacheWorker = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockTrimResources = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockTrimThreshold = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockVerifyOnlySpinlocks = <no type information>
    nt!ViDeadlockVeryStrict = <no type information>
    nt!VidInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!ViDmaOperations = <no type information>
    nt!ViDmaVerifierTag = <no type information>
    nt!ViDoubleBufferDma = <no type information>
    nt!VidResetDisplay = <no type information>
    nt!VidScreenToBufferBlt = <no type information>
    nt!VidSetScrollRegion = <no type information>
    nt!VidSetTextColor = <no type information>
    nt!VidSolidColorFill = <no type information>
    nt!ViFaultTraces = <no type information>
    nt!ViFaultTracesIndex = <no type information>
    nt!ViFaultTracesInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!ViFaultTracesLength = <no type information>
    nt!ViFaultTracesLog = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterAddDevice = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterDeviceUsageNotificationCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterDispatchGeneric = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterDispatchPnp = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterDispatchPower = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViFilterStartCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ViFindMappedRegisterInFile = <no type information>
    nt!ViFlushDoubleBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViFreeMapRegisterFile = <no type information>
    nt!ViFreeMapRegistersToFile = <no type information>
    nt!ViFreeToContiguousMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ViFreeTrackedPool = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericBuildIrpLogEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericDumpIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericIsNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericIsValidIrpStatus = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericVerifyFinalIrpStack = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericVerifyIrpStackDownward = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericVerifyIrpStackUpward = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericVerifyNewIrp = <no type information>
    nt!ViGenericVerifyNewRequest = <no type information>
    nt!ViGetAdapterInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ViGetRealDmaOperation = <no type information>
    nt!ViGrowPoolAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ViHasBufferBeenTouched = <no type information>
    nt!ViHideCacheConflicts = <no type information>
    nt!ViHookDmaAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!ViInitializeEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViInitializePadding = <no type information>
    nt!ViInjectDmaFailures = <no type information>
    nt!ViInjectResourceFailure = <no type information>
    nt!ViInsertVerifierEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpAllocateLockedPacket = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpCallStackDataList = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpDatabase = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpDatabaseFindPointer = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpDatabaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpLogDatabase = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpLogDatabaseFindPointer = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpLogDatabaseLock = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpLogDdiLock = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpLogExposeWmiCallback = <no type information>
    nt!ViIrpSynchronousCompletionRoutine = <no type information>
    nt!ViIsThreadInsidePagingCodePaths = <no type information>
    nt!ViLegacyDmaOperations = <no type information>
    nt!ViLocateVerifierEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ViMajorVerifierRoutines = <no type information>
    nt!ViMapDoubleBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViMaxCommonBuffersPerAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!ViMaxMapRegistersPerAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageBogusTemplate = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageBuiltInTables = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassCoreError = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassDriverWarning = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassFailDriverInField = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassFailDriverLogo = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassFailDriverLogoInFieldMode = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassFailDriverUnderDebugger = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageClassPostponedDriverIssue = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageIoVerifierOverrides = <no type information>
    nt!ViMessageIoVerifierTemplates = <no type information>
    nt!ViPenalties = <no type information>
    nt!ViPnpVerifyMinorWasProcessedProperly = <no type information>
    nt!ViPostPoolAllocation = <no type information>
    nt!ViPrintString = <no type information>
    nt!ViProtectBuffers = <no type information>
    nt!ViRdtscX86 = <no type information>
    nt!ViRecursionDepthLimitFromRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!ViRefreshCallback = <no type information>
    nt!ViReleaseDmaAdapter = <no type information>
    nt!ViRequiredTimeSinceBoot = <no type information>
    nt!ViSearchedNodesLimitFromRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!ViSpecialAllocateCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViSpecialFreeCommonBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViStackSwitchAlreadyReported = <no type information>
    nt!ViSufficientlyBootedForDmaFailure = <no type information>
    nt!ViSufficientlyBootedForPcControl = <no type information>
    nt!ViSuperDebug = <no type information>
    nt!ViSwap = <no type information>
    nt!ViTagBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ViTimerInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrackIrqlIndex = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrackIrqlInitialize = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrackIrqlLog = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrackIrqlQueue = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrackIrqlQueueLength = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrimAllSystemPageableMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrimDeadlockPoolWorkItem = <no type information>
    nt!ViTrimSpaces = <no type information>
    nt!ViVerifierEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!ViVerifyDma = <no type information>
    nt!ViVerifyMode = <no type information>
    nt!ViVerifyOnlySpinlocksFromRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!ViVerifyPerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!VpPoolHitTag = 0x00000000
    nt!vsprintf (char *, char *, char *)
    nt!WatchStepOver = <no type information>
    nt!WatchStepOverBreakAddr = <no type information>
    nt!WatchStepOverHandle = <no type information>
    nt!WatchStepOverSuspended = <no type information>
    nt!wcscat (unsigned short *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcschr (wchar_t *, wchar_t)
    nt!wcscmp (wchar_t *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcscpy (unsigned short *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcscspn (wchar_t *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcslen (wchar_t *)
    nt!wcsncat (unsigned short *, wchar_t *, unsigned int)
    nt!wcsncmp (wchar_t *, wchar_t *, unsigned int)
    nt!wcsncpy (unsigned short *, wchar_t *, unsigned int)
    nt!wcsrchr (wchar_t *, wchar_t)
    nt!wcsspn (wchar_t *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcsstr (wchar_t *, wchar_t *)
    nt!wcstol (wchar_t *, unsigned short **, int)
    nt!wcstombs (char *, wchar_t *, unsigned int)
    nt!wcstoxl (wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int, int)
    nt!wctomb (char *, wchar_t)
    nt!Win32kFullPath = unsigned short [32]
    nt!WmiBootPhase1 (void)
    nt!WmiEventLoggerGuid = struct _GUID {44608a51-1851-4456-98b2-b300e931ee41}
    nt!WmiFlushTrace (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmiGetClock (tagWMI_CLOCK_TYPE, void *)
    nt!WmiGetCpuClock = 0x80869782
    nt!WMIInitialize (unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmiIrpNames = <no type information>
    nt!WmiOneSecond = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`ff676980
    nt!WmipAddDataSource (struct _REGENTRY *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipAddLogHeader (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipAddMofResource (struct tagDATASOURCE *, unsigned short *, unsigned char, unsigned short *, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipAddProviderIdToPIList (struct tagInstanceSet ***, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, struct tagInstanceSet **, struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipAdjustFreeBuffers (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipAdminDeviceObject = 0x8536b7d8
    nt!WmipAllocateFreeBuffers (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipAllocateTraceBufferPool (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipAllocDataSource (void)
    nt!WmipAllocEntry (struct _CHUNKINFO *)
    nt!WmipAllocGuidEntryX (unsigned long, char *)
    nt!WmipAllocRegEntry (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipBinaryMofGuid = struct _GUID {05901221-d566-11d1-b2f0-00a0c9062910}
    nt!WmipBuildInstanceSet (struct WMIREGGUIDW *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, struct tagInstanceSet *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!WmipBuildMcaCmcEvent (struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *, struct _GUID *, struct _MCA_EXCEPTION *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipCachePtrs (struct _GUID *, struct tagInstanceSet *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, struct PTRCACHE **)
    nt!WmipCheckGuidAccess (struct _GUID *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmipCheckIsWbemRunning (void)
    nt!WmipClearIrpObjectList (struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipClearObjectFromThreadList (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *)
    nt!WmipClearThreadObjectList (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *)
    nt!WmipCloseMethod (struct _EPROCESS *, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipCmcQueryInfo = struct MCEQUERYINFO
    nt!WmipCoalesceCorrectedErrorInterval = 0x1388
    nt!WmipCompleteGuidIrpWithError (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *)
    nt!WmipConstructMCAErrorEvent (struct _MCA_EXCEPTION *, unsigned long, struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *, struct _MSMCAEvent_Header *, unsigned char **, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipContextSwapProcessorBuffers = struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *[32]
    nt!WmipCopyFromEventQueues (struct OBJECT_EVENT_INFO *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned long *, struct _WNODE_HEADER **, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipCorrectedEventlogCounter = 0x14
    nt!WmipCorrectedMCEHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x809d3398 - 0x809d3398 ]
    nt!WmipCountedToSz (unsigned short *)
    nt!WmipCpeQueryInfo = struct MCEQUERYINFO
    nt!WmipCreateAdminSD (void **)
    nt!WmipCreateDirectoryFile (unsigned short *, unsigned char, void **, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipCreateGuidObject (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct _GUID *, void **, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT **)
    nt!WmipCreateLogFile (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipCreateNtFileName (unsigned short *, unsigned short **)
    nt!WmipCreatePumpThread (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *)
    nt!WmipCreatePumpThreadRoutine (void *)
    nt!WmipCreateUMLogger (struct WMICREATEUMLOGGER *)
    nt!WmipCsrClientMessageServer (void *, struct _CSR_API_MSG *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDataProviderPnpidGuid = struct _GUID {c7bf35d2-aadb-11d1-bf4a-00a0c9062910}
    nt!WmipDataProviderPnPIdInstanceNamesGuid = struct _GUID {c7bf35d3-aadb-11d1-bf4a-00a0c9062910}
    nt!WmipDecrementIrpCount (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipDefaultAccessSd = 0x808a6240
    nt!WmipDefaultAccessSecurityDescriptor = struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
    nt!WmipDelayCreate (void **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDeleteMethod (void *)
    nt!WmipDeliverWnodeToDS (char, struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct _WNODE_HEADER *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDereferenceEvent (struct _WNODE_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipDeregisterDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!WmipDetermineInstanceBaseIndex (struct _GUID *, unsigned short *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDisableCollectionForRemovedGuid (struct _GUID *, struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipDisableCollectOrEvent (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned int64)
    nt!WmipDisableKernelTrace (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDisableMCAPopups = 0
    nt!WmipDisableTraceProviders (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDiskIoNotify = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipDockUndockEventCallback (void *, void *)
    nt!WmipDockUndockNotificationEntry = 0xe1372008
    nt!WmipDoDisableRequest (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int64, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDoFindRegEntryByDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipDoUnreferenceRegEntry (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipDriverEntry (struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!WmipDSChunkInfo = struct _CHUNKINFO
    nt!WmipDSCleanup (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipDSHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe13b20d0 - 0xe1c3dda0 ]
    nt!WmipDSHeadPtr = 0x808a6048 [ 0xe13b20d0 - 0xe1c3dda0 ]
    nt!WmipEnableCollectionForNewGuid (struct _GUID *, struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipEnableCollectOrEvent (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned int64)
    nt!WmipEnableDisableTrace (unsigned long, struct WMITRACEENABLEDISABLEINFO *)
    nt!WmipEnableKernelTrace (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipEnterCritSection (unsigned char)
    nt!WmipEnterTraceCritSection (unsigned char)
    nt!WmipEnumerateGuids (unsigned long, struct WMIGUIDLISTINFO *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipEnumerateMofResources (struct WMIMOFLIST *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipEventLogger = 0xffffffff
    nt!WmipEventNotification (void *)
    nt!WmipEventWorkItems = 0n0
    nt!WmipEventWorkQueueItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!WmipExtendBase (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipFastIoDeviceControl (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, unsigned char, void *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!WmipFastIoDispatch = struct _FAST_IO_DISPATCH
    nt!WmipFileIndex = 0n0
    nt!WmipFileSystemReady = 1
    nt!WmipFileTable = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipFinalizeHeader (void *, struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipFindDSByProviderId (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipFindGEByGuid (struct _GUID *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipFindGuid (struct GUIDREGINFO *, unsigned long, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipFindISByGuid (struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!WmipFindISInDSByGuid (struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!WmipFindISinGEbyName (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned short *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipFindMRByNames (unsigned short *, unsigned short *)
    nt!WmipFindRegEntryByDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipFindSMBiosEPSHeader (unsigned char *, unsigned long, struct _SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipFindSMBiosStructure (unsigned char, void **, void **, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipFindSMBiosTable (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char **, unsigned long *, struct SMBIOSVERSIONINFO *)
    nt!WmipFindSysIdTable (union _LARGE_INTEGER *, unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipFireOffWmiEvent (struct _GUID *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmipFirmwareTableArray = unsigned long [4]
    nt!WmipFirmwareTableHandler (struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmipFlushActiveBuffers (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipFlushBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *, unsigned short)
    nt!WmipFlushBuffersWithMarker (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *, unsigned short)
    nt!WmipFlushLogger (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipForwardWmiIrp (struct _IRP *, unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmipFreeEntry (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipFreeLoggerContext (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipFreeTraceBufferPool (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipGEChunkInfo = struct _CHUNKINFO
    nt!WmipGECleanup (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipGEHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe13d79c4 - 0xe13dafbc ]
    nt!WmipGEHeadPtr = 0x808a6040 [ 0xe13d79c4 - 0xe13dafbc ]
    nt!WmipGenerateBinaryMofNotification (struct tagInstanceSet *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!WmipGenerateFileName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, long *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!WmipGenerateMCAEventlog (unsigned char *, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipGenerateMofResourceNotification (unsigned short *, unsigned short *, struct _GUID *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipGenerateRegistrationNotification (struct tagDATASOURCE *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipGenericMapping = struct _GENERIC_MAPPING
    nt!WmipGetDevicePDO (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!WmipGetFreeBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipGetGuidPropertiesFromGuidEntry (struct WMIGUIDPROPERTIES *, struct tagGUIDENTRY *)
    nt!WmipGetGuidSecurityDescriptor (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void **, void *)
    nt!WmipGetLogFromHal (_HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE **, struct _MCA_EXCEPTION **, unsigned long *, unsigned long, struct _GUID *)
    nt!WmipGetPerfCounter (void)
    nt!WmipGetRawMCAInfo (unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipGetSMBiosEventlog (unsigned char *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipGetSMBiosTableData (unsigned char *, unsigned long *, struct SMBIOSVERSIONINFO *)
    nt!WmipGetSysIds (struct _SYSID_UUID **, unsigned long *, struct _SYSID_1394 **, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipGetSystemTime (void)
    nt!WmipGlobalBufferCallback = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipGlobalCallbackContext = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipGlobalSequence = 0
    nt!WmipGuidList = struct GUIDREGINFO [11]
    nt!WmipGuidObjectType = 0x8536ba18
    nt!WmipHexStringToDword (unsigned short *, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned short)
    nt!WmipIncludeStaticNames (struct _WNODE_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipInitContext (void)
    nt!WmipInitializeDataStructs (void)
    nt!WmipInitializeNotifications (void)
    nt!WmipInitializeRegistration (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipInitializeSecurity (void)
    nt!WmipInsertQueueMCEDpc (struct MCEQUERYINFO *)
    nt!WmipInsertStaticNames (struct tagWNODE_ALL_DATA *, unsigned long, struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipInstIdChunkHead = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipInUseRegEntryCount = 0n77
    nt!WmipInUseRegEntryHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x853ca7f0 - 0x84a5e3f0 ]
    nt!WmipIoControl (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipISChunkInfo = struct _CHUNKINFO
    nt!WmipISCleanup (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipIsEqualInstanceSets (struct tagInstanceSet *, struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipIsISFlagsSet (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipIsLoggerOn (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipIsNumber (unsigned short *)
    nt!WmipIsQuerySetGuid (struct tagGUIDENTRY *)
    nt!WmipIsSMBiosKey (void *, unsigned short *, unsigned char **, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningDispatch (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningDpc = struct _KDPC
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningFlag = 0x00 ''
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningTimer = struct _KTIMER
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningWorker (void *)
    nt!WmipIsWbemRunningWorkItem = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!WmipKernelLogger = 0
    nt!WmipKernelLoggerStartedOnce = 0
    nt!WmipLinkDataSourceToList (struct tagDATASOURCE *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipLogger (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipLoggerContext = struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *[64]
    nt!WmipLoggerCount = 1
    nt!WmipLookupLoggerIdByName (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipMangleInstanceName (struct _GUID *, unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned short *)
    nt!WmipMarkHandleAsClosed (void *)
    nt!WmipMaxCorrectedMCEOutstanding = 5
    nt!WmipMaxKmWnodeEventSize = 0x80000
    nt!WmipMBReply (void *, unsigned long, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipMcaQueryInfo = struct MCEQUERYINFO
    nt!WmipMceDelivery (void *, KERNEL_MCE_DELIVERY_OPERATION, void *)
    nt!WmipMceDispatchRoutine (struct MCEQUERYINFO *)
    nt!WmipMceDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipMceEventDelivery (void *, KERNEL_MCE_DELIVERY_OPERATION, void *)
    nt!WmipMCEState = 2
    nt!WmipMceWorkerRoutine (void *)
    nt!WmipMRChunkInfo = struct _CHUNKINFO
    nt!WmipMRCleanup (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipMRHead = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xe13ac9b4 - 0xe104af24 ]
    nt!WmipMRHeadPtr = 0x808a6060 [ 0xe13ac9b4 - 0xe104af24 ]
    nt!WmipMSMCAEvent_BusErrorGuid = struct _GUID {1ee17050-0039-40f7-9ead-14ad51612cb2}
    nt!WmipMSMCAEvent_InvalidErrGuid = struct _GUID {477b769b-785c-48dd-a02e-57e051be7b85}
    nt!WmipMSMCAEvent_InvalidErrorGuid = struct _GUID {477b769b-785c-48dd-a02e-57e051be7b85}
    nt!WmipMSMCAEvent_MemoryHierarchyErrorGuid = struct _GUID {cede75a0-a77f-452b-8f2f-541f926db0f9}
    nt!WmipMSMCAEvent_TLBErrorGuid = struct _GUID {b161eeab-ac03-4c2b-ae7a-5a3768f70e85}
    nt!WmipNotificationIrpCancel (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipNotifyLogger (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipNPEvent = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80894fa4 - 0x80894fa4 ]
    nt!WmipNPNotificationSpinlock = 0
    nt!WmipNtDllLoggerInfo (struct WMINTDLLLOGGERINFO *)
    nt!WmipObjectToPDO (struct _FILE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT **)
    nt!WmipOpenBlock (unsigned long, char, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, void **)
    nt!WmipOpenCloseCleanup (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipOpenGuidObject (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, char, void **, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT **)
    nt!WmipParseSysIdTable (union _LARGE_INTEGER, unsigned long, struct _SYSID_UUID *, unsigned long *, struct _SYSID_1394 *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipPDOToDeviceInstanceName (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!WmipPollingDpcRoutine (struct _KDPC *, void *, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipPopFreeContextSwapBuffer (unsigned char)
    nt!WmipPrepareForWnodeAD (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _GUID *, unsigned long *, struct tagInstanceSet ***, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipPrepareHeader (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *, unsigned short)
    nt!WmipPrepareWnodeSI (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *, unsigned long *, struct tagInstanceSet ***, unsigned char *, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipProbeAndCaptureGuidObjectAttributes (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *)
    nt!WmipProbeWmiOpenGuidBlock (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned short *, unsigned long *, struct WMIOPENGUIDBLOCK *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipProbeWmiRegRequest (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct WMIREGREQUEST *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipProbeWnodeAllData (struct tagWNODE_ALL_DATA *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipProbeWnodeMethodItem (struct tagWNODE_METHOD_ITEM *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipProbeWnodeSingleInstance (struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipProbeWnodeSingleItem (struct tagWNODE_SINGLE_ITEM *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipProbeWnodeWorker (struct _WNODE_HEADER *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipProcessEvent (struct _WNODE_HEADER *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipProcessPrevMcaLogs (void)
    nt!WmipProcessWmiRegInfo (struct _REGENTRY *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, unsigned char, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipPumpThreadApc (struct _KAPC *, <function> **, void **, void **, void **)
    nt!WmipPushDirtyBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipPushDirtyContextSwapBuffer (unsigned char, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipPushFreeBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipQueryAllData (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _IRP *, char, struct tagWNODE_ALL_DATA *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipQueryAllDataMultiple (unsigned long, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT **, struct _IRP *, char, unsigned char *, unsigned long, struct WMIQADMULTIPLE *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipQueryGLRegistryRoutine (unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipQueryGuidInfo (struct WMIQUERYGUIDINFO *)
    nt!WmipQueryLogAndFireEvent (struct MCEQUERYINFO *)
    nt!WmipQueryLogger (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *, struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipQuerySetExecuteSI (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _IRP *, char, unsigned char, struct _WNODE_HEADER *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipQuerySingleMultiple (struct _IRP *, char, unsigned char *, unsigned long, struct WMIQSIMULTIPLE *, unsigned long, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT **, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipQueryWmiDataBlock (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *, unsigned long, unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipQueryWmiRegInfo (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, struct _UNICODE_STRING **)
    nt!WmipQueueNotification (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct WMIEVENTQUEUE *, struct _WNODE_HEADER *)
    nt!WmipQueueRegWork (_REGOPERATION, struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipRawMCA = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipRawMCASize = 0
    nt!WmipRawSMBiosTableHandler (struct _SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmipRealloc (void **, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipReceiveNotifications (struct WMIRECEIVENOTIFICATION *, unsigned long *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipRefCount = long [64]
    nt!WmipRegisterDevice (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipRegisterDS (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipRegisterFirmwareProviders (void)
    nt!WmipRegisterMcaHandler (unsigned long)
    nt!WmipRegisterOrUpdateDS (struct _REGENTRY *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipRegisterUMGuids (struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, unsigned long, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, void **, unsigned int64 *)
    nt!WmipRegistrationSpinLock = 0
    nt!WmipRegistrationWorker (void *)
    nt!WmipRegistryPath = struct _UNICODE_STRING "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WMI"
    nt!WmipRegLookaside = struct _NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST
    nt!WmipRegWorkItemCount = 0n0
    nt!WmipRegWorkList = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80894f9c - 0x80894f9c ]
    nt!WmipRegWorkQueue = struct _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM
    nt!WmipReleaseCollectionEnabled (struct tagGUIDENTRY *)
    nt!WmipReleaseTraceBuffer (struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *, struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipRemoveDataSource (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipRemoveDataSourceByDS (struct tagDATASOURCE *)
    nt!WmipRequestLogFile (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipReserveTraceBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, unsigned long, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER **, union _LARGE_INTEGER *)
    nt!WmipResetBufferHeader (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *, unsigned short)
    nt!WmipSaveGuidSecurityDescriptor (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *)
    nt!WmipSDRegistryQueryRoutine (unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipSecurityMethod (void *, _SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE, unsigned long *, void *, unsigned long *, void **, _POOL_TYPE, struct _GENERIC_MAPPING *)
    nt!WmipSendDisableRequest (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int64)
    nt!WmipSendEnableDisableRequest (unsigned char, struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int64)
    nt!WmipSendEnableRequest (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned int64)
    nt!WmipSendGuidUpdateNotifications (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct PTRCACHE *)
    nt!WmipSendNotification (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipSendWmiIrp (unsigned char, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK *)
    nt!WmipServiceDeviceObject = 0x8536b8f0
    nt!WmipSetTraceNotify (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipSetupWaitForWbem (void)
    nt!WmipShutdown (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipSingleBitEccErrorThreshold = 6
    nt!WmipSMBiosChecked = 0x01 ''
    nt!WmipSMBiosDataRegQueryRoutine (unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipSMBiosIdentifierRegQueryRoutine (unsigned short *, unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipSMBiosTableLength = 0xe72
    nt!WmipSMBiosTablePhysicalAddress = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xe0010
    nt!WmipSMBiosTableVirtualAddress = 0x00000000 ""
    nt!WmipSMBiosVersionInfo = struct SMBIOSVERSIONINFO
    nt!WmipSMMutex = struct _KMUTANT
    nt!WmipStartGlobalLogger (void)
    nt!WmipStartLogger (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmipStaticInstanceNameSize (struct tagInstanceSet *)
    nt!WmipStopLoggerInstance (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipSwitchBuffer (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER **, void *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipSwitchToNewFile (struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT *)
    nt!WmipSysId1394 = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipSysId1394Count = 0
    nt!WmipSysIdRead = 0x00 ''
    nt!WmipSysIdStatus = 0n0
    nt!WmipSysIdUuid = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipSysIdUuidCount = 0
    nt!WmipSystemControl (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipSystemSubjectContext = struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT
    nt!WmipTdiIoNotify = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipTLMutex = struct _KMUTANT
    nt!WmipTraceFile (void *)
    nt!WmipTraceFileFlag = 0
    nt!WmipTraceGuardedMutex = struct _KGUARDED_MUTEX
    nt!WmipTraceIo (unsigned long, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!WmipTraceLoadImage (struct _UNICODE_STRING *, void *, struct _IMAGE_INFO *)
    nt!WmipTraceNetwork (unsigned long, void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmipTracePageFault (long, void *, void *)
    nt!WmipTraceProcessRef = 0n0
    nt!WmipTraceRegistry (long, void *, int64, unsigned long, struct _UNICODE_STRING *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmipTraceVolMgr (struct _IRP *, struct _IRP *)
    nt!WmipTranslateFileHandle (struct WMIFHTOINSTANCENAME *, unsigned long *, void *, struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _UNICODE_STRING *)
    nt!WmipTranslatePDOInstanceNames (struct _IRP *, unsigned char, unsigned long, struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipUMProviderCallback (tagWMIACTIONCODE, void *, unsigned long, void *)
    nt!WmipUnreferenceEntry (struct _CHUNKINFO *, struct _ENTRYHEADER *)
    nt!WmipUnregisterGuids (struct WMIUNREGGUIDS *)
    nt!WmipUpdateAddGuid (struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct WMIREGGUIDW *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, struct tagInstanceSet **)
    nt!WmipUpdateDataSource (struct _REGENTRY *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipUpdateDeviceStackSize (char)
    nt!WmipUpdateDS (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipUpdateModifyGuid (struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct WMIREGGUIDW *, struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, struct tagInstanceSet **)
    nt!WmipUpdateRegistration (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *)
    nt!WmipUpdateRemoveGuid (struct tagDATASOURCE *, struct WMIREGGUIDW *, struct tagInstanceSet **)
    nt!WmipUuidFromString (unsigned short *, struct _GUID *)
    nt!WmipValidateClockType (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmipValidateWmiRegInfoString (struct WMIREGINFOW *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned short **)
    nt!WmipVerifyLoggerInfo (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *, struct _WMI_LOGGER_CONTEXT **)
    nt!WmipVolMgrIoNotify = 0x00000000
    nt!WmipWaitForCollectionEnabled (struct tagGUIDENTRY *)
    nt!WmipWaitForIrpCompletion (struct _REGENTRY *)
    nt!WmipWaitingMCAEvents = struct _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x80894f78 - 0x80894f78 ]
    nt!WmipWbemMinuteWait = 1
    nt!WmipWmiIrpCompletion (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, struct _IRP *, void *)
    nt!WmipWmiLibInfo = struct _WMILIB_INFO
    nt!WmipWorkItemCounter = 0n0
    nt!WmipWriteMBToObject (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, unsigned char *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmipWriteMCAEventLogEvent (unsigned char *)
    nt!WmipWriteMessageToGuid (struct tagGUIDENTRY *, struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, unsigned char *, unsigned long, unsigned long *)
    nt!WmipWriteToEventlog (long, long)
    nt!WmipWriteWnodeToObject (struct _WMIGUIDOBJECT *, struct _WNODE_HEADER *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmiQueryTrace (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmiQueryTraceInformation (_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS, void *, unsigned long, unsigned long *, void *)
    nt!WmiReleaseKernelBuffer (struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER *)
    nt!WmiReserveWithPerfHeader (unsigned long, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER **)
    nt!WmiReserveWithSystemHeader (unsigned long, unsigned long, struct _ETHREAD *, struct _WMI_BUFFER_HEADER **)
    nt!WmiSetMark (struct _WMI_SET_MARK_INFORMATION *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmiShortTime = union _LARGE_INTEGER 0xffffffff`fffe7960
    nt!WmiStartContextSwapTrace (void)
    nt!WmiStartTrace (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmiStopContextSwapTrace (void)
    nt!WmiStopTrace (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmiTraceAlignment = 8
    nt!WmiTraceContextSwap (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _ETHREAD *)
    nt!WmiTraceEvent (struct _WNODE_HEADER *, char)
    nt!WmiTraceFastEvent (struct _WNODE_HEADER *)
    nt!WmiTraceMessage (unsigned int64, unsigned long, struct _GUID *, unsigned short)
    nt!WmiTraceMessageVa (unsigned int64, unsigned long, struct _GUID *, unsigned short, char *)
    nt!WmiTraceProcess (struct _EPROCESS *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmiTraceThread (struct _ETHREAD *, struct _INITIAL_TEB *, unsigned char)
    nt!WmiTraceUserMessage (struct _MESSAGE_TRACE_USER *, unsigned long)
    nt!WmiUpdateTrace (struct _WMI_LOGGER_INFORMATION *)
    nt!WmiUsePerfClock = 2
    nt!WmiWriteFailureLimit = 0x64
    nt!WorstCaseFill = unsigned long [33]
    nt!write_char (char, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!write_char (unsigned short, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!write_multi_char (char, int, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!write_multi_char (unsigned short, int, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_BUFFER_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG = <no type information>
    nt!WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT = <no type information>
    nt!write_string (char *, int, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!write_string (unsigned short *, int, struct _iobuf *, int *)
    nt!WRITE_UCHAR = <no type information>
    nt!WRMSR = <no type information>
    nt!WSOEsp = <no type information>
    nt!WSOThread = <no type information>
    nt!X86PaeEnabled = <no type information>
    nt!XAMtoTagTab = 0x08 ''
    nt!xHalAssignSlotResources = <no type information>
    nt!xHalEndMirroring = <no type information>
    nt!xHalGetInterruptTranslator = <no type information>
    nt!xHalGetPartialGeometry (struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *, unsigned long *, int64 *)
    nt!xHalHaltSystem = <no type information>
    nt!xHalInitPnpDriver = <no type information>
    nt!xHalInitPowerManagement = <no type information>
    nt!xHalMirrorPhysicalMemory = <no type information>
    nt!xHalMirrorVerify = <no type information>
    nt!xHalQueryBusSlots = <no type information>
    nt!xHalQuerySystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!xHalRegisterBusHandler = <no type information>
    nt!xHalSetSystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!xHalSetWakeAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!xHalSetWakeEnable = <no type information>
    nt!xHalStartMirroring = <no type information>
    nt!xHalTranslateBusAddress = <no type information>
    nt!xHalVectorToIDTEntry = <no type information>
    nt!xKdReleasePciDeviceForDebugging = <no type information>
    nt!xKdSetupPciDeviceForDebugging = <no type information>
    nt!xKdUnmapVirtualAddress = <no type information>
    nt!XpressEncode = <no type information>
    nt!XpressEncodeCreate = <no type information>
    nt!xtoa (unsigned long, char *, unsigned int, int)
    nt!xtow (unsigned long, unsigned short *, unsigned int, int)
    nt!ZeroKernelPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ZeroMask = unsigned char [9] "???"
    nt!ZeroPte = struct _MMPTE
    nt!ZwAcceptConnectPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheck = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckByType = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultList = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAddAtom = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAddBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAddDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAdjustGroupsToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAlertResumeThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAlertThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAllocateLocallyUniqueId = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAllocateUserPhysicalPages = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAllocateUuids = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAllocateVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwApphelpCacheControl = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAreMappedFilesTheSame = <no type information>
    nt!ZwAssignProcessToJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCallbackReturn = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCancelDeviceWakeupRequest = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCancelIoFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCancelTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwClearEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwClose = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCompactKeys = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCompareTokens = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCompleteConnectPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCompressKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwConnectPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwContinue = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateDebugObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateIoCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateJobSet = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateKeyedEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateMailslotFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateMutant = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateNamedPipeFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreatePagingFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreatePort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateProcessEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateProfile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateSection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateSemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwCreateWaitablePort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDebugActiveProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDebugContinue = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDelayExecution = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteAtom = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteObjectAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeleteValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDeviceIoControlFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDisplayString = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDuplicateObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwDuplicateToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwEnumerateBootEntries = <no type information>
    nt!ZwEnumerateDriverEntries = <no type information>
    nt!ZwEnumerateKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwEnumerateSystemEnvironmentValuesEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwEnumerateValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwExtendSection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFilterToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFindAtom = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFlushBuffersFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFlushInstructionCache = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFlushKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFlushVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFlushWriteBuffer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFreeUserPhysicalPages = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFreeVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwFsControlFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwGetContextThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwGetCurrentProcessorNumber = <no type information>
    nt!ZwGetDevicePowerState = <no type information>
    nt!ZwGetPlugPlayEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwGetWriteWatch = <no type information>
    nt!ZwImpersonateAnonymousToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwImpersonateClientOfPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwImpersonateThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwInitializeRegistry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwInitiatePowerAction = <no type information>
    nt!ZwIsProcessInJob = <no type information>
    nt!ZwIsSystemResumeAutomatic = <no type information>
    nt!ZwListenPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLoadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLoadKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLoadKey2 = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLoadKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLockFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLockProductActivationKeys = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLockRegistryKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwLockVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwMakePermanentObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwMakeTemporaryObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwMapUserPhysicalPages = <no type information>
    nt!ZwMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter = <no type information>
    nt!ZwMapViewOfSection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwModifyBootEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwModifyDriverEntry = <no type information>
    nt!ZwNotifyChangeDirectoryFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwNotifyChangeKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwNotifyChangeMultipleKeys = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenIoCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenKeyedEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenMutant = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenObjectAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenProcessToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenProcessTokenEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenSection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenSemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenThreadToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenThreadTokenEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwOpenTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPlugPlayControl = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPowerInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPrivilegeCheck = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm = <no type information>
    nt!ZwProtectVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwPulseEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryAttributesFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDebugFilterState = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDefaultLocale = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDefaultUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDirectoryFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDirectoryObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryEaFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryFullAttributesFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationAtom = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInformationToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryInstallUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryIntervalProfile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryIoCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryMultipleValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryMutant = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryOpenSubKeys = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryOpenSubKeysEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryPerformanceCounter = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryPortInformationProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryQuotaInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySecurityObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValue = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQuerySystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryTimerResolution = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwQueueApcThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRaiseException = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRaiseHardError = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReadFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReadFileScatter = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReadRequestData = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReadVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReleaseKeyedEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReleaseMutant = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReleaseSemaphore = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRemoveIoCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRemoveProcessDebug = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRenameKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReplaceKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReplyPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReplyWaitReceivePort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReplyWaitReceivePortEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwReplyWaitReplyPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRequestDeviceWakeup = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRequestPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRequestWaitReplyPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRequestWakeupLatency = <no type information>
    nt!ZwResetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwResetWriteWatch = <no type information>
    nt!ZwRestoreKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwResumeProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwResumeThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSaveKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSaveKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSaveMergedKeys = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSecureConnectPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetBootEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetBootOptions = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetContextThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetDebugFilterState = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetDefaultHardErrorPort = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetDefaultLocale = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetDefaultUILanguage = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetDriverEntryOrder = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetEaFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetEventBoostPriority = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetHighEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetHighWaitLowEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationDebugObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetInformationToken = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetIntervalProfile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetIoCompletion = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetLdtEntries = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetLowEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetLowWaitHighEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetQuotaInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSecurityObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSystemEnvironmentValue = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSystemEnvironmentValueEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSystemInformation = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSystemPowerState = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetSystemTime = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetThreadExecutionState = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetTimer = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetTimerResolution = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetUuidSeed = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetValueKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSetVolumeInformationFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwShutdownSystem = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSignalAndWaitForSingleObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwStartProfile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwStopProfile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSuspendProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSuspendThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwSystemDebugControl = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTerminateJobObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTerminateProcess = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTerminateThread = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTestAlert = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTraceEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwTranslateFilePath = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnloadDriver = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnloadKey = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnloadKey2 = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnloadKeyEx = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnlockFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnlockVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwUnmapViewOfSection = <no type information>
    nt!ZwVdmControl = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitForDebugEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitForKeyedEvent = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects32 = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitForSingleObject = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitHighEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWaitLowEventPair = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWriteFile = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWriteFileGather = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWriteRequestData = <no type information>
    nt!ZwWriteVirtualMemory = <no type information>
    nt!ZwYieldExecution = <no type information>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ahuo/p/2062398.html
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